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Posts posted by z3m0s






    Yeah just do what @Papa Rocksaid, give em hits like automatons (as armor should probably already have? Just being infinitely usable is dumb)


  2. "T'is a shame. . . The followers of Xan seem ever eager to lose all they have at the hands of bad manners. Such great burdens cannot overshadow the simplicities of life. . . For how can you expect a man to die for your cause if you'd not even pretend to stand beside him." croaked an ancient figure high atop the throne of the world, letting out a long sigh and a faint shaking of his head as he sat idle, watching onward as he toiled away at various projects of ingenuity, all the while chuffing on the harshest Aegis skunk he could conjure from the depths of his voidal pockets.

  3. 5 hours ago, alexmagus said:

    I'd have to say the OOC scheming and major toxicity within nations? Idk how you'd adapt that to a Netflix show, but it needs to be added!

    I always thought the OOC aspects of the server would make for incredibly detailed narratives were they adopted into the "rp" as well, because I think in a sense it is inherently intertwined.

    For something "OOC" like a netflix adaption yeah I think the OOC aspects would be just as fascinating as the RP timeline.

  4. An ancient dwarfs flaming blue gaze widened suddenly as his attention landed upon the symbol atop the letter, the likes of which he hadn't seen in centuries. . . His motions fell still as he reminisced on old times, what once was and what could have been. . . Then he ate a chocolate egg for some reason and moved on with his life.

  5. 50 minutes ago, Samler said:

    Seemsabitwierd, 'theyhaveorcstrengthbutnotorcstrength!' Whynotbecomparabletotigerkha? Betweenorcandhumanstrength.

    Regardless of the validity of the amendment, I think its a good call to keep things standardized strength wise, even Palelords are compared to Ologs in strength. Seems like if they're just a bit weaker than a peak orc, makes sense to me.

  6. Spoiler





    MC Name: z3m0s

    Character's Name: Kalgrimmor

    Character's Age: Ancient

    Character's Race: Dwarf

    Link to your accepted MA: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/177490-maarcane-z3m0s/

    What magic(s) will you be teaching? Sensory Illusion


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole: 

    Sensory Illusion, or the Art of Perception, manipulates the Void to create sensory deceptions without physical impact, focusing on visual and auditory illusions. It's an intricate art requiring the illusionist's firsthand experience with the sensations they wish to replicate. This magic doesn't allow for direct mind control but influences perceptions based on the caster's skill and the target's nature.


    Learning this art demands years, with emphasis on understanding both the physical realm and mental intricacies. Mastery involves starting with basic glamours and advancing to complex, multi-sensory figments, highlighting the importance of believability and the illusionist's experience.


    Sensory illusion, while flexible, has its boundaries and rules. It can't physically alter reality, only perceptions. The creator's concentration and the illusion's believability are crucial; any slip can shatter the illusion. Creators must also have visual contact with their target and cannot perceive their own illusions, relying on their knowledge of the sensation being imitated. Ethical use is vital to prevent misuse, emphasizing the importance of disciplined practice in this magical domain.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?

    Sensory Illusion itself is a specialized subsection of arcane magic, focusing on the manipulation of the Void to create illusions that influence the senses. It is divided further into:

    • Glamours: Alterations of sensory perceptions regarding existing objects. These changes can involve sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste, but do not create new objects; rather, they modify perceptions of what's already there.
    • Figments: The creation of entirely illusory objects or sensations from nothing. These are not simple modifications but rather entirely fabricated experiences planted into the minds of targets.
    • Enchantments: Special applications of illusion magic that involve embedding illusions into objects or beings for a duration, altering perceptions or appearances more persistently.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?

    Kalgrimmor’s gaze pierces the veil of the ordinary, reaching into the depths of the void. His hands move with precision, tracing unseen symbols in the air as he establishes a link to the arcane energies. “Observe, Ordar,” he murmurs, his voice a blend of concentration and instruction. “The key is not just to imagine, but to believe in the reality of your illusion.”


    With the void now attentive to his will, Kalgrimmor envisions a spider, large and bristling with thick, dark hair. He imagines each leg moving independently, its eyes glistening with a predatory gaze. He holds the image firm in his mind's eye, then gently pushes this perception towards Ordar, weaving it through the interconnected web of magic that binds mage to target.


    Ordar, for his part, waits with bated breath, his eyes widening as he perceives the illusion. A gasp escapes him as his form jumped faintly, letting out a sigh of relief after the initial shock of eyeing the spider lurking nearby. “Incredible...” he breathes out, a mixture of awe and a hint of shock coloring his tone.


    “Not real, but convincing, yes?” Kalgrimmor says with a slight smile, breaking the illusion with a simple wave of his hand. “That is the essence of sensory illusion. Conviction and subtlety.”


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?

    Kalgrimmor stands beside a table on which rests a solitary white rose in a vase. He gestures for Ordar to come closer. “Today, you will learn to alter perception with a glamour. Watch closely.”


    He focuses on the rose, his eyes softly glowing with the power of the void. “To change its color, you must first understand its current state completely. Observe its whiteness, how the light plays upon its petals.”


    Kalgrimmor then turns to Ordar, encouraging him. “Now, envision that same rose, but imagine its petals are a deep, vibrant red. Hold that image in your mind.” He places a supportive hand on Ordar’s shoulder, a subtle transfer of arcane knowledge and encouragement flowing through the touch.


    Ordar closes his eyes a moment in thought, a slight frown of concentration forming on his brow. He pictures the rose, its petals slowly turning from white to red, as vividly as he can. After a moment, he opens his eyes to begin, looking towards the flower. To his amazement, it appears red to him, just as he had imagined.


    “Excellent,” Kalgrimmor praises, noting the success and the focus in Ordar’s attempt. “You’ve grasped the essence of it. The void responds to clarity and conviction. Remember, the strength of an illusion lies in its believability.”


    The lesson progresses with Kalgrimmor explaining the nuances of maintaining the illusion, the importance of environmental context, and the mental stamina required to hold the glamour against scrutiny. Ordar listens intently, absorbing every word, the red rose before him a testament to his growing skill.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?

    It's crucial to balance compassion with directness when addressing powergaming. Being overly gentle can lead to self-doubt later, as you might question whether your guidance was fully understood. A straightforward yet kind approach ensures clarity and peace of mind, guaranteeing that the message is communicated effectively and comprehended.


    From the first indication of misunderstanding, it's essential to confront the issue directly. Any signs of concern must be tackled to prevent the individual from negatively impacting others' experiences due to a false assurance of comprehension. It's necessary to engage with them until they can demonstrate a clear understanding.


    Following an initial warning, regardless of whether the behavior was intentional, steps must be taken to prevent recurrence. This could involve a detailed discussion to resolve any confusion, or it might necessitate ending their mentorship. If their carelessness seems to extend beyond the specific magic being taught, I would consider notifying the Story Team about my concerns.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A

    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?: I Agree

    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

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