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Posts posted by Tadmonster

  1. *Rokkur walks by, seeing the poster, and tacks an unsigned reply*


    If you wish to receive glyphs, contact me...


    I jest. Magic is not something to be given out for "much coin". Find a way to discover these combinations yourself, or you will receive the wrath of many of the more immature magicians.


    ((Not trying to be a jerk...oocly I have no problem, but icly, a lot of people will get on you...just a warning!))

  2. Minecraft name: Tadmonster


    Skype ID: TMoore


    Timezone: MST (UTC -7)


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: I have never received either


    Do you hold any other staff positions?: No, I do not


    What are you characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become and ET member?: I play Sir Rokkur Svartulfur-Eilthereach, Shanyu Teghskhan, and Hugo the Homoligna (yes it is approved)


    I would be willing to sacrifice both Hugo and Shanyu for the ET team.


    What race/groups do you think you events would best cater to: Any in populated cities, or towns with several active members; this may harm Orc roleplay, (as they often settle individually) but I will try to do my best.


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?


    1.Reward-Players need to have a reason for completing the event, more than just to do it. A possible reward could be knowledge or materials. I always found it hard to play an event where I finish empty. An other reward could be survival, in the event of a hostile event.


    2.Teamwork-I like it when I work with people I have never met before. All of my situations will contain this, and I think it really forges relationships between characters which improves roleplay post-event.


    3.Creativity-I strive to make situations that are unique and enjoyable. If they can’t have OOC, fun, why am I here?


    4.Quantity-While every event is unique, fun, and thrilling, I often only see them once every 3-4 weeks. I would dedicate myself to getting more events for more players, so that gameplay includes more fun events that pull everyone together. Not every event has to be big, so why not make a small event each day?


    When was the last time you saw an event?: Three weeks ago...before that, 2 or 3 months


    What strengths do you bring to the Event Team?: I am decently knowledgable on lore and general racial info. I am also very creative (or so I have been told by countless teachers telling me to stop talking in class) and enjoy acting. I am very descriptive in my emotes, and have even been told that it was a little much. I am good with a team, which would be good for a multi-person event.


    Why do you want to part of the ET?: I always felt like some of the roleplay around the server was quite dry, people just doing their everyday thing. It would be way more fun if we had more unique events that brought together players. I hope to make more fun roleplay for myself, other players, and as much of the server as I can get on my hands on.


    Create three distinct roleplay scenarios/events that you, as an actor, could create for others (one paragraph each):

    Lucky Clover (1-3 people)

        A citizen or group of citizens sees a glimmer in the light on the street. Going over to investigate, they find a strange golden coin with a four-leaf clover imprinted on it. Suddenly, they see an other about 20 feet. They find these, and occaisonally see the flash of a green coat around the next corner. Following the trail, they find a small, gold-coin covered cave, and they see a leprechaun sitting on the far end of the cave. However, the cave is filled with booby traps, and the characters must work together to find a way across. Getting there will allow them to defeat the leprechaun, and take some of his precious booty(named gold nuggets). Perhaps his green tophat may even be awarded to the most clever player.


    [This provides excellent teamwork between players, good RP rewards, and is quite unique. An other favorite]


    Murder in Abresi (5-10 people)

        Note: I originally chose Abresi because it is heavily populated, but any city or large village would suffice.


        A body is found in an alleyway, and immediatly, the witnesses (multiple ET members) are called in by the investigator. After questioning, the suspects (three to four ETs) are rounded up. They are questioned, and the players decide who they think did it. THis person is executed, and the people are then told if they are right or not. If they are successful, titles or medals could be offered.


    [This is pretty creative, but could lead to problems. It would require about 4+ non-ET people to play. However, the teamwork dynamic is quite excellent, and the reward is very open-ended]


    Into the Unknown (20+ people)

    For months, strange noises can be heard in the sewers of Abresi. A rattling cough, a scare of bone on stone. A foul stench begins to seep from the pipes, and the water in the port turns green, sickening the population. Every once in a while, a bellowing roar can be heard, loud enough to be heard in Kralta. Those who venture down will find themselves alone. Scratches cover the wall. The plants that once thrived are dead. They would return to the city, bearing no news, only that something lives down there. Something big. It would happen quickly, Wither skeletons flood from the pipes, but are few enough to be easily defeated by the swarm of warriors, guards, and knights. Suddenly, a crash and a roar emit from the sewers, and the small pipes leading in are blasted to bits, as an enormous dragon flies from their mouths. He climbs high into the air, circling above them before dropping for an attack. The Scourge have been raising this dragon, and now, it is ready to fight.

    [This would be a late-Anthos event, perhaps 3 weeks before we leave. This wouldn't destroy Abresi, but would cause general trouble, and would possibly leave a tiny bit of destruction for people to fix. Only more opportunity for RP!]



    The Boar (2-20 people)

        In the wilds around a large city, the snuffling of a large boar can be heard. It crunches through the leaves and twigs, obviously quite large. The citizens gather their weapons to kill it and a team is organized. Eventually, they find the boar. Thick, curly, wiry hair covers his entire body. The citizens would probably try to kill the boar with a sword or spear at first, only to find the hair is too tough. Eventually, they will discover that the fur is burnable, which will lead to either the use of a torch, or even better, a fire mage. After burning the hair, the boar can be stabbed to death. The reward is a boar skull above the looters fireplace, a pelt for a cloak, or any other spoils of war.


    [This situation provides an original idea, a decent rewarding system, and an amazing opportunity for teaming up. One of my favorite.]




    Haunted House (10+ people)

       When a dark, mysterious, bat-filled haunted house with weird groaning noises shows up along a populated path ((yet to be determined)), only the strongest will enter. However, in this event, people learn the usefulness of teamwork, as not all tests are physical. Will they have to figure out how to cross a fiery river with a ceiling too low to jump? How will the group open the door when the button is on the other side of a room across an infinite cavern. The possibilites are endless, and the teamwork is already there...an other favorite.



    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?: As long as I can help and maintain a positive addition to the team! Hopefully, more than a few months.


    Tell me what you want from the ET: I was telling Gwonam_Blaze about this just a couple days ago actually. The biggest problem I encounter is a lack of interaction. I rarely see the ET member roleplay at a decent level, but have seen it on occasion. Honestly, it mostly feels like I am on a PvP server whenever the ET comes around. I would enjoy more roleplay interaction, something that makes the character question themselves. The Antags are, of course, evil. But I never feel like I interact with them, or fight with them creatively. It's just PvP, and I feel that can be fixed. More immersion in  events, or events that are not Antag events may be the way to do this, as players feel more connection to the event. A character should be the one in an event, not a player.

  3. *Rokkur returns home to write a letter on fine paper with shimmering Emerald ink*


    MC Name: Tadmonster

    Character Name: Vander Rokkur Svartulfur-Eilthereach

    Position:Horse Tester/Animal Herder (I have quite extensive experience in both)

    Timezone: MST -7

    Skype: [PRE] TMoore

  4. *notes are tacked up around major cities and some of the larger towns*


    Looking to buy bones. Price will be discussed upon purchase. I would like 10-64. Send be a bird ((Tadmonster)) or post under this note.


    -Rokkur Svartulfur-Eilthereach

  5. *emerald ink shimmers on the posters that are tacked around nearly all the major cities*


    Dear friends, 

    I am a carpenter, fletcher, and bow-maker selling his wares. I am currently selling the following items:


    Short bow-20 minas

    Long bow-35 minas

    Greywood Bow-40 Minas

    Arrows-1 minas per arrow

    Shields-10 minas


    Hammers-5 minas

    Handles for various tools or weaponry-Varies for length, about 1-5 minas

    Torches-1 Minas per torch


    Bulk Logs-1 minas per log, or 50 for a stack

    Bulk Planks-0.5 minas per plank, 10 minas for a stack


    Musical instruments-Price  to be discussed


    Custom items-Price to be discussed


    Thank you, and if you wish to acquire any of the items, send me a bird ((Tadmonster)) or contact me at my home in Abresi. 


    -Rokkur Svartulfur-Eilthereach

  6. *Beautifully written posters with scenes of landscape and oceans are posted around Malinor, Abresi, and Kralta. The ink is a slightly reflective emerald color*


    I, Shanyu Tegshkhan, require large amounts of paint for my continuing art business. On a side note, my services are available to purchase, and I am selling art, usually of natural landscape. Send a bird my way if you are interested in either transaction. Thank you, my friends.


    -Shanyu Tegshkhan ((Tadmonster))

  7. *walks by, reading the list of names*


    *says loudly*


    I dan'nae know a single one of the Elendils...why would I vote for someone else to come in and pick up where someone else left off? And why, may I ask, are we only voting in Elendils, most of these haven't done shite for the Kingdom compared to Vaerus or any number of men.


    *spits and mutters*


    Feckin Dynasties

  8. I believe this could be a good idea. How about a plugin that allows you to /modreq the lore team? We could ask the lore team "Hey can I make a new kind of la de de de de da if you watch me rp making it, showing it, however it applies" If it's simple lore like a new kind of wood carving, no need to do that, but a new kind of smithing, or new creatures perhaps. All major lore would make a post, which would be unlocked by the lore team. The creator would give us a short explanation to the lore, and all MAJOR lore could be found on the forums, while minor lore would be found through rp.



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