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Posts posted by ℤ∃ʁ∅

  1. Why is it now that people have decided to band together to make content?

    Kinda funny that all it took was to get rid of a team that barely existed to make people work.

    But yeah, good work.


    Also, I saw me, so I demand royalties please.



    This project has been planned by another and myself before the end of MT. Hey I think its better we launched this at the best time.

  2. Alright, it' seems like this is out there and about now. 


    Let me get this clear right. Getting rid of a team because yourself as a leader and the past leaders have not been able to take effort on working and fixing the team you were placed or choose to take charge of, could not do it so you just decide to remove the team? 


    That is the most stupidest choice by far on the Media Team. 


    As an Ex-media team member that does and did things for the community, I would have been very angered about this post and disbandment. Not only the ones that were recently added with high hopes to show what they can do in a team. You added your best friend/roommate to the team straight to the team after a purge of the "inactive" members, and with new members wanting to show what they have and their work to just be shoot down and crushed. Yes they can try to do things solo and freelancing. 



    You say the media team has had a long history of inactivity. As an ex-member of the team, the problem is inactivity in the leadership. As a leader you should order your team to do projects and keep an eye on them, ask for updates.  Not just tell them "Go and do something." That's the big quote I've heard and seen in the media team. What the hell do you want us to do? Tell us what to do! 


    You are an admin and high staff as well, make use of it. You come out every blue moon as Urasept does. Yes,we all know you and others might have school and life. Great job on stepping up in life with school,but that is not an perfect excuse for disbanding the team and inactivity in your team goals and projects. I'm sorry but you have failed as a media team leader. There could've been many ways to fix the media team's reputation and work. Sitting around and doing nothing,without giving your team nothing to do, doesn't make them just looks bad it reflects on the leader more on he lack of effort shown. You as an Admin and Media team leader should have done more or given the torch to someone that's highly interested or done a better job at leading the team. 


    As for things that could've been done to actually show the media team as doing things other than, screenshots,some cringe videos,fly and vanish abuse and art work. You could've brought back many past projects from the grave and reason why Media team was good in Anthos and why some people wanted to join the media team:


    -Zilldude's Parody skits
    -Creative Cafè
    -Lotc News 
    -Lotc Newsletter 
    -Lotc Race Preview or whatever 
    -Lotc History (like we did in Fringe)


    Hell even Media Team could do live streams or speed-Art of their work. The forums and Wiki can be hella amped up if they could. Just screenshots and some trailers get boring after awhile. 


    There is so much you can do with media. You do a little radio thing with your friend. Why not try to give an idea for the Media team. A Podcast of sort, even for that little "Community Meeting" Do a podcast of it and post it some where for those who missed it. 


    Oh to note out again, you are an Admin and Media Team leader. What is stopping you from going out and using that to get info and ideas for new projects or trailers for your team to work on? And future possible hype. The big problem I've seen and experienced as staff is COMMUNICATION, I swear I saw an admin or Gm talk about how the communication trouble will be fixed. Slighty I've seen it being worked on, that's why the community trashes on the staff like the way they do now. Don't sit there and twiddle your thumbs waiting, time waits for now one.


    If you can not handle the role as an admin other than come out for a few post them poof once more with nothing to show, you should not be a leader of a team. As others would point to the Mentor team. Such a great team idea, great potential and now gone as the media team. Don't get rid of potential that can be fixed, if you can't handle it, give it to someone that will actually do something. 


    I highly give this post a -1 on the choice and think the staff should ACTUALLY ask how we feel on Media team and what the people actually want to see. 


    Everyone has different thoughts and opinions on the Media Team, most are bad because of how it is ran. It is not the members of the team most the times it's the leaders. 


    I am sure most of all the ex-Mt members will answer with this if you ask them this: "When is the next content coming out?" Or "Why does Media Team not do anything?" 


    They would probably answer  truthfully : "We haven't been assigned on what to do." 


    The leaders telling us to just "Do something." Is a **** order and the members should be disappointed in their leader, not themselves. They sign up to try and do things to please the community and ready to put their all in it. 


    As all the members I've seen do something and show off, they work their asses off to please the people. No matter how much crap they get. As the team and leader, use the negative and make it into positive. Learn from it! 


    The team should not be removed, the leader should be removed from the team and replaced with someone that can do it better. 

    How are people going to get updates or media from YouTube,Facebook,Twitter and such with no media?

    Oh man, I'm going to make a post about a contest that really has nothing but competing the already community to Achieve something. 


    Step your game up. 


    Do weekly things and stay active! Get people who are ready to go. Don't waste their time on false hopes!


    And if this was a mic, I would drop it at that. 

    Also, this is no hate towards you personally.

  3. ======----======

    Heya all!, My name is Zer0 , or Zeeer0 and I am opening up this shop, thread, request whatever this post will be. Want a rendered out Minecraft picture of your character or request? Want it looking amazing and High Quality? Well here you are! Came to the right place. Fill out the form and keep your eyes open.

    All of the art work will be posted on my page: https://www.facebook.com/zer0studios/




    1. I will do them with quick haste when I can.

    2. Be patient

    3. Pay (Minas), send to bank (Zeeer0) To Neero Sarr or Ramza Mantisuku. Picture as proof please. (No pay no art)

    4. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, follow the format and be detailed or I’ll wing it.

    5. If you do not like it, I will make another much better. Make sure to keep on stand by while I render and poke for thoughts.

    6. Fyi, These will be in full HD to my highest effects. 1600x900

    7. I don’t do slots so I will most likely go in order.

    8. These are 3D models and manually made not premades.

    9. NEW ADDITIONAL PAYMENT OPTIONS! Trade Art are acceptable.

    10. Speed Art of the picture can be done and posted on my youtube. (It will extra, due to having to record,music,video edit and posting.)


    Order Format:


    [ ] Character 100 minas per

    [ ] Background 70 minas

    [ ] Extra 50 minas per

    [ ] Speed Art 200 extra


    Payment Screen shot(Tips are appreciated ):

    Are you willing to wait? (Got work life so will do them when free after work):

    What body build ? (body structure? tall?wide? short?):

    What position do you want ? If there is a picture you want to reference send a link (Picture References make it much EASIER!):  

    Character skin: (Can I just get PNG file or an imgur link, not screenshot.)  Do you want the rig or your skin texture/model (Rig features meaning- the character gets the rig I uses facial detail like the mouth, eyes, other stuff. Skin features meaning- Just plain minecraft skin.):

    If you want mobs or items around your character list (up to 5):


    Scenery, (If you want to be in an area and its in Vailor send me a screen and cords to set up the area. This is the hardest part of pictures besides the positioning):


  4. Well I like the idea~ As a cleric, I find it very boring not to do anything anymore, or no sense of use or fear on the server. Hell I think this will actually bring more rp use for holy users and other people MAYBE. We can help ward off places IF asked. Its not hard to find your local or travel to find one, but most places do not like holy users. So more of push away the ones that can help and do it yourself is what it seems like most times. Everyone and their grandmothers have gold now. I think maybe weaken the gold than utterly make them useless. Give us holy users more reason to be needed. Hell if I was asked by people or leaders of a nation to ward or bless things, I'd bring my clerics and do it. Both parties meet up and talk and boom there's RP happening. Something like that, my two cents on it.

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