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Posts posted by Suicidium

  1. Name (Leave IG name as well): Esti
    Race: Elf 
    Gender: Unstated 
    Skills: I'm adept with a windlass, and I can cook. 
    Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes, I do.
    Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Please attach it to the owl I sent my application with. 

  2. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - SnugglyKittens

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- sharkali


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LoTC?: Since September 2013

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted?: Just 1.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Estelle  Mallister

    Character’s gender: Female

    Character’s race: Human, Highlander.

    Character’s age: 16 and a half.

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

    Estelle was born in Athera,  she was still in her early years when strife gripped the world tearing it asunder. Her family  preferred the harsh winter  conditions of the north and thus she lived at Haense, she was forced to witness gruesome methods used to grill her elder brothers to become ‘men’.


    Estelle  however, was blessed to have been able to avoid being subjected to such ordeals and instead was tutored by her own father in ways of diplomacy and stewardship. When she reached the tender of age 12 amidst, increasingly hostile circumstances such as the feuding  between house de Sola and house Vladov, she was brought under the wing of her uncle to be trained in being a shieldmaiden, a training which she loathed with all her heart.

    A reclusive girl which rather be a craven which hid in her own room, reading foolish tales of yonder was what she was known by most.


    Her craven nature stemmed from the fact that she always had a fear of death, it seemed to be an utterly unknown and malevolent end, subjected to the whims of the gods.

    “ Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life” were the poetic words her grandfather parted with before he setted off into a pilgrimage into the frozen abyss.

    Regardless of his seemingly foolish act, Estelle pondered long and hard about such words...and decided instead to avoid placing herself into compromising situations.


    Her magnanimous nature  was the result of the concept of goodwill which was taught to her by her mother.

    “ Your goodwill will someday return to you so perhaps you should be good to others and do unto them as you would have them do unto you “  was the resounding words her mother told her when she was a child. Growing up in Haense and frequently going with her father on visits to Adria and Felsen, she witnessed her father’s acts of kindness towards the less unfortunate...such as beggars or struggling farmers by ways of giving alms or seeds to sow with respectively.


    As strife grips her home yet again, in the form of multiple assassinations of significant members of the ducal coalition along with the assassination of the Pope. From her father’s insistence,  Estelle was forced to act.



    Edited as of 13 August 2015. 


    Personality Traits:  

    - Craven,

    - Decisive

    - Magnanimous

    - Tactless



    A peaceful home and a legacy to leave behind when she parts from the world.


    Silver-tongued and somewhat masculine.


    Quite inexperienced in the ways of the world and would seem odd to most that talk to her. She’s rather unremarkable.  

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):

    About 6 feet tall in height and having an average weight for a highlander. She’s usually draped in multiple dull clothings along with a heirloom scarf fastened around her neck when she is seen outside.  She has a lustrous red hair which locks are bungled with her scarf. She would seem plain to most.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):



  3. Powergames and plays edgy characters. 









    Jokes aside, I do believe that samsan would bring an innovative flair and refreshing experience for his students. He's more than capable of instilling a zest into his students for his arts and motivating them to embark on their own role-playing experiences 

  4. MC Name -  sharkali
    Character Name - Crineas
    Profession - Miner
    Profession Level - Proficient 
    Combat Or Magic Training - "  I'm adept in the methodology of arcane science for air, however I am mostly a researcher interested in accompanying the company for further expeditions" 
    Skype Username -  deathmonky 
  5. Reads better here: http://tinyurl.com/o9wkjpw


    “Defence, Prosperity and Progress”


    Technocratic Dominion of South-East Asia.



    Declaration of the formation of the Technocratic Dominion of South-East Asia.








    Following a worsening situation filled with chaos and uncertainty developing across the globe. The remaining  ASEAN countries still maintaining order has united under the banner of Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, forming the Technocratic Dominion of South-East Asia circa 2020. Massive industrialization begins across all kinds of sectors in the countries.


    Rumours point to a certain ASEAN meeting which was successfully credited to Singapore’s will to create a ‘superstate’ to defend the south-eastern asian people from foreign powers.


    • Integration within the Dominion begins.

    • An extensive railway connecting up the dominion capitals are other strategic capital comes begins construction.

    • The port of Masinloc in the Philippines undergoes development to become a world-class port.

    • The education ministries would begin to enroll a specialised curriculum tailored to each country to increase performance in STEM and liberal arts.


    A swift end.

    The warring warlords of Malaysia never stood a chance as hundreds of battle tanks supported by air and naval assets invaded the regions from Singapore and southern Thailand. Coupled with naval support from allied fleets situated off the malaccan straits, dozens of missiles rained down on strategic rebel held defences. As confusion swept their ranks, a 60,000 and 30,000 force from Singapore and Pahang maneuvered into the country respectively. An coalition assault force consisting primarily of Thai and Cambodian armies(150k~) plunges into Northern Malaysia, advancing rapidly down the peninsula.


    Reeling from the attacks,a number of prominent Malaysian warlords banded together, rallying at the former malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. The warlords bunkered down in the city, laying mines, traps and fortifying entire buildings. Massive looting, arson and exploitations of civilians happened to the already suffering populace. To defend themselves, even children had to armed themselves.


    The TDA Coalition forces rapidly surrounded the city, moving in under the cover of strategic bombings and artillery fire. The warlords surrendered just barely a day after the siege started.




    After securing the city, Indian and TDA would begin a widespread distribution of neccessities such as food and water.

    The Reconstruction of Malaysia begins.


    Indignation towards Japan.



    Outcry sweeps across South Asia, with popularity ratings of Japan dipping to WW2 levels. Calls for boycotts against Japanese companies become widespread and even some japanese business are vandalized in the dark of nights.

    The Prime Minister and Leader of the Dominion, Lee Kuan Yew, issues an official Statement.


    The Dominion is shocked by Japan’s claims on its sovereign territories.  The good people of this dominion demand to know the reason for Japan’s rapid rearmament which had so coincidentally happened with the collapse of the states of Myanmar, Malaysia and Indonesia into anarchy. We’ve proof that foreign parties has been funding the warlords in Malaysia and the Dominion accuses Japan of invoking havoc in this region.

    I personally hope that Emperor Ayumu would listen to the voice of reasoning and reach a compromise with us. Listen good citizens of the Dominion!, everyone does mistakes...even leaders of countries. We should not punish the Japanese for the crimes of its leaders!

    Let us progress together, for a greater living for all!


    A delegation is sent to Japan, along with two frigate escorts.




    TDA 1st. Pacific Fleet.

    A fleet of two aircraft carriers and 15 frigates along with 5 destroyers is dispatched to rendevous with Indian, Russian and Greek assets in the south-china sea.




     -  The RKS’s diplomat Bronwyn Bishop is well received in Singapore. Negotiations are opened.

    - An esteemed diplomat is sent to The United Chinese Republic to begin trade and diplomatic negotiations.

    -The diplomat from Brazil is well received in Singapore. Negotiations are opened.  

    - A delegation is sent to European Federation and Britain to begin trade negotiations

    - The archbishops of catholics in Singapore and Philippines is sent to the Papal states, requesting monetary assistance and its blessings in setting up orphanages and soup houses at the very least to spread the good word of the faith in war-torn countries.( Malaysia)


    -Singaporean troops(7k~) are pulled from Sydney and redeployed to Cairns..fortifying the city( North-eastern Australia)





    Forum Name:The Hero

    Desired Nation: Sea-Land

    Government Type:Absolute Monarchy

    Do you agree to the rules?:Who in the heck put this much ****ing butter on my bread?

    Nation Leader name:Ahsatan Tsinimef The Fouth

    Nation Leaders political views (Communist, Nazi, Tory, Conservative, Religious, etc): Feminism.



  7. 2012_Flag_of_Singapore_Photo.jpg


    Republic of Singapore


    -Singapore is in a brilliant state! They have few competitors with China gone, and begin lowering prices on all goods shipped out, making Singapore one of the wealthiest nations in the world, and the single wealthiest in Asia. However, a vast influx of immigrants has meant that Singapore will soon need new land, which was possible to take from neighboring Malaysia, if Singapore hired PMCs and Mercenaries…


    Lee Kuan Yew II rose to power as the country’s fourth prime minister in 2018, having the mandate of both his party and the people.

    “ Peace, prosperity and progress” was the slogan of the country,and the job fell on the young prime minister to lead the country into a new age filled with world chaos and war. Singapore’s immigration population has been the main driving force of its ultra-modernization, the population swelling over seven million by 2020. The fall of China propelled the Port of Singapore to become the world’s busiest and largest and its defences had continued expanding..having spent one out of every four dollars of its total budget on defence alone.  Coupled with the east of ability to do business in Singapore and an efficient education system churning out professionals in all sectors, the country had a world-class medicare industry and public transport system.


    The biggest difference of all, as other countries chalked out public debt and drained their finances...Singapore maintained itself in the green with an efficient means-testing as a substitute to the welfare system.  


    An utopia amidst the dystopia of this world? Time will tell.


    Declaration of the incorporation of the states of Brunei, Pahang and Sarawak into the Republic of Singapore

    The state of Brunei, after some backdoor politics and heavy intimidation, agreed to surrender their independance. Sarawak and Pahang would willingly join Singapore.

    The Singaporean government immediately sent large envoys into the mentioned regions, making preparations to ensure the smooth transition of the regions and its people into Singapore.


    Declaration of change of immigration policy

    The Republic of Singapore has lowered its immigration requirements for educated persons that decide to join the country.

    Furthermore, the country has lowered its immigration requirement for a foreign investor to just 100k SGD to gain a permanent residency visa in the country.


    Increase in spending for the Navy and Air force.

    An increase of 10% for both budgets to increase its purchasing power.


    Open declaration of neutrality.


    As for now, The Republic of Singapore will not intervene into any unfolding affair on its own. Instead it will honour its past agreements.


    Open declaration to diplomacy.

    Delegations from all countries will be formally received if they elect to come to Singapore .

  8. Peasant-Women-Buying-Fish-At-A-Fishmonge

     Posters are pinned at prominent noticeboards across Vailor.


    Wholesale Cooked Fish for Sale!


    Large quantities of cooked fish are available for just one mina for a single premium cooked fish delicacy. It's guaranteed to be able to last a number of days. 


    Discounts for large purchases are possible. 


    Sent a letter to Freyr((Samsan99)) or Crineas((sharkali)) for more information

  9. Forum Name: sharkali
    Desired Nation: Singapore 
    Government Type: Authoritative Republic 
    Do you agree to the rules?: I do not like bread with butter. 
    Nation Leader name: Lee Kuan Yew II
    Nation Leaders political views (Communist, Nazi, Tory, Conservative, Religious, etc): Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic





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