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Posts posted by Porko

  1. Evios raises a brow upon spotting the book entitled Edmund's Diary. He ponders for a moment whether it's proper to read it, but shrugs and continues anyway. His eyes scan through the words, and soon a thump is emitted as Evios finishes reading it and promptly shuts it. He places it back where he found it, and continues on with his day.

  2. Evios paces over to the grave after hearing word of Seiya's suicide. His eye's sink into the words on the tombstone, and he lets a frown form on his face. "Damn fool. Ye didn't even stay ta' settle our second duel." Evios stands there for another moment, silence filling the area, before mumbling a few words and walking off. "Rest well, coward."

  3. Yes. Burk is a funny dude, and while he exhibited some immaturity in the past, his reasons for joining and example events are solid. All of them contribute to an atmosphere and are intriguing. Also, I like the fact that he included all the races. 


    Big 'Ol  +1

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