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Posts posted by Porko

  1. I've found that the actual story doesn't have to be good as long as the writing and characters are engaging and interesting. They could be waging a war on pickles, but as long as it's written well and it has neat characters, it could be good. You could just say the two powers are at war, and then have the clashing religions be brought up with dialogue.

  2. House Horen would receive a letter. It reads, "To the esteemed and honorable House Horen. I am Evios Hall, son of Darus Hall. I am a highlander at the age of 33. I have served Oren since we landed in the Fringe. I was a Man-at-arms in the Silverblade bannermen, a Decanus in the second regiment of the Imperium Excertitus, and a Provost in the Arm of Disciplinarians. Now, I pledge my sword to you. I will continue to fight for Oren under the Great House Horen. And aye, I accept the benefits in return for my service."

  3. The name's Evios Hall. I'm a Northerner Human, though I was raised in the woods near Abresi in the now sunken land of Anthos. My father was a humble woodworker, and my mother a simple saleswoman. They made enough to survive, and that was fine for us. My father taught me the ways of a woodsman, and I helped him out in his work. We lived happy, quaint lives.  However, I decided to set out on my own at the age of 17. The world held many adventures, challenges and opportunities. It was ripe for the picking. I learned the use of a sword, and the art of battle became an interest of mine. Knowledge was another, as I spent many hours in the library of Malinor. Soon, it would end.


    The north thawed, and the sea claimed Anthos under it's violent waves. I lost my parents in the panic of the crisis. I haven't seen them since. And at the age of 23, in the new land of the Fringe, I began my military history. My first battles were alongside the House Silverblade of Oren, who became good friends of mine. My skills were honed against snow elves and dwarves, and my combat improved. 


    The Bannermen collapsed in Thales, and I sought another way to serve Oren. I found myself as Decanus of the Imperial army, and then a Provost in the Arm of Disciplinarians in Athera. I became a fierce warrior, though I was too keen to follow orders blindly. The coup struck, and I was shocked. The Carrions seized power, and House Chivay lost it's control. Soon, the Imperial army was disbanded, and I was once again without a position. After this, I served in the short-lived Order of the Flaming Rose. Although, that too, was disbanded. 


    My history is of conflict, armies, yet I've learned to uphold the peaceful values that I possessed back in the woods with my family in Anthos. I serve Oren, and I have sworn to do what is right, and not what is commanded. I've learned to value life, and to live with cheer. I fight when it is needed. I am Evios Hall, and this is MY Lord of the Craft. 

  4. Well, It all started on a rainy night. I had a vision, of pigs falling under me and their flesh being cooked. And then I devoured them and savored their essence. Yeah, no. I made this account in middle school, and back then I thought cookedporkchops_ was a really funny name. 

  5. Hi. My name is cookedporkchops_, but feel free to call me cook, chops, pork, or Dan. I've been playing on LotC since Anthos. I've always found the server fun, even though it has it's stupid flaws. It's always been an overall positive experience. Thought it would be a good time to post this since I've been on here for one year and this is my 100th post. So, for those I've RP'd with, feedback possibly? Or just AMA. Idc. Obligatory 100 post: complete. 

  6. Evios nods, "Aye! Humans must stand united 'gainst tha' demons tha' would rain hell on Athera. Waldian, Orenian, it don't matter to undead. And so, it shan't matter to us in the face of this threat. Humans mus' figh' as one. We can work out our own quarrels afta' Iblees falls."

  7. Name: cookedporkchops_ (Evios Hall)

    Single character, or group? Single

    MC Skin/s (preferably a render):zlQVcQY.png?1?5882

    Details that would not be evident on the skin, like scars or jewelry: None.

    Pose (doing magic, smiling, frowning, flailing arms, etc.): Standing straight, with both his arms at his side. One in a fist, the other with a sword.

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