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Posts posted by TakeMeT0TheFae

  1. lnNca9V.png

    Your application is really quite good, there are just a few things you need to change.


    -You must have at least 3 items of lore in your biography, here are some helpful links!




    You have 24 hours to make the necessary changes.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me here on the forums!  I am always happy to help!

  2. JIdpKw1.png


    Absolutely great work on your application - I had a very fun experience reading it over and could tell you put a lot of effort into it.


    You should be implemented by a GM in a few hours, maximum. Feel free to browse the forums and check out our guides!

    If you need any help or would like to be mentored, feel free to PM me or find me in game!

  3. 2DgsLr1.png

    Unfortunately you did not make all of the necessary changes.


    -You never changed your power-gaming definition.  Again, please feel free to look over our wiki for any help you may need.


    -You failed to change the part about your ears.  Your character could not have shorter ears than most elves because he is a full elf, even if he is half High elf and half wood elf.


    You may re-apply in 24 hours.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me here on the forums!  I am always happy to help!


  4. lnNca9V.png

    Your application is really very good but there are a few things you need to change


    -Your power-gaming definition is not quite correct.  Feel free to check our wiki for help!




    -Your biography is really quite good, but try to include some more lore.  Also, if your character is a full elf there would be no way for its ears to be smaller than normal unless he clipped them.  If that is the way you would like to take it make sure to include it in your biography.






    -Your personality traits need some working on, hunting and roaming the woods are not exactly personality traits.  Try instead something like, loner or moody.


    You have 24 hours to make the necessary changes.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me here on the forums!  I am always happy to help!

  5. 2DgsLr1.png

    -Your definitions are still not quite correct.  Please look over the wiki and apply again.  Here are some helpful links.





    -You failed to include three items of lore in your biography.  Also, you need to avoid talking about being royalty of far away lands, and foreign lands that are not in lore completely.  Again, please look over the wiki again and apply again.  Here are some helpful links!




    This is not the end, you may re-apply in 24 hours!  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me here on the forums!  I am always happy to help!


  6. 2DgsLr1.png

    You already have an application up.  You must edit that application instead of making another. Simply edit that one to make the necessary changes by going to the bottom of the application where it says 'edit'.


    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me!  I am always happy to help! 

  7. -1. From what I have interacted with him he tends to act very immature, never taking anything seriously.  Kvasir also has a tendency of joking about very serious things, things that should not be taken lightly.  He is known at lashing out at players, he does not have the patience needed to interact with the new players on the server.  Maybe with some maturing and cleaning up his act, but as of right now I do not see him fit for the team.

  8. lnNca9V.png

    Your application is pretty good, there are a few things you need to change however.


    -Your definitions are not quite correct, your power-gaming definition is completely wrong.  Please feel free to check our forums for help!  Here are some helpful links!





    -Your biography must be at least two paragraphs long and include three items of lore.  Also, try to avoid being royalty in your application as it is very unlikely to happen in game.  Here are some helpful links!




    You have 24 hours to make the necessary changes.  If have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me here on the forums!  I am always happy to help!

  9. 2DgsLr1.png

    You plagiarized your role-playing and meta-gaming definitions from our wiki.  This is your one warning, if it happens again you will receive a temporary ban from applying.


    You must wait 24 hours before re-applying.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me here on the forums!  I am always happy to help!

  10. JIdpKw1.png

    Absolutely great work on your application - I had a very fun experience reading it over and could tell you put a lot of effort into it.


    You should be implemented by a GM in a few hours, maximum. Feel free to browse the forums and check out our guides!

    If you need any help or would like to be mentored, feel free to PM me or find me in game!

  11. JIdpKw1.png

    Absolutely great work on your application - I had a very fun experience reading it over and could tell you put a lot of effort into it.


    You should be implemented by a GM in a few hours, maximum. Feel free to browse the forums and check out our guides!

    If you need any help or would like to be mentored, feel free to PM me or find me in game!

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