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John Ivory

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Posts posted by John Ivory

  1. I can't blame Sky for perceiving you as hacking as at 1:48 it almost seems like you're hitting three people at once (KatelynB, Connor428, and Shady_Tales.) However I know you're a good PvPer in the first place so I can't really judge whether or not you were hacking if I wasn't there in the first place. Kragnok admitted to force-fielding his opponents to someone, so I'm pretty sure he is indeed a hacker though.

  2. A good way to check if the dev server is up is by seeing it TS is online. They are both on the same server, and sometimes TS will crash, and cause the dev to go down with it. They will pop back up completely randomly at some point in the day, so keep watching for it.

    Is it fixable or does it just randomly go up and down?

  3. Aglarebon thinks long and hard of the predicament, noting the trouble both of the Orcish clans have caused him in the past. He thinks of all the terror the Orcish clans have caused road-goers, all the pain they have inflicted, and all the pain they have inflicted upon every race besides their own. There was only one way to decide upon who to fight for...


    He retrieves a coin. If it lands on heads he shall fight for the Kaxils. If it lands on tails, the Azogs. He flips the coin and kneels down to retrieve it. 




    Aglarebon readies his battle equipment: a bow, some chainmail armor, a quiver of arrows and a sword. He fights for the Azog, encouraging the rest of his company to do the same.

  4. If you haven't already I would suggest checking out Denzel Curry.  His songs are influenced by Raider Klan and Spaceghostpurp and some of them have a bit of a trap sound, and his flow is pretty nasty. You can listen to his first album here:





    Robb Bank$ is another south Florida artist that is up and coming that I really enjoy. His mix tape Calenders is pretty rad:




    If you want something a little more mellow, Flatbush Zombies, Pro Era, and the Underachievers are nice.

  5. I think that if we asked the 4.0 developers to build a "tutorial island" in-game at the Cloud Temple island, that we could benefit both veteran and new players. I am certain it would help. Perhaps line the path with NPCs who describe the features of the crafting plugin as well? I think a wiki page is in order as well.

  6. I liked it, even though I ended up being slain by a ghetto piglet in the end. The magic plugin sure knows how to keep someone actively running around in game, which is cool on my end. My favorite spells the ice-block one, though.

    Conclave members may be mad at you Iblees worshipers but I say good fight to you.

    (P.S. Please come back to the Conclave for a rematch.)

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