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About Siermitch

  • Birthday 05/28/1989

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  1. OOC: MC Name: Mythrilknite Age: 24 Country: United States Timezone: (-7:00 GMT, or Mountain Time) Skype Name: Siermitch Do you have Teamspeak?: I don't. How long have you been playing on the server?: A day, thus far. How long you can you be online per day?: Hopefully as much as possible, though time will be limited on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays because of college courses. What past guilds have you been apart of?: None on the server, thus far, though I've been in too many to count outside of Minecraft. Have you ever held a leadership role before?: Not sure if this counts, but I work a seasonal job for a local racing company, and I oversee a lot of the actions there, and have for years. Do you have a VA? (What evils?): No. RP: Name: Gion Adrigun Age: 22 Race: Human Past Experience in military and combat: None in military, but I spent a lot of my earlier years as a hunter, foraging and hunting for various kinds of food and wildlife. What are your skills?: I'm a self-taught culinary enthusiast, with some informal training in locksmithing. What weapon do you prefer?: Most of the time, the sword, but if a situation calls for a more stealth related activity, I prefer the bow. Most of the time spent hunting was utilizing the bow, so I wouldn't be surprised if that turned out to be the weapon I have more finesse with in particular. Why do you wish to join the Order?: If anything can help me gain a proper footing in this part of the land, it's allegiance to an order such as this. I value the hospice and (at least) temporary citizenship I have been granted, and I would be honored to take it further. What are some strength’s of yours?: I'm a talented farmer/fisherman, and the opportunity never passes me by to cook something that I personally catch. When the day is done, I find I'm never left displeased by the work that I do on a day-to-day basis, and hopefully I can pass that fortune on to the Order. Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography): I don't remember much about where I came from, other than it was on the eastern coast of Anthos. I took hold of culinary arts because of my mother. My father was a locksmith, and he taught me his trade for a while as well. But I think that the application of food-related studies is more prevalent than a locksmith, so I guess I kinda stuck to that. Other than that, I've been told I'm friendly and accepting of people that return the same gesture, and I haven't been met with any hostility here.
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