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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by SpiltMemes

  1. Why is the silver crown package 2250 crowns and not 2750 :( Now I must pay an extra 10$ for more crowns than I need 

    1. z3m0s


      Thats why its priced like that... so you spend more money

  2. Aaaand it's gone.

  3. Goodbye Raine Academy. 'Till 4.0

  4. R.I.P Blockcraft1234

  5. Welcome back status updates.

  6. *Was just married to Susi*

  7. Hit my butt off my stairs due to ice. Just to find out school's cancelled.

  8. Hit my butt off my stairs due to ice. Just to find out school's cancelled.

  9. New laptop now has a fingerprint lock. WAY easier.

  10. LoTC is full of freaky stuff. Where's the flying-scorpion-spider-bee?

  11. Hott4frott, the prince that was promised

  12. You don't mess with the wacking stick!

  13. #BringBackBrewing - BBB

  14. Has anyone every played that one Neopets game The Darkest Faerie?

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