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Posts posted by Pandasan

  1. Also I didn't realise that this section was open to public submissi


    Yes you can create your own magic. But it is a good idea to announce it somewhere before you start doing it because there is a potential for it to be conflicting with Lore, or perhaps to do exactly what an existing magic already does.



    Also I didn't realise that this section was open to public submission now. Interesting....

    What do you mean announce it somewhere? In-game or on a forum?


    Well it said magic guide so I thought it would guide me if it involved magic.


    on now. Interesting....

  2. Okay! Thanks for reading this first off before I forget.


    One thing I need to clear up is on the "Let Loose The Magic" forum and other topics I saw said something about creativity with magic. Does this mean you can create your own magic and play around? If not please help me with this. I keep getting a misunderstanding and I don't want to walk the streets of Abresi and cast some magic that doesn't exist.


    Thanks a lot!



  3. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -  Draoen
    How old are you?: - 13
    What time-zone do you live in?: - EST

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -  Yes on other Minecraft Servers
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - No

    How did you hear about us?: -My friend, Airwalk26
    What do you think the server will be like? -  A nice and big server that I can enjoy my roleplay.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: -  Metagaming because I hate how people keep putting the information they know and put it into their character. It drives me nuts!


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: -  Portray a role or character.

    What’s metagaming?: -  Using external information and making it affect the game.

    What’s powergaming?: -  Forcing the conclusion or outcome of roleplay.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: -  Draoen 

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: -  High Elf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 18

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): -  Living in the forest,far from Oren and raised by humans, Draoen never knew about his real parents or that they even existed but his human parents. They created a world for him, a life, for him to life. Draoen wondered about his difference with them. But not knowing enough information he couldn't compare himself with the human race because he never met humans but his 'parents'. He was smart and learned to survive. He wasn't much of a talker but he loved knowledge. He recorded his knowledge onto his journal. Although he was smart he didn't know the High Elves cultures or goals. He never knew the ancient language. He planned everything out on a special day that was his birthday. He pretended to sleep and he saw the lamp still lit. He sneaked around the place listening to his parents. His mom said "When will this boy know when..." The walked walked away and Draoen continued to follow and took out his journal and recorded this time. Father said "It doesn't matter if he knows. He is going to have to enjoy-..". They noise faded as they still continued to walk and Draoen followed. Mother said "I am not taking care of this boy any more. I can't believe it was your stupid idea to take care of him." Draoen didn't understand what was happening. Father said "He is an Elf but a living person like everyone else." Draoen stunned thinking over his life flashing before his eyes. He revealed himself. "So the differences that I had made sense." The parents were surprised and his Father said "What are doing in bed and what are you talking about." Draoen, "It doesn't matter anymore does it.", he said to himself. He whipped his scarf and whirled it around and the wind blue so hard and the sand going around so violent and smoke appearing. Then he vanished. He lived in the forest for a year until he saw a light that he followed. He heard noises. He followed it and he saw the town of Malinor. He hid in the shadows and observing and astonished about the other elves roaming. His real and new life began, not a created one, began as he stepped onto the ground.
    What are they like (personality)?: -  It is hard for him to trust you and can be stubborn. He does have humor but can be serious about things. He is tough but fragile at the same time depending on his mood and what triggers it. He is a nice kid but very naive.

    What are their ambitions?: -  Education and learning new things and have a free life.

    Do they have any special skills?: -  His scarf gives him advantages and he can survive on his own in the wilderness.

    What are their weaknesses?: -  People telling lies and hiding the truth. Also he cries when he sees the joy of children with their family. 

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -  He has a green scarf with markings. He has black gloves on and a light green emerald eyes. His hair covers his left eye but he can still see. He is a bit taller than other elves his age.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: -  No thanks.

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
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