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Posts posted by Parkins

  1. ​*Nicholas rises, clearing his throat as he addresses the audience before him*


                 "I saw my father walking with his secret lover a lot, but I never told my mom as she was in my eyes quite a crazy woman. But after I was stealing from my fathers whiskey reserve, I noticed knocking at the door. It was Ventios and Nym, people who like my father said where really respected and liked. They walked in and raised their blade to kill me. I fortunately had my bottle to throw at them and it gave me time to draw my own sword. My brothers soon came downstairs and helped me overthrow them. My mother tried to stop them but she was stabbed by their swords. We pushed them out of the door, and my father started crying for help. They quickly ran, and my father fell unconscious due to his disease we do not understand yet. After he woke up again my father and I looked into the books and archives of Ventios & Nym, and we found plans to occupy a keep.. Apparently the Silverblade keep according to my father. They also wanted to fight against Alras and kidnap the king. I like to be a spymaster for my father, it makes me feel proud. But my friends came and asked if Nym always used drugs from his pipe. They heard them talking about their plans, and they matched with the information we found. As my father said, Ventios once offered me to visit the manor a day before they revolted. He told me it was to spy on the enemy, but the information proves otherwise. I always like Ventios even though I did believe he was manipulating my father. I won't be sad to see him go, he disgraced my fatherland.”

  2. Honestly, I would like to see this implemented. I really would. The problem is that they sound a lot like a glorified Orc in their own way. If I saw these running around the 4.0 map, I would be a bit upset. Orcs are enough for me. Although, if these were an event character, where they show up to guard treasure or the like, I would love to see them. You get my +1 sir.

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