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Status Updates posted by Parkins

  1. Getting Happy Birthday messages like

    2016 confetti squidward not amused

  2. 4891e6e9fc484964a700f66580d1037c.png

    so begins the adventures of johnny big muscles the high school student looking for love.

    1. Parkins




      johnny big muscles fails again

  3. I can't do it Johnny Bigmuscles is being put on hold until i work up the strength to try again.

    1. HurferDurfer1


      Carl Crustycrotch will be ur wingman


  4. im sry about all this give your mom my best ok? 

    1. shortchangehero


      don't worry I will thanks for understanding


  5. Spendin more time on the Forums!


  7. Back from Camp. Camp = Sunburn.

  8. Goin' to Las Vegas till August 8th. Feel free to find me! (You don't know what I look like.)

  9. That Valerian betrayal though.

  10. Oh look I'm a ghoul now.

  11. Need good undead skins. PM me if you have any! #GhoulProblems

  12. Oh boy more Necromancer status'

  13. PM me any Necromancer Questions!

  14. Thank you for your thoughts Thomas.

  15. Drainin' men, and feelin'... like a hen? Hm..

  16. [12:05:29 AM] Curved Yellow Fruit: RIP Ceruberr

  17. Looking for people to be Zombies!

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