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Everything posted by Mister_Marten

  1. ((MC NAME)): minerprince13 ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): martenscherpenzeel Name: Timothy Woodflint Age: 21 Reason for signing up: Life as a farmer is not easy. The days are long, and the work is hard. Some days there is not enough money to live on. So I had to find another job. This sounds amazing. Weapon of choice: Broadsword/longbow Previous combat experience: None, a farmer does not fight that often. Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Farmer Any Questions: None
  2. OOC: MCname: minerprince13 Skype Name: martenscherpenzeel Villian Application Link: --- and evils accepted Timezone: GMT +1 IC Race: Northeron Human Name: Timothy Woodflint Age: 29 Gender: Male A brief description of yourself: Timothy is a 29 years old young man, he is clear- minded and good with words. His eyes and ears are good and he can't resist it to eavesdrop every now and then. Timothy is 6' 0" tall and has an average body scale. His hair is short, but very thick. He is very handy with a bow and know how to survive in the forests. For living he is a lumberjack, he cuts spruce logs. He sells these logs, mostly during the winter, to people who want to warm their houses. But, a few months ago, another lumber-company stole his customers and Timothy did not have an income any longer. He travelled from town to town and he visited the taverns. Somethimes he had not even enough money to buy food, so unfortunately he had to steal some bread. He mostly stayed in Abresi or Ager, depended on how many guards there were. This way of living continued untill Timothy had the chance to join a gang. He took the chance with both hands... Magic posession? NO yes or no
  3. I hope i can still join, because Semper invited me yesterday...
  4. OOC: Minecraft Name: minerprince13 Timezone: GMT +1 Do you have teamspeak and/or skype: Both Do we understand that we do not allow 'minas or die' RP? That we provide Roleplaying combat regularly and use PvP occasionally or if the opposition wants it? That we don't accept poor quality RP?: Yes, I do Your Character's reasons/Backround for turning evil (3 paragraphs minimal): It was a rainy evening and Timothy was travelling North. Everytime he looked over his shoulder, but didn't see anything. After a couple of hours, Timothy arrived in Abresi, hungy and exhausted. He bought some pieces of bread and fell asleep on the sidewalk. The next morning Timothy woke up, stretched his muscles and took a walk. He had never been to Abresi before, so it was quite new for him. he wanted to buy some breakfast in a shop, but he discovered a problem. His pockets were almost empty, only a few coins left. Again he had to buy some bread. The whole afternoon, Timothy walked around the city and his some words with the people. And again he had to spend the night on a sidewalk, while the rain was pouring down. In the middle of the night, Timothy woke up of a sudden sound and couldn't fall asleep again. He started thinking about his life, because almost every day and night were like this one. When the sun raised, he got up and waited for something to happen. After 30 minutes, nothing happened yet so he decided to leave the city. Strange enough the gates were closed and the guards wouldn't let him out. He began walking around the city, looking for something interresting. Suddenly a man whispered to him: "Do you like money, kid?". Timothy, hungry as he was, anwered: "I do, sah". The man looked of his shoulder and led Timothy to an ally. He asked him: "Do you have a job" Strange enough, Timothy didn't feel unsafe, so he answered"I work at as a lumberjack, but at the moment I have no income." The man looked at Timothy and gave him a piece of paper. "Look at this and give me a bird when you accept.' Timothy wanted to answer, but the man turned around and disapeared in the nignt. ----------------------------------- IC: Your name: Timothy Woodflint Your Age: 29 Your Race: Northeron Human Are you an assassin, bandit, or thief: Bandit/ Thief What is it that you do for a living in your criminal and civilian life: I am a lumberjack, workless at the moment. Are you aware that if you leave this gang without consent, you will be placed on a blacklist in every city we operate in?: Yes Where do you live and/or operate mostly: In and around Abresi
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