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Posts posted by Endovelicus

  1. The Honorable Princedom of Porto and the Pious Order of Saint George




    The people cheered as the saviour of Porto was about to be crowned. He rode on an unarmoured vehicule waving and receving flours but hundreds of Order Men defended their Grandmaster and Prince in the rooftops and in the ground. The car drove to Porto's cathedral were Patriarch Cardinal of all of Iberia stood, the Prince entered the cathedral and the choir sang. 



    He entered the old Gothic Cathedral, he kneeled infront of the altar before siting in the throne. The Cardinal set the crown above his head and said.

    "We stand here today to honour our prince, defender of the faithful and saviour of Porto. We stand here to thank God for this man and the Order. We stand here to coronate his Princehood, Prince Rodrigo o Primeiro da Casa de São Mateus."

    The priest placed the crown on the prince's head.


    The crowd entered in a frenzy screaming "DEUS SALVE O PRÍNCIPE!"


    After the shouting was over Prince Rodrigo, first Grandmaster of the Order kneeled infront of the statue of Mary said.

    "Holy mother be my witness. I will defend christianity and our Lord and Saviour, I will defend Europe and I will retake the Holy Land. Mother of our Saviour give us strength."






    The City state of Porto is in a good location both geographicly and Demographicly. It has a high number of young citizens and also a big number of industries. Although not enough to make it a big "power". The Prince attempts to atract many business men to set up their Head Quarters in Porto as he places low taxes on the business owners. He also attempts to atract bankers and make a sort of "little switzerland". ((Mod tell me how this goes.))


    Order of Saint George


    The agents in Jerusalem fled the city packing their belongings and moving north, to antioch. There they hope to find the spear that pierced Christ's heart ((Mod Pls)).


    The Order had seen their missionary work failed, but they did not give up. They continue working hard with the message off: "The immaculate heart shall triumph." They send more missionaries attemping to break through the though walls, giving charity and other necessities be that medical or educational necessities, all in the name of God ofcourse. They attempt to set up Parishes in the areas (India, Myanmar, Indochina etc). In Vietnam they attempt to reach out to the catholic minority already there so that they may expand catholic reach through the asian continent. ((Mod pls))


    The Order also sends about 20.000 men under the command of a french born captain, Jean-Baptiste "The Whip" Côté. He impliments marshal law on france and takes in any suspected nationalists. Many people are also presured (not forced) to go to church as they spread propaganda with religious messages.

  2. The Order of Saint George



    Now that the Arc had been recovered by brittish SAS outside of Jerusalem in the middle of the night without the Airforce having enough time to respond the arc was sent to Porto. There they had a whole hall dedicated to lost relics. The agents in Jerusalem fled the city packing their belongings and moving north, to antioch. There they hope to find the spear that pierced Christ's heart ((Mod Pls)).


    As more people had joined the military they continue with garrisoning of the Muslim/Bristish border.


    When the report of french nationalists reached the Orders ears the grandmaster dispatched a international broadcast.


    The Chant of Dies Irae could be heard in the background as the grandmaster spoke.


    "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. John 3:36"


    A voice of a man said as the camera shot toward the man in full military regalia with crosses and badges.


    "It saddens me to see the eldest daughter of the church burning places of worship..."


    The Man stands.


    "I, grandmaster of the right honorble order shall not see this happening, ever. I send this to you french nationalists which have caused this, and to those who plan to do such wicked actions. We shall bring the wrath of God oppon you, we shall rain hell to the sheep not on the fold and protect those that are. For God is just and he brings punishment to the wicked!"


    He spoke with zeal and fervour. He sits down again.


    "The order dispatches 3.000 soldiers to english france. May God have mercy on your souls."




    With the ordermen there they start to forage out any french nationalists patroling the streets and helping priests conduct mass while off duty. ((Pok tell me if it works))


    The Order had seen their missionary work failed, but they did not give up. They continue working hard with the message off: "The immaculate heart shall triumph." They send more missionaries attemping to break through the though walls, giving charity and other necessities be that medical or educational necessities, all in the name of God ofcourse. They attempt to set up Parishes in the areas (India, Myanmar, Indochina etc). In Vietnam they attempt to reach out to the catholic minority already there so that they may expand catholic reach through the asian continent. ((Mod pls))

  3. Order of Saint Amyas



    With the war ending the troops are pulled back, reorganized, resupplied and retrained. Small recruitment bases are set up in Madrid, Paris, Bordeux, Rome, Endinburgh, Dublin, Munich and Atheans. Even though the wars are over the Order still spreads it's propaganda attempting to recruit more people. ((Mod Pls))


    The Order now starts a new program, the "Obscura sacrum ordinem" which acts as the spying organization corp of the order. Which starts infiltrating caliphate lines to recover lost artifacts or other christian holy things. They send a few trained order men to find the arc of the covenant, which they suspect that is located below the destroyed temple of solomon or ethiopia, they split the squad of 40 into two seperate squads, one goes to Ethiopia and another to Jerusalem under disguise as any other muslim or ethiopian ((Mod pls)) .


    They also set up the Equitatum Iesu et cordis suum immaculata, a missionary program that aims to bring Christianity and the Catholic church to areas with little catholic population, like India, Indochina, Indonesia, Myanmar China (through Hong Kong) and other countries. They set up parishes and small bases. ((Mod Pls))


    In Iberia the military branch of the order continues patrolling daily, now with steady supply they  set up daily watches waiting for the Muslim armies to pour out at any moment.

  4. Order of Saint George


    With the doom push and the zaragozian armies beaten and out of shape now only the army outside of Porto were left. Order men, militias, EMUs, tanks sold by the brittish at dirt cheap prices and lighter vehicules fill the area. They strike and the muslim force, even though they may be outnumbered they are not outguned. The EMUs, tanks and light armoured vehicules strike at the enemie lines, making them waver as the machines and the Order men and militias thorn open the enemie lines. They continue the push making it down towards Coimbra and surrounding areas.


    In the Leonese line the joined forces of the Order and Britain make it through the country side with the main armies defeated and the current disorganized stance of their military they would most likely drive them off hastily. The same can be said to the Zaragozian forces making a push south towards the golden city of Madrid. 



  5. Order of Saint George



    Outside of Porto in the shanty town where the locals set up shop to defend themselves from Muslim sheling.


    The Grandmaster walked through the town where people prayed and had a massive zeal. Priests shouted in their mass and asked for forgiveness and strength. Although the people had fled the city they had set up farms along the river Douro and small pig farms. The order men in their white battle armour patrolled the streets. Even though there were many wounded and many children were orphans people were still relatively happy seeing how many attacks from the muslims had been repled and the EMUs had arrived. Many orphans signed up to fight for the order and flag where hoisted in the shanty town, but it was not the union jack, but the red cross of christ on a white back ground. 


    In Zaragoza things were slightly different, people filled the streets but there were many blockades on wider more acesible points to the city. Making the only entrences chocke points. The military presence there was big, with platoons stationed guarding key points, and scouts sent every so often to see if any army was arriving. The zeal there was also high seeing how they reflected a major Muslim attack, "God wills it!" shouted the populous when they heard that the attack had been repled.


    In the Leonesian towns things were differents. Rains had been making it hard for the people leaving there, disease spread, although some medicine had been smuggled in along with the EMUs and quarateens had been set up many people still died. They saw this has a sign of God, "God punishes us for fleeing from battle!" said a few priests and bishops of the area.


    Things were hard in Northern Iberia but there was no less zeal then any other places. At any stone that was thrown at them they would pick themselves back up and continue on their way. The life of the Iberian people is hard, but zeal filled their hearts and hope that God will reward them with victory.

  6. The Order of Saint George



    "Most pious, clement and merciful, O Mother protect your children, now and in our hour of d-"

    The Grandmaster stops suddenly at the voice he heard at the entrence at the cathedral.

    "Lord Grandmaster, the Emus have arrived."

    The Grandmaster smirked a Iberian smirk.

    "Very well, God has granted us victory, smash the heathen at once!"

    "Sir, yes sir."

    The soldier saluted and left.


    Now with the Emus smuggled through france on trucks, with new suplies they have bought with Vatican money they are more supplied then before. In the Zaragozan front where the force of about 300 Emus are deployed. The main force of invasion is crushed as they see about 60 giant mechs deployed and a good number of now semi-well supplied infantry. The Zaragozan garrison marches down to meet with the smaller invasion forces in the south. ((I'll leave the zaragozan garrison VS the smaller invasion force to Zandrew seeing how I smashed his bigger invasion force)).


    On the leonese front 60 mechs are deployed  with more reinforcements of infantry. Forces from Santander and Bilbao two major northern spainish cities, are sent down with the 60 mechs to meet with the forces from Burgos, they do hit and run tactis which would majorly confuse Caliphate's troops seeing how they most likely have never seen these machines.


    In a smaller skirmish, a priest, went with the troops to raise moral. It was cloudy day and the order's forces were severly beaten  the father, rose up from his cover as it started to rain the ground was wet and slipery making it hard for order troops.




    He elevated his cross and the rained stopped and the clouds opened on the Order's forces. 




    "It's a miracle! A miracle!"


    The troops shouted rising up and driving the caliphate's forces away. Although the father did get shot, his cross is a sign of good luck.


    ((This is just some flavour text not really important for the campaign itself, just a way to raise moral)).


    On Ponferrada troops are sent there to garrison the city seeing how the massive army had been seen by order scouts and civilians. Troops and armed civilians from surrounding towns go there to set up defences.


    In Porto the troops themselves bunker down as well, creating a short of stale mate for now. The bombings are hard on the city and populous so most leave it and settle in surrounding areas where they start farms in order to feed themselves and the order.



  7. The Order of Saint George





    The Cross of christ is risen as the sarracens are betean back by the forces of the cross, the man cheer as they gun down the infidel scum. Any men that surrendered are brought back to interrogation. ((Mod plz?))


    Now with the new suply of men both from italy, france and the CSA and the old Iberian regiment, and money the order has strengthen his grip in power. Many men are deploied in the Leonese line and they continue their attack and run attacks, but whenever a enemie squad is weak they strike like an hammer, stronger then before and now well equipped they fight with extreme zeal. The men are ordered to die before they let themselves get captured. In the Portugalian and Aragonese front men are still deployed but perhaps not as many. They do smaller pushes but do not appear weak, just more careful. With the money they got they buy new weapons, some more vehicules and general goods to keep an army.




    ((The Bigger the arrow the bigger the attack.))


    OOC: God damn it Pok! I was sowing dessent on the Caliphate not the NCR.

  8. Order of Saint George


    The Order needs more men, plenty of priests and bishops are contacted and asked to spread the word of the battles they fight. "After Iberia France is next!" The french priests and bishops say. "After France Italy is next!" The italian priests and bishops say. This tactic  of fear seems to work, so more and more men are signing up. They now have double the men they had, although they aren't as well equipt as they wished to be.


    The Grandmaster sends letters and contacts the vatican for monatery funding. ((Mod Plz))


    In the Porto lines the Caliphate's troops are betean back seeing how the terrain is generaly hilly  and forrested. As the troops of Leon are betwen back towards the Asturias they start building defences to stop the Caliphate's adavances, the iberian troops that were sent back from france bulster the Leonese offensive.In Zaragoza the remaining troops were in better shape then the rest. They continue the puss around the city to gain more terrain.


    The NCR hitmen that were sent, inflitrate back of the lines attempting to cause dissent in the majority catholic population. They attempt to make the population rise up in rebelion. ((Mod plz))If any are captured they would commit suicide, their chips have a kill switch.

  9. *Edmond de Montfort shivers.

    "Somebodys a necrophiliac. Somebody stop this man and his probable gravedigging." 

    The sould of Kristoff would note that he never gravedigged for that is sin, and that he takes no sexual plesure in seeing dead bodies. 

  10.    Anatomicorum legis

    -Written by Bishop Kristoff over the years-


    1st of Malin’s Welcome, after a skirmish against heathens, I Kristoff von Herrick man-at-arms of the Sacred Order of Saint Amyas discovered a skeleton near their camp. I asked the current chaplain if I could study the skeleton, he said yes as long as I did not harm the skeleton itself. So I  studied the skeleton, I always liked the human body, not in a macabre way but in a fascinating view. Why did our Lord gives us this, or that? That is what I attempt to answer.




    -A drawing of the skeleton is here,-

    I started from the top down, first the skull. I found that the skull divides itself into many different sections. Making me believe that the skull forms from separate parts in the womb and then joins together, molding itself into shape.

    After I got from the skull I went down, to the jaw. I saw a joint, it allows us to move our jaws up and down, not much there. I expected such.

    I moved down to the neck I inspected it thoroughly, I expected to find a joint, but I did not. After some more inspection I uncovered the mystery, the bone connecting to the skull bends allowing us to move, the same bone come down until it hits the “nether” regions, making us able to bend our back and be more agile.

    After that I moved to the ribs, nothing too special, it seems it is used to keep something protected like armour, perhaps it keeps both physical and spiritual harm from the heart? After all, the heart is where we keep the Lord.

    Then the limbs. I looked around there, more joints. Although the upper joint in the shoulder is free moving, the second join is much like door hinges. Oddly enough the the bone of the lower arm splits into two, this puzzles me. Then the hand, they have many little bones for mobility, and a free moving joint in the wrist.


    Then we move down to the spine, it bends and it needs a strong muscular support for it to stand. The backbone can bend permanently though creating a hunch, like Wyl the hunchback, an old man that got his backbone deformed, how the bone itself is able to deform and not get into the previous position, I do not know.


    Then we enter the whips, the nearest point of the “nether” regions. They attach the legs to the rest of the body, having a free moving joint. Then in the knee a hinge joint and in ankle a joint very much like the wrist. Oddly enough the arms and legs resemble each other very closely, even having the lower bone split.


    2nd of Grand Harvest, today while going on my patrol around adrianople, I found a man that had been mauled by a bear, may he find his peace. My curiosity took the better of me, so I kneeled and did a quick sketch,



    There I found the heart, a lung, a small sack that had a weird liquid in it-the bear torned it open- and what I believe are the kidneys. Of course immediately after I did my inspection, I fetched a priest for a proper burial.


    From my quick research I found that the heart moved around the blood, I knew it had to do with something related to blood, but know I know what it is. The blood circles around the body, perhaps spreading small chewed bits of food to the body? This is all a theory, I would only know if I actually disturbed the body, and that is sin.


    I then took a look of what I presumed that was the lung. I only saw one. It was attached to a canal that separated itself into two, so maybe the bear got the other lung. That canal merged with another and went towards the oral cavity and the nose I believe. So the lungs may be used in breathing. I also saw that the lungs were heavily connected to the heart, so the blood may also bring air to the body. So that is why we die when we hold our breath.


    I then looked at the sack below the lung and heart. It was connected to the mouth by a canal that merges with the breathing canal that then creates a single canal. I believe it is used for eating? There was this liquid oozing from it, I took a small sample.


    I moved down to what I believed it was the kidneys. I have no clue what they do, but they also are connected to the heart with many branches connecting it to the place where we keep our love for the Lord. So it is an important place.




    -A detailed drawing of what the author calls a kidney is here-


    I looked down and had a glimpse of what we call “gut”, I could not study it, the wound did not go that far down, and I did not want to open the body more, it is sin to do so.



    OOC: This is the work of my old char, Bishop Kristoff, he was a healer and a priest. I plan on working on this in parcels, releasing little bits at a time.

  11. Request Form:

    Mc name/character name: Bishop Kristoff, pheonix330.
    Skin/ reference picture: http://prntscr.com/6rauzo


    Any specific detail (Jewelry, scars, chubby, etc):Like the picture but with a big lorraine cross staff on his right hand, between his wooden hand, like leaning on it, and the holy scrolls on his left. Also it's easier to do it with him standing upright so you can do it upright if you wish.
    Anything else?:Nope, thanks for doing the art for free.


    EDIT: The green thing on the heab is laurels, put that in place of the bishop hat, thanks!

  12. Holy Order of Saint George.

    The Grandmaster smirked as he saw the islamic forces staling. He makes more order come into the order forming platoons of men which were led by Ensigns, each Ensign responded to a Knight-Sergeant, and each Knight-Sergeant responded to a Master Cross. Three Master Crosses were created, The Master Cross of Portugalia, Master Cross of Leon and Master Cross of Castile. Each responsible for their own campaign.



    They continue to bring more and more people in as deserters and zealous young men sign up, the numbers are now at around the 400.000. Now with a new deal signed with the now catholic british government some LIONs are sent there as well as more quick and mobile armoured cars. They ask the Bristish government to use nearby air bases to cover their attacks, especially  the attacks near Zaragoza and Madrid.They continue their lightining attacks, but whenever they feel a enemie group is weak enough they stricke with swift force to attempt and destroy it.







    They now attempted to make christians rise up in the south, they offer them some older model weaponary. Although they can not give much without the Caliphate discovering it, they do what they can to start rebelions in the south.

  13. The Holy Order of Saint George






    Saint Jeremias' Monastery outside of Porto. A white clocked man with a Golden cross on the back of his robes enters the old church. Inside armoured soldiers all with the Golden cross across their immaculate white Iberian armour.


    "Brothers! The Muslim threat is near! The Caliphate's at our shores! God is forgiving but he also punishes! WE ARE IS WRATH WE ARE HIS FIST WE ARE THE DEFENDORS OF THE CROSS! DEUS MAGNUS, CUM GRATIA DEO!"


    The cloack fell off the man. His armour looked heavier and more resistant then the normal soldiers in the rest of the Monastery's Church. The men cheered raising their weapons.




    The Order is still a new-ish organization. Although new they have many Heaquarters in Porto, Madrid and a smaller one in London. They made their money from mysterous funds ((If any mod wants more detail on who funded them, ask me on skype. Also note that these headquarters are secret, the priests and monks in the monastery do not say a word of the order)). Beneath the old monastery a lab was built over a good meters of granite so that the common folk and pass byers could not hear a sound. There a new type of body armour was getting studied.((Mod pls))



    They now start mobilizing recruiting young christians to fight for God. Their numbers now range to the 200.000 many deserters from the Iberian army, Since they're low numbers they do no focus on shock tactics, but on more tactical and number conserving tactics. They also use more light tanks instead of heavy tanks, as well as fast moving armoured cars with heavy machine gun (given by the funder).


    They start lighting assaults on Caliphate troops in the couth of spain, attempting to reduce their numbers. They come and go as lighting never striking at the same time as before trying to make the troops paranoid.

  14.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33XotuYs-io&list=FLRIkSAFjAmDU5C_k-pV8f-A&index=10 


    The Bells of Petrus rang as a man with grey hair, dressed in immaculate white robes with a lorraine cross lied on the Cathedral’s altar. Father Branaford addressed the Bishop.

    “Today we lay rest to his eminence, Bishop Kristoff, born Kristoffer Adolfus Wittlebach von Herrick. He was a dedicated Pastor, even though his diocesal reign was short in Petrus many know him in Leuvaarden simply as, Father Kristoff. Now we pray to the Saints and Aenguls to grant him safe passage across the gateways of the Skies.”

    The Father opened a book of prayers.

    “Oh God, most merciful and powerful grant Bishop passage to your first creation. Oh Aenguls and Saints watch over him as he walks towards the Gates of Paradise. May he rest in peace among the Martyrs and Saints Amen.”


    After the words of the Father two order men lifted Kristoff’s body off the altar gently putting him on a stretcher. They and a congregation of a few faithful and friends follow as a few monks go in front of the order men singing Flexio chant while they carry him.





    After some walking they get to Leuvaarden. They open a small grave humble, like the Bishop asked in his will. A soft hymn is heard from the monks and general populous as they mourn they’re old Bishop. Abbot Jude says a few words to the Congregation.

    “Kristoff was a devout men...He should’ve had a quiet death, not be murdered by dwarves, Let’s all pray.”

    Abbot Jude lowers his head as does the small congregation of people, they mutter a prayer before laying him to rest covering the body.


    OOC: RIP Kistoff my first char in LoTC.

  15. Name: 

    Yari Bezel


    I have seen 18 summers and 17 winters, but I am told I may be older.


    I was told the old capital in the fringe. 

    Criminal Record:

    None sirs, I have lived by the law of the creator faithfully all my time.

    [Mc Name]: GreatUncleanOne

    [skype (can send privately)]: You have it!

    Bishop Kristoff sends a bird to him. "Acceoted report to either Bishop Kristoff in Petrus or Bishop Humbert in Leuvaarden, or you can go to his Holiness if you wish."

  16. Iberian Union




    The Iberian Federation was no more. The King put all lands under his direct command starting the Iberian Union. This new Monarchical power made some people angry but they had to worry about the Germans now thus they didn't do anything. Drafting as started, now the army as about 500.000, 300.000 Highly Experianced men (some even fought in the Franco-Iberian war) abd 200.000 irregulars. All fitted with their battle armour. In Paris the french battalions held there defended with tooth and nails. 




    The regiments now wavered and everyday more and more died. If the German troops push one more time Paris will fall. Although About 150.000 Iberian troops are moving closer and closer to Paris, with tanks fitted with the new plasma tech given to them by the British. In Iberia and France more and more propaganda is placed saying: "Don't let the Nazis enter our lands, join the Army! For King and Country!" 100.000 French men joined the army. They formed militias and now strike the south where the Germans don't have their core military, they attempt to push north. Although they are not alone. The Iberian air force does many air strikes in important cities as well as 50.000 Regular and Irregular Iberian troops join, with some plasma weaponary.



    Blue dots: Air Strikes.



    They also start placing said plasma weapons on to their Artilery. They ask the T.R.A.C Nation for Oil for any Iberian goods they would want, from food to weapons.


    OOC EDIT: Only some tanks have plasma thingies. Those are going to Paris.

  17. United Federation of Iberia.


    Things were silent from the Iberian Government. They discussed how they would obtain oil. The House of Chancellors and the King came to an agreement. 'We either fight for oil or we start our own research a new substitute.' King Afonso said. Most of the House agreed, so their three most known Universities would start researching it after they've been done with the new weapon systems. The Universities of Bandajoz, Madrid and Coimbra now worked on a way to find some of substitute for oil. The new weapon and bullets they've researched had also just been finished.




    The Gun called the T-89 Caribine Hispania now could fire a new armour piercing bullet and even older models. New manufactoring of this military grade weapon is started and infantry starts to train with it.A Non-Agreesion pact is sent to Germany along with offer for them to visit the triving nation of Iberia. The new Skyscrapper is finished, new businesses flourish and trive and the people in Lisbon rejoice. Projects in Madrid and Barcelona are also planed. Even with this new technological advancement a new religious wave hit Iberia. Propaganda like: "Fight for Iberia and do God's will" are spred across the country. Churches priviously empty now fill with the parishes, new government funded Churchs Cathedrals and general holy places are planed.More investments are put forward into Iberia for raw materials so new production lines in Iberia can be opened. They send a request to any country (exept the Caliphate states) with oil to have a oil trade agreement with Iberia for general electronic goods or building goods ((Mod Pls)). Even though the world seems to fall Iberia is still growing, but for how long?

  18. Character name(out of curiosity):Luca Pio Visonti


    Minecraft Name:pheonix330








    Reference as of hair style / face / skin: http://prntscr.com/6m512p < His hair. His skin is a pale but not to pale.


    Specific hair color / eye color / face: His hair is black, his eyes are brown and his face/skin is pale but not too pale.


    Reference as of clothing attire:http://prntscr.com/6m55oj Like this. The pants can just be brown/black the shoes as well.


    Specific clothing colors:The screenshot as it 


    Agreed price:450. Maybe more.

  19. United Federation of Iberia


    The King now adressed his people.


    "People of Iberia, I come with sad news. Yes, sad news indeed, another war. Not with Europe this time it's abroad. The Caliphate marches closer and closer to our shores."


    The king pauses taking a deep breath.


    "How much time until they conquer moroco and march up to Iberia? How much time until they destroy our churches, kill our children, and force Sharia law upon ourselves?"


    King Anfonso speaks with fervour.


    "No! I say no! I shall not let that happen! I shall not let the God forsaken terrorists take over Europe. We the Iberians fought them off once, and we shall again! We shall fend off the muslim threat! We shall destroy the caliphate and destroy the cresent moon! God wills it!"

    Iberia gives it's body armour blueprints to Britain, in turn they'll give them energy weapons blueprint once they finish it.

    With this new fervour many young men sign up for the army. Now at the strength of about 300.000 men total. They send about 100.000 of those with the new tech. They also send many AFVs SPGs and a few Tanks.

    They also ask for trade agreement with Angola. They promise food for oil ((Mod pls)) And any other country with oil that isn't Muslim and needs food is also sent the request.

    Iberia starts re-building old structures in their cities making them more modern. Iberia also starts building the first skyscrapper in Lisbon. ((Mod Pls))


    Name: Roger Morgenthau

    Age: 21

    Birthplace: Petrus

    Criminal Record: None.

    [Mc Name]: AndrewTech

    [skype (can send privately)]: (It'll be given privately)


    "Accepted, Report to Bishop Kristoff in Petrus, Bishop Humbert in Leuvaarden or His Holiness High Pontiff Daniel I"

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