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Posts posted by Endovelicus

  1. Ecthallion reads the thesis with quivering hands, an expression of scarcely controlled rage gracing his features. "Has this man lost sight of the ultimate wish of the Creator? To spread this teachings across the realm that he crafted with his own hands? Does he stumble so easily into the pitfall that many Sons of Horen have fallen prey to, the belief that they are somehow superior to other descendants? That it is only they who have been chosen to carry out the work of the Creator?" he rants, slamming the paper on the table, before storming out of his quarters to visit the fencing yard. "By God himself, if these acolytes are the best the Church has to offer, I'll have to do something about it myself.!" 

    "Gott choose Horen not Malin." Jürgen would say.

  2. Gran Republicate duc Campestribus


    People waited outside the old building of the ministry of agriculture, now the new Parliament. It had been hastily cleared and furnished at the increased demands of the Syndicalists. Five parties were given seats in the new parliament, The Unitarian Syndicalist Party, The Loyalist Faction, The Reactionary Democratic Party, The Patriotic Party and The Constitutionalist Party. The title of Gran Mercant Princep was abolished and the title of Caecer is created as head of state and the title of Gran Conçul. Campestribus was not the Mercantilist Republic it once was. Not it is a Parlimentary one.




    The Caecer (old Gran Princep) open more trading opportunities with the rest of Evropa. Opening trade posts with Windsoria and Transnistria. Making Campestribus a trading power again. Trading offers are sent to Oceanus and Amerigo.




    Colonization continues 20.000 civilians are sent to colonize the new territory, accompanied by 30.000 soldiers to supplement the current garrison of 20.000. Half of the Campestribian navy is sent to the small island over Novum Ceuta. They shell the island and move their sailors armed with military grade weapons to destroy any pirate den that may be there.


    Invention Type (Military/Civilian/Etc): Civilian

    Invention Name: The Transport Zeppelin

    Inventor: Hadrieno Carles.

    Description (At least a DETAILED paragraph): A behemoth of a aircraft. Helium is /very/ tightly packed so more and more can be stored making it able to carry more weight. It has a firm and rigid steel frame and a light sheathing of steel protecting the helium bags. It can carry a lot more cargo than just a normal zeppelin although more costly than a normal cargo ship it is a lot safer to travel by air then by sea.

    Page time to invent: 9

    Concept Image(s): http://gyazo.com/f0e7c4aaa0ae766372989d47a507a0f3

    -- Reminder that Inventions cost 10,000 upfront to Fund

  3. Forum Name: You can see it.
    Desired Nation: The Order of Saint Michael and the Temple. (Catholic Holy Order under ths service of the Pope. Based in Castelo di sant'angelo).
    Government Type:Monastic Order.
    Do you agree to the rules?:Bread over too much butter Butter spread over too much bread.
    Nation Leader name: Giovanni Perrino.
    Nation Leaders political views (Communist, Nazi, Tory, Conservative, Religious, etc): Ultra-Catholic

  4. Campestribus Response


    “What?! How dare those thieves raid our shores and our ships?!”


    The Grand Princep slams his fist into the table in the Mercantile Palace’s conference hall.


    “Grand Admiral, you must and you will put an end to this. Are we clear?”


    “Yes sir. The navy will assemble a plan.”




    The Navy officers convened in the naval base in Valenza. They sent small scouting ships, quick and small, they scout the pirate ships to find them scattered raiding the straight. The Admiral and other officers start planning. A three front attack, since they are scattered one solid attack would most likely make them join together, thus the 30 ship strong navy would divide into three groups.  




    Each small fleet would have 1 dreadnought 2 cruisers 3 destroyers 2/1 frigates 2 corvettes ((2/1 meaning that the one on the left only has one frigate)), the middle fleet’s job would be to separate two pockets of ships, if successful it would divide the pirate fleet into two small and heavily unorganized fleets. The Dreadnoughts, Cruisers and Destroyers would bombard the pirate vessels and the frigates and corvettes would do quick strikes and retreat, generally dreadnought 2 cruisers 3 destroyers 2/1 frigates 2 corvettes aiming for fuel and ammo storage in the ships while the heavier ones would bombard the deck. One Zepplin would even fly over dropping bombs, although much of them would miss it would mostly be to confuse the pirates, of course said zepplin would fly above the range of the ship's cannons, only dropping below that when the ship was too busy defending himself and was not looking up at the skies. Once ready the crew inside would drop one or two bombs and quickly rise up.

  5. Gran Republicate duc Campestribus

    Grand Republic of Campestribus




    After the expansion to the mountains being successful the state issued a decree giving the land to any company that wishes to mine in the rich mountains, as long as they are willing to give the state 10%  of the ore. With the excess of ore the state makes an effort to sell it with their own trading vessels across the globe.



    With the new advancements in flight with the invention of the “Carrier Zeppelin” a industrialite Enrique des Reix made a deal with the British Oligarchs. He would set up a factory to build these new military zeppelins and he would keep 1 of 3.


    -50.000§ Princeps


    With the new Whale Oil fuel new whaler businesses are thriving. Especially in Novum Ceuta, where one third of Campestribus whales are fished. These whales then are transported to the mainland where they are processed for food and their oil.





    With the successful colony of Novum Ceuta being a beacon of Evropian supremacy in the Afrikan continent, the state sends 16.000 more people, one group of 8.000 go east to set up the colony of Novum Eborae and another 8.000 go east to set up the colony of Gran Baia. 10.000 soldiers that were in the northern mountains are moved south to supplement the colony’s garrisons. They meet up with the southern regiment as they prepare to move south again.




    The colonial regiment of 20.000 troops move south (light blue area), they attempt to secure the area and subdue any resistance.


    A trade is made is Eyerland, 250 raw diamonds for 10.000 princeps. This supplemented with the gold reserves of the mines would spark the jewelry sector of the economy. Their main buyers (of the jewels) would most likely be the Evropian Federation, Windsoria and Eyerland itself.


    Manpower: 100.000 remain (The other 100.00 are conscripted and 20.000 are deployed).

    Money: 10.000§ Princeps.



  6. Gran Republicate duc Campestribus




    The Staff meeting in Valenza was going on, as usual people from the military, clergy and common worker. Dom Emmanuhel de Novum Lisbona, Gran Mercant Princep Joan Valentinianus, Supremus General Hadrian-duc-Sanctus and Leader of the Syndicates Gil Hugh are all present in the big conference table in the Grand Merchant’s palace.


    “Our economy as shrunk, as you all know. Mostly because we have lost our trade capabilities. I’d say we move north and south. We retake ancient lands that belonged to our dear empire of antiquity, and we take the mountains, filled with the precious ores our growing economy so desperatly needs.”


    The Gran Princep sits down as he finishes speaking.

    The Supreme General stands up.


    “I do agree with the Princep, not only do we need resources but we also need to have some sort of ground to test our soldiers. And this could also cement our standing as a legitimate nation with a powerful military.”


    Dom Emmanuhel stands as the General sits.


    “The people of the unmarked lands have for too long forgotten God. The men of the south still cling to their old prophet and to their ‘allah’. I say we end it and bring them to the light.”


    The old cleric sits as the syndicalist stands.


    “But what about the people? Will you forget them? We work tirelessly day and night to feed this country and you want us to make us do /more/?! And how many families will be torn when their children go to these new lands? What if they die?! What then? I say no to this!”


    The Gran Princep speaks up.


    “Measure will be made to...better your working condition...Now, as for the /soldiers/ dying not only will we provide aid to the family as well as support. But let’s not forget that /they/ signed to fight for their country. They aren’t children they can make up their mind. Now, let us vote. I vote yes.”










    10.000 Soldiers are sent to the northern regions ((Light Blue)), too subdue any locals that object and to ensure peace and stability. While, 10.000 troops as well as 8.000 civilians are sent via steamboat south.




    The 8.000 civilians are sent by the General in charge of this occupation and they settle near the sea, and they name the settlement Novum Ceuta ((Black Dot)), while the soldiers do a general ‘cleaning’ procedure in the area before they go south to exert a ‘zone of control’. [Mod Please]

  7. TAeISZz.png


    Gran Republicate duc Campestribus

    Grand Republic of Campestribus

    The Grand Republic of Campestribus was founded many years ago by various merchant cities in the isle of planicia. After The War of the Spices between various trading cities banded together making Del Uniunem duc Sul (The Union of the South), a union of trade, mainly focused on monopolizing the trade in the region. The Union grew and even started small trading colonies across the world, their motto being “The riches must flow.”, they traded with about anyone willing.




    (Valenza at it’s peak. Circa 1000 A.N)


    After the Union of the South grew richer and richer and the cities in the north were getting starved of trade by their bigger sisters they reluctantly joined the Union. Finally creating the Gran Republicate duc Camepestribus, a new flag was commissioned (top), with the flags of the two major cities (Valenza and Sancta Isabela) and the cross of Saint George an archaic symbol of the old power known as “The British Imperium” a mysterious power house of old.




    After the fall of the bombs and the retardation of civilization only one prominent organization truly stayed in the shred of civilization, that being the remnants of the Catholic Church. With the old city of Rome destroyed a new and prominent city rose, Novum Roman, New Rome. This was the last shred of civilization in the southern half of Planicia, thus it is now called Pieatas Mater or Pious Mother, since the trading cities were born from Novum Roman. Thus neo-Catholicism is the official religion of the state, although there has been a sharp increase in religious freedom in Campestribus.

    The turn of the century has began, and also the Campestribian election. A man named Joan Valentinianus (a prominent mercantile family) as won the elections, although many suspect him of bribery to major councillors (councillors have double votes) and ministers (triple votes), yet no one truly has the courage to speak up.




    Joan speaks to the council of ministers and councillors:


    “Salve friends, minister, councillors and people of Campestribus,

    Today you’ve elected me, and I shan't fail you. For years now our trade power as decreased, our motto has been defrocked of it’s true meaning! For too many years have we stood watch and done nothing as power hungry dogs of other nations have ripped our trading empire apart, but not today! Today, we stand! Today we recover our former glory! The riches must flow!


    With the help of God we shall forge a new life, not only for us for the other nations of the world! We shall teach them our culture to better the world! From Windsoria too Afrikaania they shall, from now on, know the name of the Gran Republicate duc Campestribus!”




    Gran Mercant Princep Joan order the betterment of the docks in Valenza (National Trade Hub) -25.000§ Princeps

    Invention Type (Military/Civilian/Etc):Civilian/Military

    Invention Name:Refined Whale Oil.

    Inventor:Gustavo Federico.

    Description (At least a DETAILED paragraph): Whale Oil was is an oily substance extracted from whale fat, it was first observed by Gustavo Federico as vagabonds used it to stoke their fires. Gustavo, being a wealthy man decided to try and refine it. The refinement process makes it highly volatile, but, with a special engine it can be used in vehicles, as well, with some tinkering, normal coal generators but instead of coal the refined oil can be used.

    Page time to invent:4

    Concept Image(s): http://prntscr.com/7v95i2

    -10,000§ Princeps

    The Gran Mercant Princep also order the training of 100.000 troops from the national manpower.

    After a meeting with the Evropian Premiere a loan of 25.000§ Princeps is sent to him, in an agreement that he pays back 30.000§ Princeps.

    Remaining Money: 40.000§ Princeps

    Remaining Manpower: 100.000 men.

  8. Nation Name:Campestribus

    Culture(ie. Latin influence/Asian Influence/Etc.):A mixture if Iberian as well as neo-latin cultures. And a bit of British.

    History:When the world was thrown into chaos the Iberian people banded together, not only did they have similar language and religion they also had the same cultural ideals. (Will add more tomorrow when its not two am)

    Did you find the “If you read this? ” (put the secret word):Buckets

  9. The Hjo Tribe




    With the new highly unorganized farming and the surplus of people Hkal decides it’s time to start training man for fighting.




    Weapons made of sharp flint and wood are produced ((Assuming since there’s no metal I’d have those)), spears of the very same materials are also produced. Shields made from wood and leather of the wild life. This weaponry should be enough to equip 500 men from the ages of 16-45.




    100 men are sent north to scout for a new plants, animals and suitable places to settle. And 50 men are sent south to do the same. ((Mod Please))



    Hkal leads the remaining people of his tribe men and women, elders and children to the top of the biggest hill on the region, there he told the men to chop down any trees or tall flora. There he sat at midday, he started drawing the suns, hieroglyphs and other mysterious shapes on the clay. Then he told all of the people to form circles around those drawing, and then told them all to start dancing in circles and chant “Ja’lal jhakar.” Bright one protect us in the Hjo language, a long forgotten . After some minutes the clay had hardened, Hkal told everyone to stop and said.

    “Ja’lal is the creator of the planet, his great fires warm us and keeps us safe! We have forgotten Him since our far travels, but not anymore. Today we shall pay homage to Him once again! For He led us to the land where it is always warm! This clay is sacred, it shall depict the tales of Him told by our great ancestors! Ja’lal jhakar!”

    “Ja’lal jhakar!”

    Some Hjo were slightly confused, others embraced the old forgotten deity of their people, but all heeded their chieftain’s word. Soon after they were all on their knees facing east where the sun rises shouting: “Ja’lal jhakar, Ja’lal hajlak.” The Bright One protects, The Bright One is merciful.




    With their old faith restored Hkal’s power had grown, since he was now the head of the priesthood and representative of Ja’lal’s will. Hkal’s first order was for 50 warriors left behind to capture some leopards, they’ve been seen before and Hkal knew they were great hunters. If they did find any leopards they’d attempt and tame them. ((Mod Please))





  10. The Hjo Tribe




    Hidden in betwixt the river beds lies a lush rain forest, filled with rich fauna and flora, hidden treasures of the past lay forever forgotten on the untamed wilderness. Only one tribe of people manage to live in such a wild place. A people that suffered great tragedies, a people who almost died centuries ago. A people truly forgotten. Once the proud sons of the plains, they thrived, and were once a great race until the lack of hunt meant they had to move. Most of them died of starvation, brutal winters or plagues, but after years and years of traveling the Hjo finally discovered their new homeland, determined to set up a new home.



    The Hjo people have finally settled in the river banks of the Kaljorn river as they call it. They’ve begun fishing for sustenance.


    Some Hjo women have started to attempt and plant local fruit trees around by accident, it seems they may start learning the art of farming soon. ((Mod Please))


    Some Hjo elders have climbed the mountains and have started counting the moon passages and have started to make rough estimations on how long a day, a month and a year might be. ((Mod Please))


    The Hjo people have chosen a new leader, Hkal, a mystic of sorts.

  11. -OOC-
    Forum Name:You can see it
    Skype (Optional):thepheonix330
    Did you read the rules/Introduction?:Mhm
    Secret Words:No Magic
    Race Name:Hjo
    Settled or Nomadic:Settled
    Brief Description:The Hjo are an invovative people, always geared towards the stars and other unknown objects. They are obssesed over geometrical shapes (although very few hunderstand them). They are basic humans. Although they do are obsessed with the unknown they do have a strong warriour class, although perhaps not as powerful has others.




    This is where I'd like to be located.

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