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Posts posted by Endovelicus

  1. Stephen nods, reading the work of his brother Wigbrechtian. He places it upon his home altar, dipping his head gently as he takes out his pipe, lighting it and taking a heavy drag. “The new Wigbrechtian Theological Movement, focusing on a personal relation with God and Theosis as well as the modus by which God operates on an individual basis with each believer ushers in a new time of personal and common piety in contrast with the more abstract and distant view of God in ages past.” He writes to a weekly canonist periodical being published later that Saint’s Week.




    Penned by

    Stephen Carolus, Wigbrechtian Tertiary, Esq.


    Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat granted by

    His Excellency, Abram Virgilius Calistovich, Archdiocese of Caeruleum 



    The Rendering of the Void during the End Times, by Christopher FitzBishop, Circa 1677.





    This treatise on Salvific Theology is in part dedicated to His Holiness James II, to whom I swear fidelity as his most faithful son in God, to my friend, His Excellency Bram, Archbishop of Caeruleum. Furthermore, I beseech the illumination of Exalted Siegmund, the prayers of Saint Jude,  Blessed Wigbrecht, and the aid of God, so that I may write truthfully.





    God is, as revealed by the Holy Scrolls through the Sacred Prophets, all-knowing and all-powerful. It was He that in the very beginning made all the planes of existence (Godfrey 1:2-5), and it was He who commanded all the Aenguls and Daemons to build the firmaments and create the living creatures of lesser intellect (Godfrey 1:10-13), and it was He who made and breathed life into the First Coupling, the progenitors of the Four Brothers (Godfrey 1:27-30). No being nor construct is above Him, for He made them all. So too time does this rule apply. Time is a mere construct, it has its ultimate foundation in matter. For, we divide time according to the movement of the Sun or of the swing of a pendulum, and since God begets matter and matter begets time so does God beget time.


    With the supremacy of God over time established we must now establish His relationship with time itself. For God, there is neither past nor present nor future. He simply stands above all time and acts as He wishes to act. If someone prays for the wellbeing of all, God may take said prayer that was uttered in 1732 and distribute His grace on a group not yet born, or even for a group already dead, because while the faithful may pray now, God does not use the context of now. For God everything that has happened, is happening and will ever happen is at His disposition and control.


    It is now that the main question unfolds. If God has supremacy over time in all aspects, does He not determine if someone is saved or damned? Does He not know the ultimate destiny of each soul before the individual is even born?





    As stated in Holy Scripture, God is our Father (Horen 1:5-6), and like any father, His aim is our ultimate satisfaction, here on earth through virtue and the worldly pleasures He has given us, and later union and theosis with Him in the Skies (Horen 3:3-4). Seeing as it is God’s ultimate will for us to be saved, and there are people who are damned (Siegmund 2:44-45), and seeing as God is our Father and a father’s ordered aim is the good of their progeny God cannot be evil, it, therefore, follows that any of the damned are damned due to their own Free Will. 


    If God, therefore, does not will for the damnation of some and the salvation of other, but rather the salvation of all of those who wish to heed His word: there is no unconditional election, wherein all are either saved or damned according to His whim, but a conditional election of all those who wish to be saved, which he knows due to his position outside of time. 


    The condition upon which the salvation of the individual depends upon is, very clearly, the reception of baptism at the hands of His priesthood (Godfrey 5:23-24). Thusly without baptism and the reception into God’s salvific plan, there is no salvation for the soul of the individual because he was never called in the first place. 



    The reception into God’s salvific plan, should, in most cases, only be received by those of Human descent. Because only Horen, the father of Humanity, was chosen to carry God’s covenant through the baptism at Gamesh (Godfrey 2:33-38), the Gentile races, the various children of Malin, Urguan and Krug, need only follow the precepts of the Scroll of Virtue in order to be redeemed. This, however, means that they shall not receive perfect communion with the creator at the end of times when Iblees and his servants are destroyed, they shall instead be given dominion over a new cleansed earthly paradise (Siegmund 3:11-13) that is, nevertheless, outside of the Skies and therefore not a place of supernatural spiritual rejoicement and perfect theosis, but one of supernatural worldly happiness. 




    Due to the fall of Iblees, disobedience and doubt, and therefore sin, became ingrained in the material world. As one can see through careful reading of the Holy Scrolls, shortly after the fall of Iblees the four brothers began to lose faith in God without any external incentive to do so (Godfrey 2:2 & Godfrey 2:5-7). Thusly it was Iblees’ ‘non serviam!’ towards God that doomed the material world and the spirit of the four descendants into gradual decay. This further explains our constant nature as exiles from previous continents, as some leviathan or natural disasters drives us further and further away. This also explains the necessity for the regeneration of the fallen world at the end times (Sigismund 3:4-10).


    The salvation of those who wish to join in the covenant with God comes through Prevenient Grace, or grace that comes before the act of man. Being all-knowing, God grants graces to those who He knows will accept it, and being outside of time He acts before man, in order to conform his soul to Him (Horen 2:5). This is necessary because without supernatural grace the soul cannot truly yearn for God and wish to be with him due to our sinful nature as outlined before.



  3. Prince-Abbacy of

    San Anselmo







     Started by the hermit, Saint Anselm the Lesser, the town grew around the lonely hermit as shepherds and farmers seeked his holy wisdom, as well as defend themselves from country bandits in the hillock where the saint seeked refuge. Saint Anselm soon found himself with various disciples whom he took under his wing and thus made his own monastic rule, mixing heavy asceticism with a semi-cloistered lifestyle, with the Saint’s motto being: “Urbis Manemus, in Coelo Speramus”, In the City we dwell, in Heaven we hope. This mixture of asceticism with urbanism led to, in the 1000s, after the town of San Anselmo had been raided by various roaming bandit groups, the town folks throwing off the yoke of the Signoria and choosing the Abbot as the local lord. 

     Dom Idelfonse, 5th Abbot of the Order of Saint Anselm, became the Lord San Anselmo and the surrounding pastoral fields. Using the Monastery’s defenses and by contracting mercenaries the Monastery proved a worthy defender of the local people. The Anselmites’ influence quickly spread across the region previously devoid of any strong central authority, with the local mannorial and pastoral lords accepting the monastic rule.


     During the Rupertian War of Unification, in the 1100s, the Anselmites supported the cause of the Prince, sending some meagre troops for the war effort as well as sending some monetary aid. Being one of the few eastern lords to support Rupert, the now King gave some parcels of land to the otherwise impoverished holdings of the Abbot, as well as legally recognising the Anselmites as lords of the local lands, elevating the Abbey into a Princely-Abbey.


     This new growth of land, however, meant that new lords were now under the abbot. Being displeased with this arrangement, in 1197, the northern nobility raised their hosts, fighting a skirmish with the Abbot’s militia near Guilianno’s Well. The battle was inconclusive but with both faction’s financial situation in peril they agreed to sign an agreement, the Abbot would preside over a new Signoria which would vote on various monetary matters. This Signoria was made up of the petty mannorial nobility and the Bonshommes, rich peasants and merchants given access to the Signoria by the Abbot.


      The Order of Saint Anselm the Lesser is not in particularly good relations with the Klangenfurtian church hierarchs, Saint Anselm’s Rule did not sit well with some past Archbishops, who sought to bring the abbey under their control as well as to bring the order’s Regula more in line with Dominican and Benedictine standards. The Anselmites fought against this, even recurring to foreign Bishops to confer holy orders and to tonsure future monks.






    St Anselm the Lesser - 947-964

    Dom Guilemme - 964-973

    Dom Anselm II the Younger - 973-991

    Dom Yyves the Franconian - 991-995

    Dom Idelfonse - 995-1013

    Dom Anselm III the Drunk - 1013-1013 [Deposed]

    Blessed Bernard the Goodly - 1013-1016 [Martyred]

    Dom Hadriano - 1016-1028

    Dom Hughes - 1028-1033

    Dom Idelfonse II the Old - 1033-1066

    Dom Idelfonse III the Third One - 1066-1079

    Dom Ulfo - 1079-1082

    Dom Bruno the Benedictine - 1082-1086 [Deposed]

    Dom Anselm IV - 1086-1087 [Poisoned]


    Period of unrest which led to no abbot being elected - 1087-1093


    Dom Anselm V the Hopeful - 1093-1111

    Dom Giacommo - 1111-1127

    Dom Bernard II - 1127-1140

    Dom Reinhard the Styrian - 1140-1151

    Dom Ulfo II - 1151-1159


    Ulfo II officially recognised as Prince-Abbot:




    Dom Ulfo II - 1159-1160

    Dom Carmino - 1160-1164

    Dom Richard the Anglian - 1164-1188

    Dom Gianni - 1188-1204 [Signoria Re-established in 1197]

    Dom Bonifacio the Senile - 1204-1204

    St Frederico the Godly - 1204-1243

    Dom Domingo the Dominican - 1243-1246 [Deposed]

    Dom Hernando the Child - 1246-1305 [Elected as a new-born, most of reign enacted by the Signoria]

    Dom Enrico the Unlucky - 1305-1306 [Killed by the Signoria]


    Coup of the Signoria, monastery is disbanded until being reinstated in 1325 - 1306-1325


    Dom Anselm VI - 1325-1330

    Dom Gianni II - 1330-1337
    Dom Bernard II the Boastful - 1337-1342

    Dom Guerard - 1342-1356

    Dom Frederico II the Boring - 1356-1366

    Dom Johan the Poxy - 1366-1377

    Dom Reinhard II - 1377-1379

    Dom Anselm VII - 1379-







     San Anselmo is a small town of set around the monastery that bears the same name as the town. Began by the hermit, Saint Anselm the Lesser, the town quickly grew as the hillock was defensible against the country bandits. As more and more people came into the hillock and surrounding plains. As the city grew it began holding various leatherworkers, a few smiths, some taverns and a couple of parish churches. 


     The real economic boon of the town, however, is the annual pilgrimage in June, where pilgrims come from many parts of Klagenfurt in order to pray near the relics of Saint Anselm. Every June thousands of pilgrims come and go, leaving plenty of coin as they leave donations to the monastery, they buy food, and sometimes, as they buy women.


     Other than the businesses associated with the pilgrimages, San Anselmo boasts of a thriving leatherworking industry, as every year at the start of Autumn, the various cattle ranchers, be they freemen or serfs of various noble families, bringing their cattle to San Anselmo to be slaughtered. As the meat is cured, salted and traded away, the leather stays, being cured, tanned and made into various products. 


     Alongside all the economic factors San Anselmo is the political and religious center of the region, being where the Palazzo de Signoria is located and where the Abbey of Saint Anselm the Lesser is located. This makes it the most important urban center in the region.


     That being said, San Anselmo is still one of the smallest urban centers of Klagenfurt, with little over than 10.000 inhabitants, being the poorest also. The remaining 80.000 are spread across the Prince-Abbacy, with 5.000 living inside the walled port of San’Angelo in the south.


  4. Just now, NotEvilAtAll said:

    “Excuse meh, Lord Knox is t’eh highes’ deiteh ‘n all o’ exis’ence, nay yeh weirdo GOD. Rollo Applefoo’ an’ t’eh wee folks ‘r t’eh righ’ful rulers o’ all o’ biggunkind.” responds Pervinca Applebrook 

    “You little ones are cute.” Father Gideon, OSJ, comments jovially.

  5. Nation applying for: Crimean Khanate

    BREIF History of your Nation:

    As the Borjigin mongols drove westerwards they came in contact with turkic kipchaks, mixing quickly began as the Borjigin, led by Bodonchar Munkhang, incorporated various kipchak tribes. This mixture of peoples resulted in the “tatars”. Bodonchar settled in the middle of the scythian steppe, dividing his tribe upon his death, his son receiving parts. 


    One of his sons, Bodonchar Batu, known as Batu Khan, led his host south, moving to the old Kingdom of the Bosporus. The greek colony had been in a long state of decline over the centuries, being subject to countless raids from northern steppe peoples, both of turkic and indo-european extraction. This led to an easy occupation of northern crimea. Whilst cities in the north like Tanais along the Don river had fallen, cities like Kimmerikon, Theodosia and Scythian Neapolis resisted the northern advances of the tribes. A local despot had arisen, Alexandros Gabras, claiming the title of “Basileius of Kimmerikon”, and as a military man he proved to be a competent leader, causing the Tartars many defeats. Seeing that the south would not yield Batu Khan approached Alexandros and a compromise was met: Batu would marry one of Alexandros’ daughters and their progeny will inherit both the Khanate and the greek colonies. 


    Batu married Alexandros’ daughter, Athena, the ceremony being performed in both the hellenic and tengri rites. With the death of the aged Alexandros, Batu placed his son, Aegimon (Ayushiridara in Tatar), as Basileius of Kimmerikon. The aged Batu spent the remainder of his life subjugating surrounding tribes and greek colonies.


    Passing away, Aegimon ascended as both Basileius to the greeks, and Khan to his father’s people. The fusion of greek and turkic beginning in his reign. To cement this he took the name of Bargion-Garbas (Bargion being the hellenised version of Borjigin).

    Leader(s): Cassinian II Bargion-Garbas.

    Discord: João#4069




    Discord Name; João#4069


    Nation of Choice (and why?); Vatican


    Head of State: Pope Benedict XVI, kept alive in his Golden Cathedra


    Head of Government: Cardinal Peter Hoffman III, Graf von Wiederhausen-Strassbecken und Leinigen-am-Rhein


    Ideology: RadTrad Catholicism


    Military statistics: 1.000 Elite Swiss Guard, 2 Battle Cruisers, 5 Cruisers, 20 Destroyers


    Did you read all the information?; Yes


    Suggestions or feedback?; N/A



    House Name:
    The High Septon relinquishes all worldly names. But he is known as “the fat one” due to his known gluttony.

    The Great Sept of Baelor.


    The 20th High Septon, known as “the fat one”.

    Who do they bend the knee to?:

    Technically no one, but since the Faith Militant Uprising, the Faith of the Seven and thus its head has been beholden to the Crown.


    The Faith of the Seven.

    Brief History (1-2 Paragraphs):

    It is said that the Seven-Faced God first appeared in Essos, in the mountains and valleys of Andalos. Crowning Hugor of the Hill as King of the Andals. From then on the Faith of the Seven has been integral to the Andalosi and later Westerosi people. After pressure from the Valyrian Freehold a great migration of Andalsoccurredd, many adventurers and second sons of lords and kings left their homeland and invaded Westeros. The First Men and their Old Gods were beaten back, many of the First Man converted to the faith of the Seven-Who-Are-One and intermarried with the andals. The first House that was susceptive to the new faith was the House Hightower, so much so that they built the Starry Sept, the home of the first High Septon and the remaining High Septons until Baelor the Blessed built the Great Sept of Baelor. The Faith of the Seven became prominent within the Andal kingdoms in Westeros, having a strong Faith Militant which served as its scourge to punish sin. This changed when Aegon conquered Westeros. Soon, the united Crown and the Faith came into conflict, the Faith was disgusted at the incestuous relation of the old valyrian family, and in turn, the crown feared an organised and armed religion. Soon after Aegon’s death during the reign of Maegor the Cruel a great war erupted, between the Faith Militant and the Crown, peace was only achieved during the reign of Jaehaerys the Conciliator, where the Crown pledged to protect the Faith and in turn, the Faith would disband the Faith Militant. This, whilst bringing peace, weakened the Faith, making it more or less subservient to the Crown, turning the position of High Septon into a position of foul decadence and sin.


    You have it.

  8. 9 hours ago, Imperium said:


    Nation name: Kingdom of Cilicia

    Population: I can't find any resources that point to a definite number. All I could find said that a large number of Armenians fled to cilicia. I'll let the mod decide what would be appropriate. 

    Summary of History: Cilicia began being inhabited by Armenians during the classical period, but it was only when then turks arrived that a major population shift occurred. Seeking refuge from the Muslim onslaught, many Armenians fled south, seeking refuge in the mountains. After a period in which they were under Byzantine control, Ruben managed to create a Principality for the armenian people. The Armenians in Cilicia are known for their help of the crusaders in their fight to regain the holy land. 

    Discord: already there. 



    Discord Name;João#4069


    Desired State; Minnesota


    History of said State’s history, leadership, and government;

    Minnesota’s first European contact began with the French fur trades who encounters many tribes such as the Sioux and the Ojibwe. Later, the Minnesota territory became part of the greater Louisiana territory until said territory was bought by the United States. After the Louisiana Purchase, the North West Company established Fort Charlotte on Lake Superior this led to a growing attraction of settlers to the Minnesota Territory, most of them from New England. These migrants came for the lumber work and to establish farming homesteads. Near Fort Snelling a group of lumber workers, squatters, farmers and government officials settled, when the army forced them away they moved down river, establishing St. Paul.


    Relations between the natives and the European settlers aren’t good. The current Governor, turned president, Alexander Ramsey  is known to have said: "The Sioux Indians of Minnesota must be exterminated or driven forever beyond the borders of the state." While he supported the potential presidency of Lincoln and the potential freedom of the Blacks he saw the natives as little else than pests.


    Minnesota’s economy is primarily dependent on lumber, having numerous sawmills in its river systems. Agriculture, especially of grains, also makes a rather large percentage of the State’s production.


    Nominal Leader/President/Governor/etc.;


    Alexander Ramsey is the President of the Minnesota Whigs. Anti-slavery but also anti-native American, President Ramsey wishes to expand Minnesota’s economy, especially by acquiring more land from the now federal-less territories in the west.

    The Legislature is overwhelmingly made up of representatives from the Minnesotan Whig Party, a federalist party with agrarian leanings. Heavily anti-native with some anti-catholic leanings as well, they view that the only way that Minnesota can thrive is through its natural resources. The only opposition the party has are from some independents from St Paul, but even then they mostly vote in favor of Whig policies.


    Do you want a Custom Character? If so what’s their name and background? (Can only start in low level positions of power); Frederik Steinback, 24, a migrant of Scandinavian origin. After his father’s passing in Norway, Steinback used his inheritance to buy a sawmill near St Paul. A hardworking man, poised to make a great fortune.

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