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Posts posted by _Jandy_

  1. AD_4nXfnjlTDGMYDxu39HgKc_20fZSAQVmqP1VagwBBz15jE8gzO7mGRQKfgZ3FhWxmHJ8CNY0CUrWOCvyFM0X6IpVjZpCMf9c0klPPwE0e8M-pjDU7G63B7lCgu5CXP6zERsGG3zbh1WZ5w-qC_rUm9KqtdNT8?key=vNADm9iPlSmWc-BzQg1-5g




    Previously: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237769-a-mirage-in-the-sands

    The recent vision that the ape held was seared into the mind of the Zarei. 




    The now malformed Hei-Zhu found himself contemplating the prophecy of Hou-shen. The first Hou of Metztli. The one who had truly achieved balance. 



    His teachings cultivated a culture of monastic life which nestled in Asul’s Poisoned Jungle. His disciples were those who could manipulate the Chi which lay dormant in the nature around them.


    Mori-Yu looked to the jungles of the world now. Hideous, assaulted, vandalized. There was no respect for the nature of the world. Introspection was overwhelming and the ape realized, as had been done to his form, had been done to the jungles of this world. As had been done by the state dubbed-



    Disgust turned the stomach of the Rakaal. His gut yearned for flesh and this sensation only drove the fiend to further disgust. He had been a fool and now he was a monster. Perhaps he was still capable of doing something right, even now. It was foretold that Hou-Shen would return and Mori-Yu sought now to be the catalyst.


    The jungles must be cleansed. The Ape-Father must be appeased. Balance must be offered.

    Banish the mortals from the jungles.

    Sacrifice the Kharajyr.

    Unite the last of the Hou.


    The ape established notices around the wretched state of Vikela:

    Leave now. This jungle is not safe for you. This is the destined territory of the Hou.

    A new Huangdi, Mori-Yu, has ascended and wears the Jade Crown.

    Undying. Unrelenting. Unyielding.


    Hou-Shen shall return.



    im a rogue monkey agent

    a super soldier eco terrorist

    gorilla chi monk extremist

    a demonic ape enigma lone wolf


  2. AD_4nXfX8sCcyi8t4d0wEYbrbbbKn1lwjyAN2EhBkmkD67Fv91h7loR_VHKgOcK-sAshB55ToDSkk_snImYk25StnApB8y_EY83GIYSAo0qmYkgQKkuIZZvOGvqBSc7NMJ2UnRFMDX3827gtIP2xDPs2gg3a3xI?key=xFQ3ulPE3gKQO8CVfrZ46g








    Previously - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237385-infernal-tresspass



    Coarse sands whipped across the desert's coast as the warriors rode out. Spurring forth resistant steeds which carried man, demon, magi, and construct alike, they sought in vain for their enemy until the sun rose to its zenith. Harsh heat reverberated off of the dune, their tongues dried in their maws, the beasts of burden refused to trudge further and were abandoned. In the horizon a swirling sandstorm raged towards them but the Norns and Ibleesians were eager to find their foes. They had traveled from cursed jungle and wretched tundras alike in search of this battle.


    The mortals in their heavy northern furs were the first to bare witness to the great ape, Mori-Yu, as he climbed the steepled sands and gazed down upon them. Quickly to his side came a four armed rakaal, a shambling darkstalker, and a heavily robed voidmage whose garments rebuffed the buffeting gales of grain. 


    The Azdrazi uruk, Daahd’Lur, was flanked by the Thegn of Solgaard, the Thegn’s trusted construct companion, a voidal magi who was surprisingly well armored, and a loyal sage. The warriors surged up the slope, fighting the sands which fell away under heel. Demons attempted to hurl spears which stood no chance in the wind. Alchemical vials similarly were thrown to little effect, being carried away at once and disappearing. The sandstorm overtook the combatants and they lost sight of foe and ally ~



    Mori-Yu broke through the wall of the sandstorm with a great leap and the sight sunk the demon’s stomach. Tens of thousands of dead Hou-Zi floated atop a great red river which coarse through a jungle. The current coursed around the ancient temple of Asul. Gold walls and spires shimmered in moonlight as the Zarei approached, trudging through the waters which turned corpses of those who were once kin. The malformed Hei-Zhou stepped from the tide of corpses, his body washed in gore and bile, as he stepped under the archway. He approached the colossal seated statue of Hou-Shen, the progenitor of the simic creations of Metztli. The statue seemed unphased by it’s nightmarish surroundings, the pungent smell of rot did not infiltrate inanimate nostrils. The eyelids of the golden monkey monk were snapped shut and bore no witness to the corpses of apes which bobbed like flotsam. The legends of Hou-Shen always prophesied his return though when Mori-Yu knelt before the figure, the plaque reading ‘In the dawn’s light he returns; wisdom and harmony abound him.’ Despair struck the beast, he could not even recall the last time he had seen another of Hou-Shen’s children alive. “Is this the dawn which heralds your return? We must all pass and relinquish attachment to our lives?” The ancient monk wept, the tears warping his vision. As he peered through welled eyes his skin had returned to its rough gray with black patches of fur, he wore the green robes of a monk once more. 


    The ape turned away from the statue of Hou-Shen to see that flames danced over trees beyond the sea of corpses. The inferno threatened to cross the threshold and ravage the temple. Mori-Yu, now once more in his former body - Chen-Yu, lept into action and he began to fight the flames with the only liquid available. He shoveled blood from the river onto the daring walls of flame which would press towards him. The blood of brothers and sisters alike, it was unthinkable what he must do. 


    The Hei-Zhu looked around for help and he witnessed others knee deep in the torrent of gore helping to fight the encroachment of flames. The Norns, the Lur who contested his tower, the four armed Rakaal, and a voidmage. A handful of blood at a time they would successfully douse the shore and stymie the encroaching blaze ~


    The sand swept over the party, the red eyes of the uruk, Daahd’Lur, only seeing through the great storm through some esoteric rite or ritual performed upon him before the dawn of the battle; it mattered little. He passed through the sands and into a swamp laden with corpses. Those of his underlings and allies, the trees and spirits which he worshiped, were silent, and nothing came from them but whimpers. Ash. Desolation. Lands he had once found lush and beautiful, perhaps even suitable for settlement, were torn from their roots and before they lay that heretical figure, that wicked shrine: Bal'ance. 


    The monstrous shroud carried the Swiv in his jaw amongst the wild animals he had begun killing for sport. He rushed down the pathway and away; though he was no coward, the mere sight of it frightened him, and he did not know why. He pushed himself against cover, a nearby building, and whilst peering inside, he saw machinations as unfit for morality, an elaborate system of execution, and evil- torturous devices of war. Then he turned to flee to the woodlands he had seen in the distance but found them gone. In their place was a singular tree, but it was no ordinary tree- it twisted and turned and warped itself about. It spoke to him. 


    “Five,” it said, though its meaning was nothing. It contorted—now it was there talking and showing the number. This tree, a manifestation of some unknown power, seemed to hold a key to his fate. 

    Hold the key. He turned, and Bal'ance had made its way to ****** him with its jaws. Dark. Light. 


    He awoke. ~


    Through the sandstorm trudged the once-ghoul, Goibbled, the coarse desert sand sanding down the bone of its new form. With time the skeletal undead reached the eye of the storm, where it witnessed its comrades and foes battling hordes of  large, green, lizard-like beings - the Shuul. Thoughts of the vision that flooded its memory over decades ago raced through its thoughts, “Dey invaded? Kere? Wyyy?”. These thoughts quickly faded into reality as it overlooked the ongoing battle: Must. Flat.


     With hurried steps it advanced towards the nearest Shuul warrior, black abyssal smog quickly forming around its appendages. The lizard-warrior stood no chance, taken by surprise by the Nascent as the green beast battled with the Thegan; a war-axe of necrotic origin split the beast’s head open like a ripe watermelon. 


    From within the intense fighting, the Darkstalker saw the inferi-Houzi, Mori-Yu battling an aged Shuul warrior, atop its head a crown. ~


    The construct dubbed ‘Warlock’ whirred and buzzed from beneath a mound of sound, emitting a lone beep. 



    The server crashed 6 times in 2 hours and we were unable to have our  scheduled CRP event. We played bedwars instead.


    RPly our characters collapsed and each had visions of fighting beside each other. It seems that the squabble over the desert fortress is laid to rest as the uneasy allies seek to materialize their visions and work towards fighting common enemies.




  3. MC Name: _jandy_


    Discord: taxseason




    Description of Image: An oyashiman wanted poster of a terrible demonic hou-zi


    Dimensions: 1x1

  4. The Infernal Ape of Hexicanum tended to his wound, watching as the fiends of the Cursed Forest savaged the fallen adventurers. The Old Man had not the strength of the recent Haensetti Knight, nor the renowned Adrian General, but he fought nonetheless. That was more than could be said for many mortals that he encountered. The Rakaal, when his wound had been tended to, would stand in order to prepare for the battle that was to transpire at The Bloodmon Tower.




  5. xLpUqd6g78MGlG1nu69DU1wxWjL-LO0fqWRRxVOoOD2CLznKBrPX_ZkAK8asqnTxO3RTyr9AzZpOzwPkHg8xMn83YWuO-fX1ZMuuaaWc5NxZEqk4ljrmRdVPMCa1r4VnoqYfzRBRIG0mrTMIUun9cjQ





    Previously: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237333-the-apes-claim


    Monkey!” a stout metalclad creature called out at Mori-Yu, The Infernal Ape of Hexicanum, as the demon stared over the precipice of his newly taken tower.


    The Rakaal turned towards Draahd’Lur with a sickly grin plastered across his face Welcome to Bloodmoon Tower, little goblinoid.


    The armored figure glowered up towards the gorilla and with clear annoyance he retorted Before you arrived here, this dark spire, Luraq, was mine and it still is. You trespass far beyond the forests of the Oyashi and you insult an Admiral of  Azdromoth.


    Mori-Yu released a mad cackle before cooing “Plans within plans within plans.. Words alone will not drive me out. Assemble the forces of your own to meet the might of The Legion.


    I know not what vile trickery permitted your claim over my lands but when I discover it they will feel the same wrath that is destined for you.” The Kapo croaked out before giving a sharp exhale and storming off to assemble his forces for a siege.


    Kekekeke. KA-KEKEKEKEKEEEEE!” The wretched laugh rung out throughout the desert before the twisted Hou-Zi also went to call to arms the disciples of  Gashadokuro.


    line-break-png-1 - Revival in Christ



    The events will happen every other day and take place at varying times so as to be EU friendly.


    If a player's character is killed in battle they may not return for the next battle but they may appear for the battle thereafter. [Killed players go on cooldown]


    Each side will battle in squads of 5 for the sake of crp clarity.

       - Each squad will be limited to summoning 3 non-player entities for the purpose of combat. [Rule pending change depending on the outcome of battles.]

       - If each side has the same amount of victorious squads then the surviving victors will fight (or concede) the following day at the same time.

             - Wounds may not be healed in the time between fights [only in the event of concluding a tie] though stamina may be recovered.


    Players caught unjustly whining in looc [if a mod rules against their complaint] will be wholly banned from future participation in this eventline.


    The Legion of Iblees will be defending from within the fort. The Azdrazi and their allies will be able to use the nearby ship and campsite as launchpoints and safe havens.






    Players will not loot fallen foes.

    Potions used must be used, horses killed must be killed, projectiles expended must be destroyed, and other such single use items must be appropriately disposed of.


    A forum post must be made by the victorious side of each event which does not detail specific character deaths (unless a player decides to PK of their own volition)

    line-break-png-1 - Revival in Christ

                                                                    Field battle and Gate Breach [FRIDAY 5/31 @ 4:30 pm EST]


                                                                    Layer 1 [SUNDAY 6/2 @ 7:15 pm EST]


                                                                    Layer 2 & 3 [TUESDAY 6/4 @ 12:30 pm EST]


                                                                     Layer 4 & 5 [THURSDAY @ 4:30 pm EST]


                                                                    The Summit [FRIDAY @ 7:15 pm EST]



    180 / -10 / 2170

    line-break-png-1 - Revival in Christ

    The results will be determined by which side seems to have won the majority of the 5 events. The winning side may remove either @_Jandy_ or @Sean_VEVO as a region owner of ironhorde_vassal_swivlur.



    If both parties agree to truce in order to co-attack Hyspia together then the seige may be halted.



  6. AD_4nXfP42eIVcggoc4PNVC3wblozk8TZnydAhOFypEmBCprEovBbc1ln8M5w0lCgJKRmWrSyPFjqDNyq88w_hzmysJ_kZlYnWDHW9LUygacUK99WCdZkg-pvJmsfzCo25MhKnLZaTP9_k2koLcjBkZuN9enjRyW?key=ycuLAyM7I9hA7QclzC_X2A







    Boomsteel cracked the skull,

    Goblin sentry fell in blood,

    Blackened cobbles stained.


    Infernal gorilla,

    Fists pounding chest, roaring loud,

    Victory resounds.


    Climbing the tower,

    Handhold by twisted handhold,

    Demon’s ascent fierce.


    Over the desert,

    Peering from the precipice,

    Eyes burn with malflame.


    Blast after fiery blast,

    Through the air, power unleashed,

    Until exhaustion.


    Resting on his throne,

    Lounging in the conquered tower,

    His domain now won.





    Thx to @Saun_399 for the screenie <3







    A notable henchman of Gashadokuro has seized the DrFate tower in the desert.


    Krugmar and Hyspia prepare for assaults.


  7. Spoiler

    Maybe it's not my place, but isn't it going to be a very tricky situation down the road if a war ends up being instigated over the murder of a character who doesn't PK? Like how do you even meaningfully RP tensions worsening when people can just point to the revived character and say that she's wholly unharmed? Very silly stuff.





  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Hou-Zi [Hei-Zhu]


    Transformed form:

             Zarei [Rakaal]


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Zarei are perversions of the mortal forms that have become soldiers of the Moz-Strimoza that are wrought upon the world. They are mortals who have been ritualistically changed and when they emerge they find themselves reformed. Often they will have horns, more teeth, insectoid eyes, may grow in size, mandibles, antennae, rotting flesh, snouts, exoskeletons, fiery eyes, tails, or may sprout additional limbs. They will no longer die of old age, become carnivorous, will not need to sleep, , may not FTB, are immune to their own Malflame, and may not outright disobey their Naztherak. They may wreath their body in Malflame during combat and may forgo using a grimoire in exchange for utilizing a different 'tell' emote during casting of Maleus spells (they may still be inhibited from casting if they are subject to sufficient pain, unable to speak, or are rendered unconscious). They are notably weak to Paladinism, they are unable to conceal their demonic appearance or presence, they may still be poisoned like any other mortal (which includes Azhl, and the effects of Thanhium). Natural armor of the Zarei is only as durable as ceramic would be- meaning more simply that they are particularly susceptible to blunt force or penetrated by a crossbow. Swords and axe or other sharp piercing or slashing weapons may still chip off parts of the natural carapace but won't reach the soft flesh beneath. The creature may not wear forged armors over the natural armor if the natural armor is a protrusion off of the body such as a spike. Any weaponized shells, carapace, teeth, or whatnot are only as durable as bone and are incapable of piercing through standard plate armors. If the Zarei is killed they will not be able to reform for 1 IRL week or until their Naztherak casts "Invocation - Zarei [T3]" to manually revive them. Zarei are intellectually as capable as any mortal however they are emotionally stunted and are only able to see other mortals for their utility. They innately are fluent in the Ilzakarn language.

    Rakaal are the brutelike subtype of the Zarei. They have the equivalent of Orkish strength, can be 8 feet tall (before undergoing a metamorphosis), may weight up to 400 pounds, have a maximum Maleus pool of 20 (before undergoing a metamorphosis), they may wear platemail so long as the armor does not overlap with the natural carapace, and they may cast Vhiit and Rok-Kirluk. Zarei can undergo an evolution or metamorphosis after they feast upon 3 souls that are not afflicted by any kind of connection to the Moz-Strimoza. While evolving the ST should be notified. The Zarei will have their physical form enhance, enabling them to grow up to 9 feet tall, and the Rakaal will gain 5 points to their maximum pool of Maleus (bringing it to 25). They may undertake a Malice, which is a kind of psychological affliction, or adopt the Pact Malice of their Naztherak if the Prince does actually have one attributed to them.

    Furthermore there is one more tier of evolution after this, Zentherak, which involves an ST Eventline that culminates with the character becoming an event character.

    Maleus: A smoky plasma substance, this life force is used for as fuel for casting and is found in the blood of Inferi and pours off of Malflame burns.

    Malflame: Flames without light or heat, it cannot burn. This means it can't burn through things and must be applied directly to flesh to take effect. The effect is simply extreme pain which is capable of interrupting casting. The flames will only disappear once fully submerged in water. It can be summoned outside of combat purposes by saying the word in the Ilzakarn language.


    Vhiit: The Zarei summons Malflame to their Branded Hand which then inflicts greater pain whenever somebody is struck with the hand. The spell costs 10 Maleus to cast, requires 2 emotes to conjure the Malflame, the initial Malflame lasts for 3 emotes, every 3 emotes after such costs 5 more Maleus to maintain the spell. This spell is mostly used for torture rather than for having major consequence in combat. The Malflame cannot be thrown.

    Rok-Kirluk: This is a Malflame flamethrower spell. It is not allowed according to the Geneva Conventions. The spell comes directly from the caster and has a range of 10 blocks out and is only 1 block wide. It takes 3 emotes to cast and costs 10 Maleus. It lasts for 4 emotes and then afterwards it costs 5 Maleus to sustain the spell for 2 more emotes. The spell can be exhaled out from the mouth or nose. The user may walk but may not evade attacks without cancelling the cast. You may only redirect the spell slowly.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    My Hei-Zhu has undergone a change and is now an 8 feet tall Rakaal, has fiery eyes, has spikes running across his forearms up to his shoulders, his knuckles bare natural carapace upon them, and he has sprouted a fuzzy tail. The grey flesh upon his chest has turned a sickly brown and his mouth has widened to allow him to consume more meat and take larger bites. His gorilla hairs have grown longer and are singed at their ends and his finger nails have sprouted to be akin to claws.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. I actually really like the CRP lock and invis system despite all of the complaints on this thread. I'd like to see changes to permit halt emotes to be done in #s though. You just need to clarify that if it's conducted in #s then the halter starts the encounter 20 blocks away. If they utilize #rp then they begin 10 blocks away.

  10. Vtks GranModa Regular




    "The Krughai pretends to answer to the Rex's demands. In truth they answer to the ideals he is meant to embody. Strength and Honor."

                                                                                            -         Rex Phaedrus'Yar [1527]



    The Horn of Yar sounded throughout the desert, summoning the Urukhim to encircle the Rexrock. Instead of Rex Grommash standing atop it, however, the armored Targoth paced with his helmet in his hand.


                        "BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE HORDE." Grothzark'Dom turned to address those before him "News of Rex Grommash's death has spread like flames across the desert. In his absence Minto, the Druii, has fled. Now the pivotal ranks of Rex and Dominus each remain unclaimed. As the highest authority remaining with The Horde the responsibility falls to me to ensure that The Horde remains, although mournful, as strong as we may be in such tumultuous times. Such a wide absence in the powers of the South will test our convictions and obligations to remain honorbound. As a Lutauman of the Shamanic Lodge I am compelled to remind you all not to lose sight that our destiny, if our honor remains about us, is for eternal paradise in the Stargush'Stroh and Ancestral Spirits. Let none squander the gift of Krug over petty political squabbles. Allow us now to display why we are truly superior to the races Horen, Malin, and Urguan."


    Targoth Grothzark'Dom stamps the butt of his waraxe into the ground, signaling in the Krughai battlesigns by pointing three fingers towards the ground.

                        "As the highest remaining authority within Krugmar, the Targoth, leader of the Urukhai- I hereby charge the Urukhai to uphold an honorable transition of powers in accordance with KRUG'S LAW.


    M-UIpBte0NCAa8G8W4fMSUKdJ6P51Lh065G6P1ISJHOW1SvAUftdcCWCJx9IIt5XT_X2IxzhHL-n0kDv_tep8E5NYCVwgX_Df3OmlBqHYBw6TL7R3lxsns9ZQw_C-axJ_OHM0qr_oXGLKg-3ak4vpe4                    Might makes right.                    M-UIpBte0NCAa8G8W4fMSUKdJ6P51Lh065G6P1ISJHOW1SvAUftdcCWCJx9IIt5XT_X2IxzhHL-n0kDv_tep8E5NYCVwgX_Df3OmlBqHYBw6TL7R3lxsns9ZQw_C-axJ_OHM0qr_oXGLKg-3ak4vpe4


                        "Let not snakes infiltrate our great union. Should any foreigners, be they of Krug's blood or not, attempt to demand participation in the Rexklomps then I entrust my loyal Warbosses to execute them. These Warbosses are as follows and all members of the Urukhai are charged to follow their orders:






    They will be easily distinguished by wearing red horns upon their uniforms."



                        "Those who do not live by Krug's Code shall never invoke it to attempt to curry favor. Only loyal and devout members of the Horde may challenge in accordance with the Rexrights. These challengers are to make themselves known promptly. The pit shall know toil when Aztran's sun next rises."







    All the love in the world to @Narthok for his time as Rex. It was impactful, transformative, and fun. <3








  11. V9M6SFnGVE-d6hZnMu0nfsuS_AANujBf-aefVORXSHQHOwUcybxBog9ZqaJjC4a2OYyInG3VVbme-cOjKj8zQJwJE44cBghACQFbwyh7JYx0iN_-oTAaPydjJrG_YGVB_4DkO3FD6x2XqUgu35kh8wg






    By Grizh or Ghaash.

                                                                  -      Rex Vrogak’Gorkil [1481]



    fRSDzUqk2CFnIur1EZY2sSmWPF7TfBcuaxiQ53QgaEd1I_Er6590-bAg8HuQjv-XUAHEnBOo8n0yxH0fmm7gtlmmLo2yd9TSQdIArxw6BpRtQy8YMnWkY4Wj39GOwu4iOL2Dtk7A9FXJxcbT-bOwjvY                                                toRp5zN35gllSFCelXNahFN2i-5MqCShEvWAR5vfYnNdazonQ9ax7gIZyHqzjtX9waMvwp8ke0udd6Shq171TJIhNKvYSYdC-sKN_g_bv8phZjq_ROcZQ_4Soz3VXHl4QJTforstzz85fRMVRAKBAMI                                                 vb2a0XDCW409RiixU3_259eTbRIvPQYyD9vSbQiPMH6O2m5HyYZEA-AQCtGJzdToqE0pQGhB8PPkcoQqklHuCx7VLFKBbQIzAKmi9mYXkQIotk3JEBfUdtlWThS-nu0xW5RNY7LANecOgPMw9QFG5vI


    It is the formal standing military of the Iron Horde and as a collective force are sworn to uphold Krug’s Codes and the Rex’s Will. 


    Oath of the KrugHai:

                    I swear upon my soul and my honor, now and forever, to uphold Krug’s Law. 

                    The pit is the grand justicar of the Bloodfather, the strongest Spirit. 

                    I will conduct myself with honor and integrity so that I may enjoy the splendor of the Stargush’Stroh, the greatest gift ever wrought for my soul and the souls of my kin. 

                    I will embrace strength and continue to hone my skills evermore so that I may stand proudly beside my brothers and sisters, just as I would desire for them to stand beside me. 

                    I will conduct myself with boundless valor in the face of both fear and hardship. 

                    My life will be in service to the urukhim and to defend our sands. 

                    I hold this axe as a reminder of my purpose, to be resolute in my oath - just as Krug stood unwaveringly against The Great Tempter.

                  Strength guide me.

                  Sands guide me.

                  Spirits guide me.




    This Military Order is comprised of the most imposing soldiers of the mortal domain and it is composed of those urukhim who have forsworn themselves to project strength and discipline. 


    The Kruggrizh, who owe loyalty to this order, adhere to a strict ranking structure when they are performing actions in service of the Cult. The ranking system is as follows:

    > The Rex

                    The ultimate authority within the Iron Horde. His commands are to be followed without question or delay. The only disobedience permitted to be shown is to formally challenge him to an honor klomp for his position within the state. The Rex is the Hordespeaker because of his strength and dominance. He is the apex of honor and the paragon of violence. Krug’s chosen. During times of war it is to be expected that the Rex will conscript all people loyal to the Iron Horde to become members of the KrugHai.

    > The Targoth

                    The designated leader of the Cult of the Flaming Axe, better known as the KrugHai. This position is held by the right of the pit and is bound to follow the will of the Rex. The Targoth is responsible for mustering the urukhim, binding them to oaths of honor and conducting their trials, coordinating the outfitting of the cultists with armaments provided by the Rukahai, doling out discipline for disobedience, promoting the KrugHai as is most fit. In times of emergency the role of Targoth may be suspended and the Rex may assume the entirety of its responsibilities. 

    > The Warbosses

                    The most elite soldiers of the KrugHai, these generals have proven themselves through many battles and have unquestioned honor. They are truly devout to the security of the Iron Horde and answer firstly to the Rex and, thereafter, only to the Targoth. These Warbosses are responsible for recruiting members to the KrugHai, leading the warbands in the absence of the Targoth, and maintaining the many desert garrisons of the Iron Horde which presently include The Black Gate, Fort Mormokh, and other minor outposts.

    > Yellers

                    These members of the Cult are blooded through battles, they have taken their oaths, and they answer when the Yar Horn beckons. They have earned the privilege to wear the uniform of the KrugHai and come to understand the responsibility they bear as formally inducted members of the Orkish Militia.

    > Grunts

                    Those that comprise the rank of Grunt are aspirants to the Cult. They are unproven and untrialed. They are yet to make a name for themselves and do not yet bear the right to wear the uniform armaments of the KrugHai. They are to be watched closely by the Targoth and the Warbosses and are the most likely suspects of disobedience in the fields of war. The Wargoths of the Horde Clans will be invited to recruit particularly promising recruits into their own ranks.


    Note upon the Keshig:

                    These closely held and selfless bodyguards of the Rex lay beyond the orders of the Cult and answer explicitly to the Rex’s Orders. Kheshigs, upon ordination into that elite sect, are granted the functional status of a Warboss within the KrugHai while upon the battlefield.




    Trials of the KrugHai:

                    To become a Grunt- To become a Grunt one must simply accompany The Rex, The Targoth, or a Warboss upon a raid or battle and earn their approval.

                    To become a Yeller- Upon careful evaluation in their time as a Grunt, if they have proved themselves capable, then they will be invited into the Cult of the Flaming Axe. To be officially inducted they will stand before the Rex or the Targoth while holding an axe upright before them. The axe will be engulfed in flame and the Grunt will hold the burning axe while they recant the oath of the Order. Upon completion of this they will be afforded the uniform armaments of the KrugHai.

                    To become a Warboss- After a long tenure as a Yeller a particularly distinguished member of the KrugHai may be invited by the Targoth to join this distinguished rank. To do so they will be charged to capture and kill a [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] and make such a sacrifice unto Vulka - The Immortal Spirit of Warfare, Strategy, and Siegecraft. This sacrifice will be witnessed by the Motsham or one of his appointed representatives.

                    To become a Targoth- To ascend to the rank of Targoth one must defeat the previous Targoth in an honor klomp for the rank. If the rank has been vacated or left dormant than the Rex will appoint a Targoth to his liking who must then defend the title against any prospective challengers. Upon ascent to the position of Targoth it is expected that they will host a private tourney among the Keshigs and Warbosses for the entertainment of the Rex. Afterwards a meeting of thoughtful planning will commence.

                    To become the Rex- The Rex is the supreme leader of the Iron Horde and to attain this rank you must defeat the previous Rex in an honor klomp for the title or, in the event of a vacancy or dormancy, then one must formally declare ownership of the rank and defeat all challengers for it. This is the Right of the Pit and Krug’s Law. The new Rex is expected to christen the helms of his sworn KrugHai with the painted print of his palm.


                    *Battlefield Promotions may be conducted by the Rex, Targoth, or Warbosses.



    image.thumb.png.9c1a5080f0724875f7a165362e389df9.png                                                              image.thumb.png.0573a2a37641f61b16b7506c5e1f80bd.png

                    Krug himself donned the scaled armor of a defeated Scaddernak, proclaiming himself champion of the desert in place of the beast. Now his children must don armor of their own and retain his claim to the sands. This armor is tailor made to suit a warfighter of the barren desert while adequately protecting them from any invaders or beasts of the night. The horns upon the sallet helmets would help to distinguish rank, with the colors of these horns varying. 

                    Ivory Horns - Yellerate

                    Red Horns - Warbosses

                    Black Horns - The Targoth

                    Golden Horns - The Rex




                    Upon attaining the rank of Yeller you will become privy to a classified silent battle language that is conducted by non-verbal signals with your non-dominant hand. This code is designed to be utilized by raiding parties and is optimized for the urukhim who is holding a shield or a knife in their off-hand as well as for the empty handed. This code will be altered each decade so that it’s secrets do not fall into the hands of our enemies.

                    The Code:

                                    Affirmative- [REDACTED] 

                                    Negative- [REDACTED]

                                    Enemies Near- [REDACTED]

                                    This is a Friend- [REDACTED]

                                    Attack Soon- [REDACTED]

                                    Attack Now- [REDACTED]

                                    Help Them- [REDACTED]

                                    Get Help- [REDACTED]

                                    Go Away- [REDACTED]

                                    Be Careful- [REDACTED]

                                    Be Ready- [REDACTED]

                                    Distract Them- [REDACTED]

                                    Be At Ease- [REDACTED]

                                    Prepare to Flee- [REDACTED]

                                    I Am Ready- [REDACTED]

                                    Follow Me- [REDACTED]

                                    I Will Follow Them- [REDACTED]

                                    Come Close to Them- [REDACTED]

                                    Stop- [REDACTED] 

                                    Pain Here- [REDACTED]

                                    Thank You- [REDACTED]

                                    Pay Attention to This/Them- [REDACTED]

                                    I Am Busy- [REDACTED]

                                    They Just Lied- [REDACTED]

                                    We Are In Danger- [REDACTED]

                                    Allies Are Coming- [REDACTED] 

                                    Enemies Are Coming- [REDACTED]

                                    Kill At Will- [REDACTED]




                    In order to endow prestige upon the members of the Cult of the Flaming Axe for their great acts of valor a collection of remarkable medals have been assembled. They will be given to the members of the KrugHai by the Rex or the Targoth.


                    The Mithril Gate  - Given to members of the KrugHai who partake in a successful defense upon the capital city of the Iron Horde.


                    The Aurum Shield - Given to members of the KrugHai who partake in a successful rescue raid to save the Rex.


                    The Onyx Rhino - Given to members of the KrugHai who kill 10 men upon a single battlefield.


                    The Ivory Fist - Given to members of the KrugHai who were pivotal to the capture of an enemy king or queen.


                    The Silver Jabbernack - Given to members of the KrugHai who have served a tenure as Rex.


                    The Sapphire Cactus - Given to members of the KrugHai who have killed 15 whitewashes.


                    The Crimson Fang - Given to members of the KrugHai who have partaken in a victorious war.






    The Desert:

                    Qalasheen - Allied

                    Kwee - Allied

                    Aluria - Allied

                    Hyspia - Hostile

                    Numendil - Unfriendly


                    Norland - Neutral

                    Balian - Neutral

                    Petra - Neutral

                    Aaun - Neutral

                    Minitz - Neutral

                    Vlachia - Neutral

                    Reinmar - Neutral
                    Haense - Unfriendly


                    Amathine - Friendly

                    Haelun’Or - Neutral

                    Nevaehlen - Neutral

                    Nor’Asath - Neutral

                                    Rah’Tuma - Hostile

                                    Sakuragakure - Friendly

                    Vikela - Neutral

                    Talar’Nor - Neutral


                    Dunwen - Friendly

                    Vortice - Friendly

                    Lurin - Friendly

                                    Ostoja - Neutral

                    Kaethul - Friendly

                    Ravenmire - Allied

                    Ravenswood - Neutral

                    Urguan - Unfriendly

                    Hokhmat - Hostile







    The Rex -     Grommash’Gorkil (Narthok)


    Targoth -      Grothzark’Dom (_Jandy_)


    Warbosses - Falum’Lur (Stargush)

                         Kezmur’Vinteki (Rlngo)
                         Apek’Gorkil (Olpx)

                         Klog’Gorkil (LobsterLarry)

                         Minto’Lur (Hermit_Jack)

                         Madoc’Lur (TheAmazingSewer)


    Yellers -       Drolzu’Gorkil(JerryTheNoob)

                         Druggen’Gorkil (Orlanth)

                         Himdokh’Azog (Boomsteel)

                         Kronk (FalseLogicIT)

                         Veizark’Vukh (Dracanium)

                         Gundanat’Vukh (Hairy_Sonic)
                         Gnarla’Vukh (HypedAngel)

                         Obok Metaldrinks (Wulfric_Borr)

                         Slith Cobbett(_Helmet_)

                         Zabub’Lur (Astrophysical)

                         Gharak’Yar (Gomoore)

                         Fagh’Xetol’Yar (Alioth192)

                         Murthraka’Lur (patato12)

                         Foo’Tzie (drfate786)

                         Gutlug’Lur (Wasteland_Shaman)

                         Gazhnahk’Akaal (BakedPotato7)

                         Votar'Lur (eamorc)


    Grunts -      Bon (LordMJO)

                         Spuds (Turbo_Dog)

                         Gummy (Zemzy_Oakheart)

                         Hakiki (IttyBittyMitty)

                         Drorg’Vukh (MandoDragon)

                         Gul’ash (FloralHedgehog)


    Grunt Application:



                         Place of Residence-

                         Battle Experience-





    [Pictured below is the red handprint of Rex Grommash]




    "It'z coming. I peep a holy Krugsade zpreading across da dezert like unquenchable fire. A warrior religion dat waves da Horde banner in Krug'z naym."


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