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Posts posted by Rudi




    The Curtain fell, the next play is about to start.




    With the offical surrender of the Haensetic Crown, the subjungation of King Marius Barbanov to King Tobias Staunton,

    a huge amount of Haensetic men and women have lost their interested in staying in the far north,

    seeking instead for a new home to escape the rule of the new Courlandic overlord.





    The eleventh day of the Amber Cold was a dark day for all northmen, a day of shame and failure. Many of the former so proud

    and loyal northmen had already gathered their belongings, abonded their keeps and went to sail off on simple, quickly crafted, sail boats.

    Rather dying in the black sea of Haense, than serving to a Staunton, most of the refuguee had just one goal, submitted by Church itself,


    "The free Republic of Carascal"


    Only by the help of the Holy Church of Cannon, these men and women, stripped of their home, were able to leave the North so quickly,

    starting to take on the long and deadly journey to the place, which was promised to greet them with hospitality until they are able to stand again

    on their own.






    A boat stuffed with Haensetic refugees, right before getting rescured by the Carasal naval fleet, circa 6th of Deep Cold of 1604



    Clearly suprised by the sudden amount of lost and homeless refugees, seeking shelter in their lands, the Republic decided to grant each of these innocent 
    men and women shelter, getting heavy support by The Holy Church of Canon. 



    Just with the help of the Canonists Church, the northmen were able to find themself in such a place of hospitality, and finding rest for now, before plotting

    on what do next.. But for now, no one knows what might happen in this yet so isolated Republic which now got heavily involved in the politics of the current 










  2. If you have any questions PM Angmarzku!






    Before you read a short OOC note: 


    As part of the major eventline in which the Westerlands as a rp hub and the Abyss/Mording are in a conflict, we introduce you to the Nemesis sytem. Simillar to the game system of "Shadow of Mordor", it will explain how the hierachy of Mordring works, which character controls certain areas, who these figures are and where they are most likely to find.

    This is a constantly updated threat which which shall help Westerlandic troops in their fight against the Mordring forces. By continuesly gathering information about the certain high indiviuals, the phantoms get slowly replaced with the actual nemesis character. All informations must be discovered through rp and events. 


    Mordring Nemesis System



    Ranks In The Nemesis System


    • Bulks: The common ghoul, part of a captains squad -  [Played by Staff and Non-staff member of the community]


    • Captains: Higher ranked ghouls, commanding over own troops/squads of ghouls, commanding minor fortresses - [Played by Staff and Non-staff members of the community]


    • Veteran Captains: Ghoul captains who are in charge of medium sized fortresses, usually being part of a guardforce of a Lieutnant - [Played by mostly Staff and fewer members of the community]


    • Ashlords/Warchief: Highest ranked ghouls and various other undead creatures, commanding over a bunch of captains, controlling major fortresses and keeps - [Played by mostly Staff and fewer members of the community]


    Besides these ranks, more yet unknown dark creatures have joined the army of Mordring, but are still implemented in the hierachy. Only fools thinks that Mordring commands just over ghouls and liches.


    Types Of Locations


    • Forests: Captains and their squad linger in forrests to kidnap and attack passing merchants, to 'recruit' them for their spot


    • Forts: The base of captains and their submitted ghoul squards, marked by a beacon, which must be destroyed in an event to reclaim the affected region from Mordring


    • Keeps: Operation base of Veteran Captains and their submitted ghouls, depending on the region there could be forts close by, marked by a beacon. Same rules apply like the forts


    • ??? :


    "What shall stop an army which doesn't need to rest, eat and simply gets up after being slain?"

    - An Adunian Survivor Of The Quarryville Masacre, circa 1603




    The Glorious West, An Overview, Circa 1603 by Giuseppe 'Joey' Calabreeni



    The Westerlandic Battlefront is currently split into four zones, caused by the sudden apperance of Mordring forces, swarming the lands.
    Each zone is controlled by atleast one ghoul captain or even a veteran captain plus fellow subordinate captians.
    There can be more than one keep/fort per zone, and overtime more forts will spread across the map if not stopped.


    Zone Violet:



    Controlled by: Gûndram

    Played by: BlauSchlumpf


    Race: ???


    Location: Sunless Sanctum

    Amount of forts: All

    Strenghts/Weaknesses: ???


    Zone Gold:



    Controlled by: Vuqraog [Captain]


    Played by: Eagles2910


    Race: Heartlander/Morghoul


    Location: Frozen Wastes


    Amount of forts: 1


    Strenghts/Weaknesses: Afraid of Voidical magic


    Zone Crimson:



    Controlled by: ???


    Played by: ???


    Race: ???


    Location: ???


    Amount of forts: ???


    Strenghts/Weaknesses: ???


    Zone Azur:



    Controlled by: Kaeverin

    Played by: Skylez


    Race: ???


    Location: Evergreen forrest

    Amount of forts: 1

    Strenghts/Weaknesses: ???




    Controlled by: Ranholf


    Played by: NJBB


    Race: Dreadknight


    Location: Evergreen Forrest


    Amount of forts: 1


    Strenghts/Weaknesses: ???


    Every information gathered regarding locations of forts, captains, names must be discovered in rp and must rply deliviered to your nation leader. The post will be updated once a week, but only under the condition that the playerbase actually discovered more about the hierachy of Mordring.


  3. Dressed in his finest attire, Drasko smiles proudly to his niece as she seems to finally has fined her luck with the young Owyn.
    More than happy he'd get ruskan like drunk on the party afterwards, dancing on the table until his son would be forced to to come

    and pick up the drunken nobleman.

  4. Somewhere in the lower circles of the Nether a certain individual lights a cigar and puffing out fine smoke.

    With a crackling voice, indiciating his constant consume of herbs and beverages, he'd burst into a laughter 


    "Ave Courland, mein Engel..!"

    Before getting tossed into a pit of acid, carrying a wry grin upon his visage.

  5. MC Name: Blauschlumpf


    Character's Name: Haku-Yul


    Character's Age: 18


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): N/A


    Transformed form: Laobai-Zhu


    Creator's MC Name: N/A


    Creator's RP Name: Metztli


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hou-Zi are considered as the first attempt of the moon daemon Metzli to create her own kin which failed in the end, and resulted in the creation of the todays known Kharajir.
    Before the arrivial of the "playerbase" through the portal of the spiritworld, the Hou-Zi used to live on the isles and build up their own culture and lifestyle.

    Shortly after their creation through Metztli, the ape started to build up their own empire, lead by the first the Hou-Zi ever created, the monkey king, Hou-Shen. A being immortal proning of strenght and wisdom,

    who was worshipped as a living god. Conquering more than one island, they created their empire, being a serious threat to the elves, whjich resulted in two major wars between the two races.
    The first of these wars occured after the Hou-Zi society rose to a standard where it luxury was not able to satisify the greedy nature ape-culture. So the monkey king came up with the idea, ordered by Metzli herself to conquere new land and getting rid off the elven settlements, to distract the impatient Hou-Zis'. Quickly and effienctly to the suprise of the elves they conquered the half of Axios before the elven forces were able to hold their ground. After a long lasting fight, the monkey managed to the storm the elven capital, which didnt end their conquest. In a brutal and bloody fight at Malinor City, their hero and god, the monkey king fell and the conquest came to an end, which huge losts in numbers on both sides, the monkey fled to Jing-Tayiun. The elves managed to reconquere the land which was stripped by them leaving the monkeys defeated before they returned once again. Metzli gave her champion, her first a new body and sent him back to his people which motivated the Hou-Zi to seek another conquest once again. Before that, they recronstructed the most important place: The golden palace. Efficient and fast, even though they have been broken before, they repaired it entirely. With dragon canons and fireworks the monkeys swarmed out and seeked to fight the elves once again but failed for a final time. The combined forces of dark and high elves were too much for the monkey forces. Never being allowed to leave their jungle, they signed the peace contract in shame. The familes seeking to domintate over eachother caused to monkey king to give up, leaving forever and leaving his people with jaws dropped. The families stopped their war, stripped by the symbol of hope and left their golden palace. With that, it was clear, the Hou-zis were no more.
    Meanwhile an old evil being 'The posion' took note of the rush uprising culture and seeked the golden palace out to conquere it with its deadly mists and magics, which in the end caused the familes to kill eachother and in the end conquering the golden palace.

    Comparable to the chinese traditional life-style, they wear colorfull dresses above their brown furr. Being humanoid with ape features, standing at an avarage impressive height of 6 feet

    they resemble the common ape in skull form and furr colors.

    Being very agile and acrobatic, they bring their own style of the fighting and acting with each other through bodymovement and facial expressions.

    Their way of communicating is resembling the today "Chinese accent", besides their animalistic ways of showing emotions, even without knowing it.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


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