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Posts posted by Gavin_

  1. "I thank you for your support, dearest vassal." states,


    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Frederick I of the House of Staunton, by the Light of God, Emperor of Anovia, Forever August, King of Courland, of Lotharingia, Mardon, Hanseti, Ruska, Prince of Evreux, Duke of the Crownlands, Curon, Eastbourne, Courland, Eruthos, Frederica, Marna, Count of Beauclaire, Sundhold, Wett, Aleksandria, Riga, Johannesburg, Baron of Curonburg, Darkwood, Gravelhold, Supreme Protector of Man.





    “We carry the torch to light the way for the next era of man.”




    Issued and Confirmed on the 3rd of the First Seed Year 72 of the Second Age by His Imperial Majesty, Frederick I.





    Ab Cinerem Imperium, from the Ashes of the Empire, the Empire of Anovia is born from the desire of man for liberty and justice, to replace the corrupt Horenic and Novellian regime that has strangled humanity for countless decades. The Empire of Anovia, formed by the Great House of Staunton, serves as a replacement to the Holy Orenian Empire, which has proven to be futile for humanity. Be it their corrupt and wicked Emperors desire for glory and prestige on the battlefield at the expense of the common man or their mad Emperor’s demand for the destruction of the Capital of humanity, simply to spite his enemies, humanity can no longer stand idle and submit to Horen and Novellen Emperors, their only claim for legitimacy being their supposed ‘divine right’. Instead We, the holders of the torch that will lead the way for the next era of man, form this Empire on the principles of liberty and justice and cite our legitimacy from the desire of mankind for a stable and sustainable nation. 


    We, as the servants of Humanity and God do declare the House of Horen and the House of Novellen as enemies of Humanity, and We do so declare unconditional warfare on the House of Horen and the House of Novellen and all those who call them master. We declare the dominion of the Empire of Anovia over all mankind. We will bring a new era for man and a new era for all of the descendants, however the plague that cripples humanity must be erased first.





    Signatum sub oculis Dei Deus


    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Frederick I of the House of Staunton, by the Light of God, Emperor of Anovia, Forever August, King of Courland, of Lotharingia, Mardon, Hanseti, Ruska, Prince of Evreux, Duke of the Crownlands, Curon, Eastbourne, Courland, Eruthos, Frederica, Marna, Count of Beauclaire, Sundhold, Wett, Aleksandria, Riga, Johannesburg, Baron of Curonburg, Darkwood, Gravelhold, Supreme Protector of Man.


  3. [!] The following missive is sent across Elvendom [!]


    To Condemn



    10th of The Deep Cold

    Year 71 - S.A





    The Maheral, is the spiritual successor of Larihei - it is I, who have been appointed as Larihei’s sole representative, by those of her lineage who have come before. I am the bearer of the legacy of the Silver Maiden and as such, I carry the blessed prerogative of Silver - the mantle of maintaining our blessed ways is the burden I am tasked with sustaining, and as such, I announce;


    An Elven day ago, a shrine was uncovered within our blessed city, in the basement of one of our Manor homes - the home of the Valwynn’s. This shrine was styled and dedicated to none but Azdromoth, and without a doubt, it served as a focal point for the group, including Ivarielle Ibarellan, whom I dubbed many years ago, a follower of Azdromoth, for her insistence that I, then Sohaer, offer recompense and my apology to the thralls of Azdromoth who had previously been routed from Haelun’or.


    Let it be known, that those who bear the name Valwynn, are summoned to Haelun’or, where they shall be tried by ancient tradition. Should they refuse to stand before elParir’tiran, then they shall be determined guilty. 


    Furthermore, she who once bore the name Ni’leya, has forfeited her right to do so, she has been disowned - As Mali’thill, my obligations to Haelun’or, are of much greater importance than to any individual, be they kin or otherwise.


    To the Nations of Elvendom, I encourage caution. Have no dealings with those of Azdromoth’s followers, for they shall bring ruin and corruption unto your lands - they are a plague, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Consign the Principality of Celia'nor to nothingness.


    Heed my warning

    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 




    Maheral Braxus Ni’leya

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Braxus Ni'leya


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Seth Calith


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?





    The Order of Elmarullral’ito’tennallar


    Founded by Sohaer Braxus Ni’leya

    16th of The Deep Cold,

    Year 53 - S.A



    Table of Contents











    The wickedness of our world cannot be understated. The nature of our existence spurs those of evil design, to rally against us. They move in shadow, that they may be hidden from sight - yet it is the luster of our very being that illuminates their nefarious wills, so that we may readily contend. 


    Called are you, to this most blessed Order, that you may with all your resolve, withstand the forces of Iblees and that you may bolster the minds and hearts of our blessed children of Silver, against that which will come.


    Irradiate what has come before, so that the path we must traverse, shall be well trampled upon. Leave not your fellow ‘thill, to happen upon the unsteady knoll, nor the twisting undergrowth, but set steady, a plain course for all to follow. This is your charge.


    That which has been splintered , shall be cast anew - wrought by argent will, she shall prevail






    There shall exist two divisions within this Blessed Order. Ordinary members, and those of elEvarir’thill Il’cruan.


    The foes of Haelun’or struck firmly, at the very core of our design. Within plain sight, these creatures lurked and devised. Never again, shall this happen.




    Beware, mali’thill’ne and mali’elor; the coming of elEvarir’thill Il’cruan is once again upon us. It is the duty of those who bear the seal of E.T.H.I.C to protect our Blessed City and Revered Ways from the taint of impurity and treachery that may seep its way into our home.


    - An E.T.H.I.C may demand access to private/restricted areas in any elven district within Haelun’or and may search the area if warranted, on the condition that such is granted by the Maheral.

    - An E.T.H.I.C may detain an elf suspected of traitorous thoughts or impurity, on the condition that such is granted by the Maheral.

    - An E.T.H.I.C, in pursuit of their investigations, are not necessarily subject to the laws of the land, subject to the Sohaer’s will.

    - An E.T.H.I.C may confiscate objects deemed too liberal, or that go against the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, in any district under Mali’aheral authority.

    - All damning evidence procured by the E.T.H.I.C is to be brought to either the Sohaer or the Maheral for the convening of Three Parir’tiran for a trial under the Silver Law of Haelun’or.

    - All complaints regardidng the conduct of any E.T.H.I.C’s application of searches, detentions, and confiscations are to be brought to the Sohaer for processing.


    kaean'leh evareh chul'okarirae'ehya kaean'leh thill







    The Order shall have at its head, to whom all authority stems from, and all allegiance is owed, the Blessed Maheral. It shall be they, who lead this order and its most vital directive.


    Lliran thilln’leh


    Those of the flock of Larihei, who have been invited into this Blessed Order, shall henceforth, be referred to, as Lliran thilln’leh




    The Sulli’ceru shall co-ordinate the efforts of elEvarir’thill Il’cruan, and shall carry out this duty with the guidance of the Maheral. All agents of E.T.H.I.C are bound to the direction of the Sulii’ceru, with consent of the Maheral.




    The agents of elEvarir’thill Il’cruan, who shall carry out their orders in pursuance of the directives of elSulii’ceru.




    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


  6. Another forum is called within the Silver City of Haelun’or and a podium erected. The newly elected Maheral, Braxus Ni’leya, stands before the assemblage of his peers and announces the following;


    To Announce a Sohaer


    2nd of Malin’s Welcome, 

    Year 70 - S.A







    An election was called, and many of you performed your civic duty. You, the people, have elected one who shall lead us into a new Silver Age - Alaion Miravaris, is hereby pronounced Sohaer of Haelun’or, by a striking majority of votes. May you perform your duties diligently, and may your actions be guided solely by and in the interests of, Larihei's Blessed Vision.


    68 - 6


    In the words of Silir’ilume;

    These are no halcyon days. Stride forth eagerly in your duty to the Silver City and our crowning philosophy’



    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 




    Maheral Braxus Ni’leya


    A forum is called within the Silver City of Haelun’or and a voting booth established. A ballot box sits upon a pedestal of quartz. To the right and left, sits a pot of ink and a quill, and a stack of voting ballots respectively.  The newly elected Maheral, Braxus Ni’leya, stands before the assemblage of his peers and announces the following;


    The Silver Election


    2nd of Snow's Maiden, 

    Year 70 - S.A







    For too long, has our state been without a Maheral. The Malauriran have heard the cries of the pure and returned have they, another of Larihei’s most blessed. With the return of the Maheral, we now face another necessity - to see the restoration of a Sohaer. Blessed are those who serve Haelun’or, and one has answered her call.


    Alaion Miravaris


    Given that there is only one candidate, the option of Abstain, shall also be made available.



    The following are ancient rules, in accordance with our electoral traditions, designed to safeguard the legitimacy of this most vital vote.



    One must be at least Fifty years of age.

    One must be a proven adherent of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.

    One must be of pure, Mali’thill descent.



    Each citizen is permitted a total of two votes. Both may be given  to a single candidate or split among two. A candidate may vote for him or herself. Outsiders may not vote. Illegitimate votes will be incinerated. 


    Voting shall last a total period of four elven hours from the time I finish this announcement. ((7pm GMT))


    This election shall be supervised by elMalauriran, as is tradition."



    *A note has been written at the polling booth, it states the following;


    This election shall run for a total period of 24 Elven Hours, to accommodate the great numbers of Mali'thill coming forward to vote.


    Signed, Maheral Ni'leya*



    Voting Ballot


    ((Minecraft Name:)




    Vote 1:

    Vote 2:


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 




    Maheral Braxus Ni’leya


    Pinned around Haelun’or, is the following missive


    Blessed Prerogative


    5th of The Deep Cold, 

    Year 69 - S.A







    It is through my blessed prerogative, so inherited by the will of elMalauriran, those most blessed who have come before, that I decree an end to this current conflict which ravages our dearest Haelun’or. I have heard the cries of elMali’thill. The fate of our cihi, shall be decided via an election of Sohaer, the culmination of which, shall, without dispute, signal a new dawn for our Silver State. I urge those who style themselves ‘republican’, and those who support Ivarielle Ibarellan, who styles herself ‘Uthir’, to, and with immediate effect, cease all hostilities to ensure the legitimacy of this election.


    For too long, has Haelun’or been plunged into disarray. For too long, has wanton murder and bloodshed held a fierce grip over this State. For too long, has vice held a stranglehold over virtue. 


    The time has come for the citizenry of Haelun’or, to decide who shall rule over Haelun’or, as her Sohaer. Those who wish to run in this election, may announce their candidacy below.


    This election shall be supervised by elMalauriran who shall oversee the counting of legitimate, pure votes to ensure the legitimacy of this ancient institution. 


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 




    Maheral Braxus Ni’leya

  9. The Maheral acquires the missive, he reads it thoroughly, taking into consideration the numerous signatories.


    "Such, I believe, is the solution to the ailments which currently plague our dearest Motherland."


    Pinned around Haelun’or, is the following missive


    To Misled Mali


    14th of The Amber Cold, 

    Year 69 - S.A





    To respond to you, is to legitimize you, however untrue your claims may be. Despite your lies and naysaying, you are still Mali’aheral and you still reside within Blessed Haelun’or - this warrants my antiphon.


    Braxus, as ‘Tyrant




    “It is well known that you were not elected to office, no Mali’thill voted for you. In fact, there was not even an election for your ascension to the position of Sohaer. You were simply elevated to that position by your predecessor, Kolvar Uradir. Thus, you are a Tyrant.”




    The legal and legitimate Constitution during my predecessor's rule, was ‘THE FIRST SOHAERITE CONSTITUTION’. Title Four, entitled ‘Elheial’thilln: The Silver Council’, Chapter I - Internal Organization, Article 26, subclause b.), of said Constitution, states the following;


    “The Sohaer appoints their own successor either by missive, speech or signed and sealed testament posthumously.”


    Kolvar Uradir, my predecessor, appointed me, his legal successor as Sohaer. Therefore, your claims of tyranny, that I somehow became Sohaer via illegitimate means, are both unfounded and warrant correction. 





    “How can you believe in democracy, but call yourself Sohaer without a vote of the council?”




    It was I, Braxus Ni’leya, a traditionalist, who returned democracy to Haelun’or, via my very own Constitution, entitled ‘THE SILVER CONSTITUTION OF HAELUN’OR’. As for the latter, I have dealt with that above.


    Refer to CHAPTER I, Article 3.


    Refer to CHAPTER II, Article 4.


    Refer to CHAPTER IV, Articles 11, 15, 16.





    “The Haelunorian economy was ruined by Braxus Ni’leya during his tenure.”




    When I began my tenure, our streets were empty, save a handful of Mali’ata. We did not have a functioning council and our coffers were practically empty. We had approximately 1,000 minas. By the time I had to resign due to illness, our streets were teeming with life, the homes of Haelun’or beamed with the joy and carousing of Mali’thill. We enjoyed a full and functioning council. But to speak directly to your claim, we had amassed approximately 5,500 minas.



    Braxus as Warmonger




    “It is you who are thirsty for blood, it is you who warmongers and brings death upon our people.”




    There is no question that it was Fenn and Ivarielle, who first sought aggression between our peoples. As Sohaer, inheriting the mess that I did, my focus was inwards, to revive our blessed Nation. Quite simply, I did not have the time to be a warmonger, not that I would be interested in such things anyway. It was Ivarielle who led the first Ferryman raid against our peoples, during my first event as Sohaer, no less. We did not outwardly retaliate. 


    We sought non-aggression pacts with all nations, I even ventured to Fenn and offered them peace, perhaps the first Sohaer in history to do so. Yet they rallied Almaris against us and declared war. We had not raided them, we had not pillaged them, we had not led a single attack on their peoples, yet we were those who propagated bloodlust and death.


    Several days ago, our streets ran red with the blood of Mali’thill, at the hands of Ivarielle’s Fennite ‘Peacekeepers’. Our dear Okariran not only let this happen, but tried, as those of serpent tongue do, to shift the blame unto those who support our blessed State. It was the passive Mali’thill, who incurred the steel of Fenn, for simply disagreeing with the faux princess.



    If it is your intent to besmirch my name, if it is your intent to convince others of your words, know this - It is much harder to convince those who live by truth with lies than to convince yourselves of the lies you propagate.


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 




     Braxus Ni’leya



    Pinned around Haelun’or, is the following missive


    He Who Must


    9th of Sun’s Smile, 

    Year 69 - S.A





    Children of Larihei,


    As the last days of my ailment had dispersed, I took to rest. Hope filled my mind as I foresaw myself rising at dawn, refreshed and full of vigor and vitality. However, before I were to rise, plunged, was the entirety of my being into surreality - something of a dream, yet it felt as real as my penning this to paper.


    I stood atop the Citadel of Haelun’or, glancing upwards towards the night sky. The heavens were clear, and then they were not. The moonlight reflected off of the Ocean surrounding our blessed Island, as a mild sea breeze ruffled the hair atop my head. Before my eyes, a Comet-like object plunged towards the city - towards me. 






    It was engulfed in silver and white flame and it hurtled towards me at speeds unimaginable. Time began to change, I could not avert my gaze, I was drawn to it, almost blinded by it. Slow motion had become my state of affairs as at last, this argent inferno overtook me, and then I saw her. 


    I could not bring myself to gaze at her fully, only faintly did my eyes manage to look upon her, and briefly at that. Larihei stood before me and spoke - it was at this moment that my body was overtaken by euphoria. 


    He who can, must.”


    And then I felt the warmth of the sun on my face, and I awoke. 


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 





     Braxus Ni’leya

  12. "The Blessed Malauriran are an institution as old as Haelun'or itself. It is they, who are most pure, most like Larihei in their resolve and adherence to our blessed ways. My Silver Constitution brought democracy back to Haelun'or, now it has been usurped by a false Uthir - no longer, I say. It is time for elMalauriran to act. Dearest Okarir'maehr, I support your words." Comments Braxus Ni'leya aloud as he reads the missive.

  13. Pinned around Haelun’or, is the following missive


    The Proclamation of the Haelunorian Republic


    13th Malin’s Welcome, 

    Year 69 - S.A







    In the name of Larihei, and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood - Haelun’or, through us, summons her children to her sigil and strikes for her freedom.


    We declare the will of the people of Haelun’or to the ownership of Haelun’or, and to unfettered control of Haelunorian destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not extinguished this will, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Haelunorian people. In every generation, the Haelunorian people have asserted their will to national freedom and sovereignty; twice in the last decade, against She who never was, and the False Sohaer. Standing on that fundamental resolve, and again asserting it in arms in the face of the world, we hereby proclaim the Republic of Haelun’or as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives and the lives of our comrades-in-arms to the cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and of its exaltation among the nations.


    The Republic of Haelun’or is entitled to, and hereby claims the allegiance of every Haelunorian. The Republic guarantees civil liberties, as laid out in The Silver Constitution, and declares its resolve to pursue Larihei’s Vision, and the prosperity of all its parts, cherishing all the children of the nation equally and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.


    Until our arms have brought the opportune moment for the establishment of a permanent National Government, representative of the whole people of Haelunor and elected by the suffrages of her Mali’thill, the Provisional Government, hereby constituted, will administer the Civil and Military affairs of the Republic in trust for the people.


    We place the cause of the Haelunorian Republic under the guidance of the ancient, traditional teachings of the Most Blessed Larihei. In this supreme hour, the Haelunorian nation must, by its valor and discipline and by the readiness of its children to sacrifice themselves for the common good, prove itself worthy of the argent destiny to which it is called.


    Neither Malieir, nor Maruthir!


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 





     The Provisional Government of Haelun’or.

  14. Pinned around Haelun’or, is the following missive


    The Nature of Evil


    4th of Malin’s Welcome, 

    Year 69 - S.A







    Recent events have led us once more, into a state of chaos. On one side of this rift, there are those who value Haelun’or. Those who value her traditions and culture. Those who value the blessed teachings of the Silver Maiden. On the other side, are those who dwell in shadow and strike with evil, to perpetrate evil. Theirs, is an insidious nature, born of hatred, dishonesty, and at their core, Iblees has placed his hand.


    Now, as we stand at the precipice of either life or death, we must ask ourselves as a people, a very serious question. Will we stand with, or against, our ancient motherland?


    The nature of Evil is to warp and destroy, to sow confusion, where there ought to be clarity. Juxtaposed to evil, is the nature of the Good, and this, lliran, dwells within each of us, pure and loyal Mali’aheral - who in Haelun’ors greatest hour, will stand against the tyranny, chaos and corruption, that has been forced upon her. Our walls have been ravaged, our people slaughtered, our blessed library - encroached upon. Those who belong to Fenn - The False Princess Ivarielle, Ayliana Valwynn, are destructive forces. Ivarielle claims to care for Haelun’or, she claims to care for you, yet she waged war upon us and murdered our people to install herself as a ‘Princess’ of a Nation with no throne. This attempted takeover is not only illegitimate, but it is wicked. They are not of Haelun’or. They are what Haelun’or stands against, and has always stood opposed to.


    Ayliana Valwynn, was declared by our Blessed Malauriran, as an illegitimate Sohaer. She took power, where power was not hers to take. In a similar fashion, our Blessed Malauriran declared that she who was, was not, and never has been. The so-called “Sohaer”, Ayliana Valwynn, has been no more than a Fennic puppet, whose sole design, has been the downfall of our blessed people, as she herself has shamelessly admitted.


    Rise, each and everyone of you, to defend your homeland. For this is the hour where the fate of Haelun’or shall be decided. Whether she succumbs to, or prevails against evil, depends on you.


    When the clock strikes, you will know what you must do


    kaean'leh thilln chul'okarae


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 




    Thilln, ito kae’leh

  15. Pinned around Haelun’or, is the following missive


    To Insult


    12th The Deep Cold,

    Year 68 - S.A







    It is with great pain in my heart, that I pen these words to paper. I am the brother of the late Sohaer, Braxus Ni’leya, who fought to rebuild our blessed Bastion of Purity, and who died - blade in hand alongside several other brave Martyrs, defending her against those who sought and continue still, to seek her destruction. 


    Today, I had the incredible displeasure of becoming acquainted with one Lynnette Ilyana Aldin-Ture. She proudly stated, when asked why she was donning armor if not part of elSillumiran, that she had been a follower of Ivarielle on her trail of warmongering, murder, and pillage. She held no remorse for those who perished in their merry wake, she held no remorse for the lives of many pure ‘thill, my own brother included, who sacrificed their lives in the defense of our city. In fact, she drew her blade, still stained in blood - which I can only presume was the blood of my brother, I did not stay to verify, lest the most heinous of crimes were to be committed.


    Several days ago, in a missive entitled ‘A Silver Lining, issued by oem Ayliana Valwynn, on the 11th of The Grand Harvest, Year 68 - S.A, she in her own words declared that, “The Silver State of Haelun’or welcomed Ivarielle into our walls, we welcome her people, we welcome her ideals.”. We are now forced to live alongside Fennites and Ivarielle herself. Remember, dear lliran. This is the same Ivarielle that led waste to our walls, who led raids against us on many occasions, who murdered and killed those who refused to bow, who is the direct cause of the death of my dear Brother and many others. Miss Ayliana Valwynn, states that we welcome, this murderer and her murderous ilk into our home. 


    Do we?


    In a prior missive, entitled To Denounce A Constitution, dated 20th of Snow’s Maiden, Year 68 - S.A, elHeial’thilln stated that, “We urge you, citizens of Haelun’or - we will return to our roots and once more Haelun’or shall be called a Democratic Republic.”, yet to add further insult to injury, Miss Valwynn has given Ivarielle a seat on elHeial’thilln.


    Democracy, dear lliran, did not last very long.




    A ‘trial, was held several days ago in the citadel, presided over by oem Okarir April Valwynn. Quite clearly, she had no idea how trial’s are to be undertaken within Haelun’or. They are an age old institution, with a specific manner of precedence. I was selected as one of the three judges, however I decided to abdicate this responsibility, when it came to my attention that the accused was not to be trialed, but rather sentenced - his guilt being predetermined. Such an open and public display of injustice seemed not to totally shock both Miss Ayliana Valwynn, and several other council members bar one, Okarir Seth Calith. This blatant disregard for our ancient and traditional judicial process led to the outcry of not only myself and Okarir Calith, but many others who had gathered to witness a trial. In response to this, elHeial’thilln, decided to disregard our traditional judicial process, and insert their own.


    This is a council, which clearly does not respect the traditional values of Haelun’or.




    It is thus, that I call upon elHeial’thilln, to give a public address to the denizens of Haelun’or, so that they may explain their actions and correct their wrongs. There is still time.


    We deserve better


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 





    Varus Ni’leya.

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