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Posts posted by Disheartened

  1. 1 minute ago, Waibiao said:

    Good luck dude! Spread your wings and get out there.

    Nursing aide here, work in the healthcare industry as well! Shameless plug but volunteer at your local retirement homes! Board games, card games, reminiscing, anything! Lots of our elders have families who don't visit due to any number of reasons and your time and effort just to hang out with them gives them a break from the monotony!



    Those are all amazing ideas! I don't know that I could anymore, but I used to volunteer at the hospital itself, and a nursing home before I became a PSW at one of the homes and then got my actual RN license. If I wasn't full time, I'd volunteer much more, but it's too much of a sacrifice to do this while also balancing other important things I've prioritized (Family friends, hobbies, self care things). I chose to make this post only because I am doing SO MUCH BETTER! Thank you so much for your positive thoughts and comment. <3

  2. Well, here she goes.




    I left and came back and left and came back and left and came back to say that I have accepted that the bittersweet moment is now.

    I was going to disappear like a ghost, never to return again, without a word, but I can't say that I won't visit ever again. Here's why -


    While I'm sort of one of those "this server is crack shit and should die in a fire" jaded old players, I need to acknowledge that I spent such a huge amount of time interacting with this community through my entire adolescence, and it was a big part of my life for a time. Though a... let's say 'unique' way to cope with the stressors of life, this server provided me with countless friendships that I will think back to for probably the rest of my existence. To put it simply, I've grown to a place where I am so happy and grateful for what I've been given and the opportunities I've had in life, and no longer feel any need to use the server as a crutch. But I still thank you all for being there in a time when I did need it.


    People don't recognize the power of their simple presence, so I'm here to call blatant attention to it. This place saved me, for real. Kept me together until I was able to gain the courage to get myself help.


    I do want to leave this on a bright note though, I have used my resources to specialize in addictions and mental health treatment. That's mostly because of me (gotta take the credit, cmon I've worked hard as shit), but you're all epic for kicking around while I got it together. At this point, I kinda think I'm killing it. Maybe I took the server too seriously every now and then in the past, but I harbor no resentment or bad thoughts about any of you. Only good things to say now.


    Please share below some of your most favourite lotc moments, I'd love to reflect on them with you.


    Lastly, keep in touch. Discord: _Disheartened, Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198160671690/ Snapchat: Aliciacjx.

    I still do video games, and feel free to just say hello if you'd like.


    If you feel like you're in crisis or you need to talk to someone regarding mental health, call or text 988, or you can chat online at 988lifeline.org (per cdc, I believe this is US and Canada) Self care is badass, do it.

  3. I don't play but I saw this and thought I'd speak up, since it isn't mentioned in the main post. Keeping a main road available to navigate to nations keeps things user friendly, especially when it comes to new players who do not yet understand how soul stones work, or who may only have one slot to save a pillar to. As much as I agree things should be left to rp, it's nice to keep things like this restricted to some extent to maintain some order.

  4. I voted no. The reason I voted no is because I don't think ftbing is the problem here. Ftb is general to cut any explicit content when it gets to a point that it is no longer server appropriate. The issue is people who push rp to "borderline server appropriate", which, imo, is and should still be against the rules. If anyone is making you do rp that's uncomfortable to you, you should tell them that it isn't appropriate and/or get moderation involved.

  5. The beauty of roleplay is that everyone has their own way of doing it. There's no "understanding" courting. It varies by culture and further by person. Some communities have cultural guides made for people to follow if they so wish, some people prefer not to partake at all. It's not this black and white thing that you're making it out to be, and it doesn't need to be either. 

  6. There's something to be said here for sure, but I also think there's a lot of confusion due to the lack of clarity or explanation by whoever handled this situation, whether moderators were the first ones there or if it was entirely handled by administration.


    From my understanding, Acre is part of Oren. That would categorize this as an "internal conflict", not a "raid". A raid, by definition in the rules is an external party of players that are attacking a nation/lair/settlement. To be able to figure out who is PART of an internal conflict, in the past I know we have used regions... but I am confused why only Oren's region was considered. People who were part of both regions should have been able to stay and continue the rp, as I would imagine that acre remains under Oren as one of their child regions.


    I understand that there's a lot of pressure and frustration being the one in charge of this conversation and decision making, but "cope and seethe" in ooc rather than providing an explanation and hearing what everyone has to say isn't the answer. These conflict rule changes were made to be able to enable rp, as itdontmatta himself announced. Just because you are a moderator or admin does not mean you're always right. Take the time to think about your decision, consult other staff members, discuss with players (they don't always bite) and come up with a solution that is fair.

  7. You have freed yourself. Big respect.

    I appreciate what you had to say. Maybe we have butt heads before, but it's never malicious or with intent to put you down or call you wrong. I have more of a "debate" approach to things sometimes so that I can fully take a side once I have the facts straight. Thanks for your kind and understanding words. Will be real weird without you around.

    Best of luck in what you're off to do, say hi sometime. :)

  8. Hello friend, I hope you find yourself a place on the server that you enjoy, and that you stick around with us. If you ever have questions, concerns, or suggestions please feel free to contact me over forum messages or on discord at Alicia#9441. No fancy place to recommend, I just hope to make your settling a little easier. 😊

  9. This was brought up in mod manager chat today actually - funny you mention me in it.


    I have no problem hiding them if they pass 24 hours of being up without update. It's just that we don't really see them all the time. If there are any posts you want us to clear out of the reserved posts (when they have been sitting), just report it so we can view and leave a comment on it if there are multiples so that we know to look through all comments.

  10. On 11/19/2021 at 10:29 AM, _Sug said:

    Thoughts on making the players do a draft of the destruction build then presenting it to the WT/Build Team to perform tweaks and small alterations if needed? If it's shite it's shite and deny the "heist" as it would have to be shown before hand in an application with screenshots and the sort?

    Genuinely that would be a huge huge help, but I also don't think players will want to do that. I'll play around with some ideas and see what I can come up with that might be suitable.

  11. 1 hour ago, Arcean said:

    I believe if the staff team were more transparent, they could deal with the most obvious reason for staff hate. I also believe this is not something that you can do on your own but just working with transparency would change a lot from the player's perspective. Even though you can't change the server policy about how the staff handles issues, you can at least be more transparent on your own and I believe that would help the players.

    Another thing is an easily accessible warning-ban sheet for players. It would be better if we could get to see our warning sheets without asking an available mod. If I am not mistaken, every player has a sheet so why not share them so we can check and contact mods when we don't understand or know when or why we got hit with a warning.


    Not every player has a sheet - every player is in a mega doc where we program it to bring up a history log when we type your UUID. I always share that info with players if they ask but I can understand the push for the information to be available. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, monkeypoacher said:


    Is it more typical than the GM refrain "we can't allow this kind of player conflict, but we could make a gated system to allow you to do it within 30 business days of a properly filed application?"

    Of course I read your post. It was three paragraphs long. It also suggests creating an entirely new application for just about the most ridiculous thing imaginable - lighting something on fire in RP - which would require hours of time writing applications, reading, reviewing them, all for something that could be done in three emotes of RP 


    Nah, it's not an "entirely new" anything. It's an already existent heist app.

    I think we need some clarification here. I'm one mod. It's very hard to get things done as one mod who says "let's open the door to let players do absolutely anything they want with no restrictions" Rule changes go by moderation, then every single admin needs to agree to get it implemented.

    I was handed a suggested rule change and modified it within reason to suit their demand and to make it something that might be accepted.

  13. 3 minutes ago, monkeypoacher said:


    >staff solicit ideas from players

    >player suggests very obvious idea, like removing a rule that makes no sense

    >"no we can't do that, it would be too much work + unfair to PROs"

    Did you read my whole response and see that I'm helping or are you just gonna go with the typical "Staff evil" mindset

  14. 8 minutes ago, ᴜɴᴡɪʟʟɪɴɢʟʏ said:

    why. why is this a rule?

    That one I understand and likely won't alter. Due to all the complications with builds, regions, PRO system etc etc etc it's hard to do large scale damage to things constantly (and trust me, it would be constant without any barrier in place), plus people put tons of work into our builds on server.... BUT.

    What if we made a bit of a compromise to see if we can add it as a heist feature? People would have to make apps and it would still be controlled, but it would add more leeway to be able to do that with valid RP. That's something I'd be willing to bring up.

    As for your other part, I remember seeing that post and it should be a pretty easy fix and something I'm happy to work on. Someone already brought it up in mod chat so I'll need to check and see if we ever took steps to put anything in place.

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