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Posts posted by Disheartened

  1. Despite the seemingly overwhelming dislike for the command, I really like it. I've been a steward multiple times while I've been on lotc. Haense used to have a trash room where we would hold the items for a week or so before throwing what we didn't want in a fire or something, but that was hard to manage. I'm glad the items go back to the owner. It's their items to begin with! Also I'll be happy with pretty much any command that prevents me from having to wait forever for a modreq just to get stupid doors unlocked. 


    There is one issue I was thinking about though. Yesterday I had to clear some resource chests with the command. This person had like 8 double chests of random resources and one chest of armor and such (I know this bc they were donation chests). I started from one side with the cobblestone and everything and moved to the other, getting to the armor and whatnot last. I was thinking about this after. Does that mean the player got an inventory full of cobblestone and all the armor just proofed out of existence? If so then I don't really see the point. 


    The Reza Job Board

    From the office of the Maer, 1707.






    [!] Signs are posted around the streets of Reza, along with job application forms. The signs read the following:




    Citizens of Reza, for those of you looking for a career or community placement within the city, please read the following job descriptions, and submit the attached application to be reviewed by the maer, and the leaders of the following government sections. 





    Office of the Justicar

    Lawmen - Day to day legal matters are settled by the Kingdom’s Office of Law, a small assembly of local judges, jurists, and legal scholars, who punish wrongdoers and settle dispute on a small scale.

    Scribes - A vitally important though often overlooked branch of government, the Office of Scribes is responsible for the publication and standardization of Haeseni documents. They record important legal and diplomatic proceedings, and make copies of important papers and charts.

    Diplomats - The diplomatic corps of the government, the Office of Envoys are the Kingdom’s boots on the ground in imperial and inter-vassal affairs, serving in minor posts throughout these areas when necessary.



    [!] Some applications for the Justicar’s office hung next to the poster:





    Office of the Seneschal

    Palace staff (Handmaidens, butlers, chefs) - In service of the royal family and important members of Reza, these staff are available to serve during feasts, or tend to whoever may be in need of their services within the palace.

    Stewards - To uphold the city of Reza's pristine exterior and interior, manage its citizens, housing and infrastructure. These are the duties of the Stewards, spearheaded by the Head Steward. They work hard and toil away at the city day and night, making certain that the cityfolk are given the service deserved.

    Architects - The hard working folk that design and build structures within the city and keep them looking tidy!



    [!] Some applications for the Seneschal’s office hung next to the poster:





    Office of the Marshal

    Soldiers - The vast majority of the Haense soldiery is housed within the Royal army, the strong center of the Kingdom’s military apparatus. These men and women perform the full array of military operations, border patrols, gate duty, escorts, city defense, and the rare offensive assault.



    [!] Some applications for the Marshal’s office hung next to the poster:





    Community work

    Tavern - Looking for bartenders and waiters/waitresses, as well as talent to keep tavern goers entertained and well looked after.

    Church - Looking for soup kitchen volunteers, members for the clergy, and musicians.

    Miner, lumberjack, farmer - The city is lacking resources in its storage! Looking for miners, lumberjacks, and farmers who are looking to make some mina!

    (Notify the maer if you’d like your business added.)





    Start a business! - Would you like to be supported by the city in starting a business? Pitch your idea here! It will be reviewed by the maer, and then the city will determine whether they’d be interested in helping or not!





    Signed, Baroness of Venzia, First Maer of Reza, Lady Maria Kovachev.










    [!] A letter would arrive in the mailbox of each Rezian citizen.




    Good day, dearest citizens! For those who do not already know me, my name is Maria Kovachev and I am running for maer of Reza 1706. I know the single thought running through the majority of your heads right now. “Why?” Well, one thing I’ll acknowledge is that I’m young and inexperienced, but that doesn’t stop me from having a mind full of fresh and new ideas to make the experience of the average Reza citizen better than it is currently.


    Given our recent move to this new continent, I recognize that we are low on not only mina, but also resources. And this is where I figured I could come to a win-win situation for both leadership and those who wish to settle here in our newly renovated (and gorgeous) housing districts. The government needs resources desperately to fill up our storage houses and allow for new things to be constructed and decorated. If capable citizens are willing, our government could remove the initial pricing of the houses in exchange for the resources they need by utilizing trade deals with families who wish to move in. The taxes would still remain, but the people of our lovely city have some time to acquire the mina that they are missing before tax time comes about.


    I’ve also noted that we do have a suggestion box from our previous maer. Did any of you know this? Probably not, because I didn’t. While I believe a suggestion box is a good idea, and necessary when attention is brought to it, I believe it is easy to neglect and ignore, especially if no suggestions are brought in by citizens who haven’t even been informed that it is there! This being said, I’d like to implement a council of citizens who vote on ideas and suggest things to add for the betterment of haense. Meetings will be held with myself and our city’s Lord Bursar, Henrik Ludovar, along with the previous maer Bjolfr Nord. Our combined experience and ideas along with the people of our city will prove useful in identifying issues and solutions to these issues as they arise and even perhaps before they do.


    Another main focus of mine is to push for jobs within the city. How many times did you enter the tavern in Markev to find it empty, rather than buzzing and full of life? How many times were you in search of a good smith who could craft the perfect ring that you needed to propose but had to settle for the one in some other place? Or how many times have you yourself been searching for a job that isn’t the military? Well, I know that we’re in desperate need for staff in our clinic, our tavern, our smithy, and more to ensure that those people who need it are able to hire someone capable. The city, of course, will supply the needed materials for you to begin the trade of your dreams! I’ll also be implementing a new system to identify which jobs desperately need workers and a place for people to put their names when they’re in search of a job! Like a job board!


    As well, another goal of mine will be to gather enough resources to be able to complete the interiors of some critical buildings in haense. Our hospital, rooms in the tavern, and more have yet to be constructed and decorated. This goal goes hand in hand with the previous one, as most of these buildings will provide more work for our citizens! This further explains our great need for resources of all types for our wonderful architects to use as they need it.


    As the canonist religion has been important to myself and my family since I was a child, I’d like to do what I can to aid the church in any way I can to organize events and ensure that faith is still a prominent aspect of our community here in Reza. I plan to gather people who wish to volunteer to farm for the church’s soup kitchen that will soon be implemented, as well as promote the need for volunteers to help feed our poor. I’d also like to push our community to get more involved with our lovely community in the church, so that we may provide the workers there with extra support when they wish to organize events or other services.


    Signed, future maer of Reza, Lady Maria Kovachev.


  4. The day hadn’t been a lazy one for young Maria Kovachev. Her arms full with a tall box of her belongings that she’d been organizing since their arrival in this new manor. Upon being finished decorating the dining room, she shuffled past the door, or well - tried to, before slipping on the envelope and falling right on her ass, her belongings falling to the ground with a loud crash! She grumbled and sat up, angrily tearing the envelope open with her hands. Her eyes scanned across the parchment as the gears turned in her brain. Ideas flooded her head and she let out an audible maniacal laugh. Moments later, Varon came down the stairs, all he saw was Maria surrounded by various belongings and a giant  box, sitting on the floor in front of the door, clutching some random parchment and laughing to herself. Loudly. “Maria, what in GOD’s name are you doing?”. Maria slowly turned her gaze to him, a wide grin still plastered over her lips. “Making history, Varon, making history.”.



    IGN: Disheartened

    Persona Name: Maria Kovachev

    Age (Must be above 18): 19

    Residence: Haense, Reza




    The Markev Maership Election

    From the office of the Lady Seneschal, 1699.




    As the Lady Seneschal of Markev, I am proud to announce the upcoming Maer elections. As four wonderful years have passed, we will be opening the position to new candidates. Runners will have two saint’s days to respond to this call, and Bjolfr Nord, our current Maer, is welcome to run a second time, as he’s served us well these past years. A debate will be announced and held  at the soonest time possible, and following the debate, we will allow the populace to vote on their favoured runner. The voters must be citizens of Markev, and may only vote once each.


    Signed, Lady Viktoria vas Ruthern,

    Lady Seneschal of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


    Please post your announcement for candidacy on this post, as a comment. It’s easier for me to keep track of this way. You will be unable to announce your candidacy after 8:30pm EST on Sunday, January 20th. I will be speaking with the candidates to attempt to organize a debate at the soonest convenience, and then voting will begin soon after. Good luck!


  6. Viktoria Kovachev scanned over the parchment, she scratched the back of her head, and furrowed her brows in confusion, then setting her gaze upon the ring that was sat across the room on her night table, “I thought this guy was dead or something.” she let out a heavy sigh, accepting her horrible luck with men. She stood, then, and grabbed her shawl from its place in her closet, and made way through the snow covered road to the church.

  7. The Markev Maership Election

    From the office of the Lady Seneschal, 1694.



    As the Lady Seneschal of Markev, I am proud to announce the upcoming Maer elections. Runners will have two saint’s days to respond to this call, and Fabio, our current Maer, is welcome to run a second time, as he’s served us well these past years. A debate will be announced and held  at the soonest time possible, and following the debate, we will allow the populace to vote on their favoured runner. It has also come to my attention that many people are unsure of the actual responsibilities of our maer, and they are as follows;


    The City needs a voice of reason, someone to guide and speak for the simple folk. The people elect a Maer and he holds a high office amongst his peers, able to grant insights into the peoples thoughts. The Maer often serves to push for the interests of the people, while also being a good mediator amongst citizens and officials alike. He or she may do anything to the city, its infrastructure, policies, systems and any other would be some areas. It is also up to the Maer to enact any new policies, systems or construction of further infrastructure as they deem fit. Being Maer may very well be likened to being King of the city, while a King governs the nation and its interests the Maer governs the city and its interests.


    A few examples of some of these responsibilities would be, to enact taxes or organize government funded programs, to command structures to be built or modified by our very talented architects, to hire workers or assistants, or appoint people to certain jobs within the city.


    Good luck to all who wish to run, I eagerly await to hear your speeches.










    Signed, Lady Viktoria Kovachev,

    Lady Seneschal of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.



    All applications will be welcome for 48 hours (Dec 20, 2018 at 3pm EST), following these 48 hours I will announce a time for a physical debate, this time, so that we can all gather for an event in Markev itself. That is when the speeches will be had. And for those who miss the event, I will post them on here in a second post.







  8. Viktoria sat in her office and scanned over the parchment, a soft smile gracing her lips as she considered the endless possibilities for their future together. She then hopped out of her seat, and made way for the tailor, just now realizing that her procrastination had gotten the better of her, as she still didn't have a gown!

  9. Yes hello, I’ve made a character for this occasion.


    Her name is “Maria the Thicc” and she’s exactly what you’d expect. Quite a lovely woman who knows her place is the kitchen, and trust me, you can tell she’s been there a lot. She’s also very progressive, so if she looks a little manly don’t question it. She used to be a man.


    There’s a lot more to her story, if you choose her for your wife.

  10. Viktoria read the letter, and shook her head in disapproval. 


    “For someone who claims to be calm and collected, it seems that he doesn’t take criticism very well. I respect my grandfather, but slandering his opponent, who made a simple, and not to mention, true and unaggressive observation about him is counterproductive. He should go back to focusing on himself and less on others. I know my grandfather as a stern and militaristic man. Not much of one for this type of position, honestly. He retired. He should stay retired.”



  11. Update on lists acquired:

    Ruthern – Coplete list submitted, meeting scheduled.

    Ludovar – Complete list submitted, meeting scheduled.

    Vanir – Member list pending, meeting scheduled.

    Baruch – Complete list submitted, meeting complete.

    Colborn – No response as of yet.

    Grimm – Complete list submitted, meeting scheduled.

    Kovachev – List pending, meeting scheduled.

    Stafyr – Complete list and ledger submitted, meeting complete.

    Caunter – No response as of yet.

    Jameson – No response as of yet.

    Enthelor – Member list pending, meeting complete.

    Arberrang – Complete list submitted for clan Skarpefanger, pending/refused for the others. Meeting complete.



    To clarify, we only ask for living and active members of the families. If there is a village or settlement of sorts, we ask as well for a ledger containing its information.

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