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Status Updates posted by DerpyDwarf

  1. 3 Assignments down, 4 more to go, then I'm free (until the next year starts) *sobs*

  2. Once again, sorry for my absence. January has been an awul month for me. If it wasn't one thing going on then it was another. I hope to be back on server by friday next week. :c

  3. Once again, sorry for my absence. January has been an awul month for me. If it wasn't one thing going on then it was another. I hope to be back on server by friday next week. :c

  4. OOC NOTICE: 25/12/2014 I should be back from the Christmas events with my family after tomorrow. With that I will have access to my computer again and can actually log onto server properly. I will also be talking to those in charge about the situation of the Constabulary and where we will be going from there. As far as I know we should be safe, but, do not take that for granted or as fact. Anyway, happy holidays people! Have a great few days!

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