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Everything posted by DerpyDwarf

  1. 3 Assignments down, 4 more to go, then I'm free (until the next year starts) *sobs*

  2. Once again, sorry for my absence. January has been an awul month for me. If it wasn't one thing going on then it was another. I hope to be back on server by friday next week. :c

  3. Once again, sorry for my absence. January has been an awul month for me. If it wasn't one thing going on then it was another. I hope to be back on server by friday next week. :c

  4. OOC NOTICE: 25/12/2014 I should be back from the Christmas events with my family after tomorrow. With that I will have access to my computer again and can actually log onto server properly. I will also be talking to those in charge about the situation of the Constabulary and where we will be going from there. As far as I know we should be safe, but, do not take that for granted or as fact. Anyway, happy holidays people! Have a great few days!

  5. From one artist to another, I can say with a happy heart that your Artwork is simply wonderful. I do not yet hold the skill to even compare to you yet, but I look forwards with a hopeful outlook that perhaps one day I will be able to draw as well as you. ;v; I hope one day I can look on my own artwork and see the same level of detail and skill as you, especially after seeing the progress you have made over your long presence in LOTC. Anyway, enough rambling, I've said that what I wished to say. Thank you for your time, and do keep up the splendid work ;v;
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