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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Trinn

  1. Just now, Harrrison said:



    wait nvm it's irl money, sorry trinn i dont have that :((


    but i WILL recommend to anyone else wanting to buy!!!


    I already drew drauch for you - _ -

    and I just want Keem's Sigil art. HEeheh. So like, after one person pays 10$, I'm going back to minas

  2. Page-break.png


    Hello! Welcome to Trinn's Decapitated Head Art shop.

    I am fully aware that map change is soon and selling something with minas is completely useless.

    I'm doing this to practice on my art skills; Features, metals, bones, etc

    However the minas is just to limit the amount of reqs I get and ensure I'm not drowned in them. Though... :^ ) Art trades are better.


    -No more reqs for now-





    List of People done!:







    God bless my soul. How am I going to get them all done. 





    Show of my art:


    Decimus Tiber by 1Valaquenta

    Young Andri'ante ! by 1Valaquenta






    Alrian Carcimor - The Milk Shade by 1Valaquenta







    Alright, things to know about my art skill at the moment:


    I'm not very experienced with Armour

    Nor Am I very experienced with horrific ghoul-like features. I can always try, however.

    I'm still practicing with backgrounds ^-^


    P.S: I just need this one 10$ for keem because I want to order a Sigil from her lmfao. So if you're paying 10$, you're sending it to the marvelous Keem.

    Edit: Cookiie is being a cookiie and has given me what I wanted. God bless.




    • Art Trade for these arts! 
    • Skin for Art Trades!
    • 2000 minas for one art. If theres many additional items, prices may rise?






    IGN - 

    Background - 

    Character Description/Reference - 

    Payment type - 

    Extra items - (Staff, real special crowns)




  3. Andri'ante woke up in her ashened grey form - her figure scrambled to a seated position as small puffs of breath emitted harshly from her lips. She brings her hand to her face, her figure curled in the midst of her bedding - knees pulled to her chest. She regards her surroundings with a raspy chuckle, shaking her head as she soon plants her head on her knees. She was trembling, fingers twitching as it scratched on frozen skin.


    It was too different. The looming ice to the darkness of the cavern, where blue should be black - tainted with red; or the songs of birds upon the sky, and green hands that reached to block the sky. Instead, she was greeted with the silence of the cavern, the hum of the ice around her as the echoes of fallen splinters of ice and dripping water met her ears. The only similarity she saw was the carcass on her table, another dead body of a man who fell prey.


    She places her hand to her chest, as if expecting something there. With a grunt, she fell back on her bed - a frustrated groan emitted from her lips. "Damned."

  4. Andri scratches her neck. The Mali'aheral seemed rather disturned, a glass of wine toyed with in her hand.

    "I heard it was only one mali'aheral with a baby." She huffs, shifting in her chair. "An impure one at that. They probably bury people who break their laws under trees, or something. What's the big deal?"


    Her figure further shrinks within the comfort seating of the sofa, a disgruntled sigh passing her lips.

    "Now we're messed up with these 'Fear the old dark' folks. I should start fearing the dark again, sleep with my lights on."

  5. Just now, UnBaed said:

    Nemir thinks to herself while sipping from a glass of wine, "Coffee is disgusting, I should make a cafe called Dumb Moonbucks."


    Esgaleth fans her face, almost fainting in disbelief from the land of the dead.

    The idea of Nemir drinking wine - instead of ale like the brute she acts like - seems so impossible. 



  6. Andri taps her chin. 

    "Moonbucks?" She wonders outloud, brows raising a tad "What a peculiar choice of name! Next, we'll be seeing Starbucks all around Vailor."


    "Ooh! If a dwarf made a Cafe, what would it be called? Hard Rock Cafe?

  7. "This is a tad bit too far. First of all, this 'King Malin' bullshit is not a propaganda explicitly stated and signed by Haelun'or as a whole - it doesn't even have the Sohaer's signature. Now, stop dragging and insulting all the Mali'aheral by the words of a few. And our city is absolutely fabulous, ahernan - why don't you go back to eating raw meats like wild animals and harassing trees. 


    Second of all, your statement of 'no one cares'... thats a stab to my delicate heart. We care about our culture, and we want to be seperate with our own city. Respect that please, otherwise its hypocritical when you whine about how we don't respect nature and your love life with trees."


    Andri chatters to anyone near enough to her, before ambling away to find someone to play her illusion tricks on. Then again, the Mali didn't exactly look so sober as she utters this rant.

  8. She places a hand on her forehead, chuckling rather lightly. Andri'ante sips her tea rather stiffly in the Inn of Haelun'or, regarding passing elves with small smiles.


    "The Propagandas of Malin being the one true King is surely not the true orders of our Sohaer? If so, I'm quite disappointed in Kelthran. He strikes sharpened words to the Mali'ame, who has offered him aid in the past - I recall an orc slaving a mali'ii, and several members of the Sirame aided us in returning her. 


    But I've stated this, so I'll move on to how this clashes against Larihei.


    We have never worshipped Malin, we worship no one. Larihei is the one who carved our path for us, and she did not bid us to bend to our knees to Malin and follow his ways as the Mali'ame did. Nor did Larihei want us to bathe her in riches and act as if she was our GOD, she was merely our beloved Leader who made for us a new way. No, the Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya is not about worshipping a dead king. We've never worshipped anyone. And to put trust in a dead corpse and kiss their rotten feet is Illogical. There are Mali'aheral of more sense in the Silver City, don't let this silly propaganda affect your minds dear lliran.


    I rue this day, for I side more with oem of the Mali'ame - than a 'propaganda' apparently sent by Haelun'or. Do not attempt at what Kalenz Uradir did - we do not need more land, we do not need to govern over the other Mali. Their cultures are not our business, nor is it something we want. Tend to your own lands, lliran - the Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya is not for the other descendants.

  9. Andri'ante pulls on her hair rather harshly, a dragged out sigh of exasperation passing her lips.


    "Fine! Go about and prance to worship a dead man! Give up the King who has armies and more beneficial purposes for a guy covered in flies and animal dung! Fine!"


    She huffs, making a sassy gesture with her hands like the true sarcasm-filled, sneering, judgemental Mali'aheral she is. 


    "Bend a knee to Malin, you'll be eating dust and dirt worshipping his corpse."

  10. Andri'ante scratches her neck stiffly, brows aloft as she regards the propaganda. Being a Mali'aheral so easily bored, and having little patience - she shakes her head swiftly, huffing to wander off. 


    "Why is having the Mali'ame as a king so bad? Its quite beneficial to the other elves. The Mali'ame are strong in terms of armies and alliances, easy protection. I recall them being quite helpful. Pity Malin is dead and under the earth, he's not going to march to your defense when your wall is threatened. A king that is alive with people backing him is surely of more use than one that is... dead? Gone? A figure in tales?  A Mali'ame king with an army is much better than one dead."


    She rambles, to anyone unfortunate enough to be near her. 


    "But hey, if you want to waste a perfectly good King who is not really an ass for a dead one under the ground - who am I to comment, I'm just a former house cleaner."



  11. Ke5omO0.png

    If you have applied for a Citizenship in Lin'sulan, Check here to see if you are accepted

    [!] These posters are scattered across the boards of the city. [!]

    Newly Accepted Citizens of Lin'sulan

    First Class Citizenship: Last checked 20/06/2016



    Exthelion   [[Khodvra]]

    Valadhiel Ley'Hileia    [[Riverfyre]]

    Oadox [[Liorpi]]

    Andrian Fe'len [[_Me_Zebra]]

    Liewyn Tur'sil [[_Krydini_]]

    Paladair [[Liorpi ]]

    Keros Dalisay [Nekks_]



    Lyulen Velula'ento [[Xero_F]]

    Chem Sperk [[Tower_Pyro]]

    Ciri'lla Seni [[Mkkk]]

    Valarys Aer'anyx [[Dannybrine]]

    Kael Daenor [[Narthok]]

    Arkynil Silinfhaer [[_Katastrophe_]]

    Azuline [[DizPanda15]]

    Farsae Ol'rusalem [[KaiserThoren]]

    Vulaver Evarindor [[Azureth]]



    Anaklusmos Starunner [[Mrmist0[[

    Elwyn [[Crazed]]

    Uhierir'Maehr [[MisterDuckling]]

    Poppy Aeth'ahern [[EmilyBlackheart]]

    Lentos Res'Ibar [[ScribeofMilo]]



     Lossendir [[DanDevil]]

    Cyril Glaeus [[IceWalker]]


    Brelynnis Solia [[Voriik]]

    Arilynae [[Creete]]

    Rhaenor [[CaptainSheepy]]

    Nyth Nerthal [[Xeyrio]]

    Lólindir Vardamir [[minerman0500]]

    Lorien [[Mephistophelian]]

    Igne'ilum Adriane [[CptShoelace]]

     [[Blublankie]]Vex Maour





    Kyria Haladar [[Chickadee2016]]  must contact Eltilruir'indor/Tilruir'mali due to lack of knowledge upon the Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya.





    Newly Accepted Citizens of Lin'sulan

    Second Class Citizenship: Last checked 20/06/2016



    Liona Swiftgale [[RockerKidd]]

    Thairel [[ForsakenWarrior]]

    Xavier Chastur [[SirChewie96]]

    Destrian Nightgaze [[Jorgeboss]]

    Spazmax Orthrox [[Spazmax_Orthrox]]

    Jester Jay [[Xeyrio]]

    Li [[Anadunae]]

     Adrihyn [[Zindran]]



    Valsis [[Corruptic]]

    Uhierir'sul Ba'Ikana [[DaUrukz]]

    Grayon Sakell [[Sherlocks_homes]]

    Elred Olenor [[larko2000]]

    Blundermore [[Blundermore]]


  12. Andri'ante remained in her confinements, in the shut curtains of her own tower within Haelun'or. T'was by miracle that she heard of the news, in the scarce visits she chose to do - such the Mali'aheral was glad for, and she allowed the thought to play upon her mind.


    The Mali'aheral graces a rare smile upon her previously somber expression, a dry chuckle passing her lips. "I miss Athri. So much of her  in Lelien."

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