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Posts posted by KosherZombie

  1. The man wore a green cloak and a tired smile as he ascended the streets of Aleksandria. A small group of soldiers marched close behind him, vigilant eyes scanning the silent streets. The few arrived at the palace, stopping at its doors and admiring the structure in quiet awe. One of the soldiers, a massive man, stepped ahead, and drove his shoulder into the door, sending it flying from its rusty hinges. “Thank you, Draskovits,” muttered the man in the green cloak. As the group entered the palace, a new life crept into their weary faces. They escorted their leader to the throne room, their strides growing longer and more vital with each step. He crossed the throne room, dropping his green cloak midway, to the cheers of his men. At the base of the marble throne, he halted and faced the soldiers. “We are home, and we are few, and god is with us!” With that, he claimed his seat.

    One man called from the back. “The Duke of Curon has reclaimed Aleksandria! Long live Duke Devereux!”

    Over the following months, the Duke’s entourage grew of religious refugees and loyal Houses, come to affirm their loyalty to their rightful Duke. Among them, Lord Thomas of House Hartcold, Count Sylvestre Halcourt of Aven, Lord Gideon of House Merentel of Hallowfell, and Jarrack of House Draskovits.


    1. Declaration of the Duchy of Curon

      The people of Curon hereby recognize Charles of House Devereux as the Duke of Curon. The Duchy of Curon names canonism as its official religion, and will provide asylum to any Santegian religious refugees.



    His Grace, Charles of House Devereux
    Lord Thomas of House de Hartcold
    Lord Gideon of House Merentel
    Commander Jarrack Draskovits
    Lord Sylvestre III of House Halcourt de Vasile


  2. Duke Charles Devereux of Curon stands atop the ramparts of Aleksandria, watching his niece leave. His expression curls into a frown as she disappears over the horizon. "You always were my favorite. May god protect you, and may we meet again." He goes silent, gazing off a minute longer, and then descends from the ramparts, down into the city below - his city by blood and right of inheritance. 

  3. On 7/25/2017 at 6:56 PM, sullincollivan said:

    [OOC Information]


    Username: sullincollivan

    Skype (pm if you’d rather it be private): collinrobot
    Discord (pm if you’d rather it be private): 


    [RP Information]


    Name: Jerome Nicéphore

    Race: Highlander

    Age: 51

    Previous experience: Years of working a forge

    Weapon of choice: War Hammer

    Profession: Legendary Blacksmith, Legendary Enchanter, Masterful Woodworker

    Why do you wish to serve in the Relourian Brigade?: To put my skills to work, forging the finest blades possible for the Relourian Brigade


    Accepted! Report to Aven to enlist.

  4. To The Houses de Castro, and de Savin





    On this day, the 11th of the Malin’s Welcom, MDCXVII, do the dual Crowns of the Empire of Oren, and the Principality of Evreux denounce the Houses de Savin and de Castro for their actions against both Crowns, and Imperial Law, and so do pronounce the aforementioned houses to be rebellious to their direct liege Prince Henry Richard, and to His Imperial Majesty, Emperor John V Frederick.


    The crimes and acts committed by the Houses de Savin and de Castro are most heinous and dishonorable in nature, and are thusly;


    1. During the late years of the Kingdom of Courland, under the reign of his majesty, King Joseph, Abdessamad de Savin, the then Duke of Savinia, publicly declared his secession from the Kingdom and pronounced his oath to the newly formed Orenian Empire. Through this action, Savinia entered into rebellion, holding the lands of the Kingdom of Courland against her Crown. When His majesty King Joseph swore fealty to the Emperor and dissolved his Kingdom, allowing for the formation of the Principality of Evreux, did the Principality gain claim over all lands of the Kingdom. These lands encompass those held by the rebellious House de Savin, as Abdessamad de Savin has seen it fit to not swear oath to the de jure Crown, and to spit on the Imperial edict to which these lands were bestowed with. Thus, the de Savins and Savinia in whole, have entered open rebellion against the Crown of Evreux, and the His Imperial Majesty.
    2. When the Lord Abdessamad de Savin and Lord Elias de Castro at last answered the summons of Lord-Regent of the Principality, Arnaud Halcourt, they arrived at the Prince’s courts with a company of armed soldiers, opening their discussions with insults to the Regent and members of the Privy Council, before raising arms in the murderous venture of permanently removing their de jure Lieges representative in cold blood, in a direct attack on not only the Principality of Evreux, but on the Empire at large.
    3. During this attack the Prince’s representative, Lord-Chancellor Frederick Baden, was beheaded in the town square. The Crown he bore as symbol of his authority, removed from his head by a member of House de Castro, who then pronounced himself Prince. This action speaks to the rebels complete disregard for Imperial authority, and the rights bestowed by His Imperial Majesty. So insulting Humanities divinely chosen and coronated ruler.
    4. The deceased Lord-Chancellor Frederick Baden was then desecrated in a manner most foul and unholy, as House de Savin took it upon themselves to not flay the man, nor burn him, but to devour the flesh of him. This cannibalization of a man of God and the Empire is truly against the teachings and will of God and all of humanity.
    5. In addition to the cannibalistic murder of Lord-Chancellor Frederick Baden, the Savinians assaulted multiple members of the Evreuxian peerage without provocation, including Lord Augustus Roswell, Lord-Marshal Jacques Halcourt, and his wife, Ariana Halcourt.
    6. As tensions between the Crown of Evreux and the Houses of de Castro and de Savin grew, rather than trying to mitigate the damage, Lord Elias de Castro, Lord Abdessamad de Savin, and their followers organized and perpetrated a number of raids against the Aleksandria, the capital of Evreux. These attacks carried out through craven assaults of women, of children, and of unprotected property.



    Thusly, by His Imperial Majesty, Emperor John V Frederick and by his vassal, Prince Henry Richard, it is declared that both the Houses de Savin and de Castro are traitors and rebels to the Holy Orenian Empire, and the Principality of Evreux respectively. Given the pious and affable nature, His Imperial Majesty, John V Frederick, the rebellious Houses are given leave to flee their lands and relinquish their titles within the territories of Evreux and Oren before the Imperial army arrives. If they decline this graceful offer, then His Imperial Majesty, Emperor John V Frederick shall enact any means he deems fit to bring this matter to an end.




    Through Divine Guidance.




    Lord-Regent Arnaud Sylvestre Halcourt,

    Regent of the Principality of Evreux



    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY John V Frederick of the House of Horen, by the Grace of God, Holy Orenian Emperor and rightful Emperor of Aeldin, Forever August, Apostolic King in Oren, of Renatus, Salvus, Seventis, Vandoria, Savoy, Aesterwald, and Telemar, Defender of the Faith, Supreme Protector of Mankind, Duke of the Crownlands, Cascadia, Avar, Frederica, and Cascadia, Count of Johannesburg Alamar, Frederica, Krajia, and Thesmer, and Thelen,


  5. The Rains of Castromere


    “As the rats scurry into their hiding holes, we shall follow and smoke them out.”

    -Commander Edmund Torryn addressing the Courlandic host after the slaughter at the Battle of Elba.




    Evruxian footmen arriving at Hallowfell.

    Circa; 1616






    Two brothers, one short and one tall, one fat and one strong, stood idly atop walls of Hallowfell. The fat one slouched over the ramparts and drummed his fingers. The tall one stood erect with his hands clasped behind his back. Despite their differences, the brothers shared an expression of livid determination. Less than a day’s walk to their backs was Aleksandria, the proud capital of the Principality, now given its first great tragedy.


    Weakened and disgruntled Lords who had turned away from the formation of the Principality had not only attacked their old lieges, but a Principality of the Empire. They had not only killed Frederick Baden but allowed his corpse to be desecrated against the tradition and will of the Church. They not only took Frederick’s crown but pronounced one of their number as Prince, without the approval of the Emperor or God.


    The brothers gazed out over the empty green fields, with an orange sun at their backs, casting long shadows over the clumps of grass and dirt beneath the walls.  The tall one spoke first: “The time for diplomacy is past, Arnaud.”


    The fat brother nodded methodically in response. “We offered peace, and they brought war to our prince’s halls. Now we’ll bring it to theirs.” Even as they spoke, the thunder of hooves on grass and stone echoed from their backs. The brothers turned to see banners of green and grey join the sea of men swarming Hallowfell, some carrying crates of weapons through the keep, others sparring in the in the fields. The brothers turned east once more, and the fat one spoke again. “As soon as the rest arrive, we march.”







    Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): 1


    Type of battle: Skirmish


    Date And Time: June 24th, Saturday 3pm EST, 7pm GMT


    Side A: Principality of Evreux + Allies


    Side B: Duchy of Savinia + Allies


    Location and boundaries:


    Direct Area:


    Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location:



    Terms of Victory


    Upon Victory For...


    Victory for the Attackers: All Savinian forces are killed or flee the battlefield


    Victory for the Defenders: All Courlandic forces are killed or flee the battlefield




    Offensive Victory: Principality of Evreux take the Town de Savin  and may follow on with a siege of the Savinian Palace and capital.


    Defensive Victory: Duchy of Savinia remain in control of the Town de Savin, and have the option to either skirmish the following week or wait for another siege in two weeks time.



    No status switching.
    All LoTC rules.
    No golden apples.
    No one day alts.

    TNT enabled
    No modifications can be made to the battlefield and its surrounding area upon the posting of this warlclaim.


  6. Name ((OOC Name)): KosherZombie

    Surname/House: Staunton
    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)):
    Gender: Male
    Race: Highlander
    Citizenship Class (A or B): A

    Physical Description

    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 200
    Eye Color: Grey
    Hair Color: Brown/Grey
    Skin Color/Shade: Light
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: n/a

    Personal Information

    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): The Ducal Palace of Courland
    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): The Duchy of Courland
    Profession/Occupation: Duke of Courland

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!): I will soon.

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))


    Oath(s) of Loyalty

    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):

    "I, Richard Staunton, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."


    "I, Richard Staunton, hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."

  7. The setting sun cast its rays like red daggers over the silent Courlandic fields. The screams and pains of battle, followed by whoops of victory and sobs of defeat had subsided hours ago. The Duchy mourned with more than defeat. They mourned the loss of their duke. Though no corpse had been recovered, the man was nowhere to be found.

        In the early hours of the following morning a rider clothed in a torn Staunton tabard emerged from the Ducal Palace. The horse was dark, only its eyes visible against the blackness of the night. It might seem, to the onlooker, that the rider floated through the streets of Riga. But, as he rode, white parchments fell behind him. They held a simple message within:
        To any who doubted - the Duke Aleksandr Staunton is gone. The recent battle took my son, an illustrious leader and great man from our Duchy. Yet it is our duty to him that we carry his legacy with pride. Thus, without any other immediate or obvious heir, I, Duke Richard Staunton of Courland, do reaffirm my claim upon our blessed home. Together we will navigate these dark times.

    Courland shall prevail.

    -- Signed Lord Richard of House Staunton, Duke of Courland

  8. A Matter of Succession


    In the Castle of Braaburg, Courland, Richard Staunton sat at his desk in despair. He’d lost one son, and now his second, the acting Duke, seemed more and more distant. The boy seemed plagued by anger, and it blinded him. He was no longer the same loving son Richard had named his heir and Duke.


    He wondered to himself ‘How things had fallen so far, from the prosperous Duchy of his father’s age to the wartorn one of his son’s?’


    Richard was desperate, a father who had lost all his children in mere years, so
    he shook his head, deciding to pen a response to the supposed pretender Duke, the man claiming to be his eldest son and heir, Aleksandr Staunton.


    As Richard waited at the agreed rendezvous location, a familiar face became apparent.


    It was his eldest son and heir, Aleksandr Staunton.


    “Aleksandr...” murmured Richard in disbelief as he recognised his son, going to embrace him.


    “If only I would have believed. We thought you were dead. We all did.”


    “Our home is dying. This incestual violence will be its downfall. We must end this war before it destroys us all. Anden - he has lost himself. Courland will fall beneath him. It’s time to come home, son.”


    “Father… I am sorry--”


    Richard shook his head. “No… Come, my boy. Come home as my son once again.” He said, offering his hand, pulling Aleksandr upon his horse.


    With that, they rode back to Courland to address the matter at hand.


    The news would spread throughout the empire. Lord Richard, patriarch of house Staunton, had accepted Aleksandr as the rightful heir to the Duchy of Courland, and his true eldest son and heir.


  9. Duke Richard Staunton of Courland frowned when he heard the news. His liege and he had not always seen eye to eye. Through years of service they'd conflicted more than once, but the duke had always respected the sovereign: a man who had, despite his harsh demeanor, united the people of Oren; a man who had remedied the festering scars plaguing his beloved Empire; a man who had resiliently waged justified war in the name of his people. The Emperor's unwavering constitution had earned the Duke's loyalty. So now, although he said nothing, Richard quietly mourned for his liege. 

  10. Writ of Disownment

    As issued by Richard Staunton upon the 17th of First Seed, 1540

        It shall be heard throughout all of Oren that the patriarch of House Staunton, heir of the late Percival Staunton, first of his name, the Duke of Courland in his own right, has, after much consideration, reached the conclusion to disown William Staunton, younger brother of Richard Staunton.


        Not only has William insulted and disrespected those of his own House, and the friends thereof, but has deliberately and foolishly spread falsehoods and rumours in a desperate attempt to slander the Staunton name and that of other houses.


        William Staunton has been given many chances to recant and to correct his unsavory behaviour; but has thus far failed to show any form of improvement. As such, there comes a time to draw the line. The Duke will no longer stand for such petty behaviour. Therefore, William shall be stripped of the Staunton name-- including all of its associated privileges.




    His Grace, Richard Staunton, the first of his name, Duke of Courland, Patriarch of the House of Staunton.

  11. As word of the Vimmark's treasonous warmongering reaches him, Duke Richard Staunton slams a clenched fist upon the oaken table, a fury crossing his face which soon subsides into calm resolution. "The raids to which Vimmark refers never happened... First he attempts to usurp me. Now he commits treason. I've had enough."

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