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Posts posted by KosherZombie




    The Treaty of Peace between

    Bear and Crow, 1702





    The contents of this passage shall serve as a standing diplomatic resolution between the the Duchy of Curon and the Duchy of Adria.


    The nations and individuals participating in this document as signed participants will henceforth declare adherence to the terms, under oath of blood, soul and sentience under God.


    As such, the details of the treaty will be written in the following statutes.



    STATUTE 1 - To the regards of Curon

    1. All hostilities towards the Duchy of Adria shall hereby be stopped forthwith.

      1. In no manner will any actions of militaristic, social, or economic aggression be taken against the Duchy of Adria, its citizens, and its lands.

        1. This agreement of peace and non-aggression does not expire upon the death of Duke Wilhelm I of House Devereux. If the Duke should either die, abdicate, or be removed from his position and title, the terms of this agreement shall still be upheld by any and all future successors to the Curonian throne.

        2. In the event that conflict breaks out between the people of Adria and Curon, the Patriarch of House Devereux shall seek diplomatic resolution, rather than military.

    2. By terms set forth by His Imperial Majesty, Augustus I of House Horen, the House of Devereux will be given a female member of House Carrion in marriage.

      1. The Lady of House Carrion will now reside within the Duchy of Curon, where she shall be betrothed to wed a son within the direct line of House Devereux.

        1. In the event the Lady of House Carrion cannot fulfill the requirements set before her, be it due to a fatal serious illness or death, another Lady of House Carrion shall take her place upon the request of the Patriarch of House Devereux.


    STATUTE 2 - To the regards of Adria

    1. All hostilities towards the Duchy of Curon shall hereby be stopped forthwith.

      1. In no manner will any actions of militaristic, social or economic aggression be taken against the Duchy of Curon, its citizens and its lands.

        1. This agreement of peace and non-aggression does not expire upon the death of Duke Paul II of House Carrion. If the Duke should either die, abdicate, or be in some other form removed from his position and title, the terms of this agreement shall still be upheld by any and all future successors to the Adrian throne.

        2. In the event that conflict breaks out between the people of Adria and Curon, the Duke of Adria shall seek diplomatic resolution, rather than military.

    2. By terms set forth by His Imperial Majesty, Augustus I of House Horen, the ducal House of Carrion will hereby, by requirement of Imperial authority, immediately deliver the Lady Mariya of House Carrion for marriage.

      1. The Lady Mariya of House Carrion shall hereby be required to live within the direct and associated lands of Curon for the duration of her life.

        1. Per terms of Imperial decree, as well as the formally agreed terms set forth by both the Duke Wilhelm I of Curon and Duke Paul I of Adria, the Lady of House Carrion shall be betrothed to a son within the direct line of House Devereux.

        2. In the event that Lady Mariya is unable to marry a son of House Devereux, for any reason including death or illness, another maiden of House Carrion shall be provided for betrothal and marriage.

        3. In the event that no eligible maiden of House Carrion be produced and given to the Duchy of Curon, a lump sum of 50,000 mina shall instead be rewarded as a form of mandatory monetary reimbursement to Duchy of Curon and its treasury.    





    Signature of the Duchy of Adria


                                             Paul Ewald Ostromir Petyr Leonid Emil Franz Carrion, Duke of Adria


    Signature of the Duchy of Curon


    Ser Wilhelm Devereux, Duke of Curon and Arbor


  2. Will patrolled his inner defenses when the news arrived. He looked to the officers and soldiers around him, finding little solace in Daniel’s letter. His grave voice, like steel bent beneath the weight of duty, passed from parched lips: “Let us hope that mankind heeds the pontiffs words.” 


    He folded the missive into a neat square, and slipped it into his fanny pack, mind returning to his militant precautions.

  3. [!] A notice is distributed across Curonia [!]



    The Bear’s domain, Curonia, that of Curon, Arbor and the associated vassals, Ursurian territories and annexes, prospers now as it never has before. Our industry constantly expanding. Our levies and militias always growing. Our territories broader now than ever, spanning as far south as Rivia and as far north as Pembroke. In light of recent event, I summon the military authorities from across the Curonian domain to attend an emergency meeting of the Curonian Witenagemot, to discuss the logistics and ramifications of the potential mobilization of our armed forces. If a summoned member cannot attend the Witenagemot, the bear demands that a representative be sent to speak on their behalf.


    The following are summoned to attend the Witenagemot:


    1. Lord Reynauld of House Silversteed, Count of Arbor

    2. Lord Augustin of House Falkenrath, Count of Laria

    3. Lord Edward of House Suffolk, Count of Pembrokeshire

    4. Lord Angelo of House de Alba, Count of Astorga

    5. Lord Raksa of House Ragnarson, Baron of Alsace

    6. Lord Robb of House Landes, Baron of Barmount

    7. Hektor of House Bolivar

    8. Erec of House Keint

    9. Ser Anakin of House Draskovits

    10. All knights of the Ursus

    11. All Officers of the Ursus


    Those of Curonia who are not summoned may attend and witness the Witenagemot, but may not speak there. The meeting of the Witans shall occur next month in the Lord’s Hall of Curon, (Monday, January 28, 6 PM EST)


    May we stand as one for the Green Tide Rises. Ave Curonia.




    His Grace, Duke Wilhelm Devereux of Curonia

  4. What madness befalls the Crow and the Bear, who feud like brothers beneath the divinity of Imperium? The time is defined by unprecedented peace. Violation of the peace of Horen sacrifices the strength that unity has delivered unto us. That we invest our sovereignty, the old Houses of Carrion and de Evreux, implies that we subdue ourselves to his laws. Unbridled feuds have led to decay of Empire. Or do those of Adria forget their troubled history, where civil war devoured state?


    Pax Orenia, peace among man - that is the nature of our time. To disrupt nature and the divine, to dismantle the peace built and sustained by His Imperial Majesty, Augustus of the House of Horen, to turn brother on brother and man on man, betrays the very substance of what mankind has built together.


    The Bear will not raise banners against mankind.


    The brother will not slay his brother.


    The justice of our land prevails, protected by the sword, defended by might, in, at least, the Bear’s domain, our humble den within the Dragon’s Empire.


    Do not mistake my peace for hesitation. I am a man of war, my nation birthed in righteous conquest, my armies, their blades sharp, always ready to defend God, Imperium, and Curonia. But in this feud I find no righteousness, no justice. I witness only chaos and ill-advised conflict, and I will waste no further breath or ink considering its consequence for the peaceful Adrians and loyal Curonians alike.


    Instead, I use my final phrases to call for peace, to call for the Pax Orenia, ushered in by Emperor Aurelius, and preserved in good faith by you and I. Withdraw your declaration of war, and I assure you of peace. Withdraw your insults, threats, and bounties, and we may avoid restless and worthless bloodshed. We may meet, after this year’s court in the capital, as civil men, Duke to Duke, and together agree to wage war not on one another, but on what devilish corruption has led us down this blaspheming path of strained vows and disrupted peace.


    May we have peace among man beneath the divinity of God and Imperium. Ave Orenia.





    His Grace, Ser Wilhelm Devereux, Duke of Curon and Arbor, Count of Cyrilsburg, Grand Knight of the Order of the Ursus, and Lord of Bear Mountain


  5. The Mad Bear Tavern

    [!] Notices are spread around the city of Cyrilsburg [!]


    The tavern in Curon will be reopening under new management, tonight, under the name The Mad Bear. The tavern will be managed by Alasdair Falkenrath and Liana Cadenza de Alba. The halfling Odo Strongfoot shall be the head chef, and Ursurian Alanah Aldahen will be the barmanager. Contact any of them for information on drinks, prices and special sales.


    The Tavern is located on Devereux drive, directly across from the Lord’s Hall. All citizens of Curon and the empire are invited to come drink, play, games, and sing, at the tavern’s opening, later this saint’s day (5:30 pm EST, Saturday 1/19). Come try our new special, Curonic Pan-Fried Raccoons, as well as a number of other dishes.


    For more information contact:


    Alasdair Falkenarth - Zipzapman

    Liana Cadenza de Alba - Benelux1



    Alanah Aldahen - HipsterGaming

    Kitchen Manager:

    Odo Strongfoot

  6. Curon's Got Talent


    It has come to the attention of the Cyrillian administration that any festival requires entertainment. The Curonian Freedom Festival is no exception. Thus, we will be hosting the first iteration of Curon’s Got Talent, a talent show open to any and all who would like to demonstrate their unique skills or talents. This may include, singing, playing an instrument, story telling, poetry, or any other physical or mental exercise that you would like to share. The Cyrillian Council of Curon will act as a board of impartial judges at the show. If you would like to partake, please submit your application below. If there is time, we will also allow registration at the Festival itself. The winner of the talent show will be awarded one case of the finest Curonian Cactus Green, a strain known as “Devereux’s Delight,” as well as 500 mina. ((The Talent Show Will begin at 4:30 pm EST))



    Will you require any props or instruments. If yes, then what?:

  7. Issued from the Ducal Offices in Cyrilsburg to the people of Curonia - Arbor, Curon, and their auxiliary forces:


    The Ducal Office of Curonia summons all noble and aristocratic families who fall under the yoke of the bear to publicly declare their fealty to Curonia, House Devereux, and the Ducal throne of Curon. Each house who would achieve the recognition and legitimacy granted by the bear shall meet the following requirements:


    1. They shall contribute at least one able bodied and competent blood member of their house to serve as an officer in the single military force of the Duchy of Curon, to be assigned their role at the leisure of Ursurian Retinue, Duke, Grand Knight, and Commander of the Ursus. The retinues and levies of the vassal houses shall be integrated into the main branch of the Order of Ursus under the supervision of the Commander of the Ursus and the House officer.

    2. The patriarch of each house shall appear in court and state their vow, eternally binding their house to Curonia, House Devereux, and the Ducal Throne of Curon.

    3. The patriarch of each house shall submit their vows and signatures in written form to the Ducal Office. ((A response to this forum post))


    The lord and vassal agreement between the Duchy of Curon and the noble houses therein shall abide by the following terms:

    1. The Duchy of Curon shall uphold and protect its vassals with nothing less than the entirety of its military and political authority.

    2. The Vassals of Curon shall abide by Ducal law and decree.

    3. The Vassals of Curon shall raise their banners at the Duke’s leisure, without hesitation or question.

    4. The Vassals of Curon shall not form independent levies. Instead, they shall contribute their fighting men to the Order of Ursus. Soldiers may where a colored armband indicating their affiliated House, and may retain their oaths of fealty to their House as well as to the Duchy of Curon.

    5. All titles granted by the Bear are subject to imperial review and approval.

    Ser Wilhelm Devereux, Duke of Curon, Lord-Protect of the Duchy of Umbria, Count of Cyrilsburg, Lord-Regent of the County of Arbor, Benefactor of the Suffonian Annex, Grand Knight of the  Ursus, and Lord of Bear Mountain


    The following individuals are summoned to swear their fealty at court and submit a written vow to Curon.

    1. Lord Angelo of House de Alba, Count of Astorga

    2. Lord Augustin of House Falkenrath, Count of Laria

    3. Lord Robb of House Landes, Baron of Barmount

    4. Lord Raksa of House Ragnarson, Baron of Alsace

    I, [Name and title], swear fealty to Curonia, House Devereux, and the Ducal Throne of Curon. I shall serve as a loyal vassal to the patriarch of House Devereux and Duke of Curon, from this moment until death. My house shall be bound to House Devereux as its vassal for all of posterity. My sword is his to command. My house is his to protect, and my banners are his to summon. I shall uphold the Virtues of Curonia, and live beneath the eternal guidance of our Paragons and the light of our God. The Green Tide Rises, for we stand as one. Ave Curonia.

  8. Curon Freedom Festival

    ((A depiction of Duke Wilhelm Devereux smoking a joint))

    The Ducal Administration of Curon has observed that cactus green and affiliated substances have long been stigmatized within the empire, their mental and physical health benefits disregarded out of fear, and its users forced to hide from the law. Cactus green is to known relieve pain and increase appetite amongst sick and injured patients. It has also been demonstrated to prevent or decrease the likelihood of seizures. Apart from its physical benefits, cactus green is also a proven stress reliever. Last but not least, cactus green is green is fun and should be enjoyed!


    For this reason, at the end of this year, the Cyrillian council will be hosting the Curon Freedom Festival, advocating that users of cactus green be able to practice freely, without being judged or persecuted by their society and local courts. For three Saint’s Days, all regulation regarding cactus green consumption and distribution shall be lifted within the walls of Cyrilsburg. Any adult, or child under the supervision of their guardian may openly smoke, buy or sell their favorite strains. Additionally, vendors of hookahs, pipes, and waterpipes are encourage to showcase their crafts and glasswork. Stalls will be made available to vendors upon request. Music and other performances are also encouraged. Merely contact a member of the Ducal administration and we will provide a stall or venue for your performances.


    For the duration of the Festival, drawing arms within Cyrilsburg is strictly prohibited. Cactus green is a drug of peace and love, and we invite people from across Atlas to share this experience within our walls. May you find peace in your mind and love in your heart, on God’s Green Isles.

    All proceeds from this event shall be committed to further research into the preservation of bees on Atlas.



    The Festival shall be occurring between 4PM and 7PM EST, Sunday January 13

    Please leave a comment including your minecraft name and persona’s name if you would like to rent a stall or perform at the festival.

    Coords: x=230 z=1600

    The Curonic administration does not condone drug use outside of Lord of the Craft. If you are considering trying marijuana or any other substance, please abide by your local laws!

  9. The Contraband Control Act


    The Ducal Administration has found that certain harmful substances have been spreading throughout the streets of Cyrilsburg. These substances have been demonstrated to rot the digestive tract, ultimately claiming the lives of Curonian citizens before their time. Consumption of these same substances have been correlated with mental illness, causing individuals to lose their grasp on reality. For this reason, on the ninth of the Amber Cold, 1697 the following is implemented by ducal decree to bring an end to substance abuse:

    Article 1: Grapefruits may not be owned, consumed, or distributed within the confines of Curonia. They are considered illegal contraband, and each grapefruit found to be on a person shall result in a 500 mina fine, and the immediate confiscation of the contraband.


    Article 2: Distribution of grapefruits shall result in a 5000 mina fine and a minimum of two years imprisonment. Owning ten or more grapefruits is evidence of distribution.


    Article 3: The office of the grapefruit inquisitor shall be established in the Lord’s Hall of Curon. The inquisitors single priority is to track down and eradicate all grapefruits in Curonia in accordance with this law by conducting legal investigations in all cases concerning grapefruits.

  10. The Kirsh of Curon


    Curon exists because of the Virtue of its people. The Ten Virtues, first penned and observed by Duke Wilhelm I, define Curonism. Without the foundations of virtue which predicates the establishment of state, Curon fails, and without Paragons, human embodiments of Curonic Virtue to guide us, those same virtues wither and diminish. In order to preserve Paragon and Virtue, the Kirsh of Curon retains the ability to immortalize and preserve Curonian Paragons, who shall for their eternity define that which is Curonia, the shine of their Virtue illuminating the Curonian right.


    Responsibilities of the Witenagemot


    The Witenagemot of Curon, while essential to the worldly affairs of the Curonic State, also curates the Kirsh. The censure of the Witenagemot, selected by the Duke from amongst the peers of the Witan, may nominate Virtuous Curonians upon their deaths to be immortalized as Paragons. The Witans then review the candidate for immortalization, presenting their cases to the Duke, who ultimately rules on whether to immortalize the Curonian as a Paragon of the Kirsh.


    Paragons of the Kirsh


    Paragons of Virtue


    Paragons of Virtue are selected from only those Curonians who display the utmost Virtue throughout a lifetime of commitment to Curonia. Nominated by the Censure, deliberated by the Witans, and appointed by the Patriarch of House Devereux, these men and women eternally shine with the light of Curonian virtue, as stars light the night skies, guiding the Curonian ship to safety.

    Paragons of the Sonne


    Paragons of the Sonne may be drawn from only the patriarchs of House Devereux, who led the House and its banners for any period of time. Traditionally, the Witenagemot, censure, and heir to House Devereux immortalize the dead patriarch immediately after his death, for his service to Curonia, giving light to Curon as the sun gives vitality to the land.

    Paragons of the Mong


    Paragons of the Mong may be drawn from only the matriarchs of House Devereux. Traditionally the Witenagemot, censure, and heir to House Devereux immortalize the dead matriarch immediately after her death, for her service to Curonia and her husband, giving hope to Curon and her husband even in their darkest hour, as the moon lights the night sky and inevitably lifts the green tide.



  11. The Feast of the Fighting Bear


    The Duke and his family invite all citizens of Curonia to join him in a feast celebrating the life and accomplishments of the Duke’s late brother, Commander Edward Devereux of the Ursus. Any who knew him will be given the opportunity to toast to the life of this Curonian hero and founder. Before the end of the night, Edward Devereux shall be posthumously named an Ursuritter, or a Knight of the Ursus. Access is restricted to special guests and denizens of Ursurian and Curonian territory. Let us drink and feast as Curonians beneath light of our brother, for whom the Green Tide Rises. Ave Curonia.


    OOC Information:

    Where?: The feast shall take place in the ballroom in the Lord’s Hall.

    When?: The feast shall occur at 4pm EST, Thursday 1/3/2019.

  12. The Witenagemot of Curon


    The Witenagemot of Curon exists to assist the Duke in the affairs of state. Members of the Witenagemot, also knowns as Witans, are drawn from the Curonian privy council, peerage gentry and aristocracy, and are ultimately summoned and dismissed by none other than the Duke himself. The Witans hold no direct authority over Curon, but retain the right to propose policy and legislative changes that they believe to be in the interest of Curonia. In addition to serving as an administrative body, the Witenagemot shines as the heart of Curonism and Virtue, shepherding the Curonian people through the blind darkness experienced in the worldly realms.




    His Grace, Duke Wilhelm of Curon



  13. 2CRY3w_s0k8llbmZ0umsfnf9Zip49mLo51820TqVtWMEd60_nMUQONgdlSVa2v0oBd96hEEb0Z28-wFAlGxDghlc9yEES-rPAnumi2T3o6etgxJ-xfYA-em_j4xdbVLNJ3llwRlU

    Name of the Treaty: The pact of green pastures
    Type of Treaty: [Vassal Pact]
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name:Duchy Of Curon ]
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: Barmount]
    Date of Signing: 1965

    Lord Robb Landes walks into the Curonic courts his head held high as he approaches the dias. Placing his hand over his heart, his gaze focus on Duke Wilhelm.

       “I have come to swear my fealty, and the fealty of Barmount to His Grace and the Duchy of Curon”


    The Duke and Vassal would exchange a few words agreeing upon the terms of Barmount becoming vassals to the Duchy of Curon. As they reached an agreement, Lord Landes would drop to one knee giving his oath to Duke Wilhelm Devereux.


    Terms of Vassal Pact


    • Barmount and The Duchy of Curon  proclaim that both parties shall share no hostilities with each other, keeping all relations between both parties peaceful.


    • The settlement of Barmount offers full assistance to the Duchy of Curon in times of war, either offensive or defensive.

    • Barmount and House Landes shall make no alliance, treaty, or pact with any party outside the Duchy of Curon


    • The settlement of Barmount shall uphold their vow of fealty to the Duchy of Curon.


    • Barmount soldiers will join the order of Ursus.



    Duke Wilhelm Devereux of Curon, Lord-Regent of Arbor,

    Grand Knight of Ursus, Lord of Bear Mountain


    Lord Robb Landes of Barmount

  14. pCUgEFuq1QgB9u9YCVWnrnCKAKpLFMQpFvdNy50_KjJXYmUpcao_I4H2qPMhjDW2TGQfRbMbxpbXt3fWvmxbssiTLCfKVM-BmdbE0j_SWnbxMEvWcZUftsdi3WtN6UCRVuiyIGJek1ouinEqZQKSqfeBBUZ6WijzQnSPRZTJ6RN1lLryeupwLFvIONCpX5EdbgKSZv0dFVgf6UlWbqb0BxjjgsRR3UEo7YGoV0TQ5sIWsMOgBXmfHmV6AQMFy3NEFW16kNVLahodVD7a


    Name of the Treaty: Homage to the Steel Bear
    Type of Treaty: [Vassal Pact]
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: Duchy Of Curon]
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: Fiefdom of Drakov]
    Date of Signing: 1965


    Duke Wilhelm Devereux sat in the officers quarters of the barracks of Curon across  from the Patriarch of House Draskovits, Anakin Draskovits, discussing land and terms of vassalisation.

    After clarifying a few of the details, the two settled on the terms, and with with a nod and some murmured words both would agree.  


    As the Duchess Evelyn would draw up the contract of the pact, the men continued to discuss their future, before Evelyn would slide the written pact across to both to sign.



    Terms of Vassal Pact


    • The Draskovits and The Duchy of Curon proclaim that both parties shall share no hostilities with each other, keeping all relations between both parties peaceful.


    • The Draskovits shall come to the defense of the Duchy of Curon, if an internal or external party or nation attacks.


    • The Draskovits shall uphold their vow of fealty sworn in the court of Curon.


    • The Draskovits shall make no alliance, treaty, or pact with any party outside the Duchy of Curon.


    • The Draskovits will assist the Duchy of Curon if and when they attack another party not involved in this pact.

    • The Fiefdom of Drakov is considered Curonic land, and is the property of the Duke of Curon. The Patriarch of House Draskovits operates this land in the name of the Duke as his Castellan.




    Duke Wilhelm Devereux of Curon, Lord-Regent of Arbor,

    Grand Knight of Ursus, Lord of Bear Mountain.


    Ser Anakin ”The choosen” of House Draskovits  

  15. First Letter to Parliament:


    I wish that I could stand among you and help to direct our great Empire, but I am kept busy working the internal affairs of the humble corner of our Empire known as Curonia. It is with the utmost gratitude to the Administrators and Temporals of Parliament that I write you this letter to voice my most simple request, a plea to the Imperial Administration to save us and protect us.

    Bees once buzzed loud and proud, warming the streets of Cyrilsburg with their busy hum. They produce naught but honey to sweeten our tea in their single minded quest to pollinate our crop, without expecting pay or reward. But the yatl wastelands encroach. They push further north, driving away our yellow and black airborne companions. Our harvest has begun to fail. The rare Colonies that remain often spontaneously collapse.


    I have provided funding for a certain brand of research. My architects call it a Greenhouse, a glass contraption that traps the heat of summer within its walls, allowing even in the dead of winter a lush and bountiful harvest. Curonian scholars believe that if we properly expand this greenhouse we may succeed in creating an environment where a colony of bees might not only survive but thrive, while also producing enough food to feed as many as five families per year and enough honey to sweeten the tea of ten households.


    I submit that the Imperial Parliament and Administration should dedicate further research toward the development of facilities capable of promoting and preserving bees. Upon completion of this research, which the Ducal Treasury will gladly help to fund, the Administration must order each of it vassals, towns, keeps, and cities to build their own facility to preserve the bees. If this is not done I fear we will perish and starve.


    I write this letter to our Noble Politicians, hoping above all else that they will concern themselves with issues regarding the welfare of not only our empire, but indeed, that of all Descendents and Bees around Atlas.


    May you find prosperity in the realms of man and glory in the light of God.


    The Honorable Ser Wilhelm Devereux, Duke of Curon, Lord-Regent of the Duchy of Arbor, Grand Knight of the Order of the Ursus and Lord of Bear Mountain


  16. A letter is issued from the Ducal office of Curon:

    From man to mad. The House of Devereux welcomes all who would call themselves Curonians into our service. We forgive. We show mercy. We mentor. But certain transgressions against the Bear cannot be permissed. The breaking of vows, and assault unto innocent people of Cyrilsburg cannot be allowed, in good faith with man and god. As lord, it is my duty to protect. As man, to uphold and to respect. With the heavy heart of duty, with the demands of responsibility, I release this missive to the banners of Draskovits, who have for so long been a bastion of Curonism, but of recent stale years have fallen astray from the yoke of the Bear.

    My instinct is to defer this development, to lay blame upon Justice, or miscommunication, for I am slow to anger, slower yet to take action against my own vassals. For a Curonian to harm a Curonian, for brother to slay brother, betrays the truth of our singularity. And unity is everything, within the bonds of man. Provided the assault against Curon, taken by the heads of Draskovits, I find that I must, as a Lord of the Empire and the Protector of Curon, Cyrilsburg, and Arbor, seek and eliminate roots of this division.

    To the bannermen and innocent members of the House of Draskovits, I assign no blame to your names. I question, rather, the motives of your leaders. For what reason, in good health and mind, has a man to assault his countrymen? What reason has he to disgrace his Noble values, to order his banners against innocence? I ask these questions without answer, as a call to the House of Draskovits and their retinue. Deliver to me those who have lead you against our home, who has taken action that of Curonia.

    Demonstrate your faith in oath, your loyalty to the Bear, your belief in Curon. Gaiseric Draskovits has betrayed us, and by leading you into a meaningless, unwarranted, unjustified, and unwinnable rebellion, he has betrayed you. The only possible explanation for his betrayal being that his connection with the worldy realms has been severed. He has transformed from man to mad, and the mad, the criminal, cannot lead men.

    I call upon to banners of House Draskovits to rise up for the preservation of your House and of the Bear. Deliver to me the head of Gaiseric Draskovits - the Eldest, the Guilty, the Rebel - and I shall take this as a sign of your absolute loyalty and faith. I shall accept nothing less.


    May we be stand as one, for the Green Tide Rises. Ave Curonia.



    His Grace, The Honorable Ser Wilhelm Devereux, Grand Knight of the Ursus, Duke of Curon, and Duke-Regent of Arbor

  17. [!] A Stack of notices could be found just outside the gates of the Lord’s Hall. [!]

    Alcalde Announced 



    After an extended election, the people of Cyrilsburg have selected non other than the honorable REYNAULD LIGNUM as their new Alcalde. He begins his duties as Alcalde immediately, and will be sworn in at court within the year. His position and duties empower him to issue warrants of arrest, distribute and evict residencies, assist the High Steward in levying and collecting taxes, and to suggest stewards to the council.


  18. The clash of steal in the city left Cyrilsburg mourning. The roads were quiet. Flowers lay rested against the barracks. At the Lord’s Hall, the doors remained shut, the Duke and his family locked away in their quarters. Wilhelm stood alone beside Jarrack’s bed, hand rested upon one of the supports. The man’s wild eyes today his nature tamed. Jarrack slept in quiet peace, unaware of what had happened. Wilhelm kneels beside his Sun’s bed and brushes the hair away from the child’s face. “Even as his light fades,” he murmurs to the sleeping boy, “the green tide rises.”

    Will leans forward, kissing Jarrack’s forehead. He straightens up, lips cracking into a tired smile. Tears run down his face. Wilhelm stood alone. He wiped his eyes clear, fixing his watery gaze on the small figure. 

    “He shines now for you,” he murmurs, his shaky voice resolute as ever. He turns slowly, treading away.

  19. On this day, the 14th of the Snow’s Maiden, 1693, it has been decreed by his grace, Ser Wilhelm Devereux, the Duke of Curon that: 

    Article I
    The State religion of the Duchy of Curon is Canonism. Other religions are permitted, but may only be practiced behind closed doors. An individual’s religion is his business, and he is under no obligation to reveal his affiliation.

    Article II
    No human in the estates of House Devereux may be held accountable, inquired or charged concerning their practice or faith in any religion, unless the pratice of such religon has been forbidden by a ducal decree on the grounds of endangaring the duke’s peace.

    Article III 
    Execution of any law, action or custom in contradiction with Article II will be deemed void by the Ducal courts of Cyrilsburg, and executioners of such may be held liable in the courts.

    Article IV 
    All who wishes to hold rank as an officer in the ducal army, join the civil government or hold peerage must willingly declare their faith in the state religion of canonism. No appointments can be made in contradiction with Article II.



    His Grace, Ser Wilhelm Devereux, Duke of Curon

  20. Will, sitting in some corner of the palace on Bear Mountain, finds the invitation on his desk. He stands, eyes snapping around the room, only to lock onto the servant who delivered him the information. “I love balls. I approve!” he shouts, sending the servant scurrying off with the invitations.

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