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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Cave_Creature

  1. yeeeeeeeeeee doggy

    Name you wish to go by in the video (irl name, mcname, ect): Cave_Creature


    Artwork/link to art profile: if you use anything off my deviantart that isn't in this album i'll kill you



    Do you give LoTC permission to use your work? (Yes/No): Yes


    Is the work above completely your own? (Yes/No): Yes

    Is there anything you’d like us to know about your work? (Name of person, location, ect.): It's hella rad

  2. "This may be the first time because, as we all know, our people have been in such dark times for the past few centuries. For all my six-hundred years, up 'til recently, elves have been no better than humans. It's through the sharing and spreading of these stories that we've realized the full truths of our past - there are, not many, but a few elves similar to me, who've been solitary for centuries but hold memories and tales and only just now are sharing them with the rest of elf-kind."

  3. "The simple truth is that our ancestors did not write, not in ways familiar to our people now. One can't scrounge up a scroll that details every part of our traditional ways. However though these ideals seem a world away, they were in practice truly not that long ago. My parents told me the same things that my grandparents told them, of that time when we lived in these Seeds and appreciated the Aspects as we appreciated our own kind. Oral histories are no less important than written ones, especially when regarding our ancestors in particular."

  4. MC name: Cave_Creature

    Character's name and age: Salhassan of Tahorran, 608


    Character’s Race: Wood Elf


    What magic will you be learning?: Druidry


    Who will be teaching you?: Artimec Camoryn

  5. "Do you know any better of the culture of our ancestors? This hasn't come from nowhere. Look around you, woman, this is the culmination of Artimec and his Naelurir's personal efforts to recover what's been lost, what has always persisted in our hearts but was repressed for centuries by people, like you, who claim to know the better way." She gives Artimec a fond nod. "You'll note that those who are passionate about our people, actually passionate, not throwing out half-formed thoughts to gain attention, have worked tirelessly. I know this much; hate is clouding your head and blinding your good judgement. By your own terms you are a 'mutt elf', and nothing you've said makes a hair of sense. Although...we should refrain from beating the sense into each other." She eyes Kairn a moment, hiding an amused smirk.

  6. Salhassan listens to the woman, and the small crowd of debaters, for a moment with intrigue. "What do you think wood elves should act like? Our people have embraced these same things that are now being reintroduced since Malin's time. The closer we are to our history, our ancestors and their beliefs - more than their blood - the closer we are to the Aspects. The Aspects are as integral to our people as our bows. We uphold some of their traditions, like the ilmyumier, as we strive for that closeness our ancestors once had. And no elf, whether he have nothing but high, wood or dark elf in him or a bit of any three subraces, should be denied this."

    She shifts the bow on her back, hides and leathers covering her head-to-moccasinned-toe. "Speaking of nature, I find your attempts at poetry rather...basal. I hardly believe you know a thing more about the character of all of life than any human I could pluck from a city street. If I understand you correctly, these high elves posing as wood elves - which I find amusingly hypocritical, since you yourself say you have high elf blood - are much less enlightened about the Aspects' realm than yourself. Do tell us what we all seem to be missing."

  7. A letter arrives for the Kitten Drood. "For the Contest, Return to Ard Ghorrock," reads the ink on the side of the rolled-up paper. The parchment has a sloppy, unbroken wax seal, with no identifying mark but some fingerprints.


    Short Story

    by: A Pseudonym

    The man had been away for a fortnight now. He was settled in the boughs of a tree, a bow on his back, naught but a squirrel tied at his hip. It was the dead of winter and food was scarce in the village. He had taken his bow, from his soldiering days, and set out with arrow and knife on a mission to secure meat for his family.

        The cold sunk past his scant furs and into his bones, his nerves and fingers raw. The sky was obscured by barren trees, their silhouetted branches reaching up to the bright moon like dead, desperate fingers. He wanted to sleep, to save his sapping strength, but something was keeping him awake. His heart was beating too quickly, eyes energetic even when he shut them. In the stillness of the winter night, the crisp stagnation of the air, the crystalline stars and moon above him, his  alert ears favored him, picking up a crunching in the snow below.

        “The beast; the beast has to be near here.”

        He gulped. Call out, he told himself. You can help him. What beast? But the words didn’t come. Maybe it was the pulse pounding in his ears, the tension in his wrists, the pressure just behind his eyes and in his ribs - a fist clenched around his heart; but he didn’t call out. He sunk himself closer to the sturdy trunk of the pine, 15 feet above the man below. He heard the cracking and crushing of the iced-over snow under the hunters’ boots. He was muttering to himself, tasting the air, and the man could see the flash of moonlight glinting off an aurum blade in his hand.

        He hadn’t seen a beast in these woods. He’d seen the once-living squirrel now on his belt, and he’d noticed a bird with feathers as bright red as the bloodshot eyes of a frightened rabbit that had run from him earlier that morning, but certainly no monster. He decided not to interfere and let the man hunt his quarry, and he would hunt his. Anything larger than a doe is beyond his skill.

        The man took a soft breath of the still, bitter air, let out an exhale as the other passed beneath his tree. That’s all. Let him pass. And though he was comforted, his body was still high-strung. His gaze darted to every motion and shadow. He decided that he was too high up- the snow below, the dizzying blackness, it reminded him of being atop the ramparts. He couldn’t sleep like that. He clambered down, and made his careful way through the moonlit forest, seeking a burrow or den to find shelter and warmth. His boots pushed through the snow, crumbling and crackling noisily underfoot.



        It wasn’t long before he heard a fateful ‘thwap’. Before he knew what he was doing he was running, and the pain blossoming in his left shoulder drove him on. He glanced down as he coursed through snow and branch, saw the wooden shaft and glittering metal tip, golden where the dark scarlet didn’t run. Branches scraped his face and roots and rocks and debris tried to trip him.

        Eventually the man collapsed in a heap. His cheek met biting cold, a lump in the otherwise undisturbed white, spatters of red accompanying the churned snow. He struggled to place his palms flat, the snow giving beneath the weight of his hands. His dark form wriggled through the snow, grasping at anything to pull him along, sweat and heat trapped beneath his clothes, sharp cold on his face and fingertips, the world filled with the sound of his gasps.

        His clambering kept on, at a slowing pace even as the sound of footfalls boomed behind him. He ceased his crawl as a hard, cold shape pressed down between his shoulder blades. He quivered.

        “Got the bastard.”

    The frigid metal pushed down on the back of his neck. It penetrated his skin, and the scrape of metal on bone was the last thing he heard.


  8. Name:  Aisha ibn Athir ((Cave_Creature))

    Race: Human, of the Qalasheen

    Gender: F (also, 33yrs of age)

    Skills: I'm a quick learner and hard worker. And some can attest that I pack a punch, and wield a blade well. I'm clever with money and I've become skilled with animal husbandry and livestock care, if that would ever come in handy. 

    Criteria: I find myself to fit your standards. I have a tendency to exceed expectations. Though I do not wear a hijab I've been a follower of Allah (or the Creator, in Common) and the Righteous Faith my entire life. You'll find a faithful, loyal, diligent and if I do say so myself astonishingly muscular member in this Qali woman.

    Address: My ****'s already in Ard Ghorrack. If you don't accept me will I have to move out? I just got used to the snow.

  9. Aisha's fists fly at a hay training target, the skin of her knuckles long since having cracked and bled. She has a deep ache in her gut. Whether it was justified or not and regardless of what she had told her dear, broken friend, murder had been done. Maybe the bitter, chilled wind biting her cheeks and the metallic blood on her lips was just the taste of sins catching up with her.

  10. Hey guys. I love my character a lot (and I know most of you probably do, too). I thought it'd be a fun exercise to make some things I commonly see on like tumblr, but through my character's eyes.

    This is her aesthetic image here  (i left it a link because it's kind of large) Aesthetic posts are just sort of random pictures with a meaning or depiction that evokes a feeling that appeals to you. I'm new to making these though so forgive me for how bad it looks lol

    And I made one of those outfit fashion memes, which was really fun, here  You basically try to find modern 'street clothes' that match your character's current outfit or preferred style of dress. They shouldn't match perfectly and probably won't no matter how hard you try.


    Anyway I say you should give it a try, might be kind of cool.

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