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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Cave_Creature

  1. If there are no slots open you can still send a PM and reserve, but know I won't get to it until I finish up the three I've got posted.





    ...I just began making DA-style tarot cards of characters. Though, granted, yours are far better than my attempts.



    pls show me

  2. BM00EqM.png

    Hello. You want to see how the cards fall?


    There is an unfortunate lack of Dragon Age love in these parts. I'm a massive fan of the series and one of my favorite things about Inquisition were the tarot cards that depict the characters and enemies. They inspired me to make my own, as the style is intriguing and challenging.




    My character, Aisha.





    ww2buff99's character, Aelthir Tundrak III


    I think these are very cool. If you also think they're cool, I'm offering to make one of these bad boys just for you (They make great forum avatars if I do say so myself)!


    I'm charging anywhere between 1000 to 2000 minas for a card (i'll PM you), because I put a lot of thought, time and work into them! It'll depend on the complexity; AIsha's card was less involved with the coloring because of the relatively simplistic  design while Aelthir's had more coloring and linework to do.


    I won't ask you to fill out a form because it's a little degrading imo but I do need your characters' appearance (visual references are awesome) and the parts of their personality you want emphasized. Also, please tell me if there's a specific real world tarot card you'd like me to draw inspiration from.


    For example, Aisha's card is dark and represents her as roguish and a liar, rather than charismatic and talkative, as well as has her face half in shadow symbolizing her complete reliance on her twin brother. Aelthir's appears bright and sunny to show him in a positive light and had a shepherd's crook, and a sword and warhorse to represent his defense of his people.


    Expect your card to be finished in a timely fashion but I can get busy!


    Current Slots 




  3. ((IC))

    What is your name?: Jule d'Orein

    What race are you?: Human

    Are you a boy or a girl?: All woman, baby

    Around what age are you? (so we can tell what parts are good for you.): 17 or 18, I think

    Do you have stage fright?: Never!

    Do you work well with others?: If they don't piss me off.

    Can you improvise?: What good actor can't?

    Do you realize that you will not be paid?: Who needs it?



    (( Username: CaveExplorer2346

    Time Zone: EST


  4. Username: - CaveExplorer2346

    IRL Age: - 14

    Parties of OOC political affiliation: -what like irl political ideals? how is that relevant

    History of Characters RP’d: -Mirwen, Penumbra, Surya, Dagir, etc...

    References for the quality of your RP (1 or more usernames of folks you RP with): - Yoppl, axl, zhulik, warlord, etc

    Are you committed to playing this character in a manner appropriate for a Winter and Queen?: - If you want

    Have you read the House Winter thread, found here https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/92458-house-winter/ ?: - you know it

    Can you give a 1-2 paragraph sample backstory and personality summary describing how you would envision your character: -Astryd cares deeply about honor, chivalry, and upholding good traditions. She wants to see the world progressed through enforcing the values of her ancestors, and she puts importance on having a strong monarch and a strong military. She enjoys reading old texts, exploring ancient ruins, and maintaining a garden.

    Easiest method of contact (Please provide Skype, or appropriate alternative): -skype or teamspeak

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