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The Elder Eye

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Posts posted by The Elder Eye

  1. Every couple of years I regress to my old ways of searching for spook RP.

    I'm a long time player and competent writer looking for reliable avenues of roleplay in the darker corners of the world (since I can't find it anywhere else).


    Mostly looking for links along the veins of Blood Magic, Naztherak, or Corcitură, but also willing to hang out with necromancers or other such creatures.

    I can be reached on this post, or you can message my discord any time.

  2. In the solitude of a wayward shrine, a figure garbed in black knelt in somber retrospection of grim omen.


    "An inevitability we were so keen to ignore, and one we are now made to face."


    Dark eyes opened, their shape a reflection of crimson glow cast upon the miasma of incense smoke.


    "And so He will know defeat once more."

  3. Roleplay is not easily accessible, less so to new players. There needs to be condensed cities and spaces now that the community has been consolidated in the past few years. I am one of many I believe who quickly loses interest in roleplaying on a specific day after traveling from corner to corner of the map- 5-15 minute journeys from the soulstone pillars to different towns- and finding not a single soul to interact with.


    Far too many people are allowed to have their own tiny kingdoms and private bases. Something which only needs to be granted to the likes of cults, druids, or paladin orders.

  4. MC Name: Chimarvamidium

    Character's Name: Aische von Aesterwald

    Character's Age: 32


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Inferis (Zar'ei)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Zar’ei are classified as a form of Lesser Inferis, though despite this they possess intelligence and power that is rivaled only by their own evolutionary descendants, also known as the Zar’kiel. Whilst they may hold a great deal of their past humanity both in form and mentality, the unnaturally juxtaposed appendages and features that they gain cause them to appear ever more frightening- Being an amalgamation of animalistic and humanoid parts that forms a supernaturally powerful creature. Each and every Zar’ei may manipulate a supernatural element to their own will- A plasmatic energy that is known only as Malflame. Whilst it incapable of damaging nonliving things, it is capable of clinging to a person’s flesh, burning away both at them and their soul- Forming a primordial reagent known as ‘Maleus’.

    Zar’ei can take a countless number of forms, between those who are summoned and those who are transformed. Those who are physically weaker have a greater affinity for manipulating their malflame, and those who are stronger, vise-versa. Zar’ei who are created are typically bound under a name by the one that turned them, sworn under an unspoken oath of loyalty through the use of their grimoire. The purpose of a Zar’ei varies between the will of their master, though many hold the desire to harvest souls for their own gain- To complete their transformation into Zar’kiel. A process that can only be completed upon killing fifteen individuals without dying themselves.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. ”Another High Elf, desiring to impart their knowledge strictly unto a Human.”

    A voice chided upon reading such a poster, tutting shortly thenafter.

    ”Is this truly what the world has come to, a fetish, or does she truly wish for her teachings to disappear after fifty years?..”

  6. As each person took their time standing atop the stage and preaching to the masses, one woman stood off to the side, content with being the last in line. The Dwelfish girl made her way forward to the stage, her hand rubbing at her lower throat as she climbed each individual step leading up to the podium. She was adorned in a fanciful white robe- One that was made more for comfort than practicality, as she had for the most part been ‘on vacation’ after recent events had transpired. As she looked down upon the fair citizens of Holm, she cleared her throat, drawing her hand back away to reveal the scar which formed a smooth horizontal line across her trachea.
    ”Greetin’s, Citizens a’Holm.”

    The woman said in an introductory fashion, her voice giving a soft rasp as she spoke.

    ”My name es Runa Irongut. Ahm th’daugh’er o’Ryall, an’ th’Niece o’Former T’ane Hogarth Irongut. T’day Ah’ve come t’appeal wit’ th’lot of you as t’why I’d be th’best choice fer Despot of our fair citeh. T’be fair, I don’t exactleh t’ink anehone ‘ere came en preparation wit’ a speech, an’ Ahm no exception.”

    As she said this, a weak chuckle escaped her, before her amber eyes once more began to scan over the crowd.

    ”En my ‘undred-odd year life, Ah’ve dedicated my time entireleh t’learnin’ about th’clan I ne’er ‘ad a chance tae be a part of en my youth. Evereh night I was tucked en wit’ a grand story about th’Old Ironguts. Kilgrim, ‘Iebe, Grungron, Skippy. Th’days a’Kal’Agnar and the War against Iblees. Th’battle of ‘Ieben’all.”
    ”Now tha’ Ah’ve returned to be among my people, I feel as ef I finally ‘ave a place tae call home. And since Ah’ve returned, Ah’ve already bled, an’ suffered t’be wit’ our kin.”

    As she said this, her slender fingers ran alongside the deep scar. She righted herself, her expression growing steadily resolute.
    ”Ahm not readeh tae give d’is up. Ef et means tha’ Ah have tae face greater threats t’an my cousin Dimlin, t’an so be et. Ah won’t sit idleh by while folk come en and ravage our citeh an’ th’people tha’call et home- Regardless of race, creed, or clan. While I’m no more learned en our culture t’an my forebearers, I still hold tradition true t’my heart. And until th’day tha’ my soul leaves th’stream, Ah’ll ensure tha’ our clan, an’ our citeh, never falter.”

    With that, she stepped back away from the podium. Though before her eventual departure, she lifted a fist to the air and declared,

    “Narvak oz Holm, Narvak oz Kazamar Khrorul!”

  7. Within the twilit hours of the evening, Amaranthe now laid within the confines of her home, her head draped over the edge of her daybed as she pondered the events that transpired that day. With pressed lips, her hands gripped at the sides of the bed and dragged the weight of herself upright. She was unrested, and uneasy. Her eyes turned to the parting in the nearby curtains, a frown twisting itself upon her features.

    “Damn it...”

  8. MC Name: Eclarien

    Character's Name: Amaranthe (Iyunii)

    Character's Age: 190


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Coltaine Wick


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. Hoping this is the same GrimReaper98 I remember from Athera, or boy that’d be awkward.

    Was a good EM, bit of an edgy boy but everybody was back then (and is now).

    He knows how to write good too.

    Only problem is that he does suck many ass.



    Edit: You wasted my 200th post you dirty Australian. I hope you’re proud.

  10. Minecraft Account Name(s): Exotic_Roleplay & Eclarien, previously known as Akiriza.


    Discord: Already in Staff Chat.


    How long have you played on LoTC?: Four years, irregularly.


    Timezone and Availability: PST. Available late at night and in the early morning, but afternoons are usually taken up by my short work shifts.


    What lore are you versed in most?:

    Void Magic in general, though more specifically Mental Magic (t5 Mage/Teacher), Telekinesis (t5 Mage), Arcanism (t5 Mage). A fair knowledge of spectral entities, from my days of ghosting around- As well as a bit of Necromancy from when I was wrapped up in the occult for a couple years. Monk Magic and Druidism, as I played a t4 Monk of Rellenia before the lore was expunged, and a fully-fledged Druid before deciding to leave the order due to IC differences. Additionally, Dryads and Sprites, the latter I helped rewrite. When it comes to things of a magical nature, I am fairly well-versed in it- At least the magic that has been around for a time (Not any of the new deity lore that's released every month). I may be forgetting something that I will have to edit in later.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC:

    Unsure how much of a summary is being looked for here, but I am a Forum Moderator. As the name entails, I am a member of the censorship and propaganda division of the staff team.
    Or in layman's terms, I ensure that things on the forums remain civil and respectable between the players, most of the time. I don't think I need to go into details on what I do exactly, as it is fairly common knowledge.


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC?:

    I have, and I’ll list them right here.

    Revised Sprite Lore (I am listed as revision, though I polished and rewrote the entirety of the text provided for clarification and flavor):

    It can be found here.

    Revised Dryad Lore (I rewrote the entirety of the prior lore, in hopes of sparking up more character concepts and activity):

    Not accepted yet, though I did put a fair bit of effort into it.


    Anything else I have not submitted or written up simply because of the issue of bloating, or not being likable on the server.


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?:

    May be found on my FM Application.


    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?:

    As far as I am aware, I get along with the other staffers just fine.
    Please let me know if you do despise me, though- It will go into the complimentary suggestion shredder.

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