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The Elder Eye

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Posts posted by The Elder Eye

  1. MC Name: Akiriza


    IC Name: Aurojia


    Original Race [N/A if not Applicable]: N/A


    'Transformed' Form: Gray Sprite


    Creator: N/A


    Explanation of Lore:

    Attempting to define any such race beneath the classification of 'Fey' is a difficult feat to accomplish, so it is best done started from the beginning...


    The Fae are described as supernatural entities who most commonly are birthed from nature itself; from plants, from the soil, and the water. They possess no biological ancestry and are easiest to be understood as created by magic or the Aspects themselves, though this is left entirely up to interpretation without concise knowledge. However, some of these creatures which are born, can also simply be reincarnations of their past selves, who unfortunately must have passed on their journey to the outside world. This is due to the fact that a majority of magical species such as these are reborn after death, from likewise plants which brought them into existence in the first place. Whether their memories remain or not, depends on species.


    Fae have traits which define them and their kin, one being their lack of a gender. This would most likely have to do with being birthed from nature itself, rather than being a product of biological reproduction which happens more... 'Naturally', per se. The only exception to this would be the Dryad, who has their will to be reborn awoken in their mind over many years of their lifetime. However, despite this fact, Fae species usually always adopt a masculine or feminine appearance, why this is done as well, is unknown. My personal speculation is that they were modeled after the Aspects' appearances themselves. But again, simply speculation.


    The next aspect shared among the Fae would be their personalities. A majority are seen as very mischievous, curious, eccentric, and even fearful of anything that may be seen as foreign in their eyes. Their personalities can vary heavily upon their origin, such as the Sprites who possess different defining colored personalities, or the Dryads, who are bipolar in such a regard; either xenophobic, or welcoming and curious about outsiders. (So long as you don't mess with their trees.) Fae also are very connected to nature itself, similar to that of  the Druids, though seemingly much more limited. They may communicate and interact with nature unlike the Descendants, and because of this, define themselves as Fae.


    Due to their natural origin, Fae are extremely vulnerable to magic, which to them, is an unnatural force. Voidal and Dark Magics are easily more fatal to these creatures, whether the same applies to Druidic and Paladin magicks is not specified in lore. I would think not, however. Despite their inability to wield magic, these beings possess their own forms of magic, such as the luminescent Sprites.


    That's well and wonderful Aki, now tell us about the SPRITES.


    Right! Sprites in particular! Well, both parts of this application's lore information are still vital to playing the character, I would think. You have to know your origins!


    Sprites are minuscule Fae that are birthed from a flower known as the Acerfolia, which can only be grown in the most pristine and untouched expanses of the wilds, for example, the chromatic forest outside the city of Laurelin. It is from this flower that the Sprites emerge, full grown and prepared to 'take on the world'. Though they are not tough, nor very durable, these half-foot tall magical beasties are more enthusiastic and playful than Halflings themselves. Now, you may ask, what defines a Sprite in particular? One, they can only grow between four and seven inches in height. Two, they are winged, and can oftentimes be seen flying nearly six feet off of the ground! Thirdly, they can be seen oftentimes glowing their natural colors, a force of magic that is seemingly unexplainable, and lastly, they are color coordinated!


    Colors: Green, Blue, Sky Blue, Gray, & Red.


    Green Sprites are known to be the wisest and most attentive of their kin, though it is not much, given the Sprites' already very poor attention span.


    Blue Sprites are liked by most everybody they meet. They are curious and sweet, always seeking adventure and even new friends as well.


    Sky Blue Sprites are tricksters, who use the similar appearance of their Blue kin to lure people into a false sense of security, where they then trick and deceive.


    Gray Sprites are rather dull looking, in appearance, rather than mentally, as they will use their bedraggled and sickly appearance to manipulate sympathetic people.


    Red Sprites have a fuse and temper that is shorter than their own  height, infamous for causing trouble among people, they try their very best to cause strife and turmoil.


    Positive Traits:

    ~May Commune with Nature

    ~Can fly, though little more than 2-3 blocks.

    ~Very Intelligent little things.


    Negative Traits:

    ~Incapable of using magic.

    ~Can be caught like a bug in a jar.

    ~Will die easily of bloodloss if their wings are lost.

    ~Will die if the flower they are to be rebirthed from is destroyed.

    ~Can not speak Common tongue without teaching, as it is extremely difficult.

    ~They will die easily if wounds are inflicted at the hands of any mage's spells.



    ~Incapable of using any magic other than Communing with Nature.

    ~Only live in nature, including forested areas, lakes, and rivers. Deserts exclude this.

    ~They are not tamable, nor can they be turned into pets. They are sentient beings!


    I am very eager to play this character, and if I am accepted, hope to aid in the expansion and development of even more lore!

    If you wish to speak to me on any matter about this application, please do reach me on my Skype, 'kurisenpai', before you make a judgement! I always hate getting denied for accidentally leaving detail out, or miswording something.


  2. Informed of such an occurrence, Valmuel could not help but feel somewhat of a sense of satisfaction. However he wondered to himself what it was that would happen to the city in the absence of Riondil's advisory, or perhaps, what it was that he had ever done in the first place. These things had a habit of evading his thought, as he had been disassociated from his people's government for decades now.. Though most of all, he considered to himself who it might be that would succeed the man, and the outcome which was to follow. "Little Rion..."

  3. "Well it is about time they did something efficient." Said Vemyn as he caught word of the purging. He thought to himself for a moment, seething an inhale before pushing it back out with a sudden huff of air. The Elf took up a piece of paper, addressing the worn parchment to none other than the Rex himself. "Just for good measure..."

    "To the Rex of the Iron Uzg, I have recently heard news of these acclaimed whitewashes taking shelter within the confines of the city Laurelin. -Anonymous."

    The man gave a dark grin as he looked over the brief note, hoping that the Rex would actually be able to understand a majority of the words which he had implemented within his writing. Rising from his desk, he gave his lover Luvatalin a pat on the head, exiting his home and making way to an optimal place for launching a a messenger bird...

    "For good measure..." He repeated, his words sounding bitter.

  4. "Was it truly tragedy, or simply an inevitability?.. Perhaps Riondil, this was the sweet justice fate had to offer in return to your lax and careless behavior in response to the endangerment of Fi'Ceru's people that day. You offer not your own help, and in doing so, in betraying your role as a representative and overseer of your people; you paid the ultimate price."

    Valentine stepped away from the stained glass window which oversaw the main courtyard of the city, which he had been using to survey the grieving party of citizens as well as the rest of the cast of unsavory beings which may have found their way into the citadel of Haelun'or. He turned his gaze slowly back to Alyndral, murmuring to her.

    "Cruel fate, deserved retribution.."

  5. "You honestly believe that because we view slavery in a different way, that it will garner more support among the masses?.. These Orcs, as well as every other race knows that slavery is wrong. They know, but do nothing about it. They simply do not care any more unless it involves family or friend, otherwise the so-called guilds who were established to actually protect us, would have done their job when two Dwarves were kidnapped from this place only days ago by an Olog!"

  6. Vemyn watched Vondan deliver his speech, his eyes glancing slowly over the mass of people which had accumulated around him. For a moment, he felt as if he were a giant, though that is when he realized that these were just Dwarves. The Elf cleared his throat, turning his attention back to the matter at hand. "In this day and age we are constantly surrounded by beings which wish to oppose the values that have taken oh-so many years to set in stone, so to speak. While I do not care for slavery myself, I find that it will be extremely difficult to rid those with opposing thoughts on the matter. Orcs are out prowling as it is, abducting random citizens to be sold at high value, or work intensive labor for who-knows-what. All I say is this... We can not expect change in a world which refuses to adapt."

  7. I'm more tired of people trying to use Magic as a form of combat instead of swords, and powerful mages being destroyed because a new player said "PvP default" and walked in with armor on just completely wrecking the mage because the mage doesn't have to carry around a sword or armor. It's unfair to ask "Hey guys, if you want to be a mage, you don't get any representation on this server when it comes to mechanics based combat, and you have to just carry armor around, because you better expect some PvP Default." 

    I could not have worded this any better myself.


    Male. But there is no shame in wearing dresses.

    do you align with the left or the right wing on the political spectrum 


    Do you feel the Bern?

    Oh yes. I feel the Bern.

    Will your character swear fealty to me and my character?


    Rek'sai, Elise or Nidalee


  9. "Perhaps I am not the most physically fit of all people, however I possess the mental capability to be an arbiter. I have many scars and many stories to share of my militant past, during the wars of Leyulin and Embermoore, of Kal'agnar and Khorvad, of Annil'sul and the loyals of Aerkiath. I possess knowledge of such affairs, as in the past I myself was a warrior. Today, I may not be one of military, but of mind. I still possess quite the ability to serve my people."

  10. "Where I had failed to become Elokarir'mali, I believe I am well within my rights to run as candidate for Tilruir'tir. Through thick and thin, I have waded through the dank moores of our nation's troubling past, and althewhile have maintained my loyalty to the Silver Law. I shall not allow a replacement to be put into office without opposition." Stated Valmuel as he witnessed the ongoing commotion. He wore a face of sheer determination, as if this were something for many years he had been anticipating. He tugged upon his gloves, stretching the fabric over his hands to smooth out the many wrinkles which marred the surface of them, a small smirk tugging it's way onto the corners of his otherwise placid expression.

  11. I've actually been either present or fighting at some of the recent events you had done in Laureh'lin, and it felt like every non-aurum weapon did this...

    [!] The ferrum sword had no effect.

    [!] The blow from the weapon does nothing.

    [!] The zombie/wraith/whathaveyou ignores the strike.

    This would be a fair conversation to have if you actually were treating conventional weapons normally. However, it seems you've already decided lore-wise that normal weapons mean nothing and gold weapons are where it's at. Now gold weapons are to not work? I'm not saying these events weren't fun; they were and I enjoyed them very much, and if you had another one set up for the Grove today, I'm sorry server troubles made us miss it. But it seems to me we've already assumed conventional weapons aren't worth a damn in the undead fight.

    Also, in the last fight at the Grove, with your two wraiths and one zombie, we had 3 fatalities and multiple casualties otherwise. Any druid present was too drained to even open the roots for us non-druids, our olog died from his wounds, and many of us were rendered unable to fight for several (non-elven) days. I don't think any of us really came out of it unscathed. We had a lovely, brutal funeral afterwards, along with some medical roleplay. It was overall a pretty fun event and you promoted a lot of good RP with it. But if we couldn't use aurum blades, even with the cleric that was at our aid, we would have been massacred, and we even heavily outnumbered you.

    There is a reasoning behind a majority of this, however.

    1.) Ghouls and Zombies are undead, and therefore are incapable of feeling anything, emotional and physical. (Remember, the Undead will never love you back.)

    2.) Wraiths possess a heavy resistance to normal weaponry because they are semi-corporeal. It's the same logic as beating a beanbag with a wooden stick. It won't do much, but it will break eventually.

  12. My character actually does have a golden weapon at his disposal, a xiphos.

    "The xiphos is a double-edged, one-handed Iron Age straight shortsword used by the ancient Greeks. It was a secondary battlefield weapon for the Greek armies after the dory or javelin. The classic blade was generally about 50–60 cm long, although the Spartans supposedly started to use blades as short as 30 cm around the era of the Greco-Persian Wars."

    This was solely for the purpose of protecting himself from unholy creatures, because for the last fourty in-character years, he has served the Adherency of Immortui, as well as some branchings off that formed after it's destruction. His reason is legitimate, and well, at the time he actually had a salary to invest in such decadent weaponry.

    To be honest, I just felt like I needed to explain my reasoning for possessing such a thing.

  13. They also know how to wield the "void" so well that the practice is something to gloat about on their coffee tables.


    Come on.

    I usually do it at the kitchen table, while conversing with my necromantic compatriots about how horrid the living are, despite the circumstances of my own mortality.

  14. For too long have antagonistic races and their ilk been abused by the inhabitants of this server. What is the point of making a character one may only in a non-casual or antagonistic fashion, if they are so easily downed by every person that they encounter? I believe that the roleplay and ranks one has to go through to earn such a titleship of Wraith or Lich, deserve proper power. They are warping the souls of their very characters to become dark beings used for the intention of bringing harm and destruction, so why is it that every two-bit barmaiden can easily batter them down? I believe it is unfair to those who have gained such character accomplishments, and that it is offensive that they would be willing to destroy their character's humanity and vanity, just to be spoiled like such!

    I give this post my support one-hundred percent!

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