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Posts posted by ForeverGinger

  1. The single largest issue I see with LoTC is a blatant refusal to listen to what the community at large thinks of things.  How long have people been complaining about Nexus?  How many times have people voiced their opinions on modern PvP?  There are clear issues that people have brought to light, and yet those with the ability to change things refuse.


    Personally, I brushed this topic off as a transparent attempt to garner community goodwill.  The ol' ask for advice, then never act on it maneuver.  Perhaps this is the nihilist in me speaking, but it seems like no matter how many times issues like this are discussed, nothing happens and the community gets more and more disillusioned.



  2. The scrolls are a really really neat idea, and I love the concept.  However, I feel there has to be a limit to how many scrolls can be created/used by a single person.  This has the potential to add another interesting layer to magic use, but it also has the potential to turn into an arcane gun that everyone carries in their belt.

  3. I dunno.  I feel like the amount of undead-based creature we have isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's more of a different strokes for different folks kinda deal.  We have Necromantic undead (that's ghouls, Liches, darkstalkers, and the like), and we have Mystic undead (Paleknights, Gravens, ghosts, ect).  Because there is really no development skill-wise for players once they choose their path, there needs to be a bit of a menagerie in order to cover all the bases.


    What I'm trying to say is, with the way things are now, there really have to be multiple spook variants.  Liches have to use magic, and Paleknights have to be warriors.  Once you're locked into a niche, there's no breaking free.

  4. While the lore is well written, and I am a huge fan of the whole 'magic thief' concept, I do have some reservations about this lore.  First and foremost is the fact that both deity and vodial magic can be manipulated through these means.  Perhaps two subtypes should be created instead;  One for the redirection of Aengudaemonic powers, and one for the manipulation of the arcane arts.

  5. Fast Travels should only be between large landmasses, not central cities.  They should bu used to cut down on travel time, not eliminate it altogether.  Perhaps we could have major FTs that lead to road hubs;  You take a cart to the area you wish to visit, then walk the rest of the way.  This cuts down on travel time while also leaving room for road RP and banditry.

  6. When it comes to regions, I personally enjoy the way Nations are now.  A region owner, or a coalition of owners is given a big ol' swath of land, and are able to parcel it up into smaller regions as the need arises.  That being said, I am also in favor of freebuild outside of nation plots.  The trick here is finding a balance between the two.  If we are having freebuild next map, nation status is going to have to be much, much more difficult to obtain:  Otherwise, all the open areas will be claimed within a month.

  7. I have to agree, freebuild certainly seems like it could work, as long as there is some effort put into consolidation.  As Silent said above, it seems like the best route to take on a freebuild map would be to ramp up the dangers of going out alone.  Mob spawning and events designed to threaten opportunistic pioneers would need to have impact, and occur often enough to showcase the benefits of city living.


  8. 9 minutes ago, Danny said:


    And combined with harsher mob spawning plus threat of a good antagonist as well as increased risk of villainy in such outer areas, players are encouraged to engage at centralised rp hubs but are still given the freedom to.. play Minecraft? 



    This, please.  Ramping up that danger of traveling seems like a great way to subtly centralize RP to main hub areas!

  9. Personally, I think that the issues with charters, and the decentralization of RP that stems from it could be solved by doing one thing:  Removing fast travels.  If roads are actually used for travel, not only does road RP spike, settlements will be less inclined to found themselves in the middle of nowhere.


    Removing fast travels, or at the very least severely restricting their use, seems like a solution that would fix many of the issues seen with inactive settlements and ghost towns.


    But that's just my two cents.

  10. Metztli's end goal was the creation of a perfect race.  The Hou-zi were a result of her tinkering with souls, and were viewed by her to be a failure.  She banished them from her isle along with many others, and went on to create the Kharajyr.  When the Kha' first landed from the isle, they had their own magic; Muun'trivazja was initially a Kha'-exclusive magic due to Metztli's tampering.


    Random trivia aside, it isn't a stretch to say the Hou-zi had their own special gifts.

  11. As seems to be the popular opinion, I really enjoyed the whole 'Mordring and the West' eventline.  It was big, flashy, and with the fall of Bastion felt like there was a lot at stake.  Building the philosophy around reclamation and Xionism put a neat spin on things, as did the recruitment efforts of the Black Sun.  People were getting involved in the world, either working to aid or undermine the efforts of the antagonists.


    That being said, don't bring back Iblees.  The big bad evil guy escaping from his ancient prison is done to death and frankly, boring.  The West was intriguing, a dead horse is not.

  12. Somewhere far from the Westlands, upon the isle of Sutica a ghoul raises its head, peering into the distance.  The crack of the keystone, shattering as the skeletal paw tore the gate from this realm, echos through its empty skull.


    The creature glances down to the corpse at its feet, some unfortunate traveler of little consequence.  Its eyes trace over the lakeside, the bridge, the city.  There was more than enough for a hungry ghoul there...


    "Still work to do..." The necrotic being grumbles under its breath, resuming its gruesome feast, "Fear Old Dark..."

  13. Minecraft IGN: ForeverGinger
    Forum Username: See above
    Skype Username: Jenja (the one with the Steam Pug art)
    Link to examples of past work: I'll do you one better.  This is the ghoul I currently play.

  14. The decrepit corpse of a halfling stands among the hordes of the dead and dying.  Even there, vicious tearing hunger gnaws at its twisted frame: A constant companion in the long nights to come.  The creature raises its head, howling into the frigid northern wind;


    "Walls crumble, gates rust... Soon, a feast of godsflesh!  Fear the Old Dark!"

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