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Posts posted by ForeverGinger

  1. Mc Name: ForeverGinger


    Skype: You already have my skype


    Hours: Hmm... when school starts, I may be able to get on for 2-2 1/2 hours a day, but as for now maybe 4 hours a day.


    Timezone: EST




    Kha' name and title: So'Ketzawl


    Age: 20 something


    Commitments: None


    Previously a Priest?: Currently being taught by Ja'Mukar


    Reasons for Joining: Ketzawl wishes to serve M<etztli as best he can, and if that means taking on the mantle of the priests, he is more than happy to do so

  2. Attention all bakers! Stroke your ovens, flour up your rolling pins and get ready for the FIRST ANNUAL BAKE-OFF! Anyone can submit a pastry for tasting and judgeification by our panel of professional judges! When questioned on what he hopes to see in the competition, Mister Fumble Willowbottom, one of the judges, replied "I don't care, but it betta' not be shite!"


    All pies must incorporate professional-grade baking pumpkins in some significant way shape or form. Participants can retrieve their pumpkin from the cart located right outside the sheriff's office!


    Good luck to all who participate! Entries may be turned in to the judging table located at the inn!


    This message was approved by Garmel, the baking legend!

  3. Posters hang from every tree and bush in the entire town! They bow from bushes, rustle from rocks and toss from trees! You snag a poster as is floats past you on the summer breeze. You give a faint chuckle as you view the contents of the poster:


  4. A small Halfling sits perched on a stump outside the Druid's Grove, his tiny legs dangling above the tall grass. He gazes vacantly past the road, as if deep in thought. If a member of the Order were to pass by him, the Halfling would turn and ask them a question in his ever-cheery voice.


    "'Elo there mista' (or miss') Drood. Wot did'ja doo fer yer Grand Task?"

  5. ((First off, let me apologize for not using the regular format for this, as I am pitching a story arc instead of a single event, I will try and keep this as organized as possible! Please note, I will only be detailing a rough outline of my concept, and allowing the specifics to be worked out at a later date. Now, without further adieu, I bid you to Enter the Athenaeum...))


     Knowledge is like a bird in many ways. It is a free spirit, yearning to spread its vast wings and share its fruits with all who encounter it. But, like all birds, it will soon carry on its way. One may try and clip the birds wings to keep it for a while, but eventually it will leave us one way or another. Thoughts fly from the minds of forgetful scholars like leaves in an autumn gale. Ancient books and scrolls are burnt, lost or forgotten...


    Listen now, don't doze off. this is where the story gets interesting. Hidden throughout the land, deep within the texts and writings of every race and culture that wandered these lands, I have found messages. They vary in meaning, form and language, but all hint to the same ultimate goal. The Athenaeum. A vast archive, locked away under many layers and seals, in the darkest, most twisted corners of the land. A cage for these birds of thought, to keep them captive before they take wing. A mausoleum for the wisdom of ancient minds that now lie rotting in the earth. A kind of 'cheat-sheet' if you will, containing all that has been and all that will be.


    But I tell you friends, many would kill for this kind of power, for from knowledge comes strength, and more would give their lives defending it. This is where my studies lead me to another, darker discovery. The Chroniclers. The... things... responsible for defending the Athenaeum. They take many forms and, armed with the contents of this vast archive, will stop at nothing to protect it. This is where my research ends. I have given you all I can. The rest lies with the Descendants...


    ((OOC: A new story line, where everyone of every race can take part in a great scramble to claim the contents of the Athenaeum. Riddles and Mini-events can be done that drop hints that lead to bigger, server-wide events! Humans, Elves, Dwarves, even Kha's and Orcs (at least, those who can read) can delve into ancient tomes and trod the forgotten corners of lost libraries to find out more about this great database of the universe!))


    ^_^ ~ForeverGinger

  6. Character Name: So'Ketzawl

    Basic Information

    Nicknames: Ketzy and Cheese Cat

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Race: Kha'Cheetrah

    Status: Pretty much alive



    Height: 5' 4"

    Weight: Lighter

    Body Type: Thin and lithe

    Eyes: Orange

    Hair: A spiked Mohawk died various colors

    Skin: Orangy-Gold spotted fur

    Markings/Tattoos: Larger than average spots


    Health: Ketzawl is in very good health, but will often be seen covered in an assortment of minor injuries, thanks to his high-risk lifestyle.

    Personality: Ketzawl is bi-polar, constantly suffering from extreme mood swings. He may be chatting happily away one moment, than have his claws at your throat the next. Despite this, he is loyal to his friends and even more loyal to his goddess, Metztli.

    Inventory: Ketzawl is never far from a weapon. He carries either a vicious three pronged trident and a medium (Taller Human sized) net woven with small hooks and barbs or a large bow and a quiver of spear-like arrows strapped to his back. Tucked away, hidden some where secret, he also carries a short, stout dagger carved out of Lapis Lazuli.

    Life Style: Ketzawl can often be found training with his various weapons, either against practice dummies or more... alive targets. He lives by the philosophy that, as long as there is one thing out there stronger than him, he won't stop until it lies either dead or defeated at his feat.


    Alignment: Chaotic Good (Remember, this is by Kha' standards)

    Deity: Metztli

    Religion: Kha' Worship

    Alliance/Nation/Home: Al-Dirhak

    Job/Class: Hunter/Warrior

    Title(s): So'

    Profession(s): Leatherworker

    Special Skill(s): Devilish good looks

    Flaw(s): Devilish good looks



    Current Status: Nothing

    Arch-type: N/A

    Sub-Type: N/A

    Rank: N/A

    Weakness(es): N/A

    Strength(s): N/A

    Current Spell(s): N/A


    Fighting Style: Similar to a Roman Retiarii (That's "net-fighter" for all you uncultured swine!)

    Trained Weapon: Trident and net fighting

    Favored Weapon: Trident and net

    Archery: Semi-trained, Ketzawl prefers fighting up close and personal



    Parents: Sa'Shasta and S'Kraukatu

    Siblings: N/A

    Children: Pfffffft! As if he's ever gonna have kids!

    Extended Family: Shrugity shrug

    Pet(s): Well... he occasionally converses with the stuffed deer head above his door...



    You'll have to find this out in-game!



    If'n ya got some artwork of So'Ketzawl, message me and I'll put it up here!

  7. Now, I haven't been playing with Perdric supha recently, but the times I do get on, our quaint little village is empty! Now, an empty village is fine for surprise events (ie Moles and the soon-to-return Boggle Wolf *hint hint wink wink nudge nudge*) but some more players to share these quirky little events with would be nice! Open the village up a little!

  8. A pair of weary, weathered Kha' wander out out deep into the territory of the northern ape lands, searching for exotic beasts to hunt and hidden treasure to loot. The two were astounded to discover that beyond the northern wastes lies a great jungle! Raena leads the way into this new territory, followed closely behind by Ketzawl. They two Kha' soon discover that there is land ripe for the taking in this area as they stumble upon a large, half-demolished castle! The keep stands alone, a large ruin hidden among the great trees and mushrooms!




    Perhaps this is Metztli's will, for the Kha' to return to their roots...


    ((Pitch for a new Kha plot! Had a fine chat with one of the owners who said they're open to offers! All it's being used for now is demolition! Now, it is a bit far out, but close enough to the north for RP!))




    ((Here's the plot info!))

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