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Posts posted by Vege

  1. 2 minutes ago, Taketheshot said:



    Name: Balgruff Frostbeard


    Reason for joining: I like killing rebel scum




    Skype:U know it

    Do you use TS?:ya boyo




    Name:Lawrence Staunton 


    Reason for joining:I got nothing better to do




    Skype: u know it

    Do you use TS?Yes


    welcome to Courland noob.


  2. 2 minutes ago, TheNanMan2000 said:



    Name: Phylip Maddox

    Race: Human - Heartlander

    Reason for joining:  (already joined) To serve the greatest Duchy in the north, Courland, and to serve the most generous Duke's in Vailor




    Skype: (You already got it)

    Do you use TS?: Yes, I've got the I.P also.


    Extra points for making the Duke smile.

  3. 1 minute ago, Duncan Darkwood said:




    Duncan Darkwood



    Reason for joining:

    You really have to ask me?





    You already got that one

    Do you use TS?:

    I do, but I am not online there by default, so when I am needed there, you have to tell me over skype


    Thank you for registering with Courland Heer, the Courtruppen.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Cleggmire_ said:



    Name:Ser Aymer Fournier


    Reason for joining:I am the Unterfuhrer


    (OOC)I am the Unterfuhrer


    Skype:Already got it

    Do you use TS?:Dude I'm the one that makes ts live



    Just now, perses said:

    Name: Destor ShadeSon
    Reason for joining: I wish to protect the Duchy of Courland, the Duke and it's citizens.
    Skype: You have it
    Do you use TS?: Yes


    1 minute ago, Tankmaster11 said:



    Name: Gregor "the Holy" McAllester

    Race: Human Master Race

    Reason for joining: Because you told me to register.




    Skype: Tankmaster11

    Do you use TS?: Yes.



    Thank you for registering with Der Staarke Armee.

  5. 3 minutes ago, mra8ur93ss said:



    Name: Carrick MacCanonach


    Reason for joining: Sorta kinda in already.



    Skype: mra8ur93ss

    Do you use TS?: Wenn ich muss.


    Just now, dkink14 said:



    Name: Erin Twoore

    Race: Human (Heartlander)

    Reason for joining: I have lived in courland for a long time and feel i have to do something back for everything.





    Do you use TS?:Dont really use it. but if needed yes



    2 minutes ago, ItzHarleyQ said:

    Name: Amira Patil

    Race: Dark Elf

    Reason for joining: Already in




    Skype: crystalcraft_xo

    Do you use TS?: Yes, but rarely speak


    Thank you for registering.

  6. Courland's Ducal Anthem



    "Die Starke Armee" Das Heer von Courlandia




    By the decree of Duke Aleksander Staunton and his chancellor, the central military provides the law enforcement of the realm from institutional grounds. Being the supreme enforcer of law & order within Courland, it stands as the caretaker of both civilian and official.


    Die Starke Armee serves as a central force to Courland, and is one of many Courlandian militaries, another significant one being the Company of the White Cross.


    Aside of its role as protector of the realm, the Ducal military offers personal education for squireship and strategy; providing the burgher with opportunity to personally serve the Duke of Courland; Aleksander Staunton, whose generosity knows no bounds.


    Any registered enforcer of Ducal law shall enjoy the following privileges within the realm of Courland;


    ~ Unlimited access to any part within the Duchy of Courland,  only with righteous reasoning.

    ~ Permitless carriage of weaponry & goods while on service.

    ~ Priority in housing & appointments due to voluntary service for the Duchy and its Duke.


    Die Starke Armee

    To protect the fertile fields of Courland, and with that, the soul of humanity and cunning; Die Starke Armee operates as the core military organization of the Duchy of Courland. Battle-hardened and ever vigilant, it proudly serves the crown and its many interests within the Human Dominion.

    At the helm of it all stands;

    Der Führer

    The figurehead of the military, the Staunton ruler of Courland.


    Der Generaloberst,
    Overseer & Caretaker of all military branches of Die Starke Armee

    The Generaloberst’s delegates, ensuring the functionality of the army.

    The officers of the army, initiating training and leading the branches.

    The prime stage of any soldier; Hardened, vigilant & awarded for great and consistent service.

    Men that have proven themselves to be capable in service.

    New recruits of Die Starke Armee, at the beginning of their path to greatness.

    For those that follow this just path for the Duchy of Courland, and its Imperial caretaker, nothing but prosperity awaits you. Serve the crown jewel of the Empire of Oren, and award yourself with the greatest honours of all.




    Field soldier who specialises in treating wound of those who have been wounded in a field of combat.




    The head of Courland’s fleet, he oversees their construction and maintenance.




    A sailor, working aboard Courland’s ships and on the docks.






    Reason for joining:





    Do you use TS?:




    Aleksander Staunton.jpg


    Der Fuhrer, Aleksnder Staunton.





    Der weiße Adler von Kurland, sigil of the army.




    the map.jpg

    Eine karte von der Vaterland.

    ((Credits to Draeris for putting together this post))


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