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Status Replies posted by Si'Rakasdarg™

  1. I forgive crayzguy1916 for immolating me.

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      seems harsh for somone to immolate a Mod O.o

  2. Alright the shop system is ******* awful, the shop chest is full but it keeps claiming that it has 0 bread in stock

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      and i thought that dieing from a noob was bad @_@

  3. Finally have solved the debate on the correct term for water fountain http://i.gyazo.com/dae3a47a560c3279c5c4c0d7cdf91886.png

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      ikr? its a WATER FOUNTIAN W-A-T-E-R F-O-U-N-T-I-A-N :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. Waiting for one of my apps to be passed... so i can Actually RP with the rest of yall

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      thanks guys! I have good friends helping..... Firestar and Read :P also The pink Clertic

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey y'all! Just did an AT app refresh. If you feel you have what it takes to get on the team, its a perfect time to apply.

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      I would send a app if i werent a soul DX but my hopes are high... but not too high

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. UGHHH... i just find it verry verry hard to "add more lore" to my app ;-;

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      i HAVE been on the server... just been busy in RL... matter of fact... im on right now... (MINECRAFT USER) yortstorm

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. UGHHH... i just find it verry verry hard to "add more lore" to my app ;-;

  8. Theres nothing like Thanksgiving and Minecraft ~Si'Rakasdarg

  9. Theres nothing like Thanksgiving and Minecraft ~Si'Rakasdarg

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      meh... nothing like 5 denyed apps.... Firestar and others are helping....

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Theres nothing like Thanksgiving and Minecraft ~Si'Rakasdarg

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      Trin, this is off topic but we have somthing in common.. we both dont want to/cant join the server till chrismas break....

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      Owch... (not related) Goldie, i see that you visited my page, did you need somthing? ~Si'Rakasdarg

  11. I am new to this server! Trying to get my app complete!

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      thanks (wolf JCQ and W4h) for wishing mi per'ta good luck! also, per'ta contact Firestar ~Si'Eakasdarg

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. i am not Si'Rakasdarg, for i am not a priest

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      /Si'rakasdarg/ was once Ji'Rkasdarg... Ji' means priest or priestess

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. I wonder which will come out first: Minecraft version 1.8 or Lord of The Craft 4.0.

  14. I'm sorry, but it says "Unknown Host" when I tried to access your server using the ip you gave me.

    1. Si'Rakasdarg™


      I looked into it, and its .us not .com or .net, try it with .us, i did and its working just fine

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