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Posts posted by Zacho

  1. The life bloom flower is a flower that is a purple/pink flower that is shaped like a small bowl at the tip of the flower it has a yellow liquid in it that has special effects with other things. Any block it touches it will stain it a purplish color and break it down replacing it with a purple version of it.(such as if a diamond was bathed in it the flower's liquid would replace it with a purple/pink diamond.) If the liquid was spilt directly onto grass it would instantly sprout a smaller one where the liquid dropped. If it is put on skin it will heal minor wounds, such as small cuts and other small wounds, and make the affected area look purple and will slow muscle movement of the affected area(about a full IRL day).When the flower gets to its max height of 10m tall it would have around 3 bottles full of Bloom liquid ready to be harvested, after taking it all it would take awhile to refill (1 day IRL). IF the Bloom liquid was put onto or mixed with Redstone it would make the liquid look and near taste like blood but would have no smell.The flower would take around a year to fully grow to the height of 10 meters (One IRL week). After it is fully grown it will live as long as it is warm around it. Other experiments have been tested on the liquid and if it is put above a heat source for a long time it will begin to turn black and it will be more acidic than usual but if kept at a very cold temperature before freezing it will become pinker and dye things better than before. Each thing it is mixed with will change its effects.


    Flower: Allium


    Biome: Plains and edges of forests


    Height:10 meters tall


    Lore made by zzaacchhss and Yuqu

  2. ((Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)):zzaacchhss


    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)):Unknown


    Race:Dark dwarf/cavedwarf

    Citizenship Class (A or B):b


    Physical Description




    Eye Color:red

    Hair Color:orange

    Skin Color/Shade:black-light grey

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos:


    Personal Information


    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown):


    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!):N/A

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))



    Oath(s) of Loyalty


    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):


    "I, Elfeit Ston'est , hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  3. MC name:zzaacchss


    Character's name and age:Gredge Hevstil, around 250


    Character’s Race:Wood elf


    What magic(s) did you learn?:Trasfiguration


    How did you learn this magic(s)?:Gredge spent time reading books and attempting to re-apply his voidal experience of telekinesis with the purpose of trying to make things change shape, failing quite a lot and maybe only putting something back together. The most of his time would be studying the properties of things like for a rock whats its made of, what temperature does it melt ,how does it look after getting back into a solid state. for any iron it would be when does it melt ,how does it feel, how is it made. Also he would study equal exchange making sure to fully grasp it.Also studying other magics for wards and making sure he knows how to counter them, also studying what wards are. He'd practice his enchanting on small sticks applying some polish stone infusing it with mana then having it cast simple spells such as using the mana stored inside to make things float for a mere 1 second.He would also read upon lot of how wards and enchanting works to understand it before using it at all.


    Offer an explanation of said magic(s) you learned: There are 3 categories of trasfiguration Enchanting, Wards, and Transmutation. Enchanting is adding or changing the magical properties of something has. These enchantment are fueled by gems infused with mana, Things such as diamonds would hold more mana then a piece of lapis. after infusing the gem and adding the enchantment the enchantment would take mana from the gem and when all use up it must be refueled, also it it were to receive a major crack it would need to be replaced, for it could not hold mana. There are two thing in the wards category which are Wards and Abjurations. All magics have a mana anchor being used when casting and a ward is set to send mana puffs to disrupt the mana anchor. The difference between a ward and an Abjuration is that a ward can block multiple magics and take longer to make, while abjurations only can block one.Transmutation is using the void to change how an object, this means you could melt ingots or reassemble a broken mirror by changing its scientific properties. To change any properties on anything you must understand how its doing so, for an example if you have a gold ingot you must understand at what temperature does gold melt? what karat is it? 12karat means its not all gold so you might have to understand what else was in the gold.


    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype: http://imgur.com/a/m6rHD

    I've also read books but forgot to take screenies i will find them when dragur opens
    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:N/A


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:N/A


  4. MC name:zzaacchhss

    Character's name and age:Gredge Hevstil 250 years old


    Character’s Race:Wood elf

    Link to your accepted magic application:https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136929-ignore-do-not-read-atm/

    What magics do you desire to teach?:Telekinesis


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:Telekinesis in short is really about lifting things in the world  without using physical muscles but using power from the void. Its changing how gravity acts on the things its put too.Once any change is removed it will act with normal gravity and it will be delayed. Also it should be noted that it will only go as fast when dropping as it would if you used the equation to find the speed.IF the mages focus is broken then all objects will stop and interact with gravity normally. A telekinetic wouldn't be able to lift water or gases for their are to many particles to focus on. A mage must focus on one point and moving things would be hard to change the course of gravity of them since it is all ready moving.It makes it possible to do but you can never fully stop something that is moving (I.e. a moving arrow)

    First you must worry about the speed of the object so if its not moving it would be easy to do.

    Next The weight and mass This is like saying Aluminum to iron they are different in there mass making one heavier.

    Last thing but still important to worry about is how many objects there are such as you get more experienced with the magic you will be able to life many more things.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):ME and Selphine:

    Me: Hello Selphine how are you on this fine day.

    Selphine: I'm fine so can we start then?

    Me: Yes lets, now that you can connect to the void and have a small amount of practice with lifting objects we will try to move it sideways.

    Selphine: Okay so I need to connect to the void then try to move is sideways and up and down?

    Me: Yes, First connect to the void.

    ((Selphine emotes connecting to the void with the strange twitch or other movements eyes changing color and then targets a small pebble))

    Me:Now make the pebble float.

    Selphine tries making the pebble float in air it suspended in air for 2 seconds before it falling down in the air a bit.

    Me: Good now try picking it up and moving it sideways.

    Selphine Lifts it up moving it sideways a bit before disconnecting from the void his sighing falling on his back.

    Me: Good now practice that when your up for it and master moving it up and over and expanding your mana pool.

    Selphine: *Sighs "Will do"

    Me: *Gets up walking off "Good luck then."

  5. Large story lines would be cool if for example one or to ET members took on 3-4 peole and there were a few groups of them that lead into one big bossfight then back into single groups by the players descisions 

    Replayable sounds like a good idea it would be cool if it was only replayable for a week so it didnt become some farming event 

    In how many could be in an event i would say it would be hard but if everyone wansnt spamming emotes and thing then it could be possible

    Pve in events is cool itd be okay as long as the entire thing isnt pve and provides some good rp


  6. Lockpicking sounds like a good idea but it would be better if it was basec on players and the person who was stolen from could find who did it if they wanted and possibly trace them down but since names are visible meta couls be a problem in some way if this was to work im not sure but a system without gms would be good

  7. MC name: zzaacchhss

    Forum name:zzaacchhss

    Skype Name: zzaacchhss

    What is your timezone? EST

    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Media, proof checking, writing, etc):I what to write on the wiki rather it be from doing the hour long writing in lore to add to the wiki or the touch ups on some of the lore writing in general is what i would like to do, i might also be able to do other jobs if needed.

    Have you worked on the wiki before?: Nope.

    Do you have a basic understanding of lore?: Yes.

  8. MC name:zzaacchhss

    Character's name and age:Gredge Hevstil 233 years old


    Character’s Race:Wood elf

    Link to your accepted magic application:https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136929-ignore-do-not-read-atm/

    What magics do you desire to teach?:Telekinesis


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:Telekinesis in short is really about lifting things in the world  without using physical muscles but using power from the void. Its changing how gravity acts on the things its put too.Once any change is removed it will act with normal gravity and it will be delayed. Also it should be noted that it will only go as fast when dropping as it would if you used the equation to ind the speed.IF the mages focus is broken then all objects will stop and interact with gravity normally. A telekinetic wouldn't be able to lift water or gases for their are to many particles to focus on. A mage must focus on one point and moving things would be hard to change the course of gravity of them since it is all ready moving.It makes it possible to do but you can never fully stop something that is moving (I.e. a moving arrow)

    First you must worry about the speed of the object so if its not moving it would be easy to do.

    Next The weight and mass This is like saying Aluminum to iron they are different in there mass making one heavier.

    Last think but still important to worry about is how many objects there are such as you get more experienced with the magic you will be able to life many more things.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):ME and Selphine:

    Me: Hello Selphine how are you on this fine day.

    Selphine: I'm fine so can we start then?

    Me: Yes lets, now that you can connect to the void and have a small amount of practice with lifting objects we will try to move it sideways.

    Selphine: Okay so I need to connect to the void then try to move is sideways and up and down?

    Me: Yes, First connect to the void.

    ((Selphine emotes connecting to the void with the strange twitch or other movements eyes changing color and then targets a small pebble))

    Me:Now make the pebble float.

    Selphine tries making the pebble float in air it suspended in air for 2 seconds before falling back to the ground.

    Me: Good now try picking it up and moving it sideways.

    Selphine Lifts it up moving it sideways a bit before disconnecting from the void his sighing falling on his back.

    Me: Good now practice that when your up for it and master moving it up and over and expanding your mana pool.

    Selphine: *Sighs "Will do"

    Me: *Gets up walking off "Good luck then."

  9. MC name:zzaacchhss

    Character's name and age:Gredge Hevstil 233 years old


    Character’s Race:Wood elf

    Link to your accepted magic application:https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136929-ignore-do-not-read-atm/

    What magics do you desire to teach?:Telekinesis


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:Telekinesis in short is really about lifting things in the world  without using physical muscles but using power from the void. Its changing how gravity acts on the things its put too.Once any change is removed it will act with normal gravity and it will be delayed. Also it should be noted that it will only go as fast when dropping as it would if you used the equation to ind the speed.IF the mages focus is broken then all objects will stop and interact with gravity normally. A telekinetic wouldn't be able to lift water or gases for their are to many particles to focus on. A mage must focus on one point and moving things would be hard to change the course of gravity of them since it is all ready moving.It makes it possible to do but you can never fully stop something that is moving (I.e. a moving arrow)

    First you must worry about the speed of the object so if its not moving it would be easy to do.

    Next The weight and mass This is like saying Aluminum to iron they are different in there mass making one heavier.

    Last think but still important to worry about is how many objects there are such as you get more experienced with the magic you will be able to life many more things.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding): (before you ask any previous teachers i just want you to know that i was self-taught before MA's were introduced for the second time, but here is my lesson) Me: and Selphine:

    Me: Hello there i see as you have mentioned you would like to learn magic from me and i will teach you my ways, Since you are new to this the first thing we will do is learn to connect to the void since is is the most essential part of using any magic.I like to think of it as this you have a painting in front of you and you can change that picture as you please within your limits.

    Selphine: How do i connect to this "Void"?

    Me: You must clear your head of everything  which will take awhile Meditation is the best way of clearing your mind when your learning get rid of all the shrouds your mind.

    Selphine So i just clear my mind?, Seems easy enough

    (hours pass) Selphine: It doesn't seem to be working.

    Me: your not trying hard enough you have to take the void once connected and in this case lets say the void was a paint brush you take your mana (your hand) and grab the paint brush then paint use your paint (magic) , Now keep trying to conned to the void. You will know when you have connected and "grabbed the brush" for some part of your body will move unnaturally it will move like how your connection is with the void.

    Selphine: So sueing telekinesis is like taking the brush and moving items with a paint brush?

    Me: Thats just a way for you to wrap your mind around it its a metaphor, Thats all for today tommorow i we will practice connecting to the void.

    Selphine: Will do goodbye for today.

    Me: Goodbye.


  10. Name:Gredge Hevstil

    [Mc Name]:zzaacchhss

    Race:Wood elf

    Magics known:Telekinesis

    Magics you can teach:None, Soon to change

    Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? I was Self-Taught

    Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus Minor

    Place: The Sanctuary Mages Guild


  11. I) Name (in brackets, include ign):Gredge Hevstil  (zzaacchhss)

    II) Race:Wood elf

    III) Place of Origin:Aldersberg.

    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, Literature, Music) for specialism:
    V) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards:I wish to learn all the bards  can teach me in the ways of music

    VI) Potential projects you may aspire to do:Poetry, Dramas, Theatre

  12. +1 This sounds legit and weather is be screaming for his life underground entangled in a druids roots or just normal RP he would fit this job in all of the ways it's needed and i think it would serve helpful to everyone in the community.

  13. I wasnt sure if this went here or is where i would put this but here it is!

    The basics of concealment
    Concealment is the art of infusing a core with mana from a person and then allowing it to go to other cores combining power to make a barrier that changed certain items within the concealment. The most basic part of it is the two pieces of the puzzle that make the concealed. First would be the Core smith, He builds and prepares the core to be infused with energy and ready for use once infused. Next would be the Concealer, The concealer concentrates magic into the core allowing it to interact with other cores from a barrier, along whit this he also has to take the tax of useing his magic upon the core. Once the core is made, infused, and placed it can begin concealing the object written into the core a part of the coresmiths job. With practice the core smith would be able to have a core ready and program it withing a few minutes. Also it should be mentioned that No living object that is playable could ever be concealed.(Remeber! the concealer and the coresmtih are the same people and applie to the same idea, but for more detail it would be split in too.!)Also it should be noted that the height of the area doesnt matter unless it gets higher then 15 blocks then every block will act like the others.
    The person who has made this wonderful device would also have to learn a special way of engraving the object to tell it what it would be concealing.
    First you need to figure how much area are you going to be covering. Doing this will tell you how long your wand will most likely be active giving a broad idea of how long you can conceal before having to recharge or the ward running out of power.
    Next would be the amount of item/ pieces in the ward you would be hideing for a scale it is set at anything under 1/4th of a minecraft block would count as 1/4th no matter the size Anything hlaf as large rangeing inbetween 1/4th and 1/2 would count as 1/2 and of course a whole blokc size would count as one block. These are mesured in CPS and to find the amount of mana would be [Total block amount]X[Seconds wanted to be concealed] x [(or each insription added it would add .5 multiplyer starting from 1.)]So if you where concealing 30 blocks for 30 seconds for 3 groups it would consume around it would consume 1350 mana.
    mana of the amount put into the core.
    Next would be Core mana. Core mana is the amount of mana a core can hold in one full charge of an infusion. If an wooden core would hold 200 mana in total and for novice to fill it completly it would exaust them easily while if a master were to try to fill a wooden core it would be easily and still exaust them a tiny bit. While if a novice tried to fill a golden diamond infused core they would kill them selfs before they would have gotten 1/4 of the way.
    There is also Self concealments which is a more powerful version of a concealment where the use it blended in with the surroundings and transparent it would only be allowed about a full minute at a master level of a Concealer. It would also be a quick way to use a core it being once core that is stuck to you activated by the touch of the person.
    Inscirption words: Starting off a concealer would only be able to inscribe one one a core and would only know 3 Inscriptions The main inscriptions would be Blocks, Food, Misc, redstone, tools and profession. As the groups should describe to you each has its own properties of it would conceal. each would be repersented by a simple picture of the thing you would disguise.
    Before we go any further it should be said the red lines of this magic since it could easily PGed.  

    1. No human may ever be able to hide its self amonga concealment unless it be a self concealment
    2. You may never have a concealment last longer than an hour of real life time.
    3. Core will needed to be replaced after around 3-4 uses of them.
    4. You must must must put the words into the core that you wish do it to hide.
    Tier One: By this time you would be able to  fill a all four of the wooden cores to half way each having 100 mana you most likely only being able to use one symbol And cover 10 blocks with the consistancey of 10 seconds. This would most likely nearly exaused the mage.
    Tier two: This would be the tier where cores would be easier to store magic and form on they would continue. This would be storeing about 250 withing each of a Stone core filling a wooden core fully. This would allow about 25 blocks for 20 seconds with 2 inscriptions. Stone cores have around 350 mana storage
    Tier three. This is where iron is introduced to the core making along with being able to fully fill a stone core. Iron cores would be able to have 1000 magic in them allowing lots of time with small things to be concealed for a long time.
    Tier four: Self concealments being very advanced in the fact that they shouldnt be able to be held with an iron/gold core longer than 20-30 seconds Gold cores being introduced, They would hold around 1500 mana holding medium size of thigns for a medium amount of time.
    Tier five: This is where the HUGE cores come in thiere is the Golden/ Diamond reinforced cores which allow 2000 mana to be stored then it continues up with the Full diamond core then the Diamond Emerald plating which has 3700 mana to be held.

  14. MC name:zzaacchhss

    Character's name and age:Gredge Hevstil 233 years old


    Character’s Race:Wood elf

    Link to your accepted magic application:https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136929-ignore-do-not-read-atm/

    What magics do you desire to teach?:Telekinesis


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:Telekinesis in short is really about lifting things in the world  without using physical muscles but using power from the void. Its changing how gravity acts on the things its put too.Once any change is removed it will act with normal gravity and it will be delayed. Also it should be noted that it will only go as fast when dropping as it would if you used the equation to ind the speed.IF the mages focus is broken then all objects will stop and interact with gravity normally. A telekinetic wouldn't be able to lift water or gases for their are to many particles to focus on. A mage must focus on one point and moving things would be hard to change the course of gravity of them since it is all ready moving.It makes it possible to do but you can never fully stop something that is moving (I.e. a moving arrow)

    First you mus worry about the speed of the object so if its not moving it would be easy to do.

    Next The weight and mass This is like saying Aluminum to iron they are different in there mass making one heavier.

    Last think but still important to worry about is how many objects there are such as you get more experienced with the magic you will be able to life many more things.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding): (before you ask any previous teachers i just want you to know that i was self-taught before MA's were introduced for the second time, but here is my lesson) Me: and Selphine:

    Me: Hello there i see as you have mentioned you would like to learn magic from me and i will teach you my ways, Since you are new to this the first thing we will do is learn to connect to the void since is is the most essential part of using any magic.I like to think of it as this you have a painting in front of you and you can change that picture as you please within your limits.

    Selphine: How do i connect to this "Void"?

    Me: You must clear your head of everything  which will take awhile Meditation is the best way of clearing your mind when your learning get rid of all the shrouds your mind.

    Selphine So i just clear my mind?, Seems easy enough

    (hours pass) Selphine: It doesn't seem to be working.

    Me: your not trying hard enough you have to take the void once connected and in this case lets say the void was a paint brush you take your mana (your hand) and grab the paint brush then paint use your paint (magic) , Now keep trying to conned to the void. You will know when you have connected and "grabbed the brush for some part of your body will move unnaturally it will move like how your connection is with the void.Come see me when you have learned to grasp the void if you need assistance i am here.

    Selphine I will try i will send a bird your way if i need anything.

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