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Posts posted by Harri

  1. 4 hours ago, Emilyyy said:

    Is my profile convincing? 

    Favorite game rn?
    Current favorite song?


    Apart from the 'ugu kawaii' yes it would be. Change it just to like  ^~^ and you'll be better.

    Been playing Destiny 2 and Dauntless Beta a lot. Both are fun.

    I listen to a lot of mixes like this. They're pretty relaxing.


    3 hours ago, _Jandy_ said:

    Have you seen Anohana?


    No, I haven't actually. What's it about? I've not heard of it either, surprisingly.


    3 hours ago, ibraheemc2000 said:

    Do you think Me and adam can bring haria back?


    Do you think the Qali culture needs to be more written out for people to understand it better?


    Whats your Favorite show?


    Have you ever watched a Show in turkish or arabic....or any other languages that isnt your native and couldnt stop watching it?


    Why is your favorite meme in my signature?


    Personally, no. I think you should give up on your own nation and take your idea of a culture/religion or whatever somewhere else and integrate with them. It offers more possible RP for that bigger group, as well as allows many new things to occur with your own group's story.


    Personally I think you need to try and move away from real life Islam. Writing something out is always great, but there's too many similarities with Muslim people IRL. Try get something new and fresh down to spice it up and switch it up. 


    My favourite show... I liked Stranger Things and Game of Thrones, and still like Doctor Who (so it's sad that the production quality continues to degrade).


    I watch anime so yes lol. I've watched stuff in French and German before, but I can't say if I watched one in a more eastern language like Arabic.


    I'm unsure.


    3 hours ago, GrimReaper98 said:

    How are you legitimately going man? Hope stuff's going well for you.


    Well.. my family and home life has never been worse. There's a lot of personal issues going on for me here and all so that sucks, but otherwise I'm doing great in other aspects. I'm trying to keep in contact with friends and keep up other relationships that make me happy, and have been exercising a lot more. Taking boxing and **** seriously and am currently in the best shape I've ever been in my life. I've lost like 10 kilos in about 6 weeks. How about you Joel? How's life with you?


    2 hours ago, MrMineLoveDude said:

    what's your cutest anime picture?




    1 hour ago, Dewlox™ said:

    When did your obsession with anime begin?


    And rate Sandk1ng's memes from 1 to 10.


    Not sure. Don't think I've ever been obssessed with it, but I started watching it when I was about.. 14-15? I stayed up all night watching Attack on Titan in English because someone said it was good. It all went down hill from there.

    Sandking is a wonderful bloke. I give his natural memes a 9/10, but his forced and repetitive '**** OREN' type ones get a 6/10.


    1 hour ago, dsdevil said:

    do you think we could have been friends in another life?


      Reveal hidden contents





    I thought we were friends ):

    Maybe you shouldn't have hacked on Vanilla Legacy...


    1 hour ago, im_a_psychopath said:

    ur falling down on the relevant meter again so when can we expect ur reapply to gm ? 


    Ah, funny. I was about to ask when you were going to pretend to be a girl again, because everyone's forgotten you exist too!



    16 minutes ago, Ford said:

    on your last profile pic who was that girl where does she come from


    can you give me the source brother @Harrison


    That was the full image. :)


    3 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Why aren’t you playing a halfling 









    Why do I lack creativity 


    Boring in my eyes. They look like they have no flavour or fun to them.


    I dunno. You don't read or watch enough fiction?

  2. Just now, Man of Respect said:

    what's you're fav hentai

    are you a man or a female

    if you're a female do you want to date me, i have two bathrooms in my house


    Um.. Rance Sama was a pretty ok series, otherwise I liked Fella Pure or Jk no *****. I've rewatched those so I guess that means I liked them.

    I was born female but transitioned to male.

    For two bathrooms, I'd do anything.

  3. Whole hearted and huge plus one.  Puts incredible effort, time and thought into his event(line)s. Probably one of the best ETs I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Space said:



    haha guys get it harrison likes anime girls haha every day he mentions it hahaha it's so funny after all these years haha!


    haha guys get it space is still trying to make himself seem smarter and better than everyone else every day hahaha it's so funny after all these years, even though he's been permabanned twice for it now, haha!

  5. Does the event team have any actual structure or goal right now? I'm going to assume not for the sake of my question and curiosities : If not, why? What are you planning to do to create an actively interacting event team? From what I've heard and seen for the longest while (from my own experience and from many other people's) is that the majority of the ET simply do one - two time random encounter events or hunts. It's good to have smaller, spur of the moment events around for sure, but why are longer, more developed group planned events being done more? Encouraging event team members to work together in groups of 3-4 can create vastly greater events and stories for people to enjoy on the server. A good example of this would be Ford and onceanda creating brilliant bounty hunting quest lines which actively change and evolve.


    What is the focus of the Game Team currently? And I don't mean "what rule page are you rewriting", I want to know what core aspect of the server you're looking to improve is currently being worked on. Players from opposing factions can't interact with one another whatsoever these days without people breaking into fights, snide remarks, insults and arguments. Adding the long ticket times into this (unsure if this has changed much, it's been an hour+ long for the two tickets I've opened in the past week or so, one actually needing me to tell a GM over a voice channel to claim and complete my ticket, despite it being a singular command of about 20 letters), it pretty much grinds interaction to a halt on the server. If something like this is happening, then fundamentally the server must not be working.


    Whilst the Application team seems to operating well and getting its job done, is there anything being done to actively try and bring in new players from the internet? (Advertising, Media etc) And if so, are the Application team even involved in this decision, or is it an Admin thing?


    When are players like Wolfite, DPM and ww2buff - notorious criminals - being banned?


    Also @Wrynn I'd recommend placing the discord link on this post for those of the community who aren't on the public discord server.

  6. -1


    Lying, selfish, cowardly and disgusting individual all around. Looks out only for himself - wouldn't work well in a team environment whatsoever. At the same time, he doesn't know the rules, nor give a **** about them. He threatens to DDoS people regularly and sometimes even does.

    Altogether, he treats this like an OOC faction server and doesn't want to promote anything other than that mentality.

  7. -1 disgusting and vile individual he called me a '5'1 ****** beta male' over a teamspeak channel one time even though i'm at least 9 inches over that height (and hardly male........) and then continued to dive into the details of how, when he caught me on hte server, he'd run up to me and start hitting me with minecraft pvp mechanics to the point where i was flying in the air and pinned up against a wall with my arms and legs on my character flailing about helplessly to the point where i felt like crying irl it was a really mean and viscious thing to describe he then did this horrible mocking laugh and told me to +1 this application or else he'd do what he's going to me on minecraft to me irl


    don't give it to him please ):

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