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Posts posted by Potts244

  1. "Hey guys Taliah Sintel here coming at ya with more things to sell, this time I've got war axes! Find Omar Grimmer'Lak Ensign in the Imperial Legion if you wanna buy some! Considering I'm in a different dimension currently, you're gonna have to buy from him!"


    Black Ferrum axes random % just 100 minas each!


    "I don't even care how good they are get them now on sale 100 minas each! Find Omar Grimmer'Lak if ya want one."

  2. Required rp : "Hi I'm Taliah I sell enchants look at them wow enchants."


    Mc name : Potts24


    Enchants :


    Sharpness 1 250 minas 200 mina if buying 6 or more at a time

    Prot 1 100 mina 75 mina if buying 12 or more at a time

    Projectile Protection 1 125 mina, 100 mina if buying 4 full set





    Sharpness 1 : 72 books

    Prot 1 :  71

    Proj Prot : 10




    Extra trash


    Efficiency level 1 I've got one of these for some reason someone can buy it for 20 minas.

    Unbreaking level 1 I've got one of these as well, someone can buy it for 40 minas.



    Unbreaking level II someone can buy this one off me for 200 minas


    Punch 1 got one for 50 minas


    Efficiency III 500 minas got one


    Efficiency IV 1000 minas got two


    come buy this trash please thanks. I got other garbage just message me asking about other garbage



    closing rp :


    "Selling enchants in the capital, or wherever, just come buy them. Middle of the capital is my supply stall. just find me there wooo."


  3. Begin SCEne:



    Tommy Silverblade II enters johanznensburg. He quickly spots the red and yellow banners hanging over Rothmart being taken down, he sighs approaching the store putting his right hand to his hear closing his ears and covering his eyes. "I shall avenge you roTjh men." he signs the Tommy cross and opens his ears, hearing a similar sound, the sound of red and yellow banners. Tommy uncovers his eyes, and notices not even two feet away his prayers to tOmmh y have bene answered. Rothmart Ressurrrerection. he sighs happily rubbing his tummy and approaches the new Rothmart, but trips on a loose brick and faceplants into the cold snowy stone of the JOBerhanezburn streets.



    Chapter 2:  Tommy is mad


    Tommy looks to the sky and shouts in anger "I'm madee!"





    And so Tommy gets married to the beautiful Glob, fulfilling his destiny of uniting half Olog half High elves together to burn Haelun'or to the ground.



    Ave Tommy, Ave Glob.



















    Here are a few of Tommy's favorite moments in Axios.












    And last but not least :




    At his manor in the witch's woods.

  4. MC name:Potts24

    Forum name:Potts244

    Skype Name:giggityinurmouth11

    What is your timezone?: EST ST ST

    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Media, writing, etc): I wish to include Omar Grimmer'Lak secretly into the lore of everything on the wiki.

    Have you worked on the, or any wiki before?: Almost

    Which lore are you most familiar with? Nexus Professions

    Please showcase your abilities with either:

    1. A short writing on the subject of your choosing.


    An example of your art.



    1. An example of an 'other' (Already completed wiki pages are a plus!).


  5. RACE:  (Elf, Halfing, Human, only, sorry orcs and dwarves!  I'll see if I can find any pieces for you but currently not accepting) Elf

    GENDER: (Male female) female

    PICTURE OF CHARACTER: XDtprsz.jpg  older pic


    Extra bits: Armored, with waraxe in a messy keep setting if possible! Thank you!!!


    Character is Taliah Sintel of course!! :D

  6. Shops:

    Your Shop Name: The Forgemaster

    It’s Location (Be specific!) : Middle of the capital of Oren black and grey stall!

    Items for sale: Any custom bulk enchant orders, black ferrum weapons, single enchants. Custom blacksmithing  and leatherworking orders, woodworking orders allowing material supplied for thornbark bows.

    Person to contact: Taliah Sintel (Potts24)


    "Whether you're trying to raise an army to rebel against Oren, or just your everyday bandit! I've got gear to sell, so come ******* buy it now. Please and thank you."


    My professions

    Aengulic Blacksmith

    Aengulic Enchanter

    Aengulic Woodworker

    Aengulic Leatherworker




    **** I'm Selling:

    Sharpness 1 250 minas, maybe lower if bulk orders.

    Prot 1 100 minas, maybe lower if bulk orders.

    Projectile Protection 1 125 minas, maybe lower if bulk orders


    Also any other enchant you request on custom order, BULK ONLY.


    Iron armor my materials 150 minas.


    Iron armor bulk Stack minimum your material, 15 minas per set.


    Black Ferrum Axes: 37 - 39 % 400 minas. anything above that is 500

    Other custom bullshit, message me, I can name, and do all that description editing name color stuff.


    Iron studded armor orders 200 minas

    Arrows are custom order because I have to sit there making them, one stack of arrows is 64 minas, take it or go buy them from the Rothgard shop i Jburg






    If you have any custom order just message me let me know what you want, for difficult **** to make like Thornbark bows I'll make them for 100 minas if the material is provided.



    If you wanna buy bulk but use your materials let me know I'll come up for a price on whatever the hell you want me to make.

  7. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: Potts29

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: Potts24


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LotC?: To damn LONG

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: 2 (I have another alt app open so this will be my last alt account app)

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