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Posts posted by Mariek

  1. MC Name: DustyDune

    Character's Name: Cenwall Maeyr’onn

    Character's Age: 167


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Arelion Laurir’ante


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  2. Maeyr’onn


    Evaral’onn Talkarimar

    Preservation From Valor!”




    The Maeyr’onns are an ancient bloodline, in fact one of the original founding bloodlines of the Silver State of Haelun’or. Starting with the founder Nelecar Maeyr’onn, the renowned Lion of Haelun’or, the family is renowned for harsh punishment of those unfaithful to the teachings of Larihei and to the State in which facilitates her ideals. As the first military leader of Haelun’or- the Okarir’Sil(Master of the Sword) he was once known to lock a Mali’aheral in a cell for a month just for refusing his stringent demands to protect the state. Their liberal use of extreme acts of protection is still even practiced today. Their motto “Preservation From Valor!” encapsulates the very being of every member that has been birthed in the bloodlines splendor. 


    Physical Traits, Appearance:


    A Maeyr’onn generally has blonde or silver hair not unlike any Mali’aheral, yet they stand out with the distinction of the only pure family with golden eyes. They are known as the tallest of some of their Mali’thill brethren averaging around 6’1”' to 6’6”.  They generally speak with authority and perfect diction, always speaking with a zeal to their words.



    Family Tree:






    The Maeyr’onn Talonnii maintain the hard-line belief that the teachings of Larihei must be preserved from strict institution and through means of extreme acts of courage .


    The bloodlines overarching mission is to preserve the teachings of Larihei, through the sacrifice of military service, and great, admirable dedication to the purity of all High Elves. Those who stray from the teachings and lessons learned by Larihei should be banished or face the harshest punishment the law has to offer. For only then can Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya be preserved in their minds.




    The original of the name Maeyr’onn comes from the birthplace of Nelecars parents. It means born or from Maeyr in elvish.


    Notable Members:



    Nelecar Maeyr’onn:

    Nelecar Maeyr’onn was the first military leader of Haelun’or under Dio Astòre. He is known as one of the two key figures of the First Schism of Haelun’or. Known as the Lion, he was a great military leader, with a great dedication to the purity of the High Elven people.


    Cenwall Maeyr’onn:

    Cenwall Maeyr’onn was one of the longest reigning leaders of Haelun’or. He ruled from the demise of Axios till the final days of Atlas. Rising from the ashes of the Night of Remembrance and being elected as Okarir’Maehr of the Silver Council, Cenwall quickly revitalized the crumbling library. Soon afterwards he was ascended to the Maheral of the High Elven people and by ex-Maheral Andria. This lasted up until the start of Atlas where he stepped down and was elected as the Sohaer. During the ending days of his rule, he absorbed the position of Maheral through a vote of the people and council to become the first Ah’Sohaer (Blessed Ruler) of the nation. Known as the Frog, he ruled for an unprecedented 40 years.



    Current Patriarch:

    Cenwall Maeyr’onn





    Discord: DustyDune#2974


  3. LiF9Nw9JC6S0-EFp8v1R8w-UfKcrMU1QRqcoMIu-4OS94ju-Q4TiE8YXtC37t2oJ2-wJGnA_wAbDaSjZGsq7vUlD_B--B5pP7EVkMXPsxNC7qGYQh5K_qTa64_FyGRPYKMJbFzH3

    Lye Lent

    An ancient creed, rekindled.

    To Overgrow.



    As the children of Malin toil to rebuild from the desolation of Atlas, perhaps more than ever they stand divided. Gladewynn, Aegrothond, Haelun’or, Fenn, and Vira’ker. In the shadow cast by bickering and division, the Mali are made weak, and when stagnation sets in, it rots all to the very core.


    Monsters, beasts, and dark forces. In recent times, it was the September Prince and the Veyl Order, but the divine and ancient are not the only threats, for beasts can take many forms. Arcas is untamed, wild, and unexplored, and as the scattered Elves work to recover and spread resources thin, those who wish our kind ill-will fester. It is times such as these that our Elder-kind requires unity and strength.


    With these words, the Vigil of old is reformed. Come fellow Mali, and all who would be our allies. We seek the cunning, the wise, and the strong, for the evils that lurk in the deepest corners of Arcas must be brought to light.


    The Vigil is presently gathering its numbers in the lands Alderyn. All those would work for the betterment of all Mali should seek us out there.



    ~.-Our Noble Purpose-.~



    The Vigil shall work to pacify the untamed wilds and forgotten threats of the world.

    The Vigil shall hunt those who wield the dark arts and oppose such corruption wherever it surfaces.

    The Vigil shall lend its strength to the defense of all Mali, for the blood of Malin is precious and our prosperity paramount.

    The Vigil shall study the workings of the world so that it may effectively fulfill its duties.



    ~.-An artist rendering of Revin a notable member of The Vigil, Circa 1559-.~





    Elvalmuel - The Purple

    The purple is the leader of the order of The Vigil and deals mostly at an administrative level, dictating the movements and message of the order as a whole. However it is rare, the purple is a fierce opponent and can be seen fighting alongside The Vigil when duty calls them to do so. During times of peace and war it is Elvalmuel who guides, preserves and remains Vigilant in the face of any and all threats.


    Elvallel - The Blue

    The blue are the officers of the Vigil, organizing its operations when the Elvalmuel is unavailable, and they are often the ones to lead small groups warriors into battles. They are also tasked with seeking out new Mali to join the ranks of the Vigil.


    Elmiruel - The Red

    Elmiruel are considered the elite and most competent elven warriors of the Vigil. The grizzled soldier has proven themselves repeatedly in battle and hold the battle line— inspiring their fellow Vigils. When Elvalmuel and Elvallel are not in attendance the Elmiruel are expected to lead the Elibar and Eltaynei not only with fine example but also with experienced judgment to enact the goals of the order of The Vigil.


    Elibar - The White

    Elibar, The White, are the first true-members of the Order. No longer mere initiates, but not a ranking member of the Vigil, it is Elibar who heed the order of those of the upper ranks— and guide and train the initiates. Through demonstration of quick wit, able-body and dedication— it is the White who will continue to advance through the ranks of the Vigil.


    Eltaynei - The Green

    The Taynei  are the elves who have first joined the Vigil. It is these elves who are considered little but initiates in the eyes of the Vigil and its members. It is through dedication, and discipline which the Taynei will make their way to the rank of Elibar.




    ~.-Vigil History-.~


    The order of The Vigil’s history is a rather new one, being founded originally on the landmass known as Vailor. The prominent group started as a reactionary movement to the division within the Elven Realms at the time. Prominent founders were Uhier and Arche Raell, who wished to unify the elven identity with one goal in mind-- to protect the divided and weak elven states and by doing so aiding in the healing of such states though that protection.

    Through a massive recruitment campaign and the efforts and progress shown with the actions of the founders  the numbers of the order blossomed and at its peak, The Vigil could rally 20,000 to 30,000 men alone. These numbers would be put to work in the Silver State of Haelun’or where a schism left them without a military to protect them from the rouge High Elven state of Celien. They offered to serve in place until the state could afford its own military restored.

    The Vigil were at the head of such projects as restoring a unified Elven state with the Wood Elves of Laureh’lin and the Dark Elves of Ker’nor known as The Dominion of Malin. They even succeeded in ending the schism that plagued the High Elves, eventually toppling Celien. However over time the order lost numbers, a clear goal and a leadership that could generate interest in the group. Eventually throughout many decades of decay, The Vigil finally departed the Silver State as the self-proclaimed Silver Exodus until ultimately disbanding on the landmass known as Axios.


    ~.-Vigil Code-.~


    1. A Vigil must remain loyal, without question, to the Order and its ways.


    2. A Vigil must not take the life of another member. Murder is for lesser beasts such as wolves and bears.


    3. A Vigil may not steal from their fellow brethren, for to do so is unbecoming of both an elf, and of any descendant.


    4. A Vigil must remain stalwart in their preservation of the ways of elfkind, not perverting their ways with the influence of the other races. Interbreeding is to be avoided, for it dulls our long-lived blood.









    Reason for Joining:

    Saying of Oath:

    Lye Lent, to overgrow, this is my tenet. I (RP NAME) shall not steal, boast, or be bought. I (RP NAME) shall not dishonor the code of The Vigil. Forever vigilant, my allegiance and blade stay with The Vigil. I (RP NAME) am the shield of all that is virtuous. I (RP NAME) am the blade of all that is righteous. For a brighter future that ALL natural-born Mali’ can cherish. Until the Silver Rusts, Until the Seas Redden I (RP NAME) will stand and fall for the blood of all elves above all else.








    *Credits for creation: DustyDune, Aviers*

    *art of Revin by keem, art of warrior by VCepesh, and art of Vigil flag by MagicPastry*


    The Election for the Sohaerate

    As published 8th of The Deep Cold 1659




    Rules for the vote:

    1) Only citizens of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or may cast a vote

    2) Only a single vote per citizen

    3) Your full name must be stated on your ballot, otherwise your vote will be invalid

    4) More than half the votes must be for a candidate otherwise the vote will be invalid

    5) The vote will be open for a single elven day, after which a winner will be announced


    As Ah’Sohaer I call a vote. The vote will be between my old friend Mister Acal’elor and the council. Should Mister Acal’elor receive over half the votes he will take the position of Sohaer, should the vote be invalid due to more than half the voters abstaining, the current council will elect a new Sohaer. If more abstain votes are counted than for Athedil Acal'elor, then Interim Sohaer position will be granted to Arelion Laurir'Ante and new elections will be held.






    Athedil Acal’elor []


    Abstain []




    Signed by,

    Ah’Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn Patriarch of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Guided by Larihei’s Grace in his Blessed Rule, Laurir and Malaurir of Mali’thill, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law and Overseer of the Kharajyr State.




    The Bird Soared and Securely Over Mine Kingdom
    As published 8th of The Deep Cold 1659




    " The Mali'Aheral people must not only spout superiority, they must show it. What are you waiting for? Show it brethren." ~Ah'Sohaer Cenwall Maeyr'onn




    A wise man once said that all things come to an end.... I Ah’Sohaer, the first of his title hereby write my resignation of both my positions-- Sohaer and Maheral of our blessed people effective immediately. Let the official voting of my successor begin.


    I will end my term with a story of a simple mali’aheral who hoped for more… Atathri Glaeus. A sickly name to give a child, cursed snake. He was a simple child running away from home, ready to take on this world like none other would… first to the famed Enchantry where he would learn from and meet the greatest magicians in the world. He stood, scar on his left eye, standing in the freezing cold mountains shouting at their gates-- a mali with no knowledge of magic. Bold this pure High Elf was… this boldness would only make none other than the grand leader of the Enchantry to greet him and accept him into their hold… this is where his journey to the Arcane began…This is where he met the most influential magis of our times, where he shed his scar to be wholly pure of form… transformed into Cenwall Glaeus.


    Cenwall Glaeus would seek to return to Haelun’or, the true home of all mali’thill. This is where he would see ruin, decadence and decay. Shocked his people would be so down-trodden, he saw how the council clung to power yet did nothing with such power. In such distress he met who elves only would call “Fruit Fly”. This man offered a job in what was called the ETHIC at the time, and Cenwall soon grew into an officer of such a force. Integration into the armed forces of the Silver State of Haelun’or was desired by the order. They only wished to protect, yet the council feared them-- they were a force believed could tear down their fake curtain of power. Soon we were thrown out the city as traitors… the first lesson of his life, power.


    During this time, the Mali’Aheral people stayed in a campsite awarded to them by the Empire of Oren… this is where Cenwall Glaeus met his father Carvalon Maeyr’onn, his true father… A great nephew of one of the founders of Haelun’or-- Nelecar Maeyr’onn, the Lion and first military leader under Maheral Dio. Carvalon was a strict man and soon it was seen between Cenwall and Carvalon their relationship. This is where Cenwall Glaeus was remade into his true form... a Maeyr’onn.


    Andria, a beautiful elven High Elven woman saw their distress… she too was tired of the lethargy and was a Maheral of old. Soon they led our troops through the streets, weaponless, however extremely zealous in our drive to fix the lethargy which had rested in the leadership-- a result of the recent age of countless coupings. This was to be the final the High Elven people would bear. In what can only be called the Night of Remembrance, the ETHIC drove the councilors from the city and put Andria as Maheral for the reconstruction of their city, for it was half-built and destroyed.


    Cenwall Maeyr’onn-- myself would grow from the military and into politics, for a vote for a new council under the new administration under Maheral Andria. Soon the people would vote, and so they did. I became Okarir’Maehr, librarian of the Eternal Library of Haelun’or… the most respected of all offices in Haelun’or. It was done, and I moved swiftly to make deals earning knowledge and teaching the people. First a deal with Dragur Library to refill their library and a refilling of the battered and crumbling library of Haelun'or. This is where I learned my second lesson in life, persistence.


    Tending to the library was not enough for me, I went to making deals with various nations to collect knowledge and gain contact throughout the realms. This was where Andria saw my potential… she absent from my knowledge of this time. This absence would haunt her in her later days of me remembering her. It was a quiet day and I can only see her in the Eternal Library reading the books… she looked tired. I approached and she told me of her coming resignation. Shocked, I wondered who would take her place. It was me… my third lesson, peace.


    So this was also done, I was named Maheral Cenwall Maeyr’onn-- it was then I had unlimited powers. The system and city had no hope to thrive much longer, I had to revitalize it for our people. I installed twelve councilors, though such was against my main goal of phasing out the ones who only sought power but not wishing to put in the work for the people. I wished for loyalty and through these times it would be what would test me as a leader the most.


     The city was rebuilt by famed builder Elrith, still a loyal and masterful builder to this day-- the man who built Okarn’thilln of today. With the city built and shrunk to consolidate materials, I waited for those who had devious tendencies to strike. The first week, I was tending the outer realms of the world. I heard of an impending attack and coup under my nation. I rushed back to swiftly end the threat with diplomacy, the leader of such would be my first military leader… my fourth lesson, diplomacy.


    Such would not be my first threat of ruin-- I heard talks of my second in command at the time Cinh’llytn or now known and banished Lyu Elibar’acal talking of coup behind my back. Whispers long before I had loyal men protecting me at all times. Ralnor, an ex-Sohaer told me of such and pushed me to act. I in my young and brash self went to move. Arelion Laurir’ante, an elven man that I had not known much at the time sent the letter for him to join us. It was their that I personally moved to sentence his fate and kicked him in molten lava… such an action would haunt me in my nights alone-- it was this moment killing this elf where I learned my important lesson, culture and security.


    The mali’aheral people were furious with my killing of a pure-blooded High Elf. The Maheral, “most pure” doing these actions even moreso. I heard whispers of another coup sprouting, yet I knew such had to be done for the security and steady progress of our people… this is when I met my most roudy ally, Athedil Haler’thilln-- a proud and astute old High Elven man. We both came to the conclusion of the importance of the separation of the state and culture. To appease my enemies and restore proper progress of our state I announced the reinstatement of Sohaer and announced Athedil as the new Maheral, where I learned my fifth lesson in life, separation of powers.


    During this time, during the end of Axios I learned of the secret natures of people-- the greed. One after another my councilors turned on me, attack after attack, yet I survived all of the attacks. It separated the loyal people from the snakes and it gave me more power to bring true security to the state and enact all enemies of the state removed. First the purging of frost witches from Haelun’or, then the purging of all Dark Magi. For the first time in centuries I had created an age of security and an age of progress.


    My greatest mistake was allowing a wood elf to command my forces. I wished to integrate the lesser elves in our lands-- seeing all elves together as integral to the growth and security of all elves… this was when I realized only a pure mali’aheral can truly lead. Our control of our emotions is the main ingredient in our superiority and it showed during the day of flames when Rhillen, the wood elf threw alchemist's fire on our own men in a stressed battle, ruining our chances of thwarting the coup of the wood elven lands under Awaiti Aureon.


    The momentum of our people was staggered during this time, and the land of Axios was coming to an end. This is where we come to Atlas… a new land and new opportunity for our people and others. I reformed the government and fixed the problem of top-heavy government. I chose only the most loyal to the people and the state, and alternatively the most zealous in the build-up of our state. Arelion Laurir’ante remained my most loyal friend during this time and to this day.


    During this time we formed the Sohaerate, formed under the pretence of our ancient alliances and common cultures, negotiated by Varen’thal the current diplomat of Haelun’or at the time. Together we would push forward and in time we saw slow and steady buildup of our power as a state. I set up to making checks and balances of power, even my own and created a voting system in which future governments could properly use. The transfer of power was established and I created new laws alongside Ceruberr to institute Talonni families on the blueprint granted to me by Andria.


    Soon I met Odessa Visaj, who implored me to recreate the Eternal College to teach our youth and so it was done. For once in a long time our people had hope for the future and steadily we have grown… now we are in the present. War is on the horizon, not a war I wished for but a war of defence in the face of an aggressor-- Renatus-Marna and his allies wishing to attack Norland in attempt to recreate the Orenian Empire and the possible beginnings of a war with The Dominion of Malin who wishes to be a miniture Orenian Empire, killing unarmed High Elven leaders in their gates… I can only hope my people survive the coming times in peace… I rest my hopes in the lessons I taught them during my rule.


    Such resignation may be heartbreaking to most, for so long we have been steadily progressing the state. Fourty years of memories, security, and hope for the Mali’aheral people under my tenure. First as Okarir’Maehr, then as Maheral, Then as Sohaer, then as both Maheral and Sohaer at once, Ah’Sohaer. I have been blessed by the Silver State and I wish the best for it in the future. May we peacefully transfer power as was done during Andrias departure of power...


    This is my story, the foundation of the state is there, we as a people just need to stay together and strong against the perils of the world. Together we are strong, alone we are weak.


    I leave on a journey of self reflection toward the wilds as Larihei herself likely is doing... I did my job.

    … The bird soared and securely over mine kingdom.



    Signed by,

    Ah’Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn Patriarch of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Guided by Larihei’s Grace in his Blessed Rule, Laurir and Malaurir of Mali’thill, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law and Overseer of the Kharajyr State.




    OOC: I am turning 18 in a month, graduating High School and I am joining the Navy. I do not have time for LOTC anymore and I wish to go ahead and live my life. I joined in 2015 during late Athera and I could not have known was I was getting into. First with the politics and people being so great. This has been a roller-coaster of growth mentally as a person and it really opened me up to cultures around the world. Thank you LOTC for your lovely community.


  6. 40 minutes ago, Arhbi said:

    “Renatus has so far been making short work of the U.S.A. by themselves. How long does Haense believe it will last when Renatus finally decides to employ aid from its allies?” A canonist man would say.

    "Huh... we win 4 battles out of 6 and we are seen as the losing side?" Cenwall chuckles... "Foolish."

  7. Ah'Sohaer Cenwall Maeyr'onn, leans over a tower into the beautiful high elven city of Okarn'thilln-- he glances to his right as a scrawny-high elven man delivers the letter to him. He reads it swiftly, and an intrigued look runs across his face as he moves to his desk to write back.


    "Dear Auda Kharadeen, I thank you for inviting the Sohaerate of Haelun'or your most honored day-- We will be attending in gratitude for the respect granted to our nation from this most joyous offer. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya. ~Sincerly Ah'Sohaer Cenwall M."


    Treaty of the Electrum

    Written and confirmed on the 16th of the Malin's Welcome, 1656



    This document will serve to prove that the Treaty of  the Electrum between the Kingdom of Norland, under King Godden I Ruric, and the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, ruled by Ah’Sohaer Cenwall Maeyr’onn, has been declared.


    I. Should either Kingdom of Norland or The Silver Sohaerate of Haelun'or come under attack by any aggressive entity, the other party shall come to the aid of the fighting party.


    II. Both parties shall retain open borders with one another, giving free access to citizens and authorities to cross through one another's public lands without fret.


    III. Both parties will ensure their citizens respect the other parties laws at all time. Both signatories should be expected to deal with any disturbers of their respective party.


    IV. No allies of either party shall be affected should one of the signing parties comes under threat of war.


    V.  Both parties will adhere to a non-aggression agreement against one another.


    The bond and history of our two nations are undeniable, and as such, this alliance shows the connection of the past and future of both our countries.


    Signed by,

    His Majesty Godden I of the House Ruric, King of Norland and Chieftain of the Norlandic People, Jarl of Ruriksgrad, Jarl of Jornburg, Jarl of Ashwood, Jarl of Smol'Krag, Jarl of Foldgrad, Defender of the Red Faith and Bulwark of the Norlandic People.


    Ah'Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Guided by Larihei's Grace in his Blessed Rule, Laurir and Malaurir of Mali’thill, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law and Overseer of the Kharajyr state.


    Elheial’thilln Voting Policy
    As published in 1655



    A sturdy foundation breeds health for the state. This document will outline the fluid and effective system the Silver State utilizes to continually advance the state and its people. This document should clarify for future generations on how to run and operate the government of Haelun'or.

    I.  Total Sum of Council Votes

    II. Councilor Voting System

    III. Medi'iran Voting System

    IV. Maheral Tie-Breaker Vote

    V. Sohaer Voting System



    I.  Total Sum of Council Votes

    The amount of votes any council now or in the future shall have is a maximum of five total votes. 


    II. Councilor Voting System

    Each councilor has one vote towards a council vote. If one councilor is not present during a vote, their vote will automatically be allocated to an abstain vote. 


    III. Medi'iran Voting System

    The Medi'iran who act as the Sohaers personal voice each split up a total of one vote. Each Medi'iran has one-half of a vote and must each agree to equal one single vote. In the case that either Medi'iran cannot agree on a vote then their vote will automatically be abstained from the voting process. If only one Medi'iran stands in office, the remaining half-vote is pooled into a singular vote for that one Medi'iran to utilize during a voting process.


    IV. Maheral Tie-Breaker Vote

    In the eventually that the council votes are tied, the Maheral shall break the dispute by using a tie-breaking vote. The Maheral otherwise has no power to use this if the council is not in a deadlocked vote.


    V. Sohaer Voting System

    Once the council has voted on a proposed action or bill, the Sohaer has the right to either sign it into law or veto it until a compromised solution is brought forth to the Sohaer.


    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya



    Signed by,

    El'Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Laurir of Mali’thill, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law, and Overseer of the Kharajyr State

  10. "These illiterate savages dare embarrass our superior breed by spreading this abhorrent display of being. They speak of Progress yet in declaring their love for violence only prove to show the opposite-- merely devolving, and sharing the same traits of a primal beast to solve their problems."

    Sohaer Cenwall would read the missive in the tavern to his other oligarchic companions.

  11. Lye Lent

    as published in 1651




    Fellow Haelunorian citizens, it has been over twenty-five years of security for the Sohaerate. An accomplishment not made without sacrifice-- The sacrifice of a few, so that the many could flourish. Children, woman and men can all bask in the stability and steady progress this administration has garnered… however despite these efforts many milestones await in our future.


    I call upon you, Haelunorian citizen to roll up your sleeves, tend to the farm, mine the stone and teach young ‘thill our ways. This is the only path forward to true Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. It is not the few at the top but the many at the bottom that drive this nation forward toward greatness.


    True progress cannot be had if we do not have the resources required to build such magnificence. The people cannot be fed without the farmers, the buildings not built without the stone, and the children not taught without the teachers.


    Reach out, grab a hoe, donate stone, research magics , study culture, and add knowledge to our library. One must recruit astray High Elves to their true home to be truly taught in our ways-- in the ways of the lands Larihei blessed her teachings with.


    Dig deep inside yourselves to tend to the garden of purity, for it will wither without people maintaining its health. Look not only towards your government for your ailments but within yourselves… Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya brothers and sisters....


    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya



    Signed by,

    El'Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Laurir of Mali’thill, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law, Associate of the Celestial Order, and Overseer of the Kharajyr State.

  12. "These words breed Decline and Sickness for the Silver State, for what we have done and what we are doing to continue to progress it. In fact I don't remember an administration that has consistently and steadily improved our nation likes ours-- you look for these people, yet they are right in front of you. You are on the council-- free to make any improvements for the people. I have granted the reinstatement of the Eternal College for this dire need to progress. Do not take my kindness for weakness, Ms.Visaj-- for we all know it was your family that caste the blow towards the human king under Kalenz. An act of not only impurity, but one that from which we have never recovered. The state and its people are more important than that of your personal interests. Continue to teach our youth, and I will continue to externally shield Haelun'or from threats that are constantly being thrown at us."

    Wrote Sohaer Cenwall to Okarir'Maehr Odessa.

  13. [!]Upon hearing this news, Sohaer Cenwall writes a letter in a hopes to catch Maheral Athedil on his departure. He would attach it to a white eagle, accented with the purest of silvers. The papyrus would be fine-- finer than any other descendant-being would see if they laid their eyes on it. The ink would have a silver glow if Maheral Athedil Acal'elor did lay his eyes upon it. A silver seal wax of Haelun'or would be stamped on the paper.






    "Dear, Esteemed and Proud Maheral Athedil Acal'elor


    Your departure is news that truly is a loss that Haelun'or will never forget. This day will live in the records of the Eternal Library for generations and be told to young and old for millenia...

    In your short time you have taught me from a youth of our original path, before Kalenz-- you did your job the best you could not only to me but to the people of Haelun'or. Anyone who disregards what you did for the State and its people are fools. It is true, we have lost many of the foundation markers for our culture and ways. Regaining them has been a hard fought battle, but a battle nonetheless. I write to you to stress my sincerity when it comes to walking this path forward. I am absolute in this conviction. However know that it is only because of the wisdom you have bestowed upon myself and the Council that we are all truly blessed. I hope you find peace with our kin, Sir Acal'elor.

    I salute you.

    Sincerly, Just Cenwall."

    As published in 1650





    Image result for berlin wall



    In front of me stands a wall that encircles the vast farming system of the city Okarn'thilln, part of a waste of materials better spent for the construction of homes, guild halls and repairs for our citizens. . . Standing behind these silver walls is a Mali'thill with a broken home, an unfinished basement or plans to build a guild base.  As long as we waste materials on unneeded walls how can we expect to make our citizens feel safe and secure within the state?  I say the state should stand for security and help to those who need its warm embrace and protection. . .

    I say this to myself... 

    Mr. Maeyr'onn, lift up the pickaxes!

    Mr. Maeyr'onn tear down this wall!

    For the greater glory of the state brothers and sisters of silver...





    Signed by,

    El'Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Laurir of Mali’thill, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law, Associate of the Celestial Order, and Overseer of the Kharajyr state.

  15. Forward March
    As published in the year of 1650






    Citizens of the Sohaerate of Haelunor, on this day a new chapter beings for our people. For a thousand years the Silver State has survived perils unimagined-- but it was because of those who stood together against the enemies who would divide us that had solidified its longevity against sycophants reeling down our progress as a people. In my almost thirty years of rule, in which I began as a mere boy, I mounted a position I knew little about. It was a dying state, one riddled by constant upheaval, no direction and little progress--Yet I had heart.The aristocracy of old had stayed my hand for many of my first years as leader. I was unrefined, and impressionable. I wished to learn of our ways as so many ‘aheral had not known our past, history or culture due to the period that preceded mine. I looked towards our past for the problem but would come to realize, the problem came from within.


    The archaic ‘aheral and some within our own Council, had conspired to rule through the shadows. Spouting hatred and pointing fingers to the cause of our downfall but offering no solutions to our young minds or any guidance. They had hoped to grind our progress to a halt, if it did not fit their vision of antiquity. But the hypocrisy in their hearts could not be hidden in the darkness much longer. There came a day when the enemy showed their true intentions towards the state.


    One by one, those people would unleash their malicious intent against the Silver State now turned Sohaerate by way of a series of assassination attempts and propaganda against the head of governance and usurping control for themselves. One after one, they fell to the might and mental fortitude of my body and mind. Justice bent in the direction for all the ‘aheral who had no voice and power-- for the High Elves who wanted change. The awesome hand of our Silver Council had quelled each assault against its charge and the faults of the past. All have failed yet and remain to do so as long as our unity remains.

    Any opposition for true Progress and Health of the state will be crushed. We have gone through trying times, but ultimately have passed the tests. The many attempts on my life and slandering of my name have only strengthened my resolve. The last remnants of the old have been purged, the fight is nearing an end. The Silver State for once in its life has free room to breath and grow. The government has never been more certain of its direction under my rule. We stand at the precipice of new age, a new one thousand year cycle. By solidifying the agreeance of all in power, all led by one vision and the enlightened guidance of myself, the lethargy and corruption of the past will never take root again. A strong and unified High Elven people will ensure these ideals to survive.


    Under the Sohaerates guidance, our most blessed beliefs and ways will not only be safeguarded but taught for generations to come. We will give no ground to the enemies of old and we will stand as one together against attacks from within or outside. Let the enemies of our enlightened vision take attention-- those who challenge the Haelunorian resolve will be heeled.

    The task taken on by our government is difficult, but the people of pure mind of heart are prepared to take on its challenge. Because of the efforts of our council, we have traded lethargy with progress, words with action, and uncertainty with stability. We have secured the futures of many High Elven lives. More will realize this once they have listened and observed our ways. Haelunorian citizens must do their part for this great future. Join our Eternal college, to progress the knowledge of our people. Join our Sillumiran, and be the protectors of this dream. Be the eyes of the Sohaerate and enlighten astray ‘aheral. Travel far and wide, to spread the principles of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya to pure High Elven blood. Build memoriams and our knowledge that will catalouge our guidance for many generations to come.


    A new order of Progress and Health has triumphed over the decadence of the past. The direction of our path has never been more clear. I will lead the Sohaerate to feats never imagined with the council at my back.

    We have been trialed and passed our tests, but now we have all emerged as superior beings with an even greater mission. We move together as one people: The High Elves of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or. We will give a future to those lost to the ways of purity. One thousand more years of Larihei's wisdom begins today.  Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya brothers and sisters...




    Signed by,

    El'Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Guided by Larihei's Grace in his Blessed Rule, Laurir of Mali’thill, Bastion of Purity, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law, Associate of the Celestial Order, Redeemer of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, and Overseer of the Kharajyr state.

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