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Posts posted by Crowbill

  1. 6 hours ago, bungo said:

    Editing the wiki should be available to the public, as this is the purpose of a wiki and it should be monitored by the wiki team.

    Have certain pages locked, others free to edit.  You could even have pages for personal characters as with the old Aegis wiki.

    It's still like that, any person can come up to us and ask for a wiki account to start editing and making pages on their own. Wiki team is there to actually fix and update stuff that long needed fixing and updating.

  2. MC name: Croleo676

    Forum name: Same.

    Skype Name: croleo676

    What is your timezone? GMT+1

    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Media, proof checking, writing, etc): Any way possible.

    Have you worked on the wiki before?: You could say that, yes.

    Do you have a basic understanding of lore?: I guess so...

  3. MC name: Croleo676


    Character's name and age: Torial Goldbane (300)


    Character’s Race: Dwarf


    What magic will you be learning?:Monk Magic


    Who will be teaching you?: Spike Vondar (Spike823)

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: Nope.

  4. As Hellio returns to the kingdom, he sees Ireheart lads running around, telling random people they were accepted into the legion. He smirks as he notices Thorgran that dispatches the lads. He smirks as he writes the application.


    MC Name: Croleo676

    RP Name: Hellio Frostbeard

    Skype: You know it fam.

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): Gmt+1

    Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes.

    What are your reasons for joining the legion?: What do you think?

  5. 12 hours ago, ryno2 said:

    Daeron busies himself making a coffee table for his Orcish friends to sit at while they watch Orenians attempt the Dunamian gauntlet

    "Dat's gunnah be ah big fekin table!" Hellio laughs as he hears nearby Dunamis men speak of the orcs.

  6. It's been almost a month since the last response I made for this guy, and my opinions have changed greatly. I used to like Tahmas because he was one of the rare people that didn't rage after the warclaim, and instead made an actually good post about the warclaim and it's problems. Then I met him on TS and gave him wiki to help with any oh boy...


    This guy was one of the main souldrives towards the wiki contest, helped in so many ways, created a standard for all editors to use, and actually continues working on the wiki to this day. He in ~4 days did what most of the community hasn't done in years. He's probably one of the reasons why this contest even exists! (Except Telanir bless his soul). And he also still helps with the wiki even though I banter.


    Not only that, but he in person and in forums seems crème de la crème of this community, as it can clearly be seen with most of the posts he made. One thing to be noted also, he made one of those miniseries posts as he was making templates for wiki editors to use. He made the entire post and also made ~7 templates.


    So yeah, that's still a bloody +1, but not out of initial thoughts, but with experience of me working with him.

  7. 5 hours ago, Harrison_ said:

    Wait wait wait. Monk's aren't able to be attacked at all? Ever? I can understand when they're with a VERY new player and just helping them out - but not ever? If that's the case, that's not a good idea. That /will/ be abused in role-play. 


    Secondly - if you talk to a monk whilst they're teaching a new player and perhaps ask to arrange a combat scenario for the newbie, would that be allowed? Combat RP is rarely taught properly to people and I'd expect the attacker to go a bit easier on the two and give clear and explained emotes, as well as be friendly and helping OOCly.

    It was mentioned before, the people that abuse the mechanic of being pacifist are getting the usual punishment of being banishe and stuff. I think the lore behind that is that they are being protected, but any test of this power other that usual escort is to be punished.


    And I think that would be allowed as a form of practice, at least imo...

  8. As the informations from the old wiki transfer to the new one, a lot of editing and even more data needs to be updated. This, of course, needs to be sorted out, and this is where we need your help! But unlike the last few wiki contest, this one is going to work a bit differently. Instead of a classical top ten contest, we’re implementing:


    The Achievement System(™).

    Yes, unlike the old ones, where a group of people tried to out-edit each other and gain a single reward, this one works on a system similar to quotas. We’re implementing a set of stepping stone rewards that an editor will get once he hits enough edits. As you do more and more edits, the award increases as well! The edits range from anything from making new pages or simply editing and updating old pages. Of course, making or updating a complex page will yield more points towards your reward than a simple edit.


    The awards are following (These are to be discussed with the rest of the staff):

    10 edit points: A money prize of 500 mina, 10 vote keys.

    25 edit points: A money prize of 2000 mina, 1 renamed item of your choice.

    50 edit points: A money prize of 3000 mina, 2 renamed items of your choice.

    75 edit points: A money prize of 4000 mina, 3 renamed items of your choice.

    100 edit points: A skill tome of choosing + 2500 mina, 4 renamed items of your choice.



    Since this contest is sponsored by our lovely Telanir here, we have one more bonus award for each and every editor. For each edit point(™) that you get, you will be given 1000 experience towards the skill of your choice! For instance, 5 edits = 5000 experience points towards a skill that you wish to level up!





    1. You may select one topic you’re editing at the time. If you’re considered not working on your topic, you will be replaced if someone else is willing to work.
    2. No plagiarizing from the forums. Aka. Don’t steal Keems art to make an example until she says “Ye ok”
    3. Only one person per page. This can be ignored if it’s a huge page, but the editors must specifically say that they worked with someone and list the thing they did.
    4. No memes.
    5. Doing a half-assed job brings 0 points. If you’re editing the page, do it fully.
    6. Any form of ruining the wiki will result with a banishment from the contest, and a possible ban from the server.
    7. Keeping general objective view towards the page you’re editing is a must. Aka. Don’t shitpost about Dunamis if you’re an Orener editing their page. It’s not nice.
    8. Trying to squeeze out as many as many edit points(™) out of a single post is forbidden and will be punished if found. (which it will, don’t forget you have to send the thingies you’re editing!)
    9. Fixing someons page after they are done with their editing is allright as long as the your fixes make sense and are visible.
    10. Play nice both in the wiki and in the skype group if one is made.
    11. Making small refrences and jokes that don’t ruin the flow of the wiki are allowed.
    12. Jokes or refrences that could both disturb other people or disturb the flow of the wiki are bannable.


    Few disclaimers for people who wish to join the contest:

    • General knowledge of HTML is recommended. Do not fear if you’re not familiar with it, as it’s a very easy code to learn and it doesn’t require much skill or time in it. Still, if you’re having issues with HTML, the wiki page itself has a help page with all the formatting codes needed!
    • As it was said, the amount of points gained with your edits depends on the types of your edits.
    • Some of the work on the wiki may include some “manual” labour (such as checking the forums for informations and basic calculation dates).
    • I would advise checking if someone is editing a page at the same time as you, as that would cause some communication errors within the group of editors.
    • You will be handed a document called the “The Editors Handbook” which will contain all the rules, the ranking system and all other useful info needed for editing.


    The contest ends on March 16th!

    Application Form:

    Minecraft name:

    Skype username:

    How do you wish to contribute to the wiki (General formatting, pictures, other)?

    Do you understand and agree to the rules?

    Do you have a wiki account? (One will be made for you if you don’t have it.)


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