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Posts posted by ACU20

  1. 1 minute ago, Medvekoma said:

    As former meme marshal during the coalition wars, I approve.


    However, the coalition wars meme front was won by Courland through the employment of diversified meme warfare. True blows are dealt by audio, video, audiovisual, wall-breaking, interactive or cross-platform, cross-franchise memes.


    I will do my best to learn from the path you have set, master.

  2. 1 minute ago, Raomir said:

    yikes, these just keep getting worse don't they


    Our production capabilities of memes at this time are currently hampered by our homes having been seized along with the need to handcraft memes, we apologize for the lowering in quality but hope that we at the very least received a chuckle from you.



    Thank you.






    ISSUED 12th of Suns Smile 1666












    Version 2.0












    By Chase























































    These are jokes*

    that may or may not contain observable truths*



    Even though after some rather rough patches with this woman and some rather tough drama, I'd say that it appears that she has learned from her previous experiences and appears to have garnered and maintains a willingness to accept and reflect on constructive criticism to become a better person

    so I do believe she'd be a rather nice addition to the FM Team to see if she can help manage and make a better community on the forums.




  5. The State Army of Ostmark


    Army of Ostmark


    The State Army of Ostmark is the official army of the Margravate of Ostmark.The State Army of Ostmark is made of levies raised by the minor lords in the Margravate of Ostmark.  The State Army was founded by Fältmarskalk Friederich von Manstein and Feldtmarskalk Theobaldus var Caer , on behalf of Margrave Eimar I var Burgandar.


    The State Army of Ostmark was established on the 9th of The Grand Harvest, 1644 by the request of Margrave Eimar I var Burgandar. The State Army is tasked with protecting the citizens located in the borders of Ostmark and upholding it’s laws.




    The Rams Brigade during the storming of Cyrilsburg, Curon.






    The Feldtmarskalk is highest position in The State Army of Ostmark. They are incharge of The State Army and only listen to The Margrave of Ostmark. They assist the Margrave in leading the State Army into war, and raids.


    The Obverste are the second highest position in the State Army of Ostmark. They are in command of the individual regiments that make up the State Army. They are tasked with maintaining and training the regiment.


    The Obverstelojtnant is the third highest position in the State Army of Ostmark. They act as an aide-de-camp to the Obverste in leading the numerous regiments within the The State Army. They are tasked with maintaining the rations and armor for the regiment, and leading the regiment  when the Overste isn’t present.



    The Kapten is the fourth highest position in the State Army of Ostmark. They are a skilled commander, and are allowed of leading raids and training. They are a senior of the junior command, and assist Overstelojtnant in directing the Regiments.


    The Fenrik is the fifth highest position in the State Army of Ostmark. They are a junior officer position and the first step in the officer ranks of the armed forces.




    The Regementsfoervaltare is the sixth highest position in the State Army of Ostmark. They are incharge of the Sergeants throughout the State Army. It is one of the most honored positions in the State Army, and is only given to one sergeant in the Army. They directly answer to the Faltmarskalk.






    The Sergeant is the seventh highest rank in the The State Army of Ostmark.  They are incharge of drilling the soldiers in the regiment. They can host trainings but only if he is under the surveillance of an officer. They can lead patrols as well.




    The Korpral is the eighth  highest rank in the The State Army of Ostmark. They are incharge of getting supplies, such as building supplies, or food. They assist the Sergeant, in whatever they need.



    The Soldat is the lowest rank in the The State Army of Ostmark. They make up the most of the State Army. They are the first rank, a soldier can achieve in the State Army of Ostmark.






    The Rams Brigade

    The Rams Brigade is the personal regiment for the house var Burgandar, and is stationed in the Capital city of Ostmark, White Peak. They are under direct command  of the Margrave of Ostmark, Eimar I var Burgandar.


    The Nürnberg Landsknechts

    The Nürnberg Landsknechts is the personal regiment of house von Manstein, is stationed in the Castle of Nürnberg, Barony of Nürnberg. They are under direct command of Baron Friedrich von Manstein.  


    The Guard de Vasilie  

    The Guard de Vasilie is the personal regiment of house Halcourt and is stationed in the Fort of de Vasilie, in the Barony of de Vasilie.  They are under direct command of Baron Arnaud Halcourt.


    The Löwe Regiment

    The Löwe is the personal regiment of House Rubens and is stationed in Castle of Leeuwenhof, Barony of Leeuwenhof. They are under direct command of Baroness Leila Rubens.


    Azgaryan Heavy Support Corps “Sons of Urguan”

    The Azgaryan Heavy Support Corps also known as the “Sons of Urguan” are the Engineering Corps of the Army of Ostmark. Stationed in Karaz-a-Azgaryum of the D.A.R. they are under direct command of Gimli Metalfist.









    Place of Residence:







    MC Name:

    Discord Name:



    The Accord of the Hammers and the Ram


    9th of the Grand Harvest, 1664




    “Let it be known if a state offers two options, I will make a third.”

    - Margrave Eimar var Burgundar


    - In accordance with the proceeding talks of the Confederation of the Hammers and the Margravate of Ostmark, it is hereby announced that the Confederation has officially become a vassal under the Margravate as the Dwarven Autonomous Region of Azgaryum.


    - The Margravate enoffs its full protection to the Confederation, and expects their full military support in turn if the need arises. Along with this it is fully expected by the Confederation to accept the worship of canonism within its borders.


    “Until a true High King show himself we will be forced to do this.”

    -Hammer Gimli Metalfist


    Clans bound by the Treaty


    • Clan Metalfist

    • Clan Cottonwood

    • Minor Clan representatives and individuals with loyalties to the Confederation.


    His Lordship, Eimar var Burgundar, Margrave of Ostmark, Count of Götha, Baron of Geatea, Cyrilsburg, Aleksandria, Riga, Eastmark, Westmark, Royal Knight, master of the hunt and Protector of the Southlands


    Gimli Metalfist, Hammer of the Confederation of the Hammers, KazamarKa’az-i Metalfsit.

    Thumril Metalfist, Hammer of the Confederation of the Hammers, Thane-i Meatlfists.

    Boldrumir Cottonwood, Hammer of the Confederation of the Hammers, Chief of the Cottonwoods.


    The County of Götha has decided after an extended period of procrastination on the part of myself to formally request that a new set of uniforms be made for the levy and navy of the military. What we offer in turn for a set of four skins, is 5000 minas.



    ^Current uniform^

    (Which we would like the new uniforms to pay partly homage to, IE the horns)


    What we need are the following;


    Officer skin

    Regular soldier skin





    Naval officer skin

    Regular navy member skin



    If you think you are capable enough as a skinner to complete this order, you can contact me via discord pms

    My discord can be seen to the left




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