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Posts posted by Lord_of_losers

  1. The Bovine Druid was unable to attend this particular Grand Moot, as she'd stumbled upon a sight most peculiar... A lone cow in the forest. It was peculiar because it had no children, nor a mate. It was a solo cow chewing on some growing grass. She approached the cow gingerly, and laid a hand upon its hide.

    It did not react in fear, no. It moved with a distinct grace and purpose, turning to face the blonde haired woman. This was no ordinary cow. No. It was a messenger from Cowrellious, Bovinous LORD of the GREAT GREEN PASTURE.

    What Cowrellious had relayed by means of this humble cow was of grave importance. She became aware of the discussions at the Moot. The whisperings. The intensity. The consideration. The weight.

    She would double her Druiding duties for the week in preparation.


    "Cowrellious, guide me..."

  2. hello


    maybe golem anvils change in bold:

    • To craft a Golem Anvil requires at least [5] emotes of carving the Golem Heart sigil into the center of the anvil, and imbuing it with one’s anima and mana. This must be done uninterrupted, and cannot be done in a combative setting. 

    • The anvil must be made of solid hewn stone, such as marble, andesite, granite, or any other form of mundane rock. It will be inscribed with a litany of sigils which aid in the processes of Golem Core creation. Without a Golem Anvil, Golem Cores, Core Sigils, Auxiliary sigils, and Golem Limbs cannot be made. 

    • Golem Anvils must be stationary structures and signed by the ST. 

    • Golem Anvils require RO permission to destroy unless done as an act of Major Vandalism via a Raid or stolen as part of a Heist


    maybe mana obelisk change in bold:


    I am not listing all of the redlines there are like a morbillion but


    change this 1:

    - Mana Obelisks are considered lore structures and do not require region owner permission to be destroyed.




    - Mana Obelisks require RO permission to destroy unless done as an act of Major Vandalism via a Raid or as part of a Heist.


    idk if good 2 apply 2 other kinds of structures or not


    if not thats ok



  3. MC Name:

             lord of losers


    Character's Name:

             sarah artenin


    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             earth evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             yes, tfig - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/182402-transfigurationmalord_of_losers/


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. I, Sarah Artenin, herby nominate myself for the position of 'MASTER' within THE FREE CITY OF HOHKMAT.


    I will keep this short.

    My qualifications are as follows:
    - Teacher-mastery over all currently practiced magic,

     - Except air evocation but I've literally just started learning that,

    - Double-digits success rate in teaching of various magic,

    - Deep understanding of Voidal Theory & ascendancy pathways,

    - Deep understanding of other magical theory & practices,

    - Assisted at least once in ALL Voidal Ascendancy pathway rituals,

    - Invented the usage of 'Imagination'.

    - Re-discovered the 'FIRE SORD' (Enwreathe) spell,

       - Refined the magic to accommodate advanced pyromancy,

    - Re-discovered the art of 'IMAGINATION', more commonly known as freeform artistic mana manipulation,

    - Should really be a sage due to the above two,

    - Author of several hit bestsellers within the Voidal community which includes 'Musclewizardry 101' aka 'A dummies guide to muscle-wizardry',

    - Taught current Lord-Magister Haus about Arcane Relays,

    - Excellent communication skills,

    - Great sense of humour,

    - So many more it would bore you to read,


    As for my MAGICAL KNOW-HOW:

    - Blastomancy (Fire Evocation),

    - Tranlocational Repositionaturgy (Translocation),

    - Transfigurationalturgy (Trasnfiguration),

    - Windometry (Air Evocation),

    - Creation & Closure of voidal rifts (Tears),

    - Atronach Creation (Atronach Forging),

    - Terracotta People Creation,

    - Arcane Relay construction & deconstruction,

    - Ley-line Attunement,

    - Psionic Awakening,

    - Stab Sorcerery,



    - ALCHEMY,

    - Automatonical Engineering,

    - Rather Large Automatonical Engineering,

    - Stupid amounts of alchemy 'packs',


    Among the many candidates you may receive for the 'MASTER' title, you would be hard-pressed to find a better candidate. Only one name springs to mind, and that name is 'Faeryel Artenin'. Consider your choices for the position wisely.


    Sarah Artenin.

  5. MC Name:

             lord of losers


    Character's Name:

             sarah artenin


    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             air evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. NAME










    - Excellence, and a swift, ruthless conquest of Aevos.

    - Citizen involvement in problem solving.

    - Greater government transparency.

    - Promote safety within Dúnwen so that all smallfolk may live free from fear.

    - Magical whimsy and delight.

    - Free packed lunch (cheese sandwiches only).


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             sarah artenin


    Character's Age:

             old enough to do smoggers and alchemy


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             le smoggers


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Large machines made possible by Gear Stomachs & Red Oil. Strong, powerful constructs akin to Animii but with hardly any of the dexterity, and zero of the ability to process conscious thought - or any thought at all for that matter. They are engines that process fuel into power, with which you become capable of doing a lot.


    Gear Stomachs

    The powerhouse of the cell is the gear stomach in this instance. It is an engine, built to consume Red Oil for power, which comes in the form of motion, spewing out a byproduct of thick black smog - commonly through an exhaust. Though lacking in efficiency, it makes up for it in consumptive, simplistic output.


    They are unthinking things, designed for one purpose and one purpose only. They do not think, nor feel, and are a mechanical instrument designed to work and power a Smogger. They are large, represented by two minecraft blocks, and produce the base output of a plough horse. Gear Stomachs can be made large, scaling as per instruction in the lore.


    To build one of these impressively large pieces of machine-alchemy, you need a heavily reinforced frame built from ferrum - though preferably steel - in order to contain the conversion of Red Oil to energy. Tubes, pipes, vessels and additions must also be metallic, or at the very least reinforced for the fast-flowing current and circulation within the engine.


    Red Oil

    Red Oil is effectively the crude, and less efficient cousin of Lifeblood used in the consumption of powering the machines known as ‘Smoggers’. Non-combustible, non-flammable, though it is an irritant if you were to leave it on your skin for ten or more minutes.


    Red Oil, when being broken down by a Gear Stomach, glows akin to a furnace, but possesses none of the heat of one. When processed into fuel, it’s broken down into a thick black smog, which is usually expelled through an exhaust. Again, this smog is an irritant, causing coughing, irritation of the eyes, and so on. Best to be avoided, especially in closed spaces where it could become deadly with a lack of ventilation.


    The recipe for Red Oil and Lifeblood share remarkable similarity, only different in Red Oil’s inclusion of redstone dust. Regarding its interaction with spellcasters, druids don’t like it because plants ******* SCREAM and in the presence of an active voidal connection can cause malfunctions in the fuel processing in Smoggers as the liquid fizzes.



    Smoggers are the alchemically-driven machines that can be created from the power of a Gear Stomach - henceforth referred to as an ‘engine’, designed and put to use in any number of ways. From mighty Kaiju-fighting machines, to humble walking houses, there is a lot that can be achieved from these contraptions.


    The power produced by the engine converts, as aforementioned, into the energy of singular movement. Walking houses, squeezing bellows, repetitive motion, etc. It cannot however be designed to perform more than one function at a time. For each task you would ask of the machine, you would need a different engine to fulfil a different purpose. One for legs, as an example, and another for the motion of scythe swinging to harvest wheat.


    The engines are similar to gearhearts in their construction, but on a much larger scale. They typically consist of the frame of the engine, vessels that pump Red Oil, expel the smog produced, cogs to keep the device churning and in motion, and so on. Each mechanism in the design of a Smogger fills a purpose to keep things moving in constant motion, so long as there is fuel to be used.


    These, if one wishes to operate such a machine, are then linked with levers, pulleys and other such devices, to the engine itself. This would allow control over the device, such as the direction in which it walks, or when it swings a harvesting arm, but prove quite complex to handle for the untrained.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    You can create MArts. There’s also a really big redline section. Beyond that, no. Not really. I described it above.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Here’s me turning on my Wheat Harvesting whip.



    [!]  Pushed down hard on the cold, crude metal crank that jutted out from the cockpit of the Smoggers; a small, harsh though ventilated space designed only to fit a singular person. With the adjusting of the crank came a metallic thud from below.


    [!] Another device, circular this time, is given a quick 360 turn, and some form of ‘ignition’ sparks to life. The shell of the machine begins to thrum to life as the flowing of fluids begins, and the cranking, turning gear stomach begins its motion.


    [!] Trundling to life, the device has not yet stood. The first crank is then pushed forward again, compelling the metal behemoth to rise from the ground and stand with a fwooshing plume of black smog being emitted from the engine, channelled by the chimney, before being ejected into the sky.


    [!] A large stick with a bulbous head sticks out from the floor, rising between the blonde’s legs. Grasping it, she pushes it to the left side, and it slowly trundles to rotate left. Likewise, when adjusting right, it turns right. Forward and back offer singular movement back, or forward. No diagonals on this one, no, much too complex.

    [!] The Wheat Harvester 1000 revs to life in all of its glory as its powerful metallic footfalls dig into the dirt, turning over the land itself. Accidentally knocking a wooden fence post over, its conductor is none-the-wiser as they go to harvest some wheat. Druids would surely weep for the devastation being dealt.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    The important thing to note,” Sarah says, “When designing any such machine is the exact function you want from the device. Certainly, you can revisit the drawing board however many times you please… Though the process is much smoother if you have a clear vision in mind.”



    The student, Big Phan, nods their head, “Yeah I wanna build the Wheat Harvester 1000, that one’s awesome. I love the Wheat Harvester 1000.” They spoke with great enthusiasm, having earlier bore witness to the rumbling powerstart of the Wheat Harvester 1000.

    “Great, I have the blueprints for that one already, so we can skip ahead to the construction of the actual Gear Stomach - henceforth called an engine - now, then. The Wheat Harvester 1000 is a fairly efficiently designed machine, operating on two such engines. One to achieve motion of the smogger itself, and the other, to achieve the swinging of the scythe arm that harvests the wheat.”

    [!] Sarah then presents the designs for the Wheat Harvester 1000, much to the delight of Big Phan, “Oh wow! The Wheat Harvester 1000!”. Sarah then takes over again, “We’ll build the base of the machine, first, as the secondary block is built into the back for a more efficient exhaust process, and to somewhat help counterbalance the weight of the scythe arm. One engine goes beneath the floor, the other in the back-system.


    [!] Big Phan nods, taking in the information and tracing their finger over the design of the Wheat Harvester 1000. “Alright, so how do we build the gear stomach?”


    Sarah replies, “Well, you see, we’ll need to build an appropriate chamber for the red oil. That chamber processes the fuel and turns it into a vapour, which creates pressure. The pressure in turn is used to power the machinery of the device, and the smog is expelled through an exhaust. Any tubing you may need, or any piping, should be reinforced to ensure it doesn’t burst…” Big Phan definitely understands that, and nods their head.


    [!] Time skips ahead a few weeks, the two are finally working on the engine. Coming to the finishing touches, even. Everything was reinforced, secured, ready to go, and the gear stomach itself only needed to be fueled and installed into a smogger. Soon, Big Phan would have his very own Wheat Harvester 1000. Wow. He sure is lucky.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Correct what they've done wrong & clarify.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             nos i aint

  8. >posts fire sord amendment

    >refuses to elaborate




    • A fire evocationist may enwreathe a portion of their weapon in flames, provided that portion of the weapon cannot be damaged by fire.
    • The flames from enwreathe can be any colour permitted under 'Conjure Flame', with the exception of Blue, White or Black.
    • The fire from enwreathe causes 2nd degree burns on contact with skin.
    • Enwreathe requires two emotes to cast [ Connect -> Enwreathe ].
    • Once cast, Enwreathe can be maintained up to [6] emotes, provided the spell is focused on.
    • Can be learned at T2.


    Redline stuff



    • Enwreathe cannot be used with blue fire or combustion, due to them causing warping and instability of the weapon.
    • Enwreathe cannot be used on weapons that can be damaged/burned by fire.
    • Enwreathe cannot be cast on Thanhium, it'd just absorb the spell.
    • Enwreathe cannot be cast on Ironwood, because Ironwood is resistant to fire, not immune to it.
    • Enwreathe flames do not bypass or cause burns through armour. Regular clothing does not count as armour.
    • If your focus is broken, Enwreathe vanishes. It does not grant you any ability to maintain concentration greater than you normally could.
    • You cannot enwreathe armour.


    the new current

    • A fire evocationist may enwreathe a potion of their own or an ally's weapon in flames provided that portion of the weapon cannot be damaged by fire.
    • The flames from Enwreathe can be any colour permitted under 'Conjure Flame', with the exception of White or Black.
    • The fire from Enwreathe causes 2nd degree burns on contact with skin, unless used with Blue Fire, in which case it will cause 3rd degree burns instead.
    • Enwreathe requires two to three emotes to cast [ Connect -> Optional Charge -> Enwreathe ], with the optional charge emote being required for Blue Fire or Combustion.
    • Once cast, Enwreathe can be maintained up to [6] emotes, provided the spell is focused on.
    • If used with Combustion, Enwreathe will detonate when making contact with another object or person, ending the spell prematurely but likely knocking a single opponent back up to four blocks, possibly causing minor fractures should they be thrown into a solid surface.
    • Can be learned at T2.




    • Enwreathe cannot be used on weapons that can be damaged/burned by fire.
    • Enwreathe cannot be cast on Thanhium, it'd just absorb the spell.
    • Enwreathe cannot be cast on Ironwood, because Ironwood is resistant to fire, not immune to it.
    • Enwreathed flames do not bypass or cause burns through armour. Regular clothing does not count as armour.
    • If Enwreathe is cast on an ally's weapon it follows all of the same redlines.
    • If Enwreathe is currently being focused on, the caster cannot cast any other spells.
    • If your focus is broken, Enwreathe vanishes. It does not grant you the ability to maintain concentration greater than you normally could.
    • Combustive Enwreathe has the force of being thrown back by a descendent-strength creature, meaning Golems, Ologs, and other similar (very large, very heavy) creatures may not be knocked back by its detonation, though might stumble from the blow.
    • You cannot Enwreathe armour


  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             sarah artenin


    Character's Age:

             old enough to do alchemy


    Character's Race:

             elf that practices alchemy


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             alchemy isn't a magic but alchemy


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is an extremely versatile part of the lore on lotc. allowing users to invest their time in gathering botanical herbs, also knows as reagents, which can be processed into signs & symbols. With these signs, symbols, and the right teacher, they become able to refine these further with other ingredients to create potions, powders, ichors and much more. Signs & Symbols are found in any (LORE APPROVED ONLY) herb out in the world that can be gathered with a set of alchemist shears.


    Signs are split into aether, fire, water, earth, and air, and act as a way to identify what extraction method one should ideally use, unless they don't particularly have need for specific sign-symbols, in which case mundane extraction suffices perfectly well. For example, if a potion calls for 2 measures of Strength, then mundane is perfectly fine to use. But if that potion were to specify it required 2 measure of Fire -Strength, then you would be required to use the fire extraction method lest you waste the reagent.


    Symbols are used in the creation of potions, powders, and just about anything alchemical. Examples of symbols are things such as Strength, Peace, Poison, and so on. They'll need to be added at specific stages of an alchemical creation, sometimes when mixing or brewing, and sometimes at other stages.

    Before extraction can begin with a new reagent however an alchemist must identity signs and symbols. Students will usually require some aid in this so that they may learn how to do it themselves. This is often done with an aided eye for the purpose of magnification and takes more or less time dependent on one's ability and skill. For someone just starting out, having just been left to fly from their teacher's wings when it comes to identification, it may take up to an day. Terrifying.


    FINALLY. EXTRACTION BEGINS. The process, or many processes but really only on need apply at a time, of extracting symbols from a reagent. A set of motions that involves, but is not limited to: burning, mushing, crushing, chopping, shredding, boiling, compressing, decompressing, and filtering. This is when a reagent is broken down via the proper method, and is left with the end result - a pile to sort through in order to actually use the symbols.


    One you've got these symbols, it's time to get mixing which is taking the extracted symbols and combining them with a base, more symbols, and some additional effort that might call for heat at a certain temperature, a continuous stir, or so on.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There is Further Alchemy, which requires one to seek out a person with a TA for those specific alchemical practices. It need not apply here, but...

    Animii - Clockwork stuff

    Tawkins - Flesh alchemy stuff

    Anthroparions - Weird dead body alchemy stuff
    I think I'm missing one.


    This is for a normal alchemy TA!!!



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Sarah Artenin enters the lab, donning her white coat with a name tag clipped into the breast pocket. She covers her eyes with a peculiar set of goggles. One lens protected an eye with glass, and the other had upon it an adjustable dial of some kind for the purpose of magnification. She's carrying an ivy with a dark green stalk... King's Ivy.


    [!] Sarah Artenin takes the King's Ivy and lays it on the chopping board, before going to fetch a knife. Returning shortly thereafter, she began to chop at the ivy until it was cut down to smaller, more appropriate pieces.


    [!] Sarah Artenin uses the flat of the blade to pick the piece up and dump the pieces without much care into a mortar pestle. She picked up the pestle to pound away, beginning to grind at the material until it was rendered mushy.


    [!] The blonde was humming to herself now, some odd song that she was no good at mimicking, repeating parts of it here and there resulting in a failure to actually complete the song. Anyway. She tips the mush into a small bowl, wanders over to a big ol' reserve of premium aqua vitae. Turning a spigot creates a fwooshing sound, the bowl filling with the stuff... Though she neglects to actually do anything right now and leaves it for an hour or so to properly soak.


    [!] She's back now, in a new lab coat and everything, because the last one had a green stain on it from the mortar & pestle action earlier. Taking the bowl in hand, she wanders over to a prepared station with a fine mesh sieve, which she tosses the mush atop to filter through. Whatever's left over, she takes and scrapes into a boiling flask.


    [!] Above the magic bunsen burner does she take the flask, setting it on and letting it boil to render into a fine powder. The powder's what she was after, so finally, she dumps it out onto a dish and uses the magnifying lens to filter them into (Mundane) Strength, Sound, Courage and Agility.





    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "Alright Johnny Enpeecee, it's time to put together what you've learned.  Here we have our symbols fully extracted and ready to go." She then points, directing Johnny's attention to each pile as she lists them, "One measure of light, endurance, and swiftness." She clears her throat.


    "Oh gee Mrs Artenin I'unno oh boy I'm just a peasant piece of shit oh boy." Said Johnny 'The Astute' Enpeecee sincerely as he noted down the process. He too had a cool eye magnifying piece, having used it just earlier. 


    "Go ahead and fetch one of those nice round flasks over them, and fill it up with the 'distilled water' I've labelled in that there water storage doodad." She points to the water storage doodad, a big ol' vat of the stuff. Just like all good alchemists have.


    Johnny nods, "Oh boy I can't believe I'm really doing alchemy right now this is so great." They spoke as they turned the spigot, which let out a slight eek eek eek squeak kind of sound. Blblblbl, DISTILLED water fills the container.


    "Alrighty, what you're going to do next it put a funnel in the top of that flask, and then add Light first. Rotate it in hand so that it mixes, and then add endurance. Repeat until mixed, then add swiftness. So on."

    Johnny goes ahead and does just that, adding the funnel to the flask. He uses a cleaver to carefully pick up the light symbol and add it to the liquid. Swish swish, he shakes the bottle back and forth to mix it in all well and proper. So too does he repeat this for Endurance, and Swiftness.

    Until at last he was left with a clear liquid akin to water. 

    "Now shake it." She instructs.

    "Oh okay alright haha oh I wonder what we've made!" He shakes it, and is utterly amazed that the aggravation causes it to begin to give off an artificial, yellow glow! "WOW! WHATCHA CALL THAT?"

    "LUMINOSITY POTIOOOOON" replied his teacher, sarah.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Cast them into a cauldron full of blasting potion and destroy them.

    And by that I mean calmly correct what they've done wrong, what they need to change, and then ask them to re-do the emote with the required change.

    I'll ask them if they need any further clarification, and remind them they can stop me at any point to question something.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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