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Everything posted by Lord_of_losers

  1. Receiving the letter, she decided that reading it could wait until she found herself in the comfort of her own home, with a cuppa and a biscuit. Having spotted the more generic letters, she could only assume the very same collector of names was the writer of this letter. The handwriting matched, at least. Although touched by the short letter, glad to have given Chierae just a little more willpower, she was saddened by its sense of finality. Saddened, because it read as a final goodbye. She could sense that in writing this, the sender likely did not believe they would return cleansed - not of this curse, anyway. A sigh leaves her body. She rests her cheek against her own hand, propped up on the dining table to support her head. In her left hand, she read the contents a few more times before ultimately coming to terms with what it meant... This was the last time they'd ever speak, and she never had a chance to reply. Quite a few names she'd known, friends and some good acquaintances, had all met their end recently. Another candle would be lit, joining the company of two others that were nearing the end of their wick. Shutting her eyes, she offered a prayer to the fallen. "I pray that wherever you are, you are granted mercy. You did not deserve your fate, but life can be a cruel thing. Rest now, and may you find grace in the afterlife." - It was wishful thinking. The letter would be treated as a small treasure, a memento, tucked away and given care.
  2. hey ik heard ur looking 4 kani players?

  3. when will someone make the ashbringer
  4. A blonde Wizard pours one out for the real one Sarrion, on some distant hilltop yet untouched by people. The sun was beginning to set, its honey coloured rays slowly vanishing beneath the horizon. She raises the glass in toast. "We never really spoke... I regret that, I think. But it's too late now, right?" "We can't visit the past, and those of us that are left carry on." "I hope that your last day was a peaceful one." A tired sigh escapes Sarah as she tips the glass, spilling the contents on the ground below. Come morning, a small mound of rocks is erected in Sarrion's name, and the explorer dubs the isle 'Sarrionland' before departing.
  5. eminence doesn't fill the niche of 'wizard' this should still be amended tho
  6. you can just play a wonk anyway the ST can cry but what are they going to to do? ban you? ok. just eat the ban and keep playing the wonk when ur back lol its not difficult
  7. Username: lord_of_losers Persona Name: Sarah Artenin Persona Age: Above the age of eighteen. Place of Residence / Street Address: Hohkmat, Enchanter's Way 5 Seat you are running for (ex. The People's seat of Val de Lagne): Notrebanc
  8. "Love trees." Sarah Artenin says whilst eating a rare, sweet, tree sap by the fistful.
  9. hi, transfig has enhanced magelight and makes reference to normal magelight, which hasn't been around in a while i would like to re-add regular magelight, please! you can drop this under imagination in the main voidal conection post if you'd like :) Magelight [Combative] Magelight has long been a staple of magicians, tricksters, wizards and sorcerers, it was only a matter of time until it made a return. The caster is capable of imbuing mana into their aura to brighten it, causing it to shine and illuminate ones surroundings to a limited, harmless extent. This also allows them to alter its colour for the duration of the spell, including having 'dancing lights' that shift colour. co-writer credit to Toodles, we worked really really hard on this lore piece
  10. hi - Prosthetics cannot be the heart, brain, prostate, liver, kidneys, intestines, type of gland, stomach, or anything else that would be utterly vital to the function of an individual. Any further prosthetics may be written and added to this lore piece via a lore addition piece. original new (in bold)
  11. hi, please give us preservation back. thanks. Auxiliary Sigil - Sigil of Recollection This Sigil can be carved into an aurum surface no larger than a palm, which may then be pressed against a Golem's Sigil of Memory in order to create a copy of their existing memories from that point. Provided it is not cracked or damaged, and the Golem whose memories are stored has perished, it may then be activated by a Golemancer and pressed against a new core's Sigil of Memory to transfer over the stored information. Both the 'backup' and 'restore' function of the Sigil take [2] emotes. One to activate, one to backup/restore. Once used, the Sigil will crack, and be rendered useless.
  12. "I have not read it, but I feel in my soul that it is time. Time for me to take my rightful place as Empress of all Mankind." Said Sarah Artenin, the soon to be Empress that sits upon the throne of Man.
  13. "Truly, this is a day." Sarah Artenin says, breathing a sigh of relief now that an amenable pact between the two had been reached. She would rest easier at night. Then she reads the signatures, and has to do a double-take. Needless to say she bursts into a fit of laughter, which causes her to almost fall out of her seat! Her stomach would definitely ache later on.
  14. "I shall lead the Elves." said Sarah Artenin.
  15. This is the only music you will ever need.
  16. Happy international women's day. May ye all girlboss on this particular friday, and without equal, slay. Live, laugh, love.
  17. "Shepherd of souls; keeper of the Golden City, we still yet remain. Please... If you can hear us, mend the world of this rotten infestation..." Softly prays a woman, who had no witty words in retort of the blood stained pages. "Grant us strength sufficient to rid this scourge from our homes, or embolden our hearts so that we might do it in your stead." She beseeches, remembering vividly the swelling ranks of undead that have threatened the world in times past. "If what is written is truth then we cannot - I will not forgive what has been done." Sarah grits her teeth and brims with spite, her blood burning with rage.
  18. The crumbling, molten remains of Winburgh circa 1966. In the Imperial year 1966 the Grand Covenant intended to make good on The Winburgh Proclamation; to tear down the city after years of brutal conflict, and in its place erect a monument to wars past and present for peace, and for commemoration. But nobody said exactly how it needed to be demolished. It was by invitation that Hohkmat heard that there was to be a razing, and as sure as the sun will rise - you can always count on pyromancers to be present where there is fire to be set. A handful of magi, carefully selected by the Chamber of Fire, were to set out from Hohkmat's gates, and ride to Winburgh. Upon arrival, they would soon find more casters to add to their number. The magi prepared to weave their grand spell as the Covenant set about looting and setting fires of their own... There was but one request, from King Aleksandr II himself - "The Church in the centre must niet be touched." - A fitting end for a city that razed churches; to be itself razed, save for its church. An entire bag's worth of focusing crystals had been ground into a fine dust in the name of this objective, then carefully sown about to create the expansive circle that would act as a conduit for the flow of mana. Atticus, not alone - but with the help of many - was to make manifest a new feat of High Magic... "Magi of Hohkmat, heed me!" Called the acting commander of the Hohkmati rally. "Today we bring ruin upon this pitiful, blighted city. From nothing it was raised, and to nothing it shall damn well return." "Atticus! Save for the church... Burn it all to the ground." A self-satisfied grin twisted onto her face. Sarah had been here before, as had many of her fellow Hohkmati, when they were forcefully taken from the streets and their homes; rounded up like animals by a horde of Veletzians, Urukhai, and Ferrymen. That memory, along with the city, was soon to be cleansed by purifying fire. Vengeance comes hot, but it burns slow. She had waited a long, long time for this. Masters, adepts, journeymen and spellblades alike knelt to place their hands against the ritual circle, seeking to grant unto Atticus the power to turn even the very stone itself to ash. Power beyond what any mortal could truly hold alone surged into him from the collective effort of all in attendance, elevating his capacity into the perceivably divine; for how else could you describe the power to level cities? It swelled into existence as a great torrent of flame. Embers floated on the wind, the skies themselves cracked and the air was tainted with the unmistakable sting of ash. Lungs surely burned with each laboured breath of the rapidly exhausting sorcerers. Blazing colour burned into the air until at last the spell reached its peak, giving birth to an indescribable cascade of blue fire that reached into impossible sixth tier - perhaps the seventh tier - of magic. On this day, those in attendance bore witness to Reinhold's Burning Pyre.
  19. Sarah, who was for a short while there starting to freak out over potentially have to pay TAXES on her house and the loss of her cool title she’d grown quite proud of, was emotionally picked up by the friends in Hohkmat she’d made along the way. Truly Hohkmat is magical, and this shall be a good age.
  20. "They were people, once." Spoke Sarah to another, interlocking her fingers and dipping her brow in slowly growing anger. "They forfeit that blessing; they are now no more than rabid beasts fit only for culling." "May you bring, in service of The White Stag, a new light that purifies this looming dark. Show them thy fury - cast out the wicked shadow threatening to take hold. Surely Tahariae sees your toil and shall guide your cleansing fire. In this age let us smite down their vile ruin, to snuff it out for good. I will be with you, every step of the way, and they shall learn to fear the dawn once again."
  21. ((MC Name: lord_of_losers)) Name: sarenia arteninia Vote 1: Eistalyn Othelu’maehr Vote 2: Eistalyn Othelu’maehr
  22. doubling the distance costs an extra shift as per current lore
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