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Posts posted by Pond

  1. 3 hours ago, DarkElfs said:

    Ring doesn't increase the rage dude but what I do have to say is sense this was posted people are pugsying loup and making them want to quite the server in all honesty if it continues this bad I'll probably try force it toward getting this post removed. I'd rather not lose another to a big group of I suspect mainly pvpers and a mix of rpers here.

    Pugsying her? Does my post say anywhere to walk up to loup and pugsy her? No, don't try to force another persons actions upon my post, this is a purely RP post, no OOC behind it, I'm allowed to post a bounty just like everyone else on this server, remove my post due to another persons actions, expect another one to be up less than an hour after it then. 

  2. 7 hours ago, DarkElfs said:

    Some orcs do have anger problems while also whith what I've been told and shown a Mt and gms have already looked in to it that it and stated it's alright for what had happened even when whatever had happen was looked in too. So what's the point of getting all mad over it when it's already been stated to have been all good how the rp had went it seems.

    Mad? I'm not mad, I only put bounty's on people I have trouble killing, she's a bit of a problem (in character, don't got any ooc beef with her), so I put a bounty on her, and I know it's MT approved, gm approved, whatever, I still don't agree with it, curses in my opinion should be kept to a full blooded race and not shared between half breeds

  3. 46 minutes ago, AgentChaseMcCain said:

    From what I can, the character has really bad anger issues,  and the ring is a magic item to keep them calm. Hell if I know though, that's just what I'm assuming from having heard things and seen it myself.

    I've seen her RP after she takes the ring out, its not simply anger, its full on bloodrage you'd expect from an orc thats been pissed off to that point of going into bloodrage, feel no pain, only wish to kill, etc

    1 hour ago, Smaw said:


    What do you mean?

  4. 2 minutes ago, L0rdLawyer said:

    Hu-din nods as he begins to account back to the tales and history of the orcs. There is nothing that can induce bloodlust except a wound against an orc from another. The worse the wound, the worse the bloodlust is. Half breeds were often thought to not be able to control their bloodlust at all, if they even managed to inherit the blessing from their whitewash parent. The removal of a ring would not cause bloodlust in any way and the matter of the fact is orcs still feel pain well in bloodlust. Hu-din shakes his head slowly as he mutters out the phrase, "Gurthrak tu mi." as he goes to claim the bounty himself. 


    @Pond ((if she's pg'ing bloodlust, report her. please.))

    ((Multiple GMs have seen her RP with the ring and stuff, so I'm guessing its fine, kinda dumb how a ring can cause this type of bloodlust though, especially to a half-breed))

  5. [!]

    Notes would be posted around on all the main roads, also in all capitals of all nations, with a brief description of a bounty, as well as a sketched out image of the person


    "By the name of GOD, may this HERETIC residing in the druid mother grove, be SLAIN by any man or beast, this person has committed multiple crimes against GOD and his people, I hereby set a bounty on this HEATHENS head, for a price of 2000 minas, send a bird with proof, and also her ring, and the reward shall be directed to your bank account. A fair bit of warning though, she is a feisty one, has some orc in her, also has a ring, if she takes it off, she goes full bloodlust and will feel no pain, shouldn't be to hard for a big group. Her name is Nesrine, by the way."



    Bounty details:

    Threat level:  Hard 

    Suggested party size: 2-5

    Location: Last seen the druids mother grove

    Rewards: 2000 minas, 2500 if the ring is not kept to yourself. 



  6. MC Name: Pond__


    Character's Name: Puknaak'Lak


    Character's Age: 141


    Character's Race: Orc


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Elementalism


    Teacher's MC Name: Travista


    Teacher's RP Name: Shreck'Lak


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No, this is my first magic application

  7. 1 hour ago, Luxus said:

    Vorgak cracks a smile and places one hand on Puknaak's shoulder, answering "Mi agh Najak bonded thru bluud, juzt az Vrogak agh Shreck, agh now lat muzt du dah zame, but unleeh wiff dat whu lat gruks am hunurareh. Kome, Mi'll peep lat dah blahin' uff ah Uruk, ash whu truleeh gruk'd dah meanin' uff bein' hunurareh." and with a final nod to the Lak Uruk, he gestures him to come along, walking forth outside of the cavern, towards Clan Yar Hall. 

    Puknaak nods once, following behind him 

  8. 48 minutes ago, Luxus said:

    Vorgak was meditating in the sacrifice room when this Lak Uruk bashed his fist into the door. He allows him to enter and greets him with a headbutt, asking afterwards "Wat am lat seekin' or peepin' fur in 'ere ?"

    "Vorgak, mi wizhz tu blah wiff lat abowt beyng ag waghgoff." says Puknaak as he entered the room, going to sit down near Vorgak where he was meditating "Mi rezpekt lat, agh luuk ub tu lat. Lat dyd mani bub'hozh tyngz fur Klan Gorkil, agh mi knuw Gorkil iz peepin ayt lat, wiff ag zmyle uyn ihz vayze." he'd pause, taking a few moments to look around the room. "Mi wizh tu du dat wiff Lak. Mi wizhz tu rebuiyld Laklulz myti klan, zu mi kaym ehre fur latz wurdz uv wizdum, brudda." 

  9. swamp__mps_lands__by_adampaquette-d6i1lxu.thumb.jpg.6fb01181cfd101797e4533e73ede2b9b.jpg


    13th of The First Seed


    The Swamp was quiet, no murmurs from the warriors of Laklul. The waters were still, no movement from what lurked beneath. The air was muggy, the sun just now dipping beneath the horizon, clouded by hundreds and hundreds of thorny trees.

    Puknaak of the Lak clan gazed upon the swamp. Empty, deprived of the Lak Clan members.  Absent of a Swampgoth. Shameful. Laklul would find this disgraceful. How? Puknaak thought to himself, how has the Clan, faithful servants of Laklul, fallen so far?


    Puknaak decided, this was no more. He would refill the swamps with his kin, return glory to Laklul. He chanted out for all, if any, in the swamp to hear. “TU ANIAZH DAT WYL HEER MI BLAH UV DIZ!”  he’d give a slight pause, scanning the swamp for any Laks to appear “MI WYL GIT DIZ KLAN BAK TU IDZ GLURY DAT IYT UNCE WUZ, AGH MI WYL REBUYLD DIZ ZWUMP BAK TU IDZ GREETNEZZ AGH PREZTYGE ID HAD. LAKLUL, MI KALL OWT TU LAT, ZU LAT KAN GUYDE MI IYN MI PAYTH MI HAZ CHUZEN. MI WIZHZ TU BRYNG TRIUMPHNEZZ BAK TU LATZ ZAKRED KLAN. MI DEKLAYRE MIZELF DAH ZWAMPGOTH!”  Puknaak begins to chant “LAKLUL WYLZ ID! LAKLUL WYLZ ID! LAKLUL WYLZ ID! FUR KLAN LAK AGH LAKLUL!”


    A lone lak would exit the swamp, exposing his uruk body from behind a tree. He’d begin to join the chant. “LAKLUL WYLZ ID! LAKLUL WYLZ ID! LAKLUL WYLZ ID! FUR KLAN LAK AGH LAKLUL!”  Bubbles begin to form on the surface of the murky swamp water, a lak covered in muck an plant growth rose from the depths. He began to chant “LAKLUL WYLZ ID! LAKLUL WYLZ ID! LAKLUL WYLZ ID! FUR KLAN LAK AGH LAKLUL!”


    One by one, members of the clan begin to emerge, joining in until a miraculous chorus of shouts boomed from the area, as if the entire swamp was reborn.

    As the chants and shouts of dozens of Lak’s died down, Puknaak turned his back, heading to exit the swamp and return to Krugmar. The Uruks that remained in the swamp glanced at each other, and a consensus was reached. Either join Puknaak and return clan lak to its former glory. Or continue a life of dishonor and disgrace to Laklul.




    Creds to Save and Sloth for helping.

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