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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Pond


    Let Loose The Sails


    The incipiently promulgated Rex would ascend to the top of Fort Stronk, turning to optically canvass the mountain in front of him, spotting the freshly built wood elven stronghold, and a face of disdain would emit from his features. Limpidly mad at what he is looking at.


    “Iv dey wizh tu play dah 'Big Fort Gaym', dehn zu bi it.”

    Puknaak grunted to himself, he’d pull out some paper and quill from his satchel, whistling for a bird as he did so.


    “Bring in the ships.” he’d indite onto the note, and as he culminated, he sent it off, sending his message to all clan bellwethers for them to assemble.


    As the bellwethers recieved word, they would mount the ships near San'Kalah, Falum'Lur would shout, "LET LOOZE DAH ZAILZ!" And with that, multiple boats would set sail, kinetically circumnavigating the Atlas ocean and towards the Fort Stronk shoreline.


    ((First RP post solely written by me, give me some pointers, thnx ;))

  2. I own:

    [ X] Dog (like ***** 15)

    [ ] Camera

    [ ] Netflix

    [ X] Android (phone)

    [ X] Car

    [ ] Snapchat

    [ ] Instagram

    [ X] Discord

    [ X] Laptop

    [ ] Own apartment/house


    5 / 10


    I like:

    [ X] Food

    [ X] Soda

    [ X] Chinese food

    [ X] Pets

    [ X] Roleplaying

    [ X] ARK (The game)

    [ ] Tv shows

    [ X] Sleeping

    [ ] Tea

    [ X] Warm weather

    [ ] Art

    [ X] Emojis :ponder:


    8 / 12


    I dislike:

    [ X] Anime

    [ ] Coffee

    [X ] Waking up early

    [ ] Milk

    [ X] Cold

    [ ] Apple (the brand)


    3 / 6



    [ X] Pop

    [ X] Rap

    [ X] EDM

    [ X] Rock

    [ ] Metal

    [ ] Piano music


    4 / 6


    Tv Shows:

    [ ] The Walking Dead

    [ ] Supernatural

    [ ] CSI

    [ ] Castle

    [ ] The X Files

    [ ] Criminal Minds


     0 / 6


    I want:

    [ X] A job

    [ X] Travel

    [ X] Dog

    [X ] VIP on Lotc

    [X ] a life

    [ ] This to end already

    [ X] Photoshop

    [X ] Money

    [X ] Friends

    [ X] To watch game of thrones


    9 / 10


    TOTAL POINTS: 29 / 50


  3. 16 minutes ago, Tornado_ said:


    PvPers want to fight three times a week... Maybe the timing of six hours can change since thats a bit too long. But I would love to PvP three times a week. 

    cOmInG FrOm a pVp gOoN NatIoN aCcOrDiNg tO SoMe pEOpLe, No tHe **** wE Do nOt

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