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Eggles the Beagles

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Posts posted by Eggles the Beagles

  1. 3 minutes ago, StokedOff said:


    Duke Sergei Kovachev is the most handsome, his two sons would be sitting next to him as he looked out to the snowy landscape "Ave Haense. Ave Kovachev. The west needs our aid, come along boys. Stick close, the undead threat is real." he'd stand up and make his way west through the mountains behind Carnatia 


    Kynsinna Kovachev would stand beside her son, her hair now streaked with gray. "The empty halls and darkness are too much to bare. Let them have the once great halls which shine no more. We have a much bigger threat to face." She'd say with a sigh. Her gaze then falls on her surviving family members as they travel to the West.

  2. Sophie would have watched from within the chapel the sea of short men and various elves charge at the Haense forces with confusion. It was not a sea of green she was seeing but only a small pod of it among the random blob of colors. Alas, the thought would be quickly swept away as her sword came to clash with that of short men, degenerate elves, and unholy beings. Her last thought as she lied bleeding on the ground, "When did this become world war three...?"

  3. Can we expect a map change in the coming months, say this June?

    Can we please have a map that's not huge; I think a map size between Vailor and Athera for the next map would be appropriate. If we have this then can we see the use of FTs go away?

    What is in store for the future when it comes to Nexus?:

    -Will it be removed as many of the players have expressed they wished it to be or will the skill levels and or shorten crafting times be added if it is not removed?

    -Can we see a future of stats removed from weapons, armor, and shields? Meaning no percentages, just plan armors and weapons.


  4. 30 minutes ago, StokedOff said:

    Sergei Kovachev would sip his tea as he paced around his castle "This is war!" he'd shout, his words echoing throughout the keep "I have more claim to their throne then anyone who fights for them." the young Kovavhev Duke would chuckle as he sat in his chair "You've got a problem Tobias! GOD is on Haense's side and it always has been. God has abandoned your **** fest of a family in the past and will again!" he'd yell towards the fire glowing in the fireplace before him "By Righy of Flame."


    Kynsinna sits by the fireplace, watching her son pace back and forth with a sigh, "Calm yourself, we'll need you to have a clear mind. He was such a young man, too young to die. It seems more and more people have been dying too young..." She'd would mumble, glancing down to the parchment before placing it on the table and replacing it with a goblet of wine, "By right of flame, by bones and barrow."

  5. Gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised by some of the responses to this thread as well as this thread itself. I fully support what you say, ever since I've joined lotc it seems that the same people with different characters keep warring each other in the never ending cycle just to screw each other over for a past grievance. It also doesn't help when on both sides there have been bias on the staff's part leading to all parties at one point or another being disgruntled and feeling wronged/helpless to do something. This continuous ride needs to stop. If we were to do this then all parties would benefit and RP might actually flourish along with a possible boost in our numbers as a community. I've refrained from doing any **** posting because its irrational and to be frank I don't feel compelled to do so. Let RP be RP, don't get salty about it, don't take it personally, and don't loose your grace or manners. Just Roleplay, isn't that what the server is for?

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