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Eggles the Beagles

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Posts posted by Eggles the Beagles

  1. After a week of her absence from her stables in Carnatia, letters from before her disappearance would go out the various people who they were addressed to. It could be also be noted that the stables in which were once very lively and noisy, now remains quiet and barren. The legendary banners of Rozaliya Malinov gone along with her even more legendary horses...


  2. Rozaliya knew that this day may very well be her last, this was not an unfamiliar thought to her of course. Thinking to herself the countless times where she had prepared for such a thing, to never come home that is. So when she wrote letters to leave behind in her cozy quarters at Carnatia’s keep just as she had done before, she never thought that this may be her final time of this ancient process of which had now become habit. “Perhaps I’m a fool for even writing these now…” She half mumbles with a chuckle. Even then she places the letters neatly on the desk, making note to tell a guard where they should find such things in the event of her absent over a week.


    Rozaliya was just leaving the Carnatian keep when Katherine and Nemir rushed up to her, both seeming out of breath. “We saw them,” was all that Katherine could say through heavy breaths.  Rozaliya seemed confused as she looked over to Nemir for an explanation. “Hauxir and Rodney,” Nemir started, she was just as exhausted as Katherine was.  Rozaliya’s eyes widened, raged filled her as she raised her ironclad hands to grip both of her friends’ shoulders, “Lead the way, they mustn’t evade us this time!”  With this, the trio began to hurry out of Kovagrad.  They eventually found themselves deep within the mountains of the dwarves, two figures were visible through the drifting snow.


    Rodney and Hauxir had turned to face the trio slowly approaching them, “Fire a warning shot.” Hauxir muttered to Rodney with a raspy voice.  Rodney nodded as he slowly blinked, twitching while doing so.  He raised his arms, sparks beginning to flash before his palm in a numerous amount. They gathered in number and intensity for some moments before the charged bolt would shoot out towards the ground before the three.  “Turn back now,” ordered Rodney as the three women stepped backwards from the warning shot. “... Or face death.”  


    Angrily, the trio drew their swords and slowly crept closer to a snowy slope, they all glared up to the two. “We’re not leaving,” responded Nemir as vulgar comments flooded out of Rozaliya’s helmet towards them.  Katherine remained silent, nervously looking between Nemir and Rozaliya as she firmly grasped her sword.  A wicked grin came across Hauxir’s rotted visage as he raised a grotesque hand to point at Rozaliya, “Is.. Is t-this her, Nemir?” he’d ask almost excitedly. “What in the **** is wrong with him?” Rozaliya muttered to herself, readying her blade.  Katherine stared up at Rodney and Hauxir with wide eyes as Nemir began shifting to her right, slowly unclipping a grey potion from her belt.


    As the three slowly began to move closer, Rodney raised his palm to face them with a mild twitch. A sizzling sound would be apparent as more sparks flashed before it, gathering quickly as a bolt formulated. When done, such would arc away from him towards Nemir's right side. She promptly dropped to the floor from the bolt’s power, twitching and squirming in the snow due to the pain.  Her sword and potion fell as well, landing in the soft, cold snow.  Katherine seemed frozen in fear as Nemir fell down, she watched as Rodney looked over to Rozaliya who was shouting up a storm of slurs and comments at the two, cautiously inching closer. “Come on!” she’d shout.  


    Rodney would glance up to the sky then, letting off a soft grunt as his eyes narrowed. A rumbling noise soon became apparent in the sky, a pressure being felt around the trio. A flash of light was seen as lightning striked down in the snow in front of Rozaliya, followed by a clap of thunder.  It made the armored woman shoot backwards, her helmet flying off as she landed in the snow with a grunt and a few muttered curses.  Hauxir let out a sickening laugh as this happened.  He quickly strode towards Rozaliya, unsheathing his sword with a twisted smile.  Rodney followed behind him, drawing his blade as well.  He glared towards Katherine as sparks zapped from his sword, slowly getting closer to her.  Katherine seemed tense, she rose her sword upon looking at Rodney, not even noticing the elderly man who had appeared behind him.  Rodney had gotten close enough to Katherine to attack, he swiped his sword at her.  Her blade met his which sent a shock through her body, causing her to jerk back and into the snow.  Rodney took a step closer to Katherine before grimacing and twitching his body, he jolted and shook before dropping to the ground with the elderly man glaring at him, “Dammit, Rodney..” he muttered.


    “You oughta fokin’ grab your ankles and kiss your rotted ass goodbye right now!” shouted Rozaliya to Hauxir as he stood above her.  He brought his sword up to swing down at her with inhuman strength.  The sound of metal clashing together echoed around them as Rozaliya’s sword flew out of her hands and towards Katherine.


     Nemir finally managed to push herself up, hunching over while clutching her side with a pained expression shown upon her visage.  She weakly grabbed her sword and dragged it behind her while slowly shuffling past the elderly man and Rodney who remained twitching in the snow.  “You’ve done it now, Rodney,” said the old man, still glaring at the man spasming and gritting his teeth in agony.


    Hauxir raised his sword once more and swung it down at Rozaliya’s head after she had sent him a hopeless kick to the gut.  His sword swung with ease, decapitating the woman.  The white snow around her turned into a deep red as it was soaked with her blood.  Hauxir’s distorted smile remained as he turned to Nemir who looked upon him and Rozaliya’s corpse with horror. “I always keep my promises, Nemir!” he cackled out while turning to flee down the mountainside, disappearing completely as Katherine and Nemir hurried over to their deceased friend’s side.


    Rozaliya Malinov was born in Adria, 1521.  She died fighting in the year 1566.

    Her grave sits beside her father’s in Lorraine.






    Where the fight had occurred, Rozaliya’s helmet and sword have been left behind to mark where she had fallen.








  3. 7 minutes ago, NotTodayJerry said:

    It's all in good fun (idk if you know what that means) and ooc i love cracker, it's just rp have fun with it haha it's just a game

    ((Is this not an RP thread? I am responding in how my character would in RP, if you wish to properly reply to what I said you would need to be able to even find it out which is near impossible considering you don't know me in RP. I see no reason for you to repsond to me OOCly))

  4. "Their uniforms are no more then old ones of mine and my comrades! Look at how poorly they covered up the yellow with a creator-awful shade of blue. And if I recall correctly," Rozaliya says while looking to her comrades gathered, "the Emperor had been gracious enough to allow them this land. Essentially giving it to them for /FREE/. Even generosity apparently no longer makes people feel grateful anymore."


    Soon voices begin to join in after Rozaliya's.

    "Disloyal dogs!"

    "Good for nothing."

    "Watch your back, for they steal anything."

    "Show mercy and kindness, be met with nothing but a dagger to the back!"

    "Disloyal dogs, you've made your bed!"

    "Are you ready to lie with death?!"

  5. 47 minutes ago, SaintPaint said:

    ((Lemon posted the first thread, but he isn't active tho and they allowed me to take over. The band is being reactivated.))

    ((Good on you, seemed like a cool concept and was saddened that it went inactive. Always enjoy new thought-out groups!))

  6. Lexa manages to find one of the open letters blowing on the wind from some part of the desert, rubbing the back of her neck with a sigh.

    "If my memories serves me correct, my comrades in arms built Ard Ghorrock with their blood and sweat. Literally in some cases... It's our home if anything, not some qualisheen's, let alone someone who I've never even heard of."

    She would mumble to herself, before dropping the note to the ground. Riding off on her rugged old warhorse, tattered cloak flapping in the dry desert air. 

  7. Sorry to see you go gobo, by far one of the best edgy Necros I know. I'll still see you around in ts all the time, you better I should say.



  8. 29 minutes ago, Travista said:




    Some questions to consider:


    Would you be in favour of or opposed to a complete skill wipe? (That means resetting all currently accumulated exp for all professions to zero for all characters)

    Opposed (Get rid of everything above Aengulic)


    Would you be in favour of or opposed to a partial skill wipe? (That means that all currently accumulated exp is scaled back. An example being something like “All Aengulic crafters are now set to Veteran”)

    In Favor


    If you are in favour of a partial skill wipe, how far scaling back do you think would be reasonable?

    In Favor, scale back anyone who is Aengulic to no less then Masterful and anyone who is Legendary should also be scaled down to Masterful so that all top levels start on the same level.


    Would you be in favour of or opposed to no skill wipe at all?



    Can you tell us why you are in favour of a particular system?

    Because in Nexus everything is OP right now, and everything needs to be scaled down so that item stats and racial buffs don't do such a big deal.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Why. said:
    • Removed arrow velocity reduction on horseback
    • Re-allowed wearing iron & diamond on horseback but changed arrow velocity reduction occur for each piece of iron or diamond armor equipped.
      • Each iron armor piece results in -15% arrow velocity
      • Each diamond armor piece results in -20% arrow velocity

    Mein Horses live on.


    22 minutes ago, Why. said:

    Horse benefits now cap at Aengulic.

    Good thing I'm Aengulic.


    Stupid question but getting mixed answers, are skills being wiped for next map?

  10. Rozaliya finds herself cleaning her helm and boots from long hours of horseback riding, whistling softly as she listens to the chatter of those around her. "There are no terrorist in war, just one side against another." she mumbles to no one particular.

  11. 7 hours ago, Jonificus said:

    What kind of event would you like to see?: world eating worm Slowly approaching ice age


    Would you rather see the descendants pushed off our current land, or giving incentive to move themselves?: Incentive


    If you want to be pushed off, how so? If you want incentive, what would that be?: The discovery of warmer, fertile lands leading the descendants to colonize the new new new new new new new new new new world.

    How should we travel to the next map (boat, portal, etc)?: Boats I suppose, or whatever the races figure out will be the best way to escape the frozen seas and lands.


    +1 From me on this one

    I think we should expand off on this idea. Due to our massive growth on Vailor and also the changing of times, an desirable ice age seems to have taken up residence here. The crops slowly begin to become frail and brown leaving us with no food and an epidemic ready to happen. Perhaps we could even do things where the races start to fight over the little food that is left and only the best farmers can get something out of the small crops that are left. Eventually we will somehow see this fighting as fruitless and decide to take our chances on leaving Vailor, only bringing very small possesions. (Maybe we should somehow be allowed to take 5 items or less that are deemed allowed by the staff team. Rp items more so, no materials besides what Nations recieve which goes to nation leaders.) Depending on what nation depends on how they choose to go about this journey and how many transportation devices the nation can have. For example Oren could perhaps have three ships that they choose to take with and support their population while say the orcs take only one large ship. There wil have to be rules about this surely that the staff can work out but you get the point. Maybe depending on the resources a nation can provide determines the amount of ships or whatever (ex: Mina and building materials).


    Also, while on the ships there could be possible events where we have to break the ice to free the ships or fix the hull of the ship because it hit a iceberg. Even one where you have to save your fellow nation members on another vessal because the vessal is sinking in the freezing water maybe! Perhaps the nations can figure out ways to hire bards, jesters, or storytellers to make the journey easier. Hell we could even do a whaling even of some sorts if we wanted to get food. ETs could possibly pose as a band of mutinies on board that the nation members must stop from taking over the ship so they don't have to jump overboard to another ship. Or they may fail and have to do just that, jump. Who Knows? Another thing is the possibility of bring live stock for those of us RP breeders, the struggle to keep 'em alive. There's a lot of potential in all of this, you just have to think a lil about what it had been like to be on a ship back in medieval times, traveling through icy waters.


    Also like to mention that maybe somehow the ice age and everything relate to next map's lore if possible.

  12. Second!

    And this sounds like a good idea to me, I'm excited to see more ways for thief Roleplay which will also leads to guard roleplay which leads to citizen roleplay. It's just one big domino affect that will spice up things a lil but when the RP is on a low.

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