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Eggles the Beagles

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Posts posted by Eggles the Beagles

  1. All righty, so pretty straight forward. All you wonderful skinners out there, I am in need of a Human Servant skin for my new character (1.8/Steve skin).


    Here's something for reference:


    Overall view of what I need:



    Little bit closer for reference of eye color and other facial stuff:



    Quick Side Note: Preferably no 2x2 eyes unless absolutely necessary, only 2 wide and 1 tall. Maybe make the skin tone not be quite as pale as the white shirt (Just don't want the skin tone and the shirt seeming to be the same thing). I know I'm picky but hey, 400 minas is 400 minas. 


    Basically the dress and hairstyle from the first image and to get a better look at the eye color look at the second image.


    P.S. I may be willing to raise the reward based on the finished product :D

  2. Rozaliya's brow rises while reading over the paper, shrugging before saying, "Suppose why not, I don't have much to do at this time. Tending to animals isn't something new. It'll be just like my stables."


    In game name: Eagles2910

    Character Name: Rozaliya Malinov

    Position Wanted: Breeder (chickens, cows, sheep, etc.)

    Past Experience: Been a breeder for many different organizations.

  3. Rozaliya would be making her way around the Lorraine markets upon having a courier boy rush up to her. After speaking for a few quick moments and confirming her name with the boy, he would offer her a letter just before scrambling off. She would note that he seemed slightly shaken up with a perked brow before glancing down at the letter herself, a small smile forming her lips upon seeing the senders name.


    "I haven't seen or heard this name in ages... I need to go see him, I left suddenly and need to explain my actions to him and... many others." She would mumble to herself with a heavy sigh, shaking her head a moment.


    After one last stop to banter for some hay bales, she finds her way back to her home. Offering a wave to those working in the fields.

    Many call out saying: "Hey Rose! Where you going, come sit around the fire with us and have a drink."

    In response, she would wave and comment that she need to do somethings around her home then she would join them, all this said with a smile. She was home after all and surrounded by those she trusted, why worry and there was a letter from a friend to be opened. Kicking her door shut and throwing down her pack, letter in hand, she begins to open and read it over. Her smile quickly fading as she read on, tears falling down her cheeks and hand going to her mouth. Once done reading she trudges over to her bed, letting herself fall onto it and began to curl in on herself. The letter would remain clutched tightly in her hands as memories rush to her head with deep sorrow mixed into it all. When the voices finally came to her door and soon inside the small home, she would remain unresponsive despite them speaking her name in familiar voices. She didn't even feel the hands taking the letter with a gasp...


  4. One afternoon, Lexa heads out to an old farmer on the outskirts of Caliphate. After exchanging a greeting upon her arrive from horse back the old friend would hand her the pamphlet. Beginning to read it over, slowly her brows would rise the further her eyes follow the text , though her expression would remain the same besides that fact. "As always, many thanks for keeping me up to date with the latest happenings. I'll see ya around, for now farewell." And with that said she'd give them a curt nod, kicking the flanks of her horse. The farmer would be left there scratching their head in confusion, watching the figure on the horizon until it finally disappeared.

  5. "And you wonder why whole races are dying off, they all seem to wish to kill each other only to prove who is stronger. But if there is no body left besides themselves, what is the point of being the strongest? The people's of Vailor's greed and pride will be the death of us all..." Rozaliya Malinov may be heard saying as she walks through the markets of Lorraine before walking off, no one would be sure where she disappeared to once more.


    "Oh Vandoria, how you've changed... and I wouldn't say it was for the best..." Lexa Green would let out a long sigh as she glances up at the magnificent keep, her old home. She'd be set into a daze as she remembers fond memories with her comrades, a smile creeping onto her face before reality snaps back into place, the smile quickly fading. "How far you have fallen..." With saying that, she would kick her horse's side, galloping off as far from Vandoria as she can humanly possible.

  6. Not gonna lie, Gobo is a crazy gnome but he properly portraits that character as well as his other which is a high elf. All around good player who could be a great ET. Can't wait to see you working on your own event some day. 



  7. Hands down one of the most crazy people I know but at the same time hands down one of the best rp'ers I know on Lotc. He interacts well with others in RP as well and always has interesting characters that bring RP to himself and others, making it easier on those with less experience. Think he'd make a great ET, keep up the good work Jake.



  8. As the title says, I am buying oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak. I have the money to pay for loads, reply or pm me in game.

    *Lexa would post a piece of paper on the notice boards throughout the lands. It would read as follows:*

    "Looking for oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak wood. I have plenty of funds to pay for large amounts. Send a bird to me, Lexa Green, about prices."

  9. I thought you for one didn't like the idea of drawing people to the monks? Now you want to bring the monks to the people.


    What happened to the server discussion of we don't want the whole server at the monks (be it in the location not monk people) due to it having an OOC no PvP barrior.

    Where anyone could go and not be harmed for their actions... or how I remember a GM saying "We don't want another Asulon incident". You're just bringing this into play now by implimenting this. 

    Both locations all ready don't allow PvP so why not just move them together, plus that way new players are less confused as to where the fast travels are.

  10. Honestly don't see why this wasn't done before. Plus since it's the monks and not a nation, perhaps the server could ask some builders to build a proper place for them. This would appeal more to the new players of the server as well as give the monks a lovely place to live and RP without giving them an advantage over anyone. They don't compete or war with anyone so I don't see why using creative for their new home would be a problem with anyone. Plus they could get the new place up and running quickly then.

  11. *Rozaliya would be out visiting some shops and the tavern at Darkwood upon over hearing the news of the late lord. She'd shake her head and wonder to herself,*

    "He was a good lord just as his Duke before him was. It's a shame what has happened to them both, I remember fighting along side them both at the Duke's War and later serving as Honor guard beside them both. May they both rest in piece, they are with the creator now."

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