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Posts posted by Beamon4

  1. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Dimlin Irongut 274


    Character’s Race:



    What magic will you be learning?:



    Who will be teaching you?:
    [Dagor Irongrinder]

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:


  2. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Dimlin Irongut 274


    Character’s Race:



    What magic will you be learning?:



    Who will be teaching you?:
    [Dagor Irongrinder]

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:


  3. Dimlin would be in his study looking over blueprints of a building  laying in front of him, before receiving the news of the ultimatum sighing 


        "The Dwed who did this must beh reprimanded, there are diplomatic ways tuh fix this incident, why must we go to war If You can imprison this dwed with the help of the Urguan government and make sure he is brought to justice. Either way there are better ways then this"


    Dimlin would then put down his ruler and scroll up the blueprints before making his way to the clergy hall to pray with Dwalin for peace 






  4.     MC Name: Beamon4

        RP Name: Dimlin Irongut

        Skype: you have it

        Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): EST

    Professions:  Veteran Miner, Adept Blacksmith

                 Have you been in the Legion before? If so, when: Late Athera Joenaj Regime

        *Note: If you were a Stoneguard in the most recent legion you will keep your rank*

        Do you swear loyalty to the reigning Grand King: I swear loyalty to this grand king and all who come after him 

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