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Posts posted by Devdog

  1. MC Name: Devdog_


    Character's Name: Hecate 


    Character's Age: 56


    Character's Race: Wood elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Nature's Communion and Controlling 


    Teacher's MC Name: Archipelego


    Teacher's RP Name: Kasfer


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: nop


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: nop


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: nop


  2. MC Name: Devdog_

    Skype Name: Dahlstron

    Timezone: PST

    Age: 16


    Do you have Discord? (you need to): yes I do! 

    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the application standards?: Yes, I feel highly comfortable in my knowledge of the lore.

    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?: I want to become an AT member because I want to interact and get myself involved with the new members of the server. I feel like I have great ideas in my head on how to integrate some of the players to the server. Collaboration is key when it comes to making people feel welcomed and having a team run smoothly.

    Beyond reviewing whitelist applications, what ways do you think you would enjoy helping new applicants?: I'd love to help show them how to use some of the commands once they finish. I'd love to help refine their characters so that they're ready to rp  out in the real lotc world!  If people are missing certain parts of their application, I'd love to help guide them onto the right path to get them accepted as well. 


    How do you think the server’s application process could be improved?: I remember when I was applying onto the server some odd years ago, it was quite hard for me to find lore and I think there could maybe be a more simpler way to find current events that people can integrate onto the forums from the server 

    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?: I love to play other videogames as well! I feel like maybe some of the members and I can bond through talking about some ideas for the AT alongside playing some other videogames too!


    Tell me a joke: I mean bananas are okay, I just don't understand the apPEEL of them.

  3. Regalia would look down to the ring on her finger. It'd have a phrase etched in and around the diamond sitting on the ring. "I'll always love you" It'd read.  Her hands begin to tremble as she closes her eyes and takes a deep inhale. She'd look to her sleeping beardlings as she looks back to her ring. A single tear would fall from her face and then the tear would bounce into her lap. The tear droplet absorbing into the fabric or her pants. She'd shakily go to take a sip of her hard liqour and gingerly set it back down. Going to kiss each and every one of her beardlings and hobble up to her bed, Alone for what seems like an eternity

  4. MC Name: Aheral_Housewife


    Character's Name: Lenniel Thylsealaes


    Character's Age: 178


    Character's Race: Fjarriauga


    Link to your accepted MA:: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/142916-ma-aeromancy-lenniel-thylsealaes/#comment-1345798



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Air Evocation


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Air evocation, one of the more uncommon evocations. It’s a primal evocation, meaning it’s one of the main elements that make up our world. Many people ask the question; “How do you even evoke air if you can't see it?”. It’s quite simple if you think about it; Wind, is the natural, and observable horizontal movement or air throughout an area of space. It holds a temperature and can hold debris through it, making it able for more people to see and or feel it’s fluidity-like currents. The air that can be conjured up can hold pressure, taking more energy and time, though it can move faster towards your target. Most novice air evocationists will template the surrounding temperature of air when evoking it, but more adept, and craftier mages have learned how to manipulate the temperature of the air slightly is specific surroundings. Air evocation has a reputation for being a non-combat magic. Though  if you use enough pressure in your evocation and know how to properly send your air, it can deal a hefty blow to your target. Most mages find it difficult to send air towards a target due to the concentration set forth in trying to predict how the current will go. There are many occurrences of when an evocation casted has backfired due to that happening.  Most evoke air to knock down or push away their foes, but the more adept mages learn how to pressurize air into spheres and hurl them towards their foes.    


    Red Lines:

    • You can not evoke air into immensely fine points. (weapons, items.)
    • Air evocation can not alter the preexisteing elements in the world and cant pull from them. 
    • Once you loose focus of your evoked wind, your evoked air will instantly dissipate when your connection was severed.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


         Lenniel would lead her student t the field, the air calm and serene, the grassy plain field would be peaceful. Lenniel would say. “So we’ve learned about  how to evoke wind from the void, we learned how to control it, making air gusts, though there are some other techniques you’re going to have to learn if you want to be the best air mage you can be. You know you can't really confine wind into a sharp point, though you can condense it, making it into an air ball. They are one of air evocations more offensive tactics and are for the more adept mages, which you will be soon. So I’ll need you to be practicing making smaller, more passive air balls.”

         Lenniel would say, releasing her staff from her grip and resting it down into the field. She’d bring her hands out infront of her, her palms facing the sky. She’d look down to her hands. “You'll need to concentrate from pulling the air from the void, feel it rush up and into your palms. Now it’s time to make the air more dense and compact, feel it fuster in your hands.”

         Lenniel’s fingers bend inward towards her palms. A breeze would begin to gather in front of lenniel, drawing into her hands. Some dead grass blades getting caught in a breeze, whooshing in between her hands and spiraling around in the newly forming air sphere. Lenniel seeming to have a concentrated tone to her voice. “You need to press the air into the space, don't let it escape, make it densen.”

    She’d cease talking as she delves into concentration. The air seeming to gather in  faster and faster. A faint howling noise can be heard as more and more air compacts densely into the ball. Lenniel would talk again. “Move your hands up, get ready to push them out towards your target, Imagine a hole springing a leak in the condensed air, letting it shoot out towards your target.”

         Lenniel would aim for the tree in the distance, shooting her hands out with a grunt. The air ball whizzing towards the brush at rapid speeds! The brush would bend to make room for the  air and would smack right into the tree! The whole tree would rattle, some leaves falling from it. Lenniel hums in satisfaction.  “You need to know that the farther you send it, the more air is used to propel it out towards your target, so it’s best at medium range if you’re looking for the most damage.”

         Lenniel would then look to the side of her student. “Your turn dear.”


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:  Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: nope


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: nope


    MC Name:



    Character's Name:

    Lenniel Thylsealaes Durion


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:  https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145749-ma-conjuration-lenniel-thylsealaes/


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Conjuration, an uncommon magic. Practiced by a slim few due to it’s extensive knowledge in what you are going to conjure. The upbringing of animals from the void to the plane we exist in. It takes quite a long time to even attempt to conjure an animal or even a plant. Using a pen and paper to make some diagrams of the animal. Studying and memorizing all of the animals or plants essences of what makes that animal that animal.  Once the  Animal is fully mastered and memorized, you can begin to cast. Once you begin to cast, you’d have to do each   step completely correctly or the animal or plant will come out dead, and useless. Perennial is a type of conjuration that is focused on summoning vegetation, vines wrapping around an objects or people. Morphon is the most common conjuration, summoning animals.  Hybrid  Conjuration is for the more masterful conjurationsts,  You add parts onto a being that shouldn't be there. Mix match such as a Chimera.  Primordial Conjuration is a gathering knowledge  of the a basic evocations such as fire or earth Evocation mixed with the adept skills of conjuration to create animals out of that element.  Tier one Conjurationists would practice strengthening their connection to the void. They’d also create diagrams of the animal's anatomy, Drawing them out, going into deep focus when dissecting their animals they’re interested in. Before dissecting, they would, or most likely should study how the animals behave, write down notes on how to successfully emulate a figment of it. Tier two conjurationists begin to practice summoning rather miniature animals. Tier three conjurationists could begin to conjure up some medium sized creatures. Other tiers after that can begin to practice hybrids soon after (when pigs fly!).


    Some of the redlines!

    Druids can’t connect with the animals or the plants that are conjured from the void

    The strain of the void still affects you whilst casting

    When the creature flies into the sky or meanders off, It’d dissipate back into the void.



    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Lenniel would come back into the room with a small basket with a blanket covered over the top of it. Her free  hand over the blanket to make sure they don't escape.


    “What’s in the basket Lenniel?” The student would say, raising a brow.


    Lenniel would put the basket on the table, a soft grin on her face, opening her lips just a little bit as her hand slides  off the blanket. “Find out yourself.”


    [!] Frogs would begin to hop out of the basket, making a croaking noise every time they’d stop to breath!


    The student would scream out of fright. “Frogs?!”


    Lenniel giggles “Mhm! Catch them!” She’d say, going to take a seat.


    The student would eventually catch a frog in each hand.


    “Alright, now we must euthanize one for science. Lenniel would say, taking one of the frogs  out of the student’s hand and mangling it’s neck.


    “Now, I want you to take out your journal and study the internal anatomy of the frog, the consistency of slime and skin.” Lenniel would say


    The student reaching out to set the other frog in the basket placing the blanket over it.

    Soon enough grabbing his journal and writing utensil.


    “Alright, after that, we shall dissect the frog take notice and draw in your journal how every part of the body works, every function of each part.” Lenniel would say,  watching as the student goes to draw.


    The student would finish both of those things.


    “Now, take out the other frog and set it on the table, try to see it’s movements and try to jot down how it hops, the expansion of its lower neck when it croaks.” Lenniel says.  “If you dont master this correctly, your conjured creature will end up being dead, or even worse, a strange pile of gooey flesh.” She’d shake a little. “Those are always nasty.”


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it d

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

    Lenniel Thylsealaes Durion


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:  https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145749-ma-conjuration-lenniel-thylsealaes/


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Conjuration, an uncommon magic. Practiced by a slim few due to it’s extensive knowledge in what you are going to conjure. The upbringing of animals from the void to the plane we exist in. It takes quite a long time to even attempt to conjure an animal or even a plant. Using a pen and paper to make some diagrams of the animal. Studying and memorizing all of the animals or plants essences of what makes that animal that animal.  Once the  Animal is fully mastered and memorized, you can begin to cast. Once you begin to cast, you’d have to do each   step completely correctly or the animal or plant will come out dead, and useless. Perennial is a type of conjuration that is focused on summoning vegetation, vines wrapping around an objects or people. Morphon is the most common conjuration, summoning animals.  Hybrid  Conjuration is for the more masterful conjurationsts,  You add parts onto a being that shouldn't be there. Mix match such as a Chimera.  Primordial Conjuration is a gathering knowledge  of the a basic evocations such as fire or earth Evocation mixed with the adept skills of conjuration to create animals out of that element.  Tier one Conjurationists would practice strengthening their connection to the void. They’d also create diagrams of the animal's anatomy, Drawing them out, going into deep focus when dissecting their animals they’re interested in. Before dissecting, they would, or most likely should study how the animals behave, write down notes on how to successfully emulate a figment of it. Tier two conjurationists begin to practice summoning rather miniature animals. Tier three conjurationists could begin to conjure up some medium sized creatures. Other tiers after that can begin to practice hybrids soon after (when pigs fly!).


    Some of the redlines!

    Druids can’t connect with the animals or the plants that are conjured from the void

    The strain of the void still affects you whilst casting

    When the creature flies into the sky or meanders off, It’d dissipate back into the void.



    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Lenniel would come back into the room with a small basket with a blanket covered over the top of it. Her free  hand over the blanket to make sure they don't escape.


    “What’s in the basket Lenniel?” The student would say, raising a brow.


    Lenniel would put the basket on the table, a soft grin on her face, opening her lips just a little bit as her hand slides  off the blanket. “Find out yourself.”


    [!] Frogs would begin to hop out of the basket, making a croaking noise every time they’d stop to breath!


    The student would scream out of fright. “Frogs?!”


    Lenniel giggles “Mhm! Catch them!” She’d say, going to take a seat.


    The student would eventually catch a frog in each hand.


    “Alright, now we must euthanize one for science. Lenniel would say, taking one of the frogs  out of the student’s hand and mangling it’s neck.


    “Now, I want you to take out your journal and study the internal anatomy of the frog, the consistency of slime and skin.” Lenniel would say


    The student reaching out to set the other frog in the basket placing the blanket over it.

    Soon enough grabbing his journal and writing utensil.


    “Alright, after that, we shall dissect the frog take notice and draw in your journal how every part of the body works, every function of each part.” Lenniel would say,  watching as the student goes to draw.


    The student would finish both of those things.


    “Now, take out the other frog and set it on the table, try to see it’s movements and try to jot down how it hops, the expansion of its lower neck when it croaks.” Lenniel says.  “If you dont master this correctly, your conjured creature will end up being dead, or even worse, a strange pile of gooey flesh.” She’d shake a little. “Those are always nasty.”


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it d

  7. Position applied for: Tavern Tennant

    Name: Lenniel Thylsealaes

    Race: Mali'Aheral

    Do you currently live within the Dominion?: Not of recent years

    Do you have any relevant experience?: Yes, quite a lot


    ((OOC for organization on my behalf))

    MCname: Aheral_Housewife

    Timezone: PST

    Skype: Dahlstron


    MC Name:



    Character's Name:


    Lenniel Thylsealaes

    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:


    High Elf 

    What magic(s) will you be learning?:



    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching:


    My character knew the magic prior to the rewrite. I was told to make a ST to show I have knowledge of the rewrite.

    How did you learn this magic(s)?:


    Laethis taught Lenniel before the rewrite.

    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT):


    Corvoo and Tahmas

    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning:


    Cognatism, since the rewrite has had the spectator mind replaced by a voidal horror. Previous cognats would hear a foreign voice in their head after the changed. With the rewrite, Cognatism has all of its original abilities, although there’s a few additions. The horror will test you, bombarding your mind with information in quick succesion inducing trial. To quell the horrors wrath before the trials would be to do this task.

    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s):


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. ((In character information))

    Name: Lenniel Thylsealeas 


    Race and Age: 171


    School of Arcane known(Magics Known): Arcanism, Conjuration, Sensory Illusion, Congatism. 


    Why do you wish to join the Enchantry?: I wish to Explore the Magical realm of the Arcane arts more, To help and enlighten other mages. 


    Do you understand and accept the Enchanters Codex?: Indeed. 


    ((Out of Character Information))

    MC Name: Aheral_Housewife


    MA/SA's for listed magics: 




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